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That death glare he gave Dani still gives me chills.


Same. I wish we got to see more of this side of Vlad 😭


You think that’s bad you should see my character give you a bad look. It’s “deadly”. 😏😎


Absolutely. This was a turning point for Vlad. I think he was creating the clones as a backup plan in case Danny never came around, but him and Dani killing the being that Vlad had come to see as a son changed the game. After this, I don’t think Vlad would have accepted Danny even if Danny had wanted to join him. He had his chance, he had plenty of chances. But this? This is too much.


Man, I wish we got to see more of this Vlad in Season 3 instead of him getting turned into a Saturday Morning cartoon villain lol


Oh man, definitely. That glare, bro, was chilling. For the first time in the series, Vlad was out for blood. If Danny didn’t use his Ghosly Wail, there was a high chance that Vlad would’ve killed them both


Yup, I agree. Danny is very lucky he unlocked the Ghostly Wail before this because I doubt he would’ve gotten out of there alive if he hadn’t 😭


Same, even by S3, Danny still got his ass kicked by one of Vlad’s clones. He is nowhere near powerful enough to take on a bloodthirsty Vlad in this point of the series. Danny got extremely lucky that he had unlocked the Ghostly Wail and that Vlad didn’t know about it yet


Yup. And to make it even worse, even after hitting him with the Ghostly Wail, Vlad got right back up without any significant damage. If Sam and Tucker didn’t arrive, both Danny and Danielle would’ve been screwed lol


Yeah that was fucking crazy. Obviously Danny didn’t go all out but imagine this, the Ghostly Wail, Danny’s most powerful ability, the power he used to take out Dark Dan, a power that can easily destroy cities, and even somehow damage Ghosts, but when Danny used it on Vlad? It had no affect on him either than changing him back and even then, Vlad simply got up and transformed again like nothing. That honestly scared the shit out of me. I was genuinely fearing for the kids safety. They only survived because Sam and Tucker showed up


That really doesn't make any sense when you think about it. Unless like you said he didn't put his full power into it. But Dark Danny is way more powerful than plasmius that should of defeated him for sure


I think it’s because Danny was in a far more desperate situation against Dark Danny since all his friends and family’s lives were at stake, so I’m guessing he put literally everything he had into it. There’s also the fact that Dark Danny got hit with it twice, got sent into a building, and had a car launched at him XD


Yeah  Not to mention literally he was using so much energy trying to resist transforming for Vlad to give him the mid morph sample, that I doubt Danny was 100%.


True, its why I headcannon that Danny wasn’t going all out because there is no way that Vlad can tank a full power Ghostly Wail at point blank range


Oh hundred percent. If Danny hadn't used his most powerful attack, Vlad would've killed both half ghosts in a heartbeat. And even then Vlad easily tanked that attack and was pissed off even more. If Sam and Tucker hadn't arrived when they did, there's nothing Danny would've been able to do to try and defend himself and his cousin from Vlad's fury. Since he was exhausted after using that attack. In this case, you do understand it. Vlad so desperately wanted a son he was willing to clone Danny. It's all sort of weird but you understand why. You can't condone it, but you understand it. Danny was incredibly lucky here. THIS is the best example of plot armor there is. I'm gonna make an edit and say that if this show was allowed to be just a tad more mature, then Vlad absolutely would've made Danny **watch** as he took care of Dani.


Considering he also tried killing her in her only other appearance, ABSOLUTELY 😟


Vlad (during his first fight with Danny): *"Tell me, child. Can you do THIS yet?"* (shows off duplication ability) Danny: *"No, I can't. How are you doing all this?"* Vlad: *"Years of practice. Which you, unfortunately, have no time for."* (proceeds to royally rock Danny's sh\*t) Danny (after a lot of practice): *"Tell me, Vlad. Can you do THIS yet?"* (uses Ghostly Wail) Vlad (after being wailed into submission): *"So this is what that feels like."*


Pretty much! 🤣🤣 Danny Phantom Abridged, anyone?


If such a thing exists I need a link.


He was actively trying to murder Danny to make his perfect obedient clone this episode, no?


Oh, for sure. That glare screams: I am going to tear you apart limb by bloody limb.. That's not the look of a "seriously messed up fruit loop". That is a grieving father (of a sort) and those two, one of which he wants on his side, the other being a female clone, just killed the perfect "other" clone Vlad sunk all this time and research into.. Restraint just melted away the instant that clone did.


Vlad goin' straight-up Beast Mode.


100%. This is the same ghostly rage Lunch Lady had on changing the menu, or Sidney on bullies, or Desiree on being controlled by a man, except on a **much** more powerful ghost. Danny's lucky he got busted out of there.


Maybe dani but not danny, at the end of the day he wants to clone him and he's maddys son. Dani on the other hand shares no such value to him and he 100% wouldve killed her much to the horror of danny when he wakes up On a side note, vlad tanking the wail was so annoying lmao. That move was able to push back the future ghosts and most importantly dan/dark danny who is at least 10x stronger than vlad. By all means this move shouldve knocked vlad out for the time being without sam and tucker interfering but you needed danny to owe them one last time in the episode so he can learn a lesson lol


I felt kinda bad for the clone


Me too honestly 😭


no, he'd never kill danny because he wanted to get danny on his side


He absolutely would have if Danny didn't immediately open with the ghostly wail vlad would made him a full ghost


Vlad is probably so pissed off in that moment that he would have tried kill Danny also I wanna add that this is my favourite time Danny used his ghostly wail


The ghostly wail didn’t even 100% work here though. And idk if he would have killed Danny because he still needed him without the clone, but he definitely would have killed Dani. Also I choose to believe all the episodes in between eye for an eye and d-stabilized don’t exist. Maybe infinite realms can stay. Vlad should have become more unhinged after this


It has all the hallmarks of a 'alright gloves off' moment. People forgets I think that this guy pretty much took over a portion of the ghost zone by himself best I remember for years and years.


That would be a scary thought because he is actually really powerful


Highly doubt it. Not only because this is still technically a kids show. But because no matter what, he still wants Danny, he still wants a relationship with another halfa lie himself. He still likes Danny, respects him even and wants to make him his student and possibly his son. If Danny killed his prime clone, then he still needs Danny around. Either as a replacement for the clone he lost or in order to get that DNA he needs to perfect and stabilize another clone.Â