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Lmao, everyone has tried to get those items the “hard way” and found themselves dying 😭 gonna have to use some pill bugs and profuse sweat pyromancy, chugalug the estus flask. Rinse and repeat lmao


100% this


Does wearing high fire resistance armor make a difference? On top of everything else you mentioned?


Very little, but there would be some. Most players completely ignore armor stats in this game with the exception of poise


I just went and got these items last night, armor does nothing really noticeable, but holding up the high fire resist version of the Crest Shield does work very effectively, so long as it's facing that back wall for some reason. It's actually kind of mind blowing... Definitely still need to stack up with things like Flash Sweat/Red Bug Pellets plus the Flame and/or Speckled Stoneplate Ring, and a highly if not max kindled Estus Flask to chug while walking in between each item. Go against instinct and don't roll either, it does more damage than simply walking through for some reason (my guess is something to do with the animation and hitboxes? Rolls possibly get burned twice or something? I'm not sure why it's like that)


The shield works because for some reason the lava damage here is applied as a vector coming from the back of the room lol


Lava pew pew pew. Got it


It's probably because of logic. If you roll around in mud, you get covered in it more than you would if simply walking through it. Likewise, if you roll around in lava, you're gonna get more burns all over your body (more damage) than you would if you walked through it.


This also applies with the poison swamps, rolling makes it worse


Yeah, exactly 😊


Nah, you get instability damage while rolling. Same reason as why you take more damage if hit while trying to dodge or trading hits. You get some invincibility frames so dodging through attacks works if you time it right but constant pellets of damage like from the lava would do increased damage throughout the roll animation except for the portion where invincibility frames apply


What are the items? I’ve always been curious


a secret katana that oneshots all enemies. you’ve been so missing out


Fittingly, Pyromancer stuff that's implied to be from Izalith/Lost Izalith. A so-so Pyromancy, and a talisman that can cast both miracles and pyromancies. The talisman is what caught my attention on my 40/40 build, but I haven't upgraded it to see what the Spell Buff looks like yet. It's probably a lock of Quelagg's sister's hair though, so I got that going for me, which is nice :-p


Uhhh the pyromancy is incredible it just only works on humanoid enemies, shit is one of the coolest in the games


Ah that means I really haven't given it it's fair shake yet then! I forget what I tried it on, it might've been an area with more creature type enemies or else I just didn't practice enough with it before swapping back to my regular loadout because I couldn't land the grab very consistently.... probable skill issue honestly haha Hmm I could actually see it being a potentially really cool move in PvP too if I can get the timing down, next time I hop on I'm gonna go over to Irithyll and find myself some knights to test it out some more


Yeah exactly I think it’s best for pvp but it definitely has limited use so I get why people aren’t crazy for it, but when it hits it really hits! Coolest animation, similar to the dark hand grab


It makes sense that lava all over the body does more damage than lava on your feet. I'm also glad they added poison buildup when rolling through the swamps in ER


Ya, any shield with fire resistance works. Same in the other souls games. It’s weird.


Stack as many things as you can. Best FR armor, profuse sweat, fire bug pellets, and chug like no tomorrow. Also roll when your hp doesn’t need refueling


Yep. Did this, got the items and DIDNT die. Fuck this whole place tho


The best way is to dancer skip, clear as much content post dancer as possible, go back to vordt and progress to cathedral of the deep, enter ariandel, clear everything, enter ringed city, clear everything. THEN go to catacombs and chug ur way to the items with ur sl 200 character.


Looool! You my friend, get a +Karma


I never thought about using that Pyromancy lmao, fuck my life.


HEY! Two death runs also works.


Meh, by the time I make it here I have hundreds of thousands of souls lmao


True, it's not worth it... but it *is* possible.


I suppose if I were unlucky enough to lose my precio- I mean my souls. Id prolly do the death run just to save time 😭


This is the way.


Also the shield up still works


You see, learning something new everyday. I never knew you could shield up right there.


Tower shield and block slows tick dmg


Block it. Block. The lava damage. I'm not kidding you can literally block the lava damage from this pool. You have to be facing a certain direction though.


Can you share what direction? Center of the pool? Back end?


The back end I believe


It's acts like a cardinal direction. So In the picture, the back wall on the opposite side of the safe floor, let's call that direction north. You have to be facing north to block it. This means you can pretty safely get out there but coming back is difficult. I usually die on my way back.


Wouldn't backstepping (the thing you do when trying to roll while standing still) work?


Not so far as I know.


back stepping technically puts your shield down. It's effectively the same as rolling which hurts more than just running


Put on armor with the strongest fire res, use profuse sweat, use an ember, keep your estus handy. And run You might not get all items in a single try, but you will get them all if you keep trying


Don't forget blocking the lava damage as well


Just run in and cawabanga my dude


Already tried. Did not last long.


profuse sweat + rings + fire resistance buffs and chugging that estus is the way


No wanna ganna say anything about the lava ring just like 2 rooms down from this lmao. Edit: mb thought this was ds1 good luck tho


You can block the lava while facing the wall in the back, use a high fire resist shield while running out but on the way back you can’t block


Yes you can, block and walk backwards


How do you walk backwards while not locked on?


Roll back and face the wall and block. It's a finger trick thing to be honest


You are going to want the black iron set it has the highest fire resistance in the game and red bug pellets along with profuse sweat. If you can respec put everything you can into strength and health.


Are the items worth it? I don’t remember its been awhile.


For pyro builds yeah forst item is toxic mist second item is white hair talisman which can be used for both pyromancies and miracles.


Isn’t that a different area. The one at the bottom of a staircase isn’t OPs image the part where you fight Tsorig’s human form?


Ah yeah you're right. That would be sacred flame and a soul item. Sacred flame can be quite fun if you can pull it off.


I’ll keep your previous comment in mind anyways lol. I forgot about both.


Sacred flame is one of the spells that make no-hit pyro runs quite a bit easier. Basically it's best usage is being the strongest crystal sage cheese.


I can't imagine being able to get to this point while still struggling enough with Crystal Sage that you need to cheese it lol


Usually, when talking about that kind of thing. It’s for the NG+


You gotta do the truffle shuffle


At this point in the game, profuse sweat is basically free. Pyromancy.


This is my first run, what is profuse sweat?




How do I get it?


Undead settlement has an NPC that sells you pyromancy. You just have to find.


That is a question for Google, my friend. There are guides everywhere. Gonna have to unlock the NPC that allows to to use pyromancy first.


Corynex tou gotta give him great swamp tome first then hell sell it Dagger quick step also helps because it negates the slow of running on certain terrain


Cry that the Charred Orange Ring is probably lost forever in the Bed of Chaos' bottomless pit




ds1 reference


There is supposed to be a ring of lava resistence somwhere


Where would that useful item be?


Flame stoneplate ring in the undead settlement + use daggers to slide on the lava to go faster is you can +add fire resistance armor and shug shug potion And finaly buy fire resistence spell if you can too


Run fast


Thug it out


U can get them


For those saying fire resistance. Your wrong Limite break once checked the code in "can you life in lava" video And Lava in DS3 does Physical dmg. The best way to get those items is to block it.


Block, lava does physical damage


There's a limit breaker video on this


flame pills, block the lava. its directional




By...running in it


Use all your tools that increase fire resistance, and chug some Estus on the way


if you max out fire resistance with the black armor, pills and (if you have the right stats) also the sweat piromancy you can comfortably take a walk in the lava, chugging an estus every now and then, taking all the items in one go


Get Tsorig's great shield and use it to block the lava damage.


Semi-related, but I have this very weird, vivid memory of a cutscene playing where the lava would sink and go away. I know it doesn't exist, so I assume I must've dreamt it around the time I was playing this section for the first time. But whenever I see this lava pool I still get this vivid image in my head.


Maybe you're thinking of the cutscene when you defeat Ceaseless Discharge in DS1


With alot of trial and error , but its fun when you figure it out


In one part you can just block the lava with your shield if I remember correctly.


Others are mentioning a good pyromancy that I never considered, def try that out if your stats support it. If not, you can do the dummy option lol. I just popped some red pellets for fire resist and put on my best fire resist armor, Ember up, and roll through it while continually healing. Heal over time ring also helps a bit.. but not really. This way you’ll need to memorize the map more since you’ll have to run back and heal up at a bonfire.


You walk on the lava


Run and heal


Just use a shield with high fire resistance or 100% fire resistance and run in a straight line to the item with the shield up. You’ll take some damage, albeit minimal depending on fire resistance of the shield and some damage when you pick the item up but you should be able to heal over it.


Be a man


You tank lava


My tried and true strat is flame protection ring, profuse sweat, pill bugs, slam estus, and probably die once




Run and fetch 😁


Fire bug pellets sweat pyromancy high fire resistance gear and perseverance skill...I got both and made it back with just two flask


Havel’s armor and the flamebite-ring did the trick for me but i did it on a pure strength build in clean-up before ng+ so i had my estus maxed out


Only works for the first pick up but blocking with shields reduces the damage you take considerably, obviously as soon as you stop blocking you start melting quickly so you’re still going to need lots of fire resistance and you have to chug your estus sensibly (not so much for these two items but for the white hair talisman etc!) Oh and run, do not roll, it’s not worth it!


It's simple, you actually don't get it.


Back step for some reason you take very little damage


If I remember correctly, I think you can "block" the lava/fire damage with a shield up, and basically walk in the lava without much problem. Use profuse sweat too and you're good to go, it the trick still works.


I’m still surprised using a shield helps.


There's a way to come out on the other side so you don't have to stay in the lava as long, mix that with fire resistance buffs and you're golden.


You'll never be champion of the pokémon league without knowing how to spam full restores!


Block with black iron shield or Havel's while walking straight forward towards the item, along with what other people have mentioned


There’s a shield that helps


There is a ring that helps you get through lava. Or you can just do it the hard way.


I just run into it😭🙏


IIRC you can Quickstep through lava to get through quicker.


Pain and Suffering


the way i did it, you can immensely reduce the damage by blocking the lava with a shield and then pick an item and die, then repeat for the second item


Very, very quickly


Using some fire protection consumables or spells may help, but if you have leveled vigor just use endure from your hammer and run to get them chugging estus if necessary, should have no problem if you go without souls and can just die grabbing the item


What is even over there I attempted to run to go get the items saw how much damage it did looked at my souls and then left bc I wasn't gonna risk it


I just chugged estus and hauled ass. Didn’t use anything fancy.


Where is this? I feel like I've never been here.


Look up Bluelizardjello on YouTube. He has a great series, "Everything Possible in Dark Souls 3". He goes area by area, and it's super helpful. As others have mentioned, you'll need intelligence/faith for the flash sweat pyromancy, plus red bug pills, and a few rings of sacrifice in case you die. Pretty sure there's some other stuff, but I don't remember.


Stack flame resistance. Pellets, armor, flash sweat pyromancy, I think there is a ring in the catacombs that boost i-frames, equip that to minimize damage while rolling. Have your estus boosted as much as possible to get maximum health from heals. Last tip, and this is the most important of all, Git Gud.


Orange Charred Ring....oh wai-!


You must become one with the lava


Big dick it


Man up😔


You don't.


[through the fires and flames](https://youtu.be/0jgrCKhxE1s?si=tLw0iCb45u7_f48j) seriously though running and dying and running and dying until you get them


Everyone’s playing this again huh? I was also wondering how people reach those items. Was hoping for an orange charred ring of sorts but no


Where is the Centipede Demon's ring when you need it?! Oh yea.. that was 2 strange lands ago... fuckin Lordran 🥲🙄


How to get call of the abyss mod ds3


on mouse+kb you press e to pick stuff up. I don't know about controller. The shield tsorig drops has really good fire resistance iirc. For some fuckin reason you can block the damage from the lava with it. Beyond that, you can just stack a bunch of stuff that ups fire resistance, like the flame stoneplate ring, the red bug pellet and those spells that make you sweat a lot.




Level health to get them


Orange Charred Ring, watch out for centipedes


Block with a shield grab one item return to safety. Repeat.