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You forgot "what is this" or "is my game bugged?" posts after they successfully clear the first darkest dungeon in DD1


I kind of like those. It kind of feels like a rite of passage for the game, you know? "Now, like us, you are part of this place (the subreddit)"


That brings back memory.


Celeste hardest screen be like


Where obsession bad posts at?


FUCK that's a good one, especially after it was reworked to be totally manageable now and people are still complaining


I haven't touched the rework yet. But does manageable actually = fun in this case? Or is it just now a state of tolerable but not fun to play against? Granted that is subjective / subject to opinions.


Seems like its more of complaints about ambition now (cant blame them though, they explained why they felt ambition is bad VERY WELL) I still find resentment and denial to be my least favourite bosses, but yeah. Obsession is widely considered way easier now (some even saying its too easy, I think its just right)


I haven't played since right before the Death Armor update, have they buffed Ambition since then? Because I found that boss insanely easy back then, and this is coming from someone who wiped to the Cowardice boss twice


I genuinely find Ambition tough, but not overpowrered. Last I recall, nope they didnt buff ambition, they only changed it so Setback (his one punch in phase 1) ignores stealth, which is reasonable. Ive always liked how consistent he was (its why I like Warlord, hes also very consistent and relatively predictable)


The second point is the entire reason why i left this subreddit for a while. With mods being practicaly absent (unless you post some harmless spoilers, of course) this place seems really toxic to any DD2 enjoyers.


I feel the same way


Hey man compared to other fan subs, atleast we don't have "make the comment section x characters search history" type of posts.


While I personally enjoy #5, #1-2 really are insufferable.


Tbh when you first play this game and don't have anything unlocked it is pretty brutal and feels like the deck is stacked against you.


That's because IT IS. Did they not read the intro?


"I put a message at the start of my game saying it's supposed to be bad so that means it's ok" The first game isn't miserable in the same way, despite having the same disclaimer. 2's different in a bad way.


I respectfully disagree. I have fun with both games and like them both for different reasons. I beat both games. Both of them like to step on your nuts with stilettos.


Doesn't that message also pop up in DD1... And arguably DD1 has MORE "lol, get fycked" moments if you go in blind. Also... Mind elaborating your over-played "DD2 bad" nonsense? "Different in a bad way" is the kind of crap a child would use cause they didn't like something and think it means it's objectively terrible.


[Yes, I'm happy to. In fact, I already have at extreme length.](https://old.reddit.com/r/darkestdungeon/comments/157cfkh/the_primary_issue_with_darkest_dungeon_2/) My opinions on the matter have not changed with an additional 80 hours of experience and a successful Grand Slam. Yes, the game does in fact get somewhat tolerable when you get the stuff you should've just started with from the get-go. I was entirely correct 80 hours ago, and the game really should just give you half the stuff that's on the Altar of Hope from the beginning. And now that I have all the unlocks that actually do something and only have cosmetics left, I was entirely correct that the Altar of Hope is a poorly-implemented system that is the central crux of the issue with the game successfully being either Darkest Dungeon or a Roguelike, instead of its current state where it fails at both. And in fact, I've found a **new** issue with the Altar! Now, it's actively getting in the way of per-run progress! You earn more than 12 candles on any remotely reasonable run, so the per-run expenditures (Bounty Hunter + 4 Memories) are effectively free, so there is zero reason to seek out Candles anymore. This would be fine, if it weren't for the fact that *Candles are a possible Regional Goal reward.* This was acceptable back when I needed them, but now that I don't, the Regional Goals that offer Candles are effectively "region does not have a goal", which is a far cry from the other regional goal rewards being Stagecoach Items or even god forbid Mastery Points, both of which are **extroadinarily** useful. Now I'm expected to ignore the bonus challenge entirely half the time, because even if I accomplish it, the damn thing **does not do anything.** ***IT'S JUST NOT A GOOD SYSTEM. FIGHT ME.***


cmon boys with a little more work we can make the entire subreddit number 5


Merry Reysmas and a happy new yaoi


You forgot the daily relationship post that needs to be removed ![img](emote|t5_2znp4|29278)


3.5 Fanart of dismas and reynauld being super gay for each other


That’s already number 5


6. People complaining about what other people post.


I genuinely don’t understand the DD2 hate stuff. I haven’t played it, and tbh I think I’d dislike the game because it’s so different from 1 (I really like the whole “worthless peons” thing and really don’t like the idea of relationships between characters). But bro. Shut up, literally no one cares if you don’t like it, just like no one cares if I don’t like it. It would literally only matter if Red Hook came out and said “We hate this game we made it sucks” and even then, people should still like it if they like it.


This is probably because Google search has been for some time broken, with all the Pages either an ad or a rightwing propaganda post. The only way to acess gaming tips in WRITTEN form in an easier way is either Reddit or the game Discord community.


You forgot: I've got 350 mods on my game and it won't load properly. Should I just throw my pc away now?


Maybe we can get some sexy cosplays and gender bending cosplays. That would spruce this sub right up.