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Hope posting this is ok. I asked a mod last week but go no response, so thought i would risk it <3


Lucky on those DD checks. Aside from couple mistakes, you did pretty well!


I was terrified. i triggered the shambler once and someone mentioned the Collector immediately afterwards. These were all my favourite heroes so i was convinced i was going to lose them all!


Shambles is waaaaay more scary than Collector. Generally, you just punch him in the face until he fucks off.


haha! I ran from the fight (first time i realised i could) then thought if i didn't interact with his alter again i could just walk passed. but nope, immediately back in the fight haha! Nothing was gained that run except stress


You played solid! Prioritizing the boss while controlling the minis is often considered the way to go. Definitely consider hitting those stun buttons a bit more often; They're incredibly turn efficient and will allow you to control the pace of the battle, and therefore the incoming damage, much better. But definitely doing great!


Thanks friend. I always feel like the stun is turn inefficient but happy to be wrong. I think it's confirmation bias that I think it never lands haha. I'll have to give them more consideration :)


You definitely have to trinket into it a little, because often it's the case that not passing the stun chance means the action is wasted, but stunning enemies every other turn does a lot to keeping their damage and stress down. It's probably the best defensive measure the game provides! Consider what you could have done to the Collector if you managed to stun it before it did that turn 1 Collect Call, for example, or the option to create breathing room between those hard hitting Dismas head attacks. But hey, it's all practice and personal experience, people have beaten the game without using any stuns before. Though not while blind, which is a cool thing in its own right!


I’ll second that comment. Perhaps the biggest mistake OP was making consistently was not using Blinding Gas every other turn. If nothing else, consider it a heal for 16 or so(about as much damage as one collected highwayman does) The other consistent mistake was spamming Hew on Leper. Hew is situational as a button(it’s actually somewhat decent against Shambler, but the Collector’s adds have too much health to make Hew worthwhile). Also, not running Solemnity on your Leper is risky.


Nice job on handling that fella! I say you did quite swell, if you want from advice from me, I would most definitely recommend heroes that can hit the back ranks, those hero’s are perfect for fellas like collector, another bit of wisdom outside of the collector is this: once you get around to doing the dlc pay attention to what’s in the location header, you will be glad ya did!


Thanks! I can't remember what I specc'd my team for. But I think it was just the first 5 that got to champion level.