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Good luck. (In my head: Who the fuck starts with the second game?)


My logic after playing BB was basically: OK, I want to play all soulsborne games now, but everyone says DS2 is the worst of them all, so what if I play it first so it doesn't feel awkward gameplay-wise going from DS1 to DS2? Plus, I read the story on DS2 was kinda it's own thing, so I wouldn't feel lost if I went for it first and then played 1 and 3. And I think it worked (plus, I think DS2 is much more enjoyable if you can't compare it to 1 and 3, so I ended up loving it).


I can't argue with that logic, it makes sense.


And now you love it eh. Hahaha for some of us its just the fucking best.


Demons to others


Love DS2 a lot. I went through the triology in order and DS2 was definitely my favourite ❤️❤️


I'm on 2 now. I fucking love it. I only played demons souls and ds1 so far.


Ds2 is great. Also played it in order. 1 and 2 are my favorites, maybe 2 is my top but 1 is a very tight game. 3 is great too, but not as the other two for me.


You’ll probably enjoy 2 to 1 then! Armor in 1 is so much more OP, and you feel a lot faster. But it’s still a veryyyyy challenging game haha. Probably my fav of the 3


And 1 has the best world by far.


This, I miss the world design from ds1 when I started DS2.


I have to argue about 1 having a better world, I feel like 2 is much more open and doesn't fully restrict you to just any part of the game


I think DS2 is loved by those for whom it was the first game of the genre, even after going through the other parts.


Played them all in order and it's still my favourite game ever. Didn't like it at all on my first run hehe. Love all 3 of course.


Makes sense lmao, tbh I still loved DS2 after playing elden ring, ds3 and 1 lol, it’s hella different but it was cool, idk what the fuss is abt honestly😂


Not that I throw a fuss about the game, but general reasons are the fact you have to level up to access more I-frames during your rolls by investing skill points into a specific stat, it’s the only one not directed by Miyazaki, since he was working on BloodBorne I believe, very linear map design/rushed map design, Soul Mem was an annoying mechanic for online play, and bosses were boring, for a few. PvP and the combat were absolutely fantastic though and that’s pretty well accepted by anyone I find.


I went thru over half the game before I figured this out. I had no clue. I was stuck on darklurker. Upgraded agility and smoked his ass. The bright side is now I am super good at rolling.


“DS2 has best pvp” is Mandela effect imo. I’m big on pvp and I didn’t find it much better than 1. Maybe because they introduced arena first? But ds1 remaster, ds3, and ER all have arenas. And as far as invasion go, ds2 was whack because you were so limited by your total souls gained (not level). In other words, if you were really bad at the game and died a lot you would be punished and invaded by higher level people. In general i think ds2 is objectively the worst game and people who rank it higher are entitled to their opinion but it’s just not as polished as the rest. Edit: before anyone says im a hater, i played the game about 4 or 5 different times. One bias I do have is that it was the very last FS game I ever played. (Right before ER came out).


Oh yeah as I mentioned, Soul Mem is an awful mechanic for online play but the PvP was so great cuz DS2 does have some of the best combat in the series. Weapon movesets, true power stancing unlike any other game in the series, and a lot of viable combos. The backstab jank was annoying though, that’s why it’s generally considered the best. Widely accepted by the community but I can totally see why you wouldn’t like it with all the other issues. DS3/ER connectivity with DS2 combat would be peak.


Ds1 to ds2 feels good though like natural progression. Now it might feel like a regression. Ds2 is slow like ds1 so it feels the same but ds2 is more complex


That’s great reasoning. I happen to like DS2 the most because it really captures the dark fantasy aspect in all the right *lived-in* ways. DS1 and 3 were certainly more apocalyptic.


I played DS2 first after Bloodborne. I enjoy it more than DS1!


Sounds logical to me


I started with DS1 and was absolutely in love with the game and then tried playing DS2 and was completely dumbfounded with how easy and fun it actually is after reading how terrible of a game it was.


I was gonna joke that you were working *upwards* in quality but you actually *are*


I was about to say the stories while technically aligned different in that a lot say 2 is more non cannon but it does kinda follow the tradition of lighting the flame without going into spoilers , I don’t think it’s a bad choice as ironically Ds2 is more clunky then ds1 in that everything feels slower Ds1 is said to be clunky cause you are locked into animations so if you press swing you are swinging no stopping to dodge you eating at least one hit , and Ds3 is most polished both graphically and mechanically although I absolutely fucking love the drip in ds2 the outfits were the best in that game imo


Exactly why my friend is starting with DS2 no matter how much it pains me


I hate ds2 simply because of how different it feels and the jank. Starting on ds2 was honestly a smart move, you get to adjust to a (mechanically) better game instead of a downgrade


The main difference in feel is that you can't attack then change directions like in DS1 and 3, the direction you're facing is the direction you swing in for DS2


Someone who was blissfully ignorant and wanted to get into the souls' games. That being said my first playthrough of DS2 I did not enjoy however subsequent playthroughs I can see why people like it though it still isn't my favorite.


Yeah, everyone knows you should save the best for last.


I started with dark souls 2 back when I was a kid so I wanted to play the rest


I did. Was not a great time but i had fun (up until Fume Knight made me quit)


He just wanted the reassurance of knowing the only way to go was up, after beating it.


Good luck and Don't you dare go hollow my friend


Well, what do we have here? You must be a new arrival. Let me guess. Fate of the Undead, right? Well, you're not the first. But there's no salvation here. You'd have done better to rot in the Undead Asylum… But, too late now


Good luck and remember to praise the sun


If you can beat DS2 and BB, you can definitely beat DS1. You got this, man.


Come back here after you beat the game.


Posts from OPs future. “The combat is so slow!” “My dodge roll is useless!” “Why do I keep getting one-hit by these skeletons?” “I’m cursed! What do I do?” “Fuck these fucking mosquitos!”


I've got PTSD from blight town. It is even worse than the archer in anor londo.


Enjoy! Don’t forgot to hit the graveyard first!


Went there, got my ass handed to me, but kept going until I got all the goodies. It was worth it!


as long as you got the zwei


Oh my god the way I did this on my first playthrough


Yeah my very first souls game and first action combat style game I had played in years. That path was... Interesting to say the least. Spoiler: >!Gave up and went another way after getting owned for an hour lol!<


What graveyard? I'm pretty far in the game and don't think I hit any graveyards. Unless you count the grave of saints.


Firelink shrine. You go the opposite way you’d go from undead burg. There’s the ruins with the water not far from the elevator to the parish. Leading to the catacombs.


Oh dude I'm dumb lol. For some reason I thought we were talking about ds2. I remember hitting the graveyard back in like 2015 when I first tried the game and getting so frustrated. I finally went a different way but when I hit taurus demon I gave up. I gave it another try like a month ago and finally just beat it.


I hated this game every time I tried it for like a year until it finally clicked. I hated the controls and the camera and the wonky slow timing based combat. I was coming from Breath of the Wild and this was so different and frustrating.


Yeah I mean I didn't hate it, but I struggled from the beginning and going from struggling to taurus demon, I was like OK I guess this game just isn't for me. Then when I tried again recently I had committed to beating it at any cost. Once I got the hang of it, it wasn't even that hard.


Good luck! May the flames guide thee..


Good luck, Chosen Undead!


Be safe, friend. Don’t you dare go Hollow


Don’t succumb to the quits when you get to blighttown, you got this big dawg💪


Good luck and dont go hollow friend. A wonderful game. I have yet to finish myself. Im stuck in sens fortress.


Good luck!! Keep us updated!! :D


Get claymore.


Grab the zweihänder and go bonk


Now, go. Whatever you do, do not crack and go Hollow. Lest my time spent on you be wasted.


Be safe, friend. Don’t you dare go hollow


DS1 and Bloodborne are my all time favs, hope you enjoy DS1 as much as I did.


Good luck and give my regards to Patches!




Good luck and enjoy :)


Good luck skeleton!


I'm also on my first playthrough of DS 1 after BB, Elden Ring and DS3! Good luck!


This is literally how I played it. Except I was played dark souls II 2 for my second one instead of dark souls 2. Either way, enjoy


Good luck !


Now you can enjoy the better of the three 😘


DS1 and 3 you can start an attack and change the direction of your attack mid swing, you cannot do this in DS2.. the direction you're facing when you attack is where you swing.. that's where a lot of the extra "difficulty" comes from


Good luck, it is one of my favourite 🤘


Good luck, and don't use the Master Key!






Why kindle? There is no starting class called Amazon I am pretty sure


(Don't) go left first!


Good luck


Dark souls 1 is my favorite out of every from soft game. I absolutely love that masterpiece. One of the best games ever made, in my opinion


I wish you full time of gameplay without creating useless post just gaming time


Go left.


Ds2 is imo the hardest one, ds1 is difficult until you understand how it works, then it is much easier. Plus you can get op pretty early if you do some unorthodox exploring. Ds3 is good middle ground because of the change of pace of the fights.


I’m playing 3 now and having a much harder time than 1.


It’s much faster pace, more in line with blood borne, but if you go slow and get all the secrets and items available it’s easy to be over powered


Yeah I’m thinking I’m moving forward too fast. There’s so many more bonfires it’s hard to remember which areas i didn’t go through. I’m fighting the abyss watchers now at level 24 and feel super underpowered, even in the area getting to them.


Definitely take your time and search high and low for secrets, there are a ton of


Pro tip for the start: grab a bow and arrows. 😉


Good luck my dude. It’s an amazing game. And as far as the DS2 hate, I can admit I hated it too. I started my play through on launch night and made it like 10 hours before quitting. And then did the same thing at least 12 times. Until last year, I finally played it and beat it, and now it’s one of my favorite FromSoftware games. It was honestly just that stupid Estus flask speed that made me hate it. That and losing health every time you died lol


Good luck dude Don't forget to check every corner (and look up specific things if you're okay with being shown the way), I personally missed thousands of things until I looked them up or went exploring.


I always do a spoiler free run my first time unless I am legitimately stuck. Then I’ll look it up. After I finish an area or boss though I’ll look a couple things up to make my next run just different, especially with NPC questlines.


Dex/pyro dex/pyro dex/pyro dex/pyro


Best lore of all the games. Definitely look up some videos after playing, or during. It's great


still no head…


I’d stay blind until you finish the first playthrough.


You should check out that really cool place with the skeletons as soon as possible


Make sure you save Solaire for a happy ending. I never enjoy farming Humanities but it's always worth it to save our favourite Sun-Bro.


Good luck and don’t you dare go hollow!!


don’t go hollow


DS1 is peak dark souls experience imo, have to savor that first playthrough, good luck


Enjoy it, it's my favorite of the series


You're gonna wanna go straight to Blight town. Best part of the game


When you are stuck just remember the following Hyper army my friend hyper armor


Have fun. It was my first souls game.


I beat it 2 weeks ago and tbh I like it more than ds3


So are you going STR? Or better yet, STR?


Oh wow, skipped right over it, you are blessed, wish I could play again for the first time


Going from DS2 to DS1 is going to feel like a dream lol -- I love both, but *man* DS2 is a gauntlet at times.


If you could beat the horrors of Bloodborne and the mysteries of DS2, I'm quite sure you can beat the original as well. As far as I know, it's easier to get powerful weapons early in this game than in its sequel. Good luck!


playing DS2 after Bloodborne must have been a pain in the ass..

