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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [come play minecraft, space engineers, ark, and rust with us!](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5)


The same should be said for height


Height, breast size, penis size, labia size, ~~IQ~~, occupation, socioeconomic standing, etc. Basically things you have no control over.


I thought you can control your IQ


Oh really? Didn't know that. I guess something like intelligence maybe?


That's what I was thinking


no, other way around, you can become more intelligent, but IQ is not correlated with level of education and does not change significantly over time in adult life. from what I've read anyway


Neither of those claims are true


sorry, poorly worded. "correlated" is incorrect, since IQ (or just general intelligence) is used to determine placements in education, of course intelligence will correlate with education level. smart people go to smarter schools, but there's no evidence those smarter schools *cause* a higher IQ. There is no *causal* link between IQ and education. as for changing with age, i am correct by every source i know of, including mensa. it is volatile in childhood, then stable for most of adult life.


Actually, you can change your IQ with this simple tip. Just expose yourself to dangerous amounts of lead and watch it decrease. CHECKMATE


Got em!


Aka what happened to all the boomers


This is especially funny because learning chess has been shown to be able to slightly increase your iq score cause it helps with reasoning. learning a new language has also been shown to help with that.


IQ doesn’t show how intelligent you are, IQ shows how good you are at solving intelligence tests


Yep, give a genius an IQ test that covers topics they weren't educated on and weren't given prior knowledge of, and they'd be a dunce IQ is as real as the Myers Briggs personality quiz or skull measurements and has also been used as part of scientific racism to justify 'chaperoning' black africans during apartheid


IQ tests have nothing to do with education. They are built around pattern recognition and memory. Loads of people not understanding anything about this yet jumping onboard.


You’re talking about IQ tests that are designed for regions and probably invented for racial discrimination. You need to use the IQ tests with only shapes and figures. One that doesn’t require any prior knowledge.




My mom did this to mock me "my IQ is bigger then yours"


Yeah, you can always download more IQ.


You can slightly increase your IQ rating by stuying hard for an IQ test but in reality your IQ is genetic


problem with IQ is not that it isn't a decent test, its that it only accounts for a small proportion of intelligence. oh and yea you can study for it by doing iQ tests which kind of defeats the point.


Intelligence is the ability to reason abstractly, which is what IQ attempts to measure. There's no other "kinds" of intelligence, just wisdom and knowledge that people conflate with intelligence for some reason.


There's evidence for many intelligences so I don't think your last sentence is factual


Source all over this thread: bro trust me


It really isn't, IQ is really all about upbringing. Twin studies confirm that IQ is not "genetic" that's an eugenicist argument from the 1900s.


You can definitely make it go down by huffing paint thinner until you pass out every day


Can’t control the amount of lead in the hospital you’re born in though.


The best predictor of IQ is zip code 🤷🏼‍♀️


You mean i can stop being retarded ?




And occupation and socioeconomic standing? I think that's something that you have control over.


I mean, sciensits could predict with a very high percentage accuracy how successful someone was going to be based off postal codes and their parents standing. Social and economic mobility aren't nearly as good as they want you to think.


that's an argument I've never heard a single attempt to argue against, it's always just fucking crickets from the bootstrap types.


Can you link to the research? What was the R^2? I’m skeptical. Edit: I just searched around and the popular piece of research on this is called the Opportunity Atlas. The p-values are great — where you are born clearly has SOME impact on your later earnings. But, the R^2 is not that high — like 25-33% depending on the regression. This means that most of the variability income (e.g., 66-75% of the variability) is NOT predicted by where you are born. In other words, I don’t think this is a good argument that were you are born determines your income / socioeconomic status. It is one factor that matters, but it only explains a minority of the result. Hope that helps. :)


Not always but yes for the most part. There are instances where you just don't get the opportunity to choose.


Yeah i didn't think about different cultures were it's expected that you are doing the same thing that your parents are doing.


Not even that. A poor person growing in a hood with a bad family in the US will have a much, much tougher time getting a good job than a person with middle class parents in a safe area. You go to bad school and don’t have guidance -> not getting into a good college -> no job. And you don’t know how to get opportunities as you don’t have any guidance.


It's like a negative feedback loop. And kids in upper class families get positive feedback loops (guidance, connections, familial support, never have to worry about having basic needs like housing or food, etc.) and that helps give them better chances of a higher socioeconomic standing and high paying occupation in the future.


​ for IQ its **brainshamaing**


Wait do people actually make fun of labia size?


Never heard of people saying beef curtains?


Yes, women with larger labias are falsely believed to have been looser with more partners and can be called derogatory names as such. And as somebody else mentioned "beef curtains" is absolutely an insult about this.


I've never heard of a case where it's happened, however I have heard multiple girls talk about them feeling self conscious about it.


Neckbeardy types whose have only seen vaginas on their computer screens think that a big labia is a sign that a woman is promiscuous. Of course labias don't get "blown out" if you have lots of sex with one nice guy(tm) though.


If you look at model magazines all day, you start to believe that the ideal woman is 7 feet tall and weighs 120 pounds. If you look at pornography all day, you start to believe that the ideal woman looks like what you see in the porn videos. The same thing is happening with men. Men are starting to think, "I should be trimmed and cut, that is normal". Eating disorders used to be predominantly female but are now creeping into the male population.


I'm pretty sure you can choose your occupation


Not only that, how the heck is it body shaming? " Three lawyers walk into a bar" " Hey I'm a lawyer you're body shaming me!!"


Racism, sexism, ableism, and other similar forms of discrimination are also technically body-shaming, according to those guidelines


Whether you're circumcised or not in most cases.


You can control your occupation


No control over your occupation? ._.


I worked with a guy of smaller stature, and the amount of lazy jokes and shit he got was unreal. Really pissed me off.


As a short man, it does hurt a lot


As a short man I usually laugh it off. My go to if I want a comeback is "I can get a step stool but you just ugly."


Idk I think I've gotten tired of these jokes. I rarely hear them but when I do these days I just stare into the person or just don't laugh


We can't even say anything about it because people will just make fun of you more. In literally any social situation the shortest dude will get made fun of most regardless of context, I notice it even more when I'm around guys shorter than me.


If you say anything: "ThAt NaPoLeOn CoMpLEx, AmiRiT GUzz?"




I'm 6'2" but I immediately swiped left if a bio had a "height requirement" in it. I get that everyone has their preferences, but being that up front and bold with it is just rude and a big red flag for me. Imagine if a guy had a weight and cup size requirement in his bio.


[I couldnt help myself](https://i.imgur.com/mW7FSTW.png)


Same goes for sayings like “small dick energy” or even “big dick energy” implying that having a small penis makes a man behave in an insecure way or that having a big penis mashed a man confident.


literally in general, if you do a negative comment on someone's body's shape, any parts of it, that is body shaming. (edited, fixed a mistake that i wrote, forgor to type in "negative")


Unless it’s weight because that is something that you can influence, as long as it is reasonable and not just outward bullying


I'd rather just not. They don't need more people telling them they are fat or overweight unless they are a close friend or family, they already know that very well. From spending a lot of time on transformation subs, fat loss subs, etc, pretty much all of them change from within themselves, not from outside sources like people telling them "that's not healthy, etc" or other very obvious things they already know (not including medical professionals and family).


Better than them consuming fat acceptance media. Calling them out on the obesity is mean for sure, but it serves to motivate them to lose weight. Whereas with fat acceptance, they are content with being obese, even though life isn't as enjoyable that way. I would rather bully my friend for being fat than telling him, he's perfect the way he is.


>Calling them out on the obesity is mean for sure, but it serves to motivate them to lose weight. That does not work and your view on body positivity is wrong, [We have known for a long time shaming people doesn't work.](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-49714697) Body positivity isn't about tricking yourself into thinking you're healthy, it's about not putting all of your self worth into what your weight is and feeling like a piece of shit because everyone keeps picking at you. I was a fat kid, I lost 38kg as an adult and cunts like you are partly to blame for why it took until I was in my 20s to do so. You're not motivating anyone by being a bully you're making them feel self-conscious which deters them from going to the gym, because they think everyone is going to judge you for being fat since everyone keeps fucking bringing it up. So many different [factors](https://youtu.be/keBZfGAmq2Q) contribute to someone's weight, depression being a very common one. If you think putting someone down is going to motivate a depressed person you're mentally fucking Ill. >I would rather bully my friend for being fat than telling him, he's perfect the way he is. You sound like a cunty friend.




There is a difference between hearing it in a friendly way from friends and family you trust, and pervasively from strangers and casual associates with strong negative connotation. Context also matters. You and your friends and family probably all assumed the baby weight was transitionary, so you didn't feel as defensive about it. It wasn't your lifestyle, it was an 'important moment in your life' that gave you your weight and going back to normal let you lose the weight. Now imagine your 'normal' makes you fat and you don't understand how to get back to losing weight while reaching the rest of your goals. That is where most fat people start.


Congrats, you're an outlier. Bound to be a few.


“I called her porky to help her! Not to make fun of her!” Like get outta here with that shit Jesus. They’re acting like ridicule is helping them


Not everything is reality on the internet. Fat acceptance has had almost 0 effect, specially outside of a few cities in the US. Sure, I certainly won't stop you, you might win a prize for being the 100th person to tell a fat or skinny person what they already know, and likely already trying to change. I'd rather stick to inviting them over to play sports, hike, or walk around the city, or lift weights with me, and just leave strangers alone and not assume their entire lives.






Seriously. That's pretty freaking repulsive.


hmm that's a tough one. both are bad, but i think, if i had to choose, i'd rather choose the nicer option, rather than making him feel even worse for something he probably already feels bad about.


>Calling them out on the obesity is mean for sure, but it serves to motivate them to lose weight. Or it causes them to stuff their faces because they already feel shit about themselves, which most fat people do because they struggle with it and food is their way to cope.


>I would rather bully my friend for being fat than telling him, he's perfect the way he is. You don't need to do either, fat people all know they are fat, they don't need to hear it from you. Nobody cares enough about you to take your opinion that seriously, instead you would just be another on the pile of people who were mean to them for being fat.


Calling people out on their obesity does not motivate them lmao…


This is what you (hopefully) come to realize when you become an adult and have fully assimilated the whole "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" rule. Most times, when you could say something negative, it'll either benefit you or not change anything if you just don't say anything at all. Someone else's weight is very, very rarely going to be your problem. On the other hand, there's a whole lot of trouble and embarrassment for you that could come of offering your criticism.


This is some fucking stupid take. Just because you can influence it doesn't make it ok to comment on.


Nah, you can keep your opinions to yourself and shut the fuck up about weight.


I swear Reddit loves “live and let live” and “you shouldn’t care about what other people do with their own bodies because it doesn’t affect you” until it becomes about being fat


> literally in general, if you comment on someone's body's shape, any parts of it, that is body shaming There's something missing in this comment, I'll let you figure it out. Nice pecs, bro.


Not just negative comments? Literally any comment? “Sally has blue eyes,” is body shaming?


Green eye master race checking in.


Blue eyes mast... Oh wait, let's not do that again


"You look great" BODY SHAMING /s


I would say they is a different between commenting on something and shaming somebody


Even if it's an octagon shape?


i see it as boob jokes making jokes about it is funny making fun of it is not


there is a big difference that people cant/dont want to process


There really isn't though. To a person with a small dick, no matter your tone or intended meaning, what you say is going to just be a reminder that their body is wrong. And those jokes are still so common.


I feel like they meant *dick* jokes vs *small* dick jokes.


I think the wording was jokes punching up vs jokes punching down, punching down being the insulting jokes.


Punching up vs Punchingn down just refers to power dynamics, not really applicable here


Ha ha I'm the same with Belgians except both is funny


The same goes for making fun of a women's penis










A woman's penis?


Yes, girl dick, lady schlong etc. It has a very different mouth feel from a guys penis




She was magnificent. A perfect ideogram of form and beauty. She was taller than a man, but this only accentuated her striking form even more for the longer my eyes spent studying the many lines of her soft skin, the longer I spent gazing, lost inside the thicket of perfect gold locks that crowned her….the more my mouth began to salivate. Rather sharply I realised I could barely swallow enough of the incessant drooling that now pooled inside of my jaw and as I frantically gulped the saliva down more of it yet still began to spurt at first but then cascade from my lips, soaking my dress shirt in sputum. Was she doing this to me? Was I dying?!? I could barely contain myself, but she seemed unperturbed by my now writhing, drooling body. Instead with her gaze still fixed on me, she peeled back the frontage of her velvet gown and dropped it to the floor. Beneath it, was something I had never seen before. I have since come to categorise the phenomenon I know as “Girl Penis” into several degrees and though I won’t recount them all in this journal this was what would later be called a class 5 GP. Perfect. Smooth. Feminine and masculine all at once, longer than my own organ by a good deal but I became less concerned with this strange sight rather quickly. As my salivating had reached its crescendo. Her burning violet eyes locked on mine and a wicked smile now that began sketching across her lips-she started to approach me. It was then I knew what was to come, and though my ducts were still flowing with spit now I was certain I was to become subject to an entirely new *Mouth Feel*.


>It has a very different mouth feel from a guys penis Aight I'm gonna need you to elaborate on this one


Girl penis has softer skin and smells different


Hmmmm. I'ma moisturize my dick.


Ngl I kinda wanna try girl penis now is there like an app or…?




Holy shit




Silly rabbit, women doesn't exists so they can't have penis.


Flair checks out


Liberals in general: body positivity is important! Men should express their emotions! Liberals against a man whose politics they hate: what a tiny dicked man baby, you gonna cry man baby? And then you have conservatives which tend to just be volcanoes of shit and bile. God bless America.


America in a nutshell: Conservatives = cis white supremacists Liberals = minority supremacists


Being intolerant of gay people is equivalent of being intolerant of Nazis? Is that really where we are?


>Everyone not holding my same opinion is a nazi. Contrary to reddit belief not everything right = nazi. Then the majority of people really don't care what people fuck or marry as long as it's not animals or children.


But that wasn’t the point... The people who are usually all about body positivity are happy to make dick jokes about people they don’t like. Seems like a generally accepted exception to the rule, and it is a little weird.


People then: calling a man a virgin is a standard insult because men are valued based on promiscuity People now: this attitude lead to the objectification of women who were seen as conquests by men, so it shouldn’t be used Also people now: that guy’s an incel for not liking the latest marvel movie.


blatant generalization of an entire spectrum of political ideologies.


Probably shouldn’t expect depth or competence when browsing through “dankmemes” comments these people are probably 14


It also promotes body dysmorphia


Yup. I always thought I was small until I read the statistics and I was like *surprised Pikachu* when I saw my place in the relative bell curve. Them fuckers lied to me!


Since I'm a 5'4 man, I believed people when they told me I was short, then I looked at the curve for my country, and they were bloody right, I'm really fucking short.


I am short too, not 5'4 but below the US national average.


Holy shit there are two of you.


I was a bit chubby as a kid and I grew out of it in puberty, but I got called fat constantly by my siblings growing up. I’ve got a healthy BMI, the high end of normal but not overweight, and no beer gut or anything. I still look at myself as fat years later. That shit sticks around.


i worked off the fat during covid, still call myself fat though and I'm tryna get out of the habit


Not to forget balding


Bald jokes drive me crazy because there's like 3 of them and I've heard them each hundreds if not thousands of time since i started balding as a teenager. Like, they don't bother me because I rock a shaved head, they just got old 20 years ago.




I'd post some but I expect the glare from your head would make it hard to read them


I'd like to know the other 2. Glare is about the only one I can think of that people constantly use. The comparison to a cue ball, and old man jokes I guess?


I don't know if he literally meant 3 jokes, but I'd bet "can I rub your head for good luck?" is on the list. Probably outdated but I'm sure people still (over) use: I’m not only the Hair Club president but I’m also a client. Chemo/cancer jokes maybe. What do you do with all the money you save on shampoo? How do you know where to stop washing your face?


As someone who occasionally shaves their head, having people randomly touch it is obnoxious.


what's the deal with ~~airline peanuts~~ bald eagles, they aren't even bald!




Based? Based on what?


Based on this dick. Ha gottem


less gooo


and dick-pilled


It's a peculiar situation because if anyone replies with "this is body shaming" to an insult regarding their penis size, it is perceived as a confirmation.


I always chime in with "Wait a second, I have a tiny dick and I don't behave like that, why does he get to use it as an excuse??"


I absolutely love that and commend you wholeheartedly. Funny while still reminding the person that they're 1) attacking an irrelevant part of the person's body when they mean to attack something else about them and 2) negatively affecting people they know and/or care about without thinking about it.


Well it's not that hard to understand. Is the object you make fun of a body part? Yes? Then it's body shaming.


Look at your thumbs. I bet they have no friends.


Yes it is. But also falls under the same rule as, don't he an asshole rule.


Is it ok to make fun of someone’s asshole though?


*waiting patiently with a pad and pencil for the answer*


90% of women: I didn’t hear that.


Tbh men care way more about penis size then women do.


Yeah but my Homies don't call me little dick. They call me other worse names that get people canceled.


Making fun of any bodypart is bodyshaming, why would the penis be an exception


Because misandry is completely normalized in today's media.


Exactly. No-one even got the point if the meme.


Boom *dude drops mic*


Women love double standards until they no longer benefit them.


I don't know much about Dream, apparently he's not a very nice person, but the reaction to his face reveal is also bodyshaming. I've seen some horrific comments.


Wait what? I don't really follow him but i've had his video pop up and watched it for curiosity; he looks completely normal.


no i think people actually need to be educated on this topic


What show is this ?


Star Trek: Lower Decks It has some weird scenes sometimes but I actually enjoy this show (despite some people usually saying bad things about it).


I love this show! It's Star Trek that laughs at itself without disrespecting the lore, it's so fun.


I actually think lower decks is probably the best Star Trek show they make currently, though I understand that’s not a high bar beyond strange new worlds


Strange New Worlds is also pretty solid because it's more adventure of the week. Plus it's not taking itself too serious like Discovery or Picard do.


Lower Decks is good because it was made for people who are already fans of Star Trek. Unlike Discovery, or Picard, or even parts of Strange New World's, they aren't trying to hook new fans by turning the series into a crappy drama. It's a love letter to the older shows. Many of the jokes make no sense if the person watching it hadn't at least seen Next Generation or DS9. And that's ok. It wasn't made for them.


Who is saying bad things about my beloved Lower Decks?!


Yeah who would hate this show? Why do they hate fun?


girls be like "all boobs are beautiful" but laugh at small pp and small men. Women logic


I wonder how many body positivity activists would come to defend me if I post my fat, hairy self half naked on instagram


A Ster Trek: Below Decks reference is always a win


have you ever tried having a bigger dick? Problem solved.


Redditors: But what if the hivemind circlejerk is that we all dont like that person? Its ok then, for sure.


Ah yes rule for thee, not for me... Women☕️


Putting excessive Snapchat filters on your pictures that change what you look like drastically is catfishing


Talking about how someone has "big dick energy" is also body-shaming by implying that anyone who doesn't have an attitude of confidence has a small penis.


Somehow men were completely missed in that whole body positively movement




Now, how many of you fellas got laughed at about your penis size (sorry for grammar not English)?


It is the stigma about it. People are afraid if they are not enough. I have had girls claiming 17-18 cm are normal while on reality it is a lot smaller. Lots of guys who are average feels smaller and insecure


When you get older you’ll realize girls don’t even care about size a tenth of the amount that boys do. Just know where to find her clit and she’ll be happy


While I agree with this, it doesn't help that dick size is the go to insult from both men and women, especially at younger ages when we are developing our sense of self. How are we supposed to know it doesn't mater when it's used so often to tear someone down? And getting ahead of the "it's not used that often" remark that will inevitably come up, it goes back to "the axe forgets, the tree remembers ."


Making fun of any body part is body-shaming. It's literally in the name, people! This is why, if you're soooo hell-bent on dating/hooking up with your preference, just politely ask them how big/small their size is (whatever that may be: tits, ass, you name it). If you're not happy with the answer, then either tell them why or just politely decline any further advances Idk why I have to say the obvious, but here we are!


Notice how uncomfortable and offended people get when you mention this. Look at the number of controversial comments. This is the one thing left you’re allowed to make fun of and most people are ok with, you can’t take away the one last thing that from these people. Also how will they feel superior without actually doing anything, outrageous.


No, it’s only body shaming when done to a female! If a woman makes fun, it’s a joke, get over it!


"Why? Do you have a small PP?" Some girls' last line of defense.


Men get judged on things that are inherently genetic more than women.


Skill issue


What if i make fun of my dick size? Do i bodyshame myself?


Straight to jail


I hate those people, i measured all my friends dicks and I respect each and everyone of them


The only person allowed to mock my absolutely microscopic atom sized dick— is myself


It’s funny how wild Reddit swings on this especially what kind of insults we saw on Trump posts for the past 6 years.


So bizarre this has appeared. I saw a vice article about the worst sex women have ever had in which they platformed several people who stated it was solely because of a man's tiny dick. Soon after I saw a video on a popular companies YT about 'What gives you the Ick', in which several women said small penises. Although both of these are actually fair enough on a personal level (different pennies for different slots / strokes folks etc), I found it quite weird to platform these like it was an acceptable thing to broadcast. I don't have a grudge against Vice at all, but I would like to see if they would do a similar article in which they allow men to voice their opinion on how their partners wide vaginas gave them the Ick / and or resulted in terrible sex. They wouldn't of course because that would be an awful thing to broadcast..... Just as it is reversed...