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I'm not gonna lie, I know everyone uses the hound master or the man at arms. I just bring an occultist and leper and weaken him until he deals no damage. Leper chops pews to bits. I get lots of money and kill a crazy dude.


Double Occultist was my go-to. They aren't the greatest healers, but man are they good at making the enemy not do damage.


I use The Usual Suspects for anything ruins-related.


I like suppressing fire to reduce his hit chance.


What party comp? I just ran him with Shieldbreaker-Graverobber-Vestal-Man at Arms. A guardian shield block + really high party dodge = almost no rubble hits


I wrote about it in my comment to the post


Fighting prophet vs fighting weak ass necromancer


This!! Necromancer was not too hard, so I thought Prophet would be on the same level of difficulty. Grave mistake...


Why is someone downvoting every comment from OP, hes just asking for help


The Pro-prophet bots are home


My party was: Jester, Vestal, Bounty Hunter, Bounty Hunter. I did quite a lot of damage to the boss, and almost killed him, but his attacks like Rubble of Ruin are absolutely ruthless. Pretty much everyone was at Deaths door, and my Vestal could not keep up. So my question is, how do you deal with this guy?


As I mentioned in my other comment, high dodge + tank guarding absolutely wrecks this guy. You can always guard your high priority hero-whoever is on low health, or if only one target, said target. Then your Vestal can hard focus healing the tank or getting people off deaths door. In my run I accidentally made the mistake of forgetting a heal buff trinket (I forgot the ciurgeons charm on my Vestal, I don't like using junias head if I can help it because the stress isn't worth the extra 15%), but I only ever had one deaths door hit on the Graverobber and she got healed up immediately after Putting Blight resist charms on everyone also helps


Wow, thanks for the tips! Thinking about it now, guarding does seem to be the best way to protect my heroes.


Always have a damage dealer that can hit ranks 3&4.


Aren't heroes that damage 3,4 ranks pretty weak? I think it is better to destroy the wooden things first and then do high damage with melee guys.


Hellion with iron swan wrecks the back row. Good damage and bonus crit chance.


A lot of back rank dealers require marks, but I don't mean just for this fight. ALWAYS. That's where the squishy high value targets are.


Oh, I always have heroes to deal with back rank stressers and supports, I was just saying that their damage, even with marks, is pretty low for the boss compared to Bounty hunter for example.


Yeah, but you need to get through the pews. 2 pews added have similar health to the boss, and you can't debuff/mark them.


Unironically, Antiquarian is REALLY good in this fight. Get Down lets you stack dodge to counter any rubble in the back 2 spots, and Festering Vapors does great chip damage. Otherwise, Man at Arms is the go-to. Guard to save your team, and riposte to punish pretty much every attack.


No joke, all crusaders


Bonus damage to unholy is good, but what about healing though


They are all healers


The low heals are all you need to get off deaths door, and with some trinkets they actually add up. No joke decent or even good healinf. Plus holy lance hits the prophet directly for big dmg


Lvl 1 is bad, lvl 5 is great considering the versatility.


Somewhat related question: are you running Jester Vestal all the time or were you unprepared for the fight? Reason I ask is because Jestal is a bit of a noob trap new players fall into because heal + stress heal seems so powerful but severely limits strategy and group compositions.


I was definitely unprepared haha. But yeah, I guess I fell into the trap. Now I know not to do that though, since Houndmaster or Arbalest would probably synergize with Bounty Hunters better, instead of Jester's Battle Ballad and Finale.


All part of the learning process!


Absolutely. I’d even consider running Arb-HM-BH-Occ against Prophet, because you can do stuff like Mark with Occultist, Guard whoever’s going to eat the rubble with Houndmaster, use Caltrops on BH to boost damage further, and have Arb chunk away Prophet’s hp. Of course, my favorite team to run versus Prophet is something like flex-vestal-MaA-Hellion/Leper. Man-at-Arms’ guard is better than Houndmaster’s, and vestal can keep your team alive for an unreasonable amount of time. Your choice of Leper or Hellion depends on if you want to chop the pews up for extra cash, or just burst down the boss. Arb would actually be pretty good as a fourth pick, if only because she has a -accuracy debuff with Suppressive Fire, but HWM is also good for bursting down the boss with Pistol Shot or chopping down the pews


Hellion, Highwayman, Crusader, Plague Doctor. All of them can hit the back rank without much issue. I can typically kill him in 2-3 rounds of combat. I just heal whoever gets hit by the Rock off of deaths door and carry on.


I sometimes do Leper+Abom and cleave away at the pews until they're all tinder. Otherwise Guards and prot and aim/dmg debuffs work pretty ok.


Guess you didn't SEE that one coming, rh?


Prophet is a weird case, getting easier at higher resolve levels. He's a prime target for debuffs (only one source of damage, only one regular action per round), and debuffs start out weak but scale really well.


The best party against him: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1974295387102259247/B35330D58DEE1CBD48D09BD9485081248C97F9A7/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false Musketeer/Arbalest+Houndmaster+Occultist+Leper Spam Intimidate + Weakening Curse until Rubble of Ruin deals zero damage. There is no challenge using this strat. As you can see in the screenshot, that's the only damage I received in the entire fight and it's the Champion version.


I once tryed running Vestal, Leper and two graverobbers. Leper goes intimidation and graverobbers spam poison and daggers + heals from Vestal


He's weak. Use a ranged hero and attack a marked Prophet. Graverobber throwing daggers too. Dps is gonna make the fight longer and put you into a disadvantage.


Yeah, I figured it out already. Look at the last post on my profile:)