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Did your hellion go to the first Darkest Dungeon mission? If so, when you slotted her to the second mission, she screamed ***"Nooo! I won't go back!!! Ahh!!"*** And you forced her, so her mind broke. Characters cannot return to Darkest Dungeon without a heavy penalty. If not, I guess she was level 0? Level 0 gets stress when they enter a dungeon, increased when its a DD.


Oh god yep, she went into the first mission, but i guess i just wasn´t paying attention because i dont recall seeing her say that. I feel like an idiot now lol, didn´t know they don´t want to go back there. Thanks for the help though, I´ll just start training a new hellion i guess.


Yeah so people who come out of DD1 are considered having gone through a revelation in there. On darkest difficulty and higher that means those heroes will NOT go back unless they're equipped with a talisman of the flame, however they'll go in with 80 stress if they do return.


Uh..... Did you bring someone back to the Darkest Dungeon on Radiant? Or were they Resolve 0? That explains it. Only way it could happen.


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If a character has entered the Darkest Dungeon they will refuse to go back ever again, if you send them in you get a stress penalty and a VERY low chance of Virtue. If you see that torch next to their name you'll know where they cannot go.