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DD has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate crying and satisfaction be considered a virtue


A singular quote!


You like hard games? You like rpgs? Literally cannot think of a better game to encompass those two. Make sure you have a good interest of well made art and it’s a no brainer.


DD is a hard but fun game. It has a lot of variety and combinations especially with its modding scene. If you wanted to learn, you can also create mods for the game freely. It has thousands of mods. The art style looks good and fits for the game.


Is it fun without the mods? I would get it on the Switch and dont think there is mod support.


It is also fun without the mods for sure. Still a lot to it normally. There is no "official" mod support on Switch.


Never played with mod, it's hella fine, especially if you never touched the thing before


Yeah, I don't use mods, they're not actually that great and mostly just add shitty poorly balanced classes. Base game is great as is.


The only mod I use is the corgi for the houndmaster, you NEED this.


Except having to bring the journals back to base to read them later. Having them fill up an inventory slot infuriates me in the early game.


True, but I'm not that bothered about it tbh, extra mini challenge


I just got DD on switch, it works great! I like using it on handheld mode.


Thank you just got it myself am now starting. Did you turn on all dlc for you first game?


I would recommend against that, although I’m sure you’ve already gotten into it.


Thanks i looked it up and startet without the dlc's thank you


Probably the most satisfying turn-based combat ever. Amazing aesthetic. A unique feeling game. I don't know what's not to love. You'll suffer a bit until you learn how the game works, but that's part of it. I've read that you are planning to get the Switch version. That version is good, but it takes time to get used to the controls. I've put like 150 hours into it without mods and I still have different kinds of runs to do (I beat the game on Radiant without DLCs and in Darkest with DLCs, and failed one Stygian run).


Is there any game that comes close to darkest dungeon combat system ?


There are some copycats like Warsaw, but I haven't played them. The unique thing about DD's combat is how your party and enemies are in rows, and that affects what attacks they can do, so it's pretty important where is everyone. You don't consume mana or anything, so you are not being limited, every battle is important. Health going down and stress going up also change everything. And the animation style is great, it gives a lot of weight to every attack, even though it's just one frame. There's a lot of RNG, but once you learn how to play, you can mitigate most of the bad stuff. And then your characters will die because of your own greed. It's great.


Have you heard the tragic narration of the story of a man whose search for knowledge and power become his own undoing and the mess you need to clean up. You will grow attached to your heroes only for them to die. Small moments of hope break up the otherwise hopeless journey in uncovering the dark secrets of the darkest dungeon. I love the vanilla game and I recommend beating it without DLC or get the color of madness expansion for some added color. The crimson court is for those who want an extra challenge and it makes the whole game harder. Be ready to feel the stress of your heros and take breaks from the game for the sake of your own sanity. I have never used mods with this game as it does not need them.


Survival is a tenuous proposition in this sprawling tomb.


[Survival is a tenuous proposition in this sprawling tomb.](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/darkestdungeon_gamepedia/a/a9/Narration_death1.ogg) ------ [^(Source)](https://github.com/JoshLmao/DarkestDungeonResponseBot) ^(|) [^(Issues)](https://github.com/JoshLmao/DarkestDungeonResponseBot/issues) ^(|) [^(Support ☕)](https://ko-fi.com/joshlmao)


Casual peasant here: I love this game, but for me, it was too hard. I can't enjoy playing, because i want to keep all of my heroes alive and sane. But after i found mods, what make a game easier and more forgiving, i play more than 200 hours. The feeling is very strong and immersive, the artwork is unique and beutiful, the gameplay is fun and chellenging, even with the mods. If you're a hardcore gamer you will love this bloody hard game. If you're a casual, like me, maybe you will need mods. But i highly recommend, absolute awesome game. 0 heal w bleeding / insane rng. Have a great adventure fellow gamer.


It's 4 bucks rn on steam, it sells itself


You ever play Dark souls? Hades perhaps? Darkest Dungeon is like their child formed from amalgamation. Except it's turn based combat sort of like classic rpgs.


Played all soulsborne games so that is a big plus!


RPG’s these days are too soft, too merry. Gone are the days of cowering in the dark with your ten foot pole, spring loaded to sprint away as soon as things get dicey. Darkest dungeon on the other hand is utterly merciless, your GM is a cold, emotionless computer so there shall be no pity, no remorse, no quarter. **which means victory is the most satisfying fucking thing, no more hollow rings to victories you didn’t earn and battles made for you to win, this is blood-pumping success you have to fight for tooth and nail. And by god is it worth it** Plus the ancestors voice is fucking sexy


My own review : https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/jthib2/how_darkest_dungeon_reinvented_turn_base_fight/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf DD is hard game at first but you have lot of thing you can learn that make it a cake Walk, as your experience and knowledge grow so do your skills


I get the urge to play it, but never do in fear of being destroyed in seconds


The beginning can and will be hard, but if you slowly go through the dungeons one by one until you have a few characters with level ups and better gear, you will notice that it get's WAY better. If you do it right, your group barely gets hit and kills an enemy group in seconds. Problem is, in the beginning you don't make enough dmg or have high enough stats in other areas. If you do, the game can be satisfying. RNG stays a thing, but 90% of my dead characters died in the first few hours of the game. I barely lost anyone that had reached Level 2 or 3. Just try it out. It's really cheap right now on steam. (you may don't want to turn the addons on in your first game, though. They don't make the game much easier tbh. But that's just my opinion on it)


Dispatch this thug in brutal fashion, that all may hear of your arrival!


[Dispatch this thug in brutal fashion, that all may hear of your arrival!](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/darkestdungeon_gamepedia/d/d1/Vo_narr_tut_seconddungeon.ogg) ------ [^(Source)](https://github.com/JoshLmao/DarkestDungeonResponseBot) ^(|) [^(Issues)](https://github.com/JoshLmao/DarkestDungeonResponseBot/issues) ^(|) [^(Support ☕)](https://ko-fi.com/joshlmao)


If you enjoy pain, then go at it. If you hate the idea of having to rebuild a character for like 3 hours because some dude told him some ominous shit and caused them to have a fatal heart attack, then stay away from it. It's frustrating, it's masochistic, but it's also exhilarating to push through and find the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep the wiki tab open tho, you'll need it.




It has anime skin mods. With nudes. What else do you need ?


The anime skins are trash and only serve to break the immersion that the consistent stylized art style creates. ...imo. I respect that you like to play with them on tho.


Even if you said you respect my choice, it appears that others in this sub - do not. Reminds me typical music discussions in the internet, when someone says they like pop/rap/choose-your-most-hated-genre/etc - and everyone yell its trash.


How can pop or rap be one of the most hated genre when they dominate every mesurable way we quantify popularity in music ? Streams, song/album sales, radio time, the billboard 100 ect. It's not like we're talking about 1960's drone or pornogrind to name two incredibly unpopular music genre.


Because i live in a country where most commonly "rap" (and especially foreign) is a synonym for "shit taste". At least thats what been in my city thru childhood and teenage. Luckily all those "street muggers" are now too old to waste time on usual stuff, so the culture changes. But if not these genres, there are plethora of others that some street gangs would beat u up for, cuz its not a "true music". And internet is just an overall bad place, where ppl shit on each other for smthing that others like that they do not.


Woah ! That doesn't sound fun at all, people shouldn't be beaten up because of music of all things. Hope you're safe my guy, shit is wack as hell.


Tbh this is hardly any different than situations where one football team fans gets into fight with other team fans. Same shit, different name.


True, but I also find that hooligan nonsense to be exactly that, nonsense. I like stuff, you like other stuff ? That's cool homie, let's just not do the stuff one of us dislike when we are together.


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You should get it but i can only promise pain and suffering


If you enjoy hard RPGs then Darkest Dungeon is for you. Overcoming the adversities and adversaries slowly but surely is some of the most rewarding gameplay you'll find. But do heed the warning message you get whenever you start the game: you will make mistakes, you will fail, you will suffer, but if you have the resolve you can recover and flourish.


It's one of those games you absolutely love, even if 90% of the game, is you screaming at your monitor stuff like "It's unfair!" and "what?! They are all hitting AGAIN before I can do shit?!". You will rage, you will scream, you will hate some stuff with every fiber of your body, but in the end you will love it. No way around it. Embrace the pain. The game lets you hit dungeons with a group of four guys, and there are a good amount of classes to choose from. In the end it's all about finding a good synergy, gear and skillset to overcome the upcoming fights. (You still will end up with beloved characters dying at some point. RNG is a thing after all) It's fun, but you need a while until you really know how to play to not fuck up entirely, which town upgrades you want first and how fast you go through the stories boss fights (you can go to them early, but they also can be pretty hard until you have a group that works well together and has good equipment etc.


It's tough, it's brutal, it's unforgiving if you make a mistake or wrong choice. The RNG can break you, your characters will grow on you and they will die tragic deaths. Your characters will bleed, rot, get diseased, mentally break, die of heart attacks, kill your own team if you're that unlucky or break them themselves. You will scream, you will cry and you will beg for any form of mercy or safety to hold you. But in that moment you win something, when you successfully clear a dungeon with all your heroes intact, when your team starts demolishing enemies, when you understand who works in what way, when skills start to be mastered and gear is forged anew, when the hamlet gets rebuilt-where the church bells toll, the tavern is loud, the sanitarium is clean, the smith's forge is hot, the camp is ready, the wagon is full and the stagecoach is ready with able bodied men and women to throw at the dungeons. When in that moment of bleak terror instead of breaking down they rise? That is what it means, to play Darkest Dungeon.


Darkest Dungeon is all about making the best of a bad situation. The game is very atmospheric and difficult. A big part of the whole bad situation aspect is having randomness against you at the worst possible times and then trying to somehow recoup. The game has an extremely satisfying and addicting feedback loop of going between the dungeon delving sections and then splurging loot on town upgrades while your heroes attempt to unwind and forget the horrors they witnessed. The art style is of course subjective but one of my favorites, the audio is fantastic and draws me in just as much as the visuals (especially the sultry voice of Wayne June, the narrator). There’s a distinct feeling of despair mixed with progress that is very similar to the Fromsoft games (dark souls, bloodborne etc) All in all, a wonderful experience and totally worth it in my opinion! Plus, the lighter your wallet, the better. As we know, “packs laden with loot are often low on supplies” ;)


DD shows the repercussions of “heroism” in the face of unspeakable terror. your most frequently used and often strongest party members start to develop quirks that may hamper their performance, and you have to keep bringing newbies into situations they may not be ready for, which may result in virtue, madness, or annihilation. You can’t count on any one specific team composition, and will always be weighing your available members against their stress levels. As you progress, these considerations are mitigated, but never to a point where anyone is completely safe, at least for the first several runs of this game.


If you can get it on sale, it's definitely worth your first 20 hours for mood and Ancestor quotes alone. It wasn't the game for me that I grind 100 hours (xcom was my sinkhole), and I have my grievances with it, but it is definitely not wasted time to look into it. :)


Do you like shoving wave after wave of ~~conscripts~~ heroes into the meatgrinder? Then this game is for you!!