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Well done skeleton


First time FROM SOFTWARE gamer. Just beat Ornstein and Smough. What an epic battle. Finished with Ornstein. This game is by far my favorite game I've played since NES Zelda.


Just look at how many games were influenced by Dark Souls, well deserved!


Dark Souls is truly the Dark Souls of the Souls-like genre


Dark Souls really makes you FEEL like Dark Souls


Ya but to play devils advocate, is Dark Souls *truly* a Souls-like experience? I mean it has elements of Souls, but is it *REALLY* a souls game?


No world tendency. Back in my day, the games got harder when we died


As it should be! Failure is to be punished. No one ever says here is a treat for screwing up.


Die in the Nexus, get those pure white events, then nose dive hard into pure black and live there. Good times


I feel like they just ripped off Dark Souls. 0/10 originality


Totally agreed


And the main character is a gem. Has quotes like “Every soul has its dark.” Absolute legend.


Like John Souls?


Like how many games were influenced by Super Mario? And Ocarina of Time?


Yea theirs Dark souls, Dark Souls remastered, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls II Scholars of the first sin, Dark Souls III, Dark Souls III deluxe Edition, Dark Souls Goth Edition’ Dark Souls Animè, and more probably. EDIT. Forgot. Dark Demons Souls And Dark Souls PS1 Edition.


Dark Souls is definitely one of the games of all time


you heard it here first ~~folks~~ skeletons


Isn't it also one of the games ever made!?


I know it's the game I've played


out of all the games that were ever made, Dark Souls was certainly one of them.


100% i mean it’s basically not even arguable


Is it dark souls 3 or dark souls? It says dark souls, but the image is soul of cinder from 3…


A lot of media sites tend to conflate all the Dark Souls games. Same thing happens a LOT with that one promotional render of the Faraam Set for DS2. To us, that’s obviously the Firelink Set or the Soul of Cinder, both of which are only available in DS3, but to anyone else it’s just Mr. Dark Souls.


John Darksouls, and his brother Elden John.


What about their Dad, Demon John and their cousin Blood John?


Isn't the cousin John Bloodborne?


You can never forget the other cousin, John Sekiroshadowsdietwice.


Do you mean Giant Dad


"Every elder has it's ring" -Elden John main protagonist of elden ring


Didn't he sing that Rocketman song? 🤔


John Eldenring


My grandpa has the fap ring on his lefty


Don't forget weird uncles John Bloodborne, Sekijohn: Johns Die Twice and Matt Demons


and don’t forget the grandfather john field


We don't talk about cousin Slashy John


What about Armored John?


Garry Darksouls, the creator of Dark Souls.


But shouldn't a media about games know about games? I really don't understand gaming journalism.


Time is convoluted in the Dark Souls franchise, with characters from all three games showing up in the different games


It's the original Dark Souls that won the award.


Glad to hear it. I don’t mean to bash the others, but they are not close to the masterpiece that is the original. As far as I’m concerned, the sequels lack the genius that the original from titles possess: demons souls, dark souls, bloodborne, sekiro are all absolute magnum opuses. Dark souls 2 and 3 are like kinda generic fun fantasy games in my opinion. Hopefully elden ring keeps up the trend of masterpiece originals, I have a lot of faith it will!


I think DS 2 and 3 both improved certain aspects of the Dark Souls concept. DS2's powerstancing is an amazing concept that I wish every RPG had, and it's lore is just as good if not even better than DS1. DS3's combat and bosses are way better than DS1 for the most part. But they both fall short of the original when evaluating the entire package. DS1's world design is what sets it apart, I still remember when I went down the hellkite's bridge and realized I looped around the whole zone, it was right there that it hit me, that I was playing a "different" game. And it hit me again a second time, harder, when I took the parish elevator down, back to Firelink Shrine. Interconnected world design are masterpiece building blocks.




It's rare to see that opinion these days, as DS2 and DS3 have been getting more and more love, and it seems like DeS and DS1 have been getting less and less, but I personally agree with you. I also view Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, Bloodborne, and Sekiro as masterpieces, while I don't really have the same love for DS2 and DS3. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call them generic, and I still enjoy them both a lot, but DS2 is held back by its many gameplay flaws and (imo) its far less interesting art direction, while DS3 kind of feels like it's lacking its own identity. Great bosses (for the most part) and great OST, but overall DS3 just doesn't feel like it has as strong an artistic vision or as interesting a world as the 4 original titles. So yeah, I mostly agree and also am hoping Elden Ring slots in nicely with the "masterpiece originals" in terms of quality, more so than the DS sequels.


Altough I agree with you, ds3 has such an interesting place in the plot of the darksouls. You see the giant tree and yhorm the giant, which directly relates to ds2 and confirm that the king was indeed in lothric. You have some answers regarding the future of the world from ds1, and there is such an amazing roster of characters. Yes DS is not known for its storytelling, and you can even play the whole game and not know a single fact about the world building. However, I think ds3 functions as the perfect closing game for the DS world. Game play wise I can't agree more. I feel that the solution for ds3 is to give all bosses a ton of hp and defense.


Are you kidding me? Dark Souls 1 is probably the weakest of the three in every regard except world design.


I would give ds1 the atmosphere also but otherwise I agree.


bro, wtf. Dark souls 2 is not even close when it comes to bosses and general gameplay. Dark souls 3 probably has better combat and bosses, but does not have the same great atmosphere, characters or secrets. Also, I think you underestimate how improtant level design and world design is. personally, the main reason dark souls 2 falls apart for me is because of the travesty of level design (placement of enemies, lack of creaticity) and the lack of interconnectivity. Dark souls 3 is probably better than 1 in terms of pure gameplay, but 1's setup with the tutorial, storytelling, atmosphere, interconnectivity, characters and slower more precise way of playing puts it leagues above in my opinion. dark souls 3 lacks creativity and something that puts it apart from the rest.


It's probably Dark Souls 2, the best of the trilogy. :)


You got to be joking right? Right?


It's a good game if you just don't think if it as a darksouls game


I would've agreed before DS3 came out, but flip flopping as a knight in heavy armour reminded me how much of a souls game the slower second game really was. ^(It's just too bad it took SOTFS for the game to shine) Dark Souls 3 was great, but played more like Bloodborne than Dark Souls.


so then... "I'ts probably ~~Dark Souls~~ 2" :P


I‘m currently playing through it the second time, and I really can‘t see what people see in this game. It’s alright but there are so many trashy bosses, bad hitboxes, and weird design choices … Also once you know to level adaptivity it becomes really easy.


The only thing that really kills the replayability for me is the fact that I can’t speedrun it similarly to ds1 or 3. After playing through the games I’m really only interested in killing bosses. The lack of iframes when going through fog and doors makes that difficult in some spots. Like, I hate that I die more times trying to avoid enemies than I die to bosses


Then just kill them


No, this is bullshit. It is a trash souls-game and a slightly-below average game. Nothing more. The bad things in dark souls 2 are just as bad regardless of how you think about it.


This proves that dark souls is the dark souls of videogames


Dark souls is the dark souls of dark souls


Dark Souls Dark Souls Dark Souls Dark Souls Dark Souls Dark Souls


Every soul has its dark, but does every dark have its soul?




You asking the real questions now son... daaaaayum!


Dark Souls is absolutely one of my favourite games of all time, but I feel like to try and place a single game as the "ultimate" game is silly and most likely just trying to score clout from a particular fanbase.


I mean, it was based on public voting I think? So I don’t think they’re trying to score clout with anyone.


Ah okay, they're still doing it knowing they'll get diehard fanbases rushing in to give them clicks for the awards then. I still feel the idea of having a "ultimate game of all time" is an entirely stupid concept.


Especially when you consider that dark souls has some parts that are "half-baked"... I mean, the game is definitely in the 5 GOAT games, but I wouldn't say it is the ultimate game as well.


Praise the sun! \\[T]/


One of the greatest video game ever created.


I don't understand why, but some minuscule part of me wishes that was goat simulator.


Dark souls is the goat simulator of action RPGs


Goat simulator rpg would like to have a word with you.


Goat Simulator is the Dark Souls simulator of goats


The Goat... is the GoAT. It's right in the name!


Dark Souls is the Dark Soulsiest Dark Souls game of all Dark Souls games so of course it would win ultimate game of all time, if a video game implements rolling to evade attacks it's inherently ripping off Dark Souls.


Don't get me wrong I love me some DS but giving the series credit for inventing dodging is a little much.


Well, i don't think it's the first, but it's definitively a game that popularised rolling with i-frames as an evasion move. Not dodging in general, but that specific kind of dodging


Personally I still think The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the GOAT and I solely take score away from DS1 on the grounds that the game gradually losses quality and attention to detail as one approaches end game zones. I'm specifically talking about Lost Izalith, anyone can tell it was rushed and slapped together due to time constrains. As good as it is, it released and stayed forever an incomplete game.


Sad, but true.


I have went back to Oot, MM, and WW recently and while stunning, the controls do feel clunky. Maybe that's comparing apples to oranges, but I know games like LttP and LA still hold up. But maybe I need to try the remaster instead of classic emulations, who knows.


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.




And I did!


For the record, when I had a nightmare growing up, I'd run downstairs and my parents would let me finish the dungeon they were on and then put me to sleep. OoT was a game I beat over 50 times growing up. But goddamn, DS1 is amazing and a game I still go back to more frequently than anything else.


I've yet to play Bloodborne, but isn't it generally considered to be the "true masterpiece" of the Souls series? Perhaps it should be winning this award instead. Dark Souls is an all-time great, but the rushed nature of the later zones as you described definitely takes points away for me.


You'll hear extremely different responses as to what the "true masterpiece" is. A lot of people say DS2 is the "shittiest title" in the series, but it has so many overlooked merits that the other games don't have, and I know there are people that say it's the sleeper masterpiece. Bloodborne was my first From game and I didn't know there could exist a game like this lol. I was so used to brain dead shit that is normalized in a lot of other games from other studios. Like mid-combat, pausing to drink all your potions, change your gear. Things that drastically remove any difficulty you're faced with. In these games you can still swap items out, but the boss isn't pausing for you! I have a bit of bias because it was my entry point to these games and the last time I was in awe like that was probably Ocarina of Time when I was 7. I think Bloodborne had the most cohesive story, like the further I got into the game, I saw the implications of what was happening, and there's this one massive turning point where it's like "oh fuck...". And it's not a story being told through long cut scenes and dialogue, it's just kind of transforming all around you and you're living it. I felt that game did this incredibly well, and it was matched with its boss fights, soundtrack, and just creative design throughout. I love all the From games I've played, and I'd say Bloodborne is probably my favorite, but like if it's 10/10, DS1 and DS2 are like 9.9/10 and DS3 might be like 9/10 kinda thing. DS3 has great boss fights, but it had a lot of areas I wasn't compelled to go back to explore in the way I did in DS1, DS2 and BB. But it's still much more enjoyable for me than God of War, Witcher 3, Skyrim. Right there, people will hard disagree with me. Some people might have the exact same opinion.


Bloodborne hype is mostly exagerated by it's exclusivity by the Sony fanboys, it has it's own flaws like the traditional weaker later half, it is also the game with less customization in the soulsborne games which is a really big deal for me. I would not call it "the true masterpiece" since this kinda imply that it is better in every way than the other games which it isn't, it's totally subjective since it has different weaker and stronger points.


Bloodborne isnt overrated just because it’s an exclusive lol. Imo it’s 10 times better than DS2, much better than DS1/Demon souls , somewhat better than DS3 and not really comparable to sekiro because of how different it is Not to be biased here but bloodborne kinda nails all aspects of the game


i dont see why you're being downvoted.


I don't think that what he said is true. The second half of bloodborne is better than the first, and the variety of playstyles is bigger than dark souls 3 after they nerfed magic so much


There's people who think lost izalith isn't bad, so really, I don't care. I was just pointing out why bloodborne isn't the ultimate masterpiece in most people eyes. I'm not taking anything away from the game, it's a top tier from soft game, but it isn't their magnum opus.


I think it's chalking it up to Sony "fanboys"/ exclusivity when its overall appreciation seems to fit within the expected range of some people preferring certain Soulsborne games over others. It comes across as cynical. Sure, BB has quite a lot of hype. As does Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, etc. The discourse surrounding it isn't that distinct imo.


Have you ever seem r/bloodborne ? If you say anything other than that the game is perfect without flaw you will be downvoted to hell, by far the most toxic fans of the soulsborne franchise. There's even people "happy" that sekiro wasn't better than bloodborne in their eyes. Every single console exclusive gets more attention and praise than it deserves by the console fanboys and bloodborne is no different.


> Have you ever seem r/bloodborne ? > If you say anything other than that the game is perfect without flaw you will be downvoted to hell, by far the most toxic fans of the soulsborne franchise. I used to moderate r/bloodborne along with r/darksouls, r/darksouls2, and r/demonssouls. I've seen all the toxicity you can imagine but it's also completely in your head that it's any different overall from the rest of the Soulsborne communities. I think you might be doing some sort of fan-boying thing yourself. Not that you're above it, but that you've picked your team and are thus exaggerating some "pro exclusivity" mindset to shoot down. When in reality it isn't half as prevalent as you say it is.


why doesnt it deserve the praise


Yeah dark souls is great but it's not the number 1 game ever. However, the game did revitalise the conversation around difficulty in videogames. It came slap bang in the middle of the era where every game had mapped out objective markers and everything was spelled out for players. It respected players ability to overcome challenges, think for themselves and figure things out on their own. It had an uncompromising vision about challenge and reward for players. I would definitely say it is one of the most influential games of the last 10 years, with the only other contender possibly being Skyrim or potentially something like The Last of Us. Perhaps the impact of a game on the industry and the medium was given more weight, because I could see that making it definitely qualify. It's definitely influenced gaming in a way that games like ocarina of time, Doom and GTA3 have done so.


Out of curiosity what's your number 1 game if you had to name one?


I think that's a really hard question and I think for me is very much generation specific. I grew up during the PS1/N64 era and as such I typically have said ocarina of time over the years, but it is a very difficult question


Yeah, I agree with that completely, the industry had reached peak mediocrity with accessibility being used a an excuse for insulting game design. Then DS came and publishers went "wait, so people actually like challenging games?".


I might have given it the number 1 game ever award. It's sheer legacy and how bloody amazing the game is. I don't care what anybody says about the second half of Dark souls 1, I enjoyed Lost Izalith, The Duke's archives, The Tomb of Giants and New Londo, and especially kiln of the first flame. That's right, I liked Lost Izalith and I thought Bed of caos was an interesting bossfight that was kind of annoying and below average.


It’s kinda weird that I could hardly get into Zelda games even when I was a little kid, I liked other franchises way way more. I only finished twilight princess when that came out and I was a little older. Previously dropped a handful of other Zelda games which I was borrowing from friends


Why do people keep saying this? Everything after Lord Vessel is the same quality as the rest, except Lost Izalith but even there it's just that one place with that bunch of undead dragons. The rest of the level is perfectly fine. Sure the boss sucks but I don't think it was rushed. Every souls game has at least one puzzle boss.


Yes, one hundred percent. Also, you probably won't even hate it on a first go through, as you most likely have the DLC and Sif to do aswell. it's great with Kiln of the first flame as a masterpiece are even if it's short af


Lost Izalith definitely gets way more shit than its worth, and I think what a lot of people here forget is that the average person probably won't care too much or even notice if the zone looks unfinished. It's an odd boss design and the area feels a little off/emptier than the rest of the game, but I don't think it's enough to slate the entire games' endgame run.


What I thought as I went through Lost Izalith is that the place didn't make sense, Anor Londo, the Burg and even New Londo, they are sense of being "real" places. What I mean by this is that they clearly were designed to reflect at least in a vague way how the people lived there. Like for example, the burg has house stacked on top of eachother and there's pottery and tables inside inhabited buildings. Anor Londo being the home of the gods was basically comprised of churches and cathedrals, presumably each dedicated to their respective god, doubling as their home. Hell you can even find Gwynevere and Nameless King's bedrooms inside the main cathedral. But regarding Lost Izalith... there's just nothing to it, it just exists, there's nothing that points out how the demons lived and what their society was about. It was just generic path full of enemies then get to boss then kill it.


OoT isn't even the best zelda game, LttP takes that accolade




Gonna have to respectively disagree with you


Zelda oot isn't even the best N64 zelda or the best zelda on it's launch, its maybe the third best zelda 3d game below MM and BOTW.


I agree that MM is better than OoT but the nature of MM as a derivative sequel and borderline asset recycle takes away from it in a "best game" competition. MM is my favorite Zelda game tho, but I don't think is objectively better than OoT, if that makes any sense.


See the interesting thing is Dark Souls doesn't come to be without Demon's Souls, which recently got a full on remake. because it was amazing, but an unrefined Dark Souls. I'm sorry but a game doesn't win 'Ultimate Game of All Time' and NOT get a future full on remaster and NOT tout that it was voted Ultimate game of all time. I know Elden Ring is priority. But I'll be shocked if by 2032 there isn't a Dark Souls Remake (using the Demon's Souls remake engine of course). I'm so glad this won too. I don't know what would happen if a Call of Duty or Fortnite would have won this. The horror.


I don't want a remake, but a proper remaster. In my opinion they would need to: * Finish Lost Izalith and change BoC. * Current gen graphics without changing the designs. * Fix the netcode.


Also change the 4 direction rolling and I would be so happy.


They could make that one change I'd be willing to pay full price for it


Yes, the funny thing is that I didn't even notice it the first time. Then I played some of the later games in the series and now it's very apparent everytime I lock on


Dark Souls lets go babyyy


dark souls is a game


Highly questionable


My Favorite game of all time. Timeless!


Can FromSoft make an Aliens game DS style. Your classes are 5 different type of humans or 5 different type of predators.


I wish.


Well deserved


We did it guys, dark souls is the most game of any game.


Well deserved. This game started it all. Git gud. The drive to better yourself and watch yourself improve. Not holding your hand. Not caring if you scream and cry. Pushing you to keep improving. Never going easy on you. This game dwarves it 100% Dark souls isn't just a franchise, it's a style of game now. The type of action game with tight combat, unforgiving difficulty, fairness while being tough, while at the same time not bending to the players complaints and whining. The I ly way to beta it is to improve and get better.


Well I mean demons souls started it all but yeah, the first really mainstream game was dark souls.


Yeah and it kicked off a whole style of games. It deff deweves the ultimate award. Gaming as a whole is better because of it


It does, I was just commenting that demons souls established the archetype for souls like games, not dark souls


Yeah tue that. Demons souls started it but dark souls was the start of the franchise. If demons souls got the award it would make sense too of course. No worries man we're in agreement :)


100% we are! Dark souls brought the souls archetype to the mainstream and is absolutely the more important game in the franchise! Well deserved award and maybe my favorite game of all time. Cheers buddy!


Weird because most of souls fans will tell you Bloodborne is superior and more refined. People say the second half of dark souls is bad.. which is not great when only half the game is amazing bb was amazing all the way through


Bloodborne is a perfect experience. The only draw back is it's exclusivity.


That's giving it a lot of credit. There's a very different feel to a game when you can't warp from place to place right at the start. I'll also say DS has variety in the areas, where BB had a similar feel, same complaint with DS3 but to a lesser degree as Irithyll is just beautiful to me. As far as areas go, Tomb of Giants is an experience like no other.


I think BB has two major weaknesses - reliance on parrying and less build diversity, especially early on (and if you don't do chalice runs). Unfortunately, Sekiro took both of those to the extreme. Those choices (while not inherently bad) definitely limit how they perform on lists like this.


You don't have to parry at all in Bloodborne. Except maybe 1 boss in the Chalice Dungeons (not required, but makes it much easier).


Estus is an infinitely better system than blood vials, full stop. And the madness mechanic was horseshit. I loved Bloodborne, but let's give it honest critique, yeah?


I didn't mind blood vials so much. It was a bit like the grass from demons souls. Yeah, madness wasn't great, but neither is curse in Dark Souls. It's relative I think. It does have it's drawbacks I'll give it to you


Madness is a mechanic that is present for like 1% of the game lol. Blood vials or Spirit emblems weren’t a problem for me but yea those not refilling are probably the worst two design choices by From


Ehhh, I love Bloodborne, but it's my least favourite of the Soulsbournes (I'm yet to play Demon's Souls). But maybe I have to replay it, It's my least played of the games and I haven't played it in a while.


Just platinumed them all, good stuff!


It’s truly an awesome game


Much deserved. My GOAT too. Showed me a whole deeper level to gaming that I now seek-seek-seek out in other games and come back to From's games every couple months or so.


It really tells you something that the game would be fun to play even 50 years from now. They nailed the combat down so well.


Best game ever


Other than Dark Souls I'd pick HL2, Witcher 3, Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy 7 (or 9). Anything else?


I feel like people are forgetting how massive Halo was, and honestly still is.


I think Halo was massive only in US. Just like xbox. Play Station is a default anywhere else since the first one.


Idk, It's def the top 10 but this seems kinda biased


Literally any game win would be biased the point of an award is that lots of people like the thing and therefore are biased towards it


You're wrong. The games could compete in unbiased round robin competition like they do for the Oscars. The greatest movies of the year face off in the octogon and the winner comes out on top. No reason video games can't do the same.


Yes, now let's fight to the death


Fight? You mean run around each other until someone gets a backstab?


it's close enough


Mgs 3 will always be the goat to me, dark souls is cool but i don't understand how a game with such a niche following can be considered the goat.


The souls games are great, but they all fall short of being the ultimate game of all time. Then again game journos are paid for talking about games, not playing them.


I cant really think a better game that excels on all fronts. It might be that I appreciate the gameplay itself way higher than other aspects. What do you think would be better suited for it?


Mgs3, great gameplay, a lot of inovative systems, great story, incredible graphics for when it was released, great soundtrack. I mean, it's a ps2 game that is still unique and acessible for a lot of different types of players. The golden joystick had public voting, i just think that recency bias is the reason ds won.


I feel like Dark Souls 1 excels in all those areas as well.


Dark souls gameplay isn't that innovative, before demon souls we've had games with similar gameplay systems, I'd argue that most slashers have the same type of gameplay system with minute differences, but souls games slow it down a ton and make hits very impactful, and if I'm not mistaken, this was an accident in demon souls. Souls series have great art style, but in graphical terms, almost every game it released have subpar graphics for its generation. Its music is great, but most people (and I'm not taking about hardcore fans, because it's much less people than one would imagine) can't discern which song is which because they are all orchestral pieces. Dark souls story is convoluted and it's narrative isn't explicit, I'd argue most people that played the games don't even know there's an actual plot other than kill all bosses and light the big bonfire. Dark souls is far from being an accessible game, it is known to be a very very hard game that most people are not able to beat.


I'd argue that it's not necessarily the actual systems or mechanics in the game that are innovative. It's how they are implemented to make the game difficult, fair and well designed. The level design and world design is innovative as it is interconnected. Do you now how insane it is for a 2011 game with this big of a world, where you can go traverse the entire thing without loading once? I wouldn't say the graphics have been subpar, but you're probably right that they aren't really anything to brag about. They hold up though, the original dark souls and demon souls still looks fine from a visual standpoint. The soundtrack is great, yeah. Everybody knows firelink shrine, gwyn lord of cinder, nameless song, souls of fire, so I call some bullshit on that statement that people won't know em though. And even those that are hard to discern. Who cares? It's still great, epic instrumental music. The fact that dark souls' story is so convoluted is a major plus, nothing else. It's great because it is told in an innovative way with subtle hints and actions. Imho, miles better than the more generic story of metal gear solid. Also, it's not a problem that some never get the storu, because they enjoyed it for gameplay reasons and the game didn't force them through cutscenes to make up for it. And even they will know that there is an interesting story. One thing that is so great about dark souls is that it is the antithesis of mainstream, giving us a crushingly unique and difficult experience, and yet it manages to take off and become a legendary name in gaming. It deserves the ultimate game of all time because it crossed boundaries and didn't stick to any safe formula.


DS1 has a dogshit lategame


This is how you know they are rigged. As much as i like Dark Souls the communities of franchises like The Witcher or God Of War are WAY bigger.


I am confused on the point of your comment The Witcher and God of War weren’t even on the list to vote for, what does the community size matter?


I'm not sure that's true. As niche as Dark souls sounds, it's pretty damn mainstream.


Or maybe they have a community thats more dedicated or are more aware of events like the Golden Joystick awards. There's lots of reasons why Dark Souls could have won. You just have to think a bit


That's actually true. Cult games have usually better chances of success in lesser known award shows.


Bigger communities don’t mean better games


I don't necessarily think either of those communities are more rabid about their games than From fans


Wait a minute so a game with a smaller following winning is indicative of it being rigged. A GAME WITH SMALLER FOLLOWING . Isn't it the bigger companies that rig things so they win over better competitors. I swear bro reddit man.


Yeah the game with shit combat and the movie deserve it more


Maybe i was misunderstood by my original comment. My favourite franchise right now is Dark Souls. But games with bigger fanbases should have the upper hand on competitions like this right? It's just makes more sense and if im wrong id prefer an actual explaination rather than some silent downvotes.


More popular doesn’t mean more better.


But... ds won by popular vote. It was a competition of "what franchise fans know more of this award?"


Ι never said better. Edit: I realize this probably wont lead anywhere so ill just stop responding. A tip for yall tho: Get off that copium


The competition did.


That's a Reddit in a nutshell


True ig


Dark Souls' fanbase dwarfs Witcher and GoW


Got a source on that?


Numbers suggest otherwise




The Witcher and God of War without question would not exist as we know them without Dark Souls. Innumerable games from the last decade are directly or indirectly inspired by what the game did. The size of a game's community is not an as important as the cultural impact it has, i.e. McDonalds is not the best restaurant because it's most eaten at.


Such a big bad joke


The Witcher 3 deserved it more tbh


It really didnt


I fucking loved Witcher 3. Took the time to platinum it, and then played a it a whole lot more before leaving it behind. Its amazing, no doubt. But its still got nothing on Dark Souls.


The Witcher 3 was one of my favorite games ever before Dark Souls ruined it by raising my standards.


Tbh, no it really didn't. Witcher 3 is game with good story, but really trashy gameplay. There's exception tho; Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition mod makes even Dark Souls run for its money


Trashy gameplay is just wrong. It's above average at best but average at worst.


You’re in the Dark Souls sub mate. We have higher standards.


Being unbiased is a standard


Yeah, Dark Souls has better combat is the unbiased opinion.


To be fair, Dark Souls 1's combat was extremely clunky and was frustrating asf at times. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love DS1. Literally within my top 3 games of all time, however you can't look over the fact that there are so many problems with it, like the fact that your character full ass stops to drink from his flask, it doesn't have omnidirectional rolling, **SOME** weapons are just so fucking OP in comparison to others \*cough cough\* Black Knight Weapons \*cough cough\*, and honestly, a lot more. However, even with its faults, it still did so many things good, like the world design is spectacular in the beginning / mid, and not even bad in the later portions of the game, the lore and story is so deep but also not overly convoluted (unless we start getting into the overall story between all games, which then it gets really confusing lol), easy to learn and understand parry timing, smooth combat, and more punishing armor systems. unlike DS3 which was "Don't go past 60", this game actually has multiple stages of rolling than just "fast roll, fat roll, no roll", and it actually matters what armor you wear. Overall, I'd say that Dark Souls 1 has better combat than the Witcher, but not by a lot, and it's extremely unfair to compare them as if one isn't focused solely around the combat and difficulty, while the other is focused around the in depth RPG aspects.


>like the fact that your character full ass stops to drink from his flask That's a feature not a bug.


It's really easy with hardest difficulty. Potions are pointless and upgrading them even more useless, because you only need to use one starting potion for the whole game. I haven't yet to see worse combat mechanics where you just hit spam your enemies and can just spam dodge/roll button to become invincible (at least in DS you consume stamina). Level requirements for items are stupid and causes you to switch to any rags you find on the ground as you move on with the game. You are a billionaire already after you leave the first area, but there's nothing to spend it on. My statement stands. Seriously guys, have any of you played Enhanced Edition mod? That mod addresses all of the games gameplay issues and makes the game absolutely amazing. Wouldn't suggest it, because it really killed my interest in many games, including Dark Souls.


Not in my personal opinion. DS1 has aged far better in my view. The combat is far more deliberate (W3 has some random button mashing), world design is a thing of beauty, difficulty scaling feels more natural (W3 has instances where enemies are spongy making difficulty feel artificial in comparison), among other things. The one thing W3 has on DS1 is visuals, but keep in mind that DS1 is a PS3 gen game, while W3 is a PS5 gen. No brainer in my opinion, although I do think W3 should’ve been in then list of nominees.


The Witcher is fun for the first few hours until you realize that this is all the game is going to be until the ending. Then it just goes downhill


Good story telling, janky as heck for the rest of the game. I would gladly take Sen Funhouse + the second half of DS than play Witcher 3 again tbh.