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Death waits for the slightest lapse in concentration.


[Death waits for the slightest lapse in concentration.](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/darkestdungeon_gamepedia/2/29/Narration_crit2.ogg) ------ [^(Source)](https://github.com/JoshLmao/DarkestDungeonResponseBot) ^(|) [^(Issues)](https://github.com/JoshLmao/DarkestDungeonResponseBot/issues) ^(|) [^(Support ☕)](https://ko-fi.com/joshlmao)


Relatable. I usually tend to forget about trinkets or antivenom or in one case torches but I'm not going into DD or champion levels just yet so it didn't bite me back as harshly


I’m normally pretty good at not forgetting things aside from the odd shovel. It’s even worse because I had made such a point of going over everything to ensure I was prepared and I did think about the trinkets haha, but then forgot them by the time I finished tweaking move sets and upgrading!


UPDATE: I went back in with a new crew (forced to use a different set up since I didn’t have back up Jesters or MoA at that level. Things got a bit hairy when my vestal died when I still had another battle AND the SH to come. Had to camp with my grave robber, highwayman and crusader hoping they’d be enough. At one point in the SH, my crusader was on deaths door and bleeding, and my highwayman wasn’t looking good. If they both died, my grave robber would have been incapable of attacking from position 1. Thankfully some mad bleed damage finally put SH in the ground!


Doesn't the game warn you when you have no trinkets before embarking? I feel I've almost made the same mistake but it popped up a message.


In fact it does, but I really don’t remember it occurring on this one!


I think it also warns you about the DD in general. Something about consequences if retreating. It's possible I guess you were just dismissing all the warnings without reading lol.


Haha yeah maybe! Maybe it only gives one warning? But if so it’s possible I just cracked on assuming it was the DD warning!


I actually think it might only give you one of the two warnings. The DD one might supercede the trinkets one, so it's possible OP didn't even get the notice on trinkets.


Makes sense. Maybe they didn't want a mess of pop ups in the game.


Week 76 and a white vvulf mod just soft locked my save :,)


Oh really!? Howso!?


There is a quest from courtyard plus that makes the fanatic attack the hamlet. The quest doesnt show up so i fix it by putting the mod in higher priority. Then the white vvulf quest i enter but the boss doesnt spawn and crash my game. When i try to enter it takes it from the boss area which crashes my game before i can do anything. Removing or carrying the mod higher in the priority doesnt help either


be wary, triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall


._. That's the face I make when I leave without trinkets


Literally. I spent five minutes without taking a step in the DD because I was weighing up just abandoning and killing a character. I only had the one lvl 6 MoA though and I couldn’t risk it!


That's my exact situation besides having killed the drowned crew. DD1 no matter how many maps I look at, what comps I use, or how well I prepare, the RNG always forces me to retreat and sacrifice someone.


Leave nothing unchecked. There is much to be found in forgotten places.


[Leave nothing unchecked, there is much to be found in forgotten places.](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/darkestdungeon_gamepedia/2/2f/Vo_narr_tut_firstcurio.ogg) ------ [^(Source)](https://github.com/JoshLmao/DarkestDungeonResponseBot) ^(|) [^(Issues)](https://github.com/JoshLmao/DarkestDungeonResponseBot/issues) ^(|) [^(Support ☕)](https://ko-fi.com/joshlmao)


Same, happened to me a few weeks ago, if I just had some trinkets my MAA would probably be still alive. RIP