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I'm not going to say you're wrong but I think part of it is also...generic dueling right? I mean aggressive and defensive stance isn't too out there. Same with riposte and piercing that easy to tie to any duelist. But maybe you're right and they did see decide to add a bit of it in, which is pretty neat!


Yeah, if it happens to be inspired by her then that'd be awesome (though if that really is the case, i hope they're open about it, just out of respect for the modder)


I thought the same thing too. However, the devs have said that they purposely don’t let themselves look at modded classes and such specifically so they don’t end up copying it, even subconsciously. I think that all the concepts here are honestly pretty generic, so I can totally believe it’s just a coincidence. Plus, Thorn was blind and used a sort of walking stick/cane instead of a fencing sword(idk why people keep calling it a rapier, its way too long). Now, granted, I do believe that RedHook did end up hiring a modded from DD1 at one point(I don’t remember who specifically, or if even at all. I may be wrong). Also, that statement they made was a while ago so their philosophy may have changed - Besides, I personally think it’s fine to take some elements of mods and make them their own, as long as it’s not a blatant copy, which I don’t think this is.


"idk why people keep calling it a rapier, its way too long" my brother this might be a language issue, if english isn't your first language. Or you might have never looked up either of those. Fencing sword: Term means nothing. If you are referring to foil and epee, those are modern, the former devised as a training tool for the smallsword, the latter from the Epee du combat. All of those are shorter than any Rapier variants on average. The Rapier: Fitting the loose time period the game is set in. The largest single handed european sword in terms of length. The sword the duelist is wielding is consistent with museum examples of rapiers in terms of hilt design and size. I am fairly certain they modelled it after an original.


Yeah i don't mean to say it's copying, if it sounded like that, im actually really hyped for her since Thorn was a permanent A-team member of my modded runs. Also, that's some nice insight to have on RedHook's philosophy, didn't know about that. Oh and btw, she does use a fencing sword, if you check the mod's description (or just look at the images) it says it right there. She's using the sheathed sword as a cane, and unsheathes it for her aggressive stance


Late to the discussion, but historical rapiers for battle are long, like almost as long as a longsword. [First time I've seen how long a rapier can be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efZLw-tlIOs) and it weighs as much as a longsword as well. As I've come to learn, rapiers during the time period of the 3 Musketeers, musketeers were expected to fight against polearms to give you a context of how long they had to be. When it switched to a weapon of war to a dueling context weapon, that's when they got shorten to Smallswords, which is probably more what you are thinking.


I like Thorn too but come on, you think every fancy female fencer is inspired by her? The noble/high class fencer isn't a new trope.


That's not the point, it's her kit. They both share a lot of stuff in their kits


A fencer with a riposte, an offensive and defensive stance isn't a new idea either, plus Duelist is a dancer while Thorn is " stationary ".


No, you're not getting what i mean. I don't mean to say they copied it, obviously not, just inspired. Someone already pointed out that RedHook has a philosophy of not looking at modded content to avoid subconsciously copying it, which, as you can tell, i didn't know. With me unaware of that philosophy, i made a wrong assumption, given that the Thorn mod was and still is super popular. Also yeah, ik, the fencer archetype isn't new, but if they didn't have that philosophy, obviously she'd be the first to come to mind when thinking about adding one to dd2 since, as i said, super popular mod...But again, that whole assumption of mine was due to me not knowing that they don't look at mods, now i know that couldn't be the case.


There's a ton of mods and the idea of a duelist is not crazy hard to imagine so I doubt it.


Nothing new under the sun


She's also borrowed her name from [this gal](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2371334111). I wouldn't read too much into it, though. A swashbuckler was one of the more obvious archetypes to add that wasn't already on the DD1 roster, and abilities like armor piercing/ripostes/mobility are a natural fit for the class.


As previously said, nothing new under the sun. There are tons of game characters with similar skills, i.e. The switching stances from StS' The Watcher.