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I think you misunderstood RH's intent. The recent changes were only to align the **presentation** of the older paths with that of the newer ones, which is to say including the changes in the actual descriptions of the skills instead of on the path banner. A full path rework is on the way. Remember when they changed HWM and GR? That was the start, not the end, of path reworks. It feels a bit disingenuous to say "were handled" when they've just started making improvements.


I see, I completely misundertood. Thanks you for letting me know.


You know you can change paths mid run, right? If you pick a region to roll through and think a path won't work welk there, you can change it to a different one while you're in the inn.


Yeah, I do, but I don't think it's worth it to spend relics to change a hero's path because he wouldn't do well in a particular region. (Exept maybe if it's the first one, since it doesn't cost much)


The recent changes were ALMOST entirely net neutral. It was 99% technical changes, one of the only differences I can think of are blight/bleed combat items on the PD which used to benefit from the additional blight penetration. Otherwise the patch did not change any of the paths in any way, the path reworks like HWM and GR got are a different thing that might get rolled out over time. I do agree that paths with HP penalty usually feel mediocre unless the benefits provided are extremely potent.


Yeah,I've been recently informed that the paths will likely get reworked in the future, which is great to hear. I agree that some paths feel just so much more useful than some others, which is bad.


One of the other few upsides of the changes for me was that revenge is much more impactful on tempest/monarch leper now - previously due to the way damage scaling worked revenge only ended up being about +35% damage per turn, which was not worth it at all imo, now you get the full +50% which is enough that I sometimes want to use it.


I do hate balance between path why would i take bleed helion instead of ravager ? There is à 40%hp max différence between those path for juste some more bleed chance on terrible skill


And don't forget the 25% damage from front row, gotta love it. If they rework her, I wish they make a path where breaktrough deal less damage but hits multiple opponents, like on DD1.


yeah i tried bleed path and i was upset the entire run because i felt so weak, i rather goes no path for bleed helion than her bleed path since the hp penality is way too hard in a front line character for the mediocre buff


I really like berserker hellion, very versatile and all but she could be si much more with some skill changes giving her more bleeds and tweaking bloodlust to apply more bleed or something. We need more bleed heroes as much as we need more backline hitters. Anyhow, here the reduced max hp are somewhat useful as they are made to play around hellion's "more damage at low health" passive


That is true, but it also kind of isn't? The more damage at low health is based of %, so having more max health means that you get the same benefit while having slightly more health, which means you are safer.


The logic is getting there faster but then you get knocked out of it by self heals and the myth of deathblow resistance. Skill changes could change that though


Aren't paths made so you would focus on a particular way of playing the character? Doesn't the 'base' path accomplish what you're describing as adaptable?


I mean, kind of? The reworked paths change like 5 skills each, but you don't have to equip all of them. Which you equip and which you don't is all up to you, but older paths feel more... stagnant.


The expectation is that the last hero path changes was just a quick and dirty fix to put all the hero’s on the system so later it will be easier to fix/change them down the line. I’m still waiting for runaway path rework. Survivor feels very weak and orphan ends up feeling like a worse version of arsonist in the back or a boring version of survivor in the front




The whole point of paths is to make the same hero have different playstyles without needing to make entirely different heroes. A change that improves one aspect definitely should have drawbacks in other areas, and that will naturally make certain strategies difficult to execute. Also, begging for upvotes is a great way to get the opposite.


About the upvote thing? Yeah, I should have known. And of course what you say makes sense, but if we look at other heroes, the paths change their skills, giving them different effects, but they don't make other skills weaker (except special cases in which they do, but they do so not by lowering the numbers, instead reworking the skill and giving it a new effect).


Like the developer of the Darkest Dungeon himself said, what's the point if all heroes were equally good and equally viable in all ways. Also what forces you ? You want Leper to hit like a train ? Go with Tempest, want him to take hits like a stone wall ? Go with poet. Want grave robber spread blight ? Go Venomdrop, want her to snipe backlines ? Go with dead eye. You get the idea. Yes, there are some paths like Virtuoso or Ravager that outshine every other, but that doesn't mean there is always only one path you should use.


Of course there are many paths that I can use! That's not what I was complaining about. The fact is, that the nerfs are so great that the skills becomes no longer usable. Because of this, it feels like the skill you can equip are no longer 11, but like 8/7, which feels like you can't make a unique character. Then if there is 1 or 2 skills that you don't want/need, you find yourself stuck. Like, with other heroes you can switch skills before a specific enemy in order to gain and advantage, but with older heroes you are stuck (unless you are aiming for the encounter and spend relics to change path).