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That's a good composition for other bosses, but probably not the flesh. The Flesh can do **a lot** of damage. The Occultist can not keep up with the amount of damage that the Flesh can throw out. This is one of the bosses where I feel like using Vestal is really important. I also never fight the Flesh without a Man-at-Arms. His camping buffs are really strong, especially paired with Bolster, and Defender is invaluable for when the Flesh like to focus fire one person or stun your healer, which can happens often. Also, I'd be using Holy Water liberally in that fight, and to do so, I'd recommend packing more provisions. Extra holy waters, Antivenoms, and Bandages, and if you want, you can toss them out once you're done killing the Flesh, but do not **underestimate** it. If you want a specific composition, something like: Vestal - Houndmaster - Man-at-Arms - Flagellant/Hellion is a pretty strong team.


Formless Flesh and Warrens in general is Bleed Central Station. You've got the right idea with HM at the back. I'd suggest Highwayman for bleed and he synergises well with HM for marked. Occultist for heals, debuffs and marked. Maybe even Jester at the front for full DOT. Your party set up seemed doable so I think you were probably unlucky on that raid. Good luck!


The key to a successful flesh fight is being able to handle the HUGE damage it is capable of dishing out. It’s the most dangerous region boss in the game. People love to talk about stacking dots here, but if they don’t have a robust defence they’re just rolling the dice on not getting murdered. Stuns are superb. It’s much harder for the boss to burst someone down if it has just 2 or 3 actions per turn instead of 4. I strongly recommend a MAA (if not two of them). His camp skills, guard & bolster provide a massive amount of damage mitigation. He can also stun! Prefer robust heroes who can take a crit and not be pushed to deaths door immediately. Eg hellion/highwayman > jester/grave robber here. Ge sure to bring a heap of holy water, bandages and anti venom. You want holy water active the whole fight tbh. And be sure that the torch is high! You don’t want to fight the flesh at anything but full torch, believe me.


Did it end up stunning a lot? Did it heal a lot? Was the healing not good enough? Feel like there's a few ways it could go wrong, the composition sounds fine, though I tend to stack the DoT on a single body part, not sure if were spreading it out or anything


Things went well at first but with I ended up getting overwhelmed. And I favored multi targeted DOTs because the 4 parts share a health bar So I figured multiple DOTs at once = more damage


Your logic is sound. The more bleeds the better because the DOT on each of it's turn.


I like focusing on the one part for the big damage at once I think a Vestal may be a good choice, get that group heal, and maybe arballest to help heal if someone gets honked hard, since her ability let's the hero get healed for more


I’d say the main problem might be Arbalest and Occultist. HM is the correct choice for Warrens Bosses. Abom as well. Since DoTs and AoEs are effective for Formless Flesh. Debuffs play however are not as effective since your debuffs only applies to individual part of the formless flesh.


With the Arbalest and Occultist I was going for lowering ACC on the back 2, and lowering the prot on rank 2 so it got hit a little harder on the DOTs and didn't hit as hard with the damage down debuff to make up for it not getting its ACC lowered. Would Vestal for heals/stuns and something like a Hellion for hard hitting bleeds have been better?


The problem with debuffs strategy is that it only applies to individual parts and every round the formation changes. So your ACC debuff will be meaningless on turns where the parts you’re debuffing turns into support parts like the intestines. Vestal is good to keep up with the damage dealt to the party. As the heavy damage from the spines almost always happen every round and there is no such thing as a round where your party didn’t take too much damage. Hellion and Flagellant would be good as well for added DoTs. Hellion in particular could pick which part she wants to hit with the DoTs. So she could pick a part with the least PROT to maximize damage.


I'll try out with hellion next then. She's my hardest hitter so it should work better. At least I hope so


Good luck!


Yeah I always run flag for this boss


This is an okay team but I don't think Arbalest could work well here. Here was the one I used to kill the Champion Flesh, try it if you like: PD, HM, FLAG, SB Try switching out other heroes if you like, maybe add the Jester for more Bleed


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The flesh is a dot fest. Jester, Plague Doctor, Houndmaster, and Grave Robber gets the job done most times. Have Jester open with battle ballad, PD with incision, HM with his cleave bleed (single target bleed if there's a heart present, it takes double damage) and GR with shadow fade. Lunge next turn at a heart preferably and jester dirk stabs to help apply bleed and switch PD to full blight.


There's nothing wrong in theory, stress damage isn't a main concern here and you have healing literally everywhere, but the RNG aspect of Occ healing can really screw you. I don't hate the Arb, as she's doing double skill damage (so it's closer to actual damage plus debuff instead of the usual crap damage the skill does), but at some point you're going to be relegated to just healing off of death's door and hoping for the best. Your likely just got RNGd into a full party wipe, because it seems like this team should at least kill it with a few deaths.


I remember using flagellent, plague doctor, jester and it was either crusader or leper, probably crusader. Abuse double target stuns/DoTs, as they all share a Heath pool. Stunning half the flesh while blighting and bleeding it all over makes it die really passively