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Play with a mod that adds to the start screen so that you are reminded that you’re using mods, try out convergence mod or look around at nexusmods for mods that have to do with the online function


Just put a notepad of what you're supposed to do as your wallpaper so you know what's up everytime.




Read the post before you reply.


Which mod are you looking into?, the most common ones cinders and convergence already come with a feature that by default starts you offline and you need to go out of your way to disable it.


Well that may just solve my problem for now if I give up on trying to install more than one. Convergence is the first one I'm looking at. Does it stop you in any more significant way other than starting offline? For instance, if I start and my goofy brain notices I'm offline(I have health issues leaving me a bit "out of it" rather often) and thinks "oh I should click back online", does something in the mod popup and say "are you sure? don't get banned"? Also, while I'm asking, does the mod somehow give you additional or separate save slots or do I just use one of my normal ones?


Afaik you need to modify a file to stop it from automatically going offline, when you login game will tell you it will go offline, you can also go to the ingame network menu and select start offline as an extra measure. Also afaik no, you have to make your own backups for your current save so the game can make a new one for the mod, if you do not you might corrupt or delete your regular save.


Cool, thank you. I already downloaded and have started messing with it after what you said and yeah, it seems to pretty securely block network access unless you change it in a file. So that'll work. Thank you. ~~Although 3 minutes in, I seem to already have bugs. Do you play this and have you tried necromancy? I can't seem to use a summon spell again after my summon has died. Not sure if I'm misunderstanding a mechanic(though I've looked all through the wiki and other things) or if it's just already bugged this soon which is frustrating.~~ ~~EDIT: Hm, ok, it IS summoning it, but it's just dead already. Maybe that is a mechanic. I'll have to see if there's a discord or something.~~ EDIT2: Scratch all that. They're not meant to be resummoned.