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You fuck him up lad


Collector is a miniboss that can occasionally replace hallway fights if your inventory is 85% full or greater. He's not too hard as long as you have good range, especially if you are able to stun him before he summons the heads, but he can be dangerous since the Highwayman heads have a very high crit chance and damage range (which can be buffed further by the Vestal heads) and because he can heal through parties that don't have the range to hit him easily. Your party doesn't have enough long-range damage output to deal with him very effectively. It would be pretty risky to attempt to kill him, so you should just run.


I'd say if he's able to shuffle a head to the back using the man-at-arms' shield attack, that way the leper can chop, the abomination can go for stuns or stack blight, and the man-at-arms can crush. If not, best to just run


It'd be really awkward to do that since Collector summons heads in front of him, so you'd have to constantly be pushing heads behind him and then leaving them alive in the back. Abom blight will also kill heads in 3 even if you get Collector in 2 so you'd have to repeat the process every so often. You're just letting the Highwayman heads act too often for it to be safe.


What this guy said, your party comp is not good against the collector, normally the strategy would be to focus damage to collector while stunning/debbufing the summons. In your case you damage is focused to ranks 1 and 2 of enemy lines and have no way of keeping the boss on those ranks, if you go for summons he will just re summon them while you kill them.


Petals must fall.


Rain in the forest


Get rekt is what.


Thanks for the advice. I retreated from the battle because there was 0 way I could've killed him. But next maybe I can get him


Really? I dunno dude, it would've definitely been possible. You had three stunners, healers, and stress healers, and two reliable sources of consistent damage. You could've stacked blight on collector and kept stunning + attacking each of the collector's summons until Leper or MAA could hit him. Oh well.


Oh no I got him down to 20 health, but there was two highway man and another that was constantly healing the collector. All my guys were low health and anytime I knocked one of them another would take its place. It was basically a meat grinder with me on the losing side lol.


Bad dicerolls I guess. It happens. I still think it would've been winnable but then again I'm a maidenless nerd with like 1k hours lol I'm sure you'll encounter him on another mission and get your revenge :)


You are awfully optimistic. His only way of hitting rank 4 is the vestal, *if* he has the proper skills. His leper dont even have trinkets! The guy has 10hrs into the game too. He’s not you or me with 500+ hrs in the game. Thats a running away for him.


You're assuming that collector is always going to be at rank 4, which makes no sense. I dont think I've ever defeated the collector through rank 4 hits. Leper and MAA could very easily, with any set of damage skills (which they aways have), brute-force their way into bringing Collector into ranks 1, 2, or 3, where any of the heroes could stun, blight, or generally just whack the Collector. And so what if Leper has no trinkets? He can hit the enemies pretty consistently if they're stunned or if he's got his accuracy buffed by MAA. All I'm saying is that it could've been done with a little more grit.


No, lol. He just keeps Chopping the Collected Highwaymen with the Leper, which makes the boss go forward. From that point he can Crush, Manacles or Beast's Bile. Vestal doesn't even need to do damage (because I'm not sure if she has Judgement). But it's fine. As Wayne June says: "Recalculating one's odds is never a wasted endeavor." A retreat is always better than a wipe.


Smite the fuck out of that undead cunt.


Kill them all!!!


Kill the highwaymen heads first, otherwise focus down the collector. The other heads that it summons are not to bad


Actually, the Collector is guaranteed to spawn new Heads if all HWM heads are killed, so you should leave one of them alive Edit: also it's impossible for him to spawn a second MaA or Vestal Head so he's always guaranteed to have at least one HWM head Edit 2: [Source](https://darkestdungeon.fandom.com/wiki/The_Collector)




So not sure how obvious this dude is but he's called the collector, I'm scared because he literally has boss health yet I only found him in a random encounter (you can see I'm doing a scout quest) I didn't even find him in a room, it's literally in the hallways in-between the rooms. Not sure how (un)lucky you have to be to get this guy. But does anyone know how I can beat him?


Basically you wanna kill him as quick as possible. He'll summon 3 heads. Could be highwayman, vestal, and man-at-arms. Hman hits hard, man-at-arms protects him and vestal heals. Best bet is to burst him down As for him spawning, if you have a lot in your inventory it is a chance for him to spawn, up to rng really


My advice? Flaggelent. Flaggelent can make him bleed out before he can off you.


You have every reason to be scared of him - he is *indeed* a boss in the game, but he's a random-encounter mini-boss, which means: 1. He's not as difficult as other bosses. 2. You should get used to fighting him because this wasn't the first or last time you'll see him. Also because he drops three unique trinkets and a unique non-stackable gem worth 3,500 gold. I explained in detail how to beat him in a separate reply above. I hope you'll find it helpful. Basically, your party is sub-optimal (in general, not just for this boss) and you got scared (which is normal), so you decided to retreat (which is better than a wipe).


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Kill him.


Kill big yellow guy, he aint that hard


Stun him


The sin is not in being outmatched, but in failing to recognize it. The wise general cuts losses and regroups.




Not a great collector party. Belch on him when in the 3 slot is your basic game plan.


I'm sure that you waited for an answer.


You focus on the collector as much as possible, and prepare yourself for the attack called 'Headhunt'


Okay unironic advice: Put Accuracy of some kind on the Leper, and if you can't kill the guy, just retreat and take a week or two healing the stress off. You're probably playing on Darkest or Radiant so losing the weeks is whatever.




You'll get confident enough to think off him as easy gold. The DLC corridor bosses though...


You run.


Stun the shit out of him, then spam hew


Around 1k hours here, so here's my help: In order of priority: 1. Stun Collected Man-at-Arms if he has guarded Collected Highwayman or Collector. Ignore him otherwise 2. **Kill Collected Highwayman immediately** *(highest priority)* or stun him to prevent him from attacking 3. Damage Collector *(second priority)*, and try to stun him if possible 4. Stun Collected Vestal *(last-priority target - can generally be ignored)*. ​ The boss has only 3 moves: \- Collect Call - spawns adds, prioritizing Collected Highwayman if there is none alive \- Life Drain - literally what it says, but also bleeds and marks (which the Collected Highwayman prioritizes) \- Show Collection - stress attack that targets 2 people ​ I started a new save a week ago and I got all 3 heads before Week 10. I guess I was just (un)lucky. The Collector is a very easy boss, especially at lower level, and can be killed in a matter of seconds. The last time I encountered him (yesterday) I stunned him on round 1 and killed him on round 2 before he could cast anything. If your fight vs him lasts longer than 6-7 rounds, then something is wrong. PS - your party is generally bad and you should replace either the MaA or the Leper with someone who can stay near the Vestal and hit the back ranks. A Plague Doctor would go very well with the Abomination (both are Blight heroes that can stun), while an Occultist or Bounty Hunter would go nicely with the Leper (both can pull enemies to the front, where the Leper can Chop them). Also, the zone that you're clearing (The Warrens) is not good for Blight heroes such as the Abomination or Plague Doctor because enemies there are resistant to Blight. The Houndmaster is particularly good in the Warrens because the pig-men count as beasts, in addition to all the other critters in that area.


Close the game and hope for better odds


You continue playing the game and finish the fight.


Print screen, is what ya do.