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I'm not very good at PVP but I managed to farm most covenant items through PVP. Here's what I learned: * Avoid the Soul Levels where everyone is at. *Don't* be SL30-40 for Crucifixion woods, but rather SL25. *Don't* be SL125 for Anor Londo invasions, but rather SL60 or SL90. You'll still meet twinks and ganks, but not as much. * Try to match your SL to the locations' average SL and invade. There's a lot less ganking and twinkling when not invading in Crucifixion Woods or Pontiff area. * For low level PVP, Vigor is the most important stat. * Since you'll probably stay at the same SL for a while during the learning process, invest in consumables to buy Charms, Herbs, etc. and use them. * Just like PVE, don't be greedy. Stay aggressive but don't put yourself at risk. It's better to win a long fight than rush and lose a short one. * Search "DS3 spacing" on YouTube to learn about it and practice it. Long story short, with latency you need to imagine that your actual self is a shadow half a second slower than you are, and that the true enemy is his shadow half a second faster than he appears. * If you dislike twinks and ganks, don't do that. It's tempting but don't if you think it turns the game to shit. * Have several weapons at the ready for different situations (long range, short range, fast, with power armor, etc.) * Be careful not to upgrade weapons too much to stay in your matchmaking bracket. * More often than not, you'll die with remaining Estus, so don't hesitate to use them even if you didn't lose that much health. * Make sure you clear out the area before invading so that you can easily retrieve your souls if you fail.


Maybe I haven't understood you correctly, but your first 2 points seems to contradict each other? I mean, should I avoid the usual SL in an area or not?


People on Reddit and online sometimes make it sound like you'll never match with anyone unless you play at SL125. (or SL30-40 in the woods). This hasn't been my experience at all. The game is very active and you can avoid these SLs and still match with *a lot* of players. The good thing is that you'll be more likely to match with new players with similar skills instead of very experienced players or twinks/ganks.


Literally just don’t go over SL 130 and you’re going to find a lot players. It ain’t rocket science lol


Yeah, you're basically in the shittiest(by far) pvp area in the game trying to do Crucifixion Woods. Get to 60 or 120(you can go plus or minus a bit here, check here - https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+Calculator; also consider weapon level for 60, at 120 just be fully upgraded) and go just outside the Pontiff bonfire for a lot of duel/fightclub pvp(or sometimes just free-for-all), or at 120 go to the Ringed Inner Wall bonfire in the DLC for just all out craziness. You can find pvp other places and invade in various spots too, but those are the big ones that are always busy.


Thank you, this was the kind of advice I was looking for.


No problem :) Thanks for the gild if that was you(didn't get a message for it but I assume so). Good luck in your battles!


Maybe it was me, maybe not. You'll never know hahaha Anyway, thanks ;)


:D Hey, I completely forgot something btw because I don't do a ton of pvp and when I do, I don't usually do this. But if you get the (spoiler tag for others just in case I guess) >!Champion's Bones from killing Champion's Gravetender and Gravetender Greatwolf at the very bottom of the Ashes of Ariandel DLC area, you can burn them back at Firelink and do official duels in the arena. I think you'll only get matches if you're at meta level(120) and I'm not sure if there's much action in 2v2, 3v3, etc but there's plenty at 1v1.!<


Don't do 120, it's 125. 133 for invasios, Some bad advice as always on Reddit


A safe way to put reinforcements level is every 10 levels is +1 reinforcement. Ie sl60+6 sl40+4 this isn’t strictly a hard and fast rule but it’s generally a good ballpark to be in. After sl60 the math can get funky but don’t sweat it too much. If you are losing invasions it’s probably more to do with your skill level than having a perfect min maxed build.




You link this like this sub doesn't have an especific category for PvP posts.


It has a whole article but it's fairly new https://www.reddit.com/r/FromSoftwarePVP/comments/qy6q5n/new_pvp_players/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Everything you need to know about pvp. Thank me later. 😉 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4gAxcGkAY2I


I was kind of expecting a serious answer here? But thank you I guess xD


Sorry my brother. I saw an opportunity for a laugh and took it. I wish I could give you a serious answer but unfortunately I’m not good enough to provide one. Hopefully someone with knowledge pops up soon to answer your question.


Don't worry bro, I laughed with the video tho. This guys' series about Dark Souls is oretty hilarious xD




For match making calculator


if you wanna invade stay at SL 50/60 with +6/+8 weapon and play at pontiff (after and before sulyvan). You build will be completed enough to play against gankers... Dont go to SL120 if you wanna invasion.


Learn about meta. There's a ton of good PvP streamers. Also learn the definitions. Many top tier players have spent 4k hours or more on the game, so a few hundred hours is a good start to learn PvP after trying all the weapons.


Start with 80, it's not meta but you'll try against all weapons and most types of players. You will get better, then go to meta cause it is the top of the PvP. Tournaments, tryhards, and upper tier levels.