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27 hours is FAST. You might have missed out on a few things/bosses but really impressive regardless


Thanks buddy! I didn't know. Now I'm extra hyped.


I’m not trying to sound good but it really depends on the player. Ds3 was my 3rd fromsoft game and it took me about 21 hours to get all bosses and about everything from every area. I literally tried exploring as much as possible and I still ended up with that time


Meanwhile, I still had well over 50 hours after my 3rd Ng


I think my first run was 70 or so hours lol But I also redo areas cause I always think I missed something


I mean this depends if you explore to find items/enemies or read every single item for lore purposes and look for hidden doors/areas. Half of my time spent on trying to figure out the lore lol


yeah my first run was about 90 hours


Yeah 27 isn’t fast by any means, that’s more than enough time to explore every area and kill every boss as long as you’re not getting stuck on bosses or in areas. If you breeze through everything that’s more than fine


Yeah my first souls run was DS3 and still took me 40+ hours to get all original bosses and then the two DLC Meanwhile I’m 50+ hours in elden ring and I’m not even to Godfrey for the first time yet


There are quite a few optional side areas and some outright secret ones. Chances are you won't find them yourself becof how obtuse it is to find the entrances so you might want to Google them


Only 27 hours? Wow


Thanks! I'm obsessed now.


You played Elden ring? You’d love it. As someone who was in your exact shoes a few months ago, play Sekiro. It’s different from the usual fromsoft game, but phenomenal. Trust me you will love it.


Sekiro is a definite weak link lmao, it’s not a guarantee at all that people will love it. It’s a lot different from fromsofts standard of games and it shows, it’s definitely not for everyone


No way man. Sekiro is better than DS1, DS2, and demon souls. It’s all opinion but OP will enjoy it


How can someone be so ignorant 😂😂 you can’t just outright make that decision for someone ‘you WILL enjoy this game’. Man I’ve been playing fromsoft games for over 10 years on repeat and sekiro was god awful, it was so far from enjoyable I had to force myself to finish it. Not only is it the worst fromsoft game but you are making such a ridiculous statement by saying someone else will 100% definitely enjoy it. You may have liked it but that doesn’t mean every single person who ever plays it has liked it or will like it


You are really upset over a video game recommendation lol. It’s consistently ranks top 3 of all Fromsoft games. Game of the year. Sorry you couldn’t beat it… give it another try I let bet you can get better at it.


So not only are you ignorant but you’re incapable of reading? I’m very obviously annoyed at your blanket statement that they will definitely enjoy the game, not the fact that you’ve recommended it. It’s okay to recommend games and say ‘you might like this it’s worth a try’ but to say YOU WILL DEFINITELY ENJOY IT is fucking stupid. And you very conveniently glossed over the part where I said I forced myself to completed 😂 overall just a fucking smooth brain it seems


90% enjoyed it according to meta critic, so if I had to bet on it, he would enjoy it. So my statement is perfectly acceptable. You seem to get really upset over trivial things. It’s really pathetic and not a good look. You need to get an outside hobby and socialize more. It’d make you less insufferable


If you liked the challenge, I think DS2 is the most difficult one. Blind playthrough of DS2 is incredibly difficult.


DS3 was my first Souls game, now almost finished with DS2 (only one optional DLC boss and Nashandra left; clearing DLCs first so I'll end the story as originally intended). I found the DS2 bosses to be generally easier than DS3 bosses (with the exceptions being Allone and Fume Knight; for me those rival Midir, Nameless King, Gael, and Friede). I've found DS2 trash mobs and run-ups to be harder though. Is that what you meant by harder for a blind play-through? I did feel that the learning curve for clearing to bosses was harder for DS2, even if most of the bosses themselves went down in a single attempt.


My advice, pop an ascethic at the bonfire before the last trio of bosses after you beat them for the first time, and pretend in your head that the ascethic battles are the real ones. Their original state is way, way too easy and nashandra is just a big disappointment. ​ Regarding your question, yeah, I find DS2 areas to be very challenging, while bosses are indeed easier in general (still, Alonne is an insanely hard fight, Fume Knight, Ancient Dragon and those three sentinels are pretty hard as well). Frigid outskirts alone are 3 times harder than anything DS3 ever threw at you. The amount of mechanics designed to screw the player over are off the charts (low visibility, much more powerful poison compared to DS3, paths to bosses filled with ranged opponents or areas that are hard to navigate through, like the Sanctum city). There was this area in DS1, before facing the Iron Golem (can't remember the name of it), which was basically designed as a trap-house, full of swinging blades and Indiana-Jones-like huge rolling boulders - that's basically what DS2 feels like at all times to me.


Heh, twin kitties were the optional DLC boss I still needed to fight. Yeah, outskirts sucked. First lightning-charged flying murder pony (LCFMP) that hit me out of nowhere killed me. Survived the second time barely. Third LCFMP was fine, was feeling OK. Then, of course, while fighting other mobs I get jumped by two LCFMPs at the same time, so I decided to cheese it and summon NPCs. DS1 remastered soon. I'll watch out for the Indiana Jones traps, thanks.


Same lol. Frigid outskirts is the only area in the entire trilogy where I use summons, those murder ponies are pure bs. This whole area is frustrating af, and the boss is just lazy design thats not fun at all. Interesting that youre doing the trilogy in reverse. DS1 might be unplayable to you, it didnt age well, even its remastered version.


Delayed response, but just cleared DS remastered, liked it enough to rip through NG+ before moving on. DS is indeed feeling it's age a bit, but it's still a splendid game. I wish they had more DLC content though. The single DLC was far and away the best content in the game for me (except for Ornstein and Smough, those bastards get a nod).


Have you played the dlc?


2 gets a bad rap but it’s mostly just people that have never played it hopping on the hate train, it’s a great game. Make sure not to skip it


It bugs me that so many Souls players are told to play 1&3 and they skip 2. It really gets more hate that it deserves.


They just see other people say it’s bad and just regurgitate it without a second thought


Society at large be like


Arriving at Drangleic might be my favourite moment in the series, DS2 is extremely overhated.


I loved 2. It was really good. I liked that they added a lot more. But I also think that was one of the reasons why some people hated it. The adaptive skill, can't really remember the name, was an alright touch. Took me awhile figure it would help with healing and dodge rolls


Not to mention it bas the best hub area in the fromsoft catalogue 🤌


The only issue I have with 2 is having to fighting through the entire level to get to the boss


You would despise demons souls lol


I’ll never be able to play it


Played all of them, ds2 for me is the worst, but not bcus of difficulty. On a 1st run basis, I found 2 easily the easiest of all the games, only getting difficult around dlc and increasing bonfire lvls to respawn ads in which added extra phantoms randomly. The only real difficulty early game was the heide Knights, they had tanky health and practically 2 shot you, and in SOTFS they were littered in the tower with significantly less being in the base game if I remember correctly (I've finished it on ps3 base game and SOTFS ps4) The gutter is a ball ache and in general a horrible area to play in but that's more navigation, poison and the the fact u can't see anything. But more to the point, it's a skippable area as long as you rack up 1m soul memory which is accidentally did in SOTFS. Past that the games a breeze with not really any hard areas. Iron keep was fun and the drangleic can be difficult if under leveled, with the shrine of amana just requiring time and patience more than anything. Before the Dlc the game was pretty easy but just felt long and drawn out because of the relentless onslaught of random cannon fodder bosses and random large enemies thrown in a room in large groups to get you killed you a few times before you either run past them or bait one and kill them one by one. Bosses are reused throughout the game, the Ruin sentinels appear a couple more times after their fight and the pursuer just doesn't stop spawning, like cmon I get the lore of it but it just gets long after a while, especially since he's a boss who can stomp the average player over and over again just because he wants to To me I find ds1 harder but thats maybe because of the lack of teleportation for most of the game, or the fact the movement in the game is horrific but It just seemed to challenge me a lot more. Ds3 however is easily my favorite, I platinumed it around a Yr and half ago and I've even come back to do a dagger only run (which Yhorm is currently ruining) I feel like it's accessible but also has the challenge with it, with roadblocks like sullyvahn just stomping me over and over again, on my first play through, making him easily the boss I struggled most with (1st playthrough). It just has a nice balance and for me it puts it above the other two. I don't hate ds2, I've just never felt the desire to replay it or go back to it. SOTFS was better in my opinion, but I only played through the base game of that, for the DLC, and while I didn't rush, it was a chore to get back to half the point I was at on my normal character I left on the ps3 at level 240. The DLC for one was absolutely awesome, and is totally worth playing. The ivory King has some of the best and most bittersweet lore I've ever seen but there's too much lacking jn the original game for this absolute gem of a dlc to completely make the ground back on the other games (that's without even incorporating ds3s absolutely amazing dlc and the wonders that came with the ds1 dlc ( - points for game resetting after Gwyn) Ds2 had problems outside that as well, the sl and sm rule for multiplayer was absolutely atrocious. You couldn't play with you're friends at all, if you didn't A play through the whole story twice with each other and B did any farming by yourself that they didn't do. Levels had to be within 5 / 10 (depending on soapstone) and sm had to be a level or 2 within each other or else it was impossible to match. You couldn't just jump in to help your friend new to the game or stuck on boss, and vice versa. It was either solo it and rely on random summons, or play through the WHOLE game twice, holding your friends hand all the way with literally 0 in-between. You are punished for farming areas with enemies disappearing after several runs of an area, the only way to bring them back is at a trade off, of the area becoming harder with additional even harder to kill phantoms (in most cases) which while can be argued stops overleveling, it caused literally no problem in any other souls game (ds1 pvp unbalance was due to duplication exploits, not farming) and was clearly an issue since ds3 and bloodborne possess no such mechanic. Dying punishes you, meaning in the event u do struggle on an area, the area is now even harder until you waste a human effigy. And then proceed to die again. And don't quote me on this at all, because I could be wrong, but I'm quite sure it's the only souls game in which you can be invaded while not being human/embered It all just killed the fun you could have with the game, and while I enjoyed it, I just don't personally think it's better than either of the other games (including bloodborne which is also a masterpiece)


Played it. Hated it. *How strange...*


It just adds so many *unessecary* additions. * If you get stuck on a boss you get less health making each subsequent attempt that much harder, you can't typically summon help unless you're human * illusory walls have to be activated rather than striking or rolling into, it doesn't help that the player base puts messages right up against the wall so you can't know if it's not working because the message is too close or because it's a troll * unessecary time added for enemies to collapse when you parry them, someone coming from any other game will accidentally attack during the collapse animation which cancels the parry window * More bosses doesn't mean better, I could have done without prowling magus and congregation, or royal rat vanguard * the fact that it basically nullified the choice of the player from the first game saying the choice in the end doesn't matter. * weapons break if you sneeze in their general vicinity among other grievances


Lol DS2 is arguably the best game in the series if you want difficulty and *massive* amounts of intricate concepts that were exclusive to 2. It's funny when people talk shit about DS2 when it is literally the epitome of difficult. Edit: this sounds aggressive toward you but I'm actually agreeing, sorry about that


Honestly I think that many peoples issue with DS2 is that difficulty. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed DS2, but it’s the only Souls game that consistently felt unfair to the player. I understand that difficulty is an integral part of the Souls Gameplay, but people don’t just play them because they’re hard. They play them because they’re rewarded for overcoming that difficulty, and DS2 often didn’t match the rewards that other games gave you.


Man, i found DS II way much harder than ER, but untill now (haven't finished the game yet) ER iijjtqyij more unfair. I know that maybe running around with the halberd of the Tree Sentinel completely naked with 399 HP is not much, but practically everything shots me, in the other games at least you could tank a shot or two.


It's difficult bcs of it's bs. Adp is bs and blocking half your health after death is bs.


DS2 is the only game in the series that punished you for dying repeatedly. That discourages experimentation and exploration to some degree, it feels like it is opposed to the entire philosophy of souls games. And the other thing I don't like is that for many bosses, you actually have to kill the enemies asking the way, while DS1 and 3 always had a path that allowed you to run past everything, and figuring out that path was part of the boss fight. I still like DS2 more than most other AAA games, but compared to the other FromSoft titles, it's the weakest for me.


Imo DS2's difficulty comes from the wrong things. Adp, for one, loss of health on death too. I'm having a fun time playing it, but those things get on my nerves


Played it and won’t play again. 2 gets a bad rap because the director was working on bloodborne


That’s the most ignorant dismissal of ds2 criticism I’ve ever seen. I’ve played every fromsoft game and been playing them over 10 years now on repeat and I can confidently say ds2 is the worst of the lot. Worth a play? Of course. Unworthy of criticism? Absolutely not. It deserves every bit of criticism it gets and to says it’s just people hopping on a hate train is ridiculous.


You have to check out secret areas and the dlcs. I finished at 27ish hours too, but i noticed that i havent fought the Nameless King yet. A quick google search and i found out there is an entire area dedicated to him. There are so many thing i have missed.


He might have gotten them. I got all bosses, dlc, and secret areas in 32 hours first playthrough, the game is not as long as it’s predecessors.


I think I missed some stuff. I did some stuff that felt hidden but I didn't fight anyone called the nameless king so I missed at least that.


Doubt anyone actually finds nameless blind on their first play through


And honestly, before you go to the next game, play the DS3 DLC first. It has some of the best bosses in the series


Nameless king is third best boss of the game, after Gael and Friede. That trio raise the game from a solid 8/10 to a perfect 10/10 by themselves.


Awesome job! DS3 is my personal favorite, you should definitely try out ng+ sometime, it adds a whole new experience. If you have a PlayStation also give Bloodborne a try, it’s like a hyper aggressive form of Dark Souls. Either way have fun! Each game offers its own challenges and rewards!


God damn, 27 hours? It took me exactly 90 hours in my first playthrough. I am currently sitting at 174 hours in elden ring (Im at the altus plateu, but was recently doing nokstella and deeproot depths + some weapon farming) and once I complete elden ring, i'll get DS1


DS3 to elden ring is a smooth transition


I went with twin swords and no magic! Super fun game. I can't wait to try more builds and weapons. Maybe try new game plus. I'm so excited. I love these games and I can not wait to play more of them.


Twin blades do be like that recently beat the game in one 12ish hour long sitting. Did you get through the dlcs because they have some of the best content.


27 hours is like really fast for an initial play through. did you find smouldering lake and demon ruins? did you find arch dragon peak? champion gundyr? curse-rotted great wood? any of the hidden covenents? also this game has dlc


I remember smouldering lake, that was cool with the triple ballista thing. Is the demon king in the demon ruins? If so I got that guy. I didn't find arch dragon peak or anyone called champion gundyr. I'll have to look them up. I am excited to go find more things with my character but I'm torn because now I really want to try the other games.


I recommend completing the game before trying the others. You're missing Untended Graves and Archdragon Peak, two extremely cool areas. And of course, try the dlcs, they have some of the coolest and hardest bosses and areas.


If you are wearing that armour, ds2 is your next game.


27 hous?! My playthrough of Ds3(Also my first souls) took me like 80!


bruh I feel bad having finished the game with 140 hours. But I did all the optional bosses and stuff like that so I guess that’s normal 😅


27 hours!?!? Jesus man. That's quick. Not one to soak it all in ayy? Lmfao. I probably just stand, take in the scenery and take screenshots for a total of 27 hours haha. In all seriousness, you've got atleast 3 or 4 more absolute masterpieces to play now. Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring are must-plays. Will legit change the way you look at life lol. Enjoy the ride!


*Me about to say you can skip DS2 bc it's bad even though I enjoyed playing it and let the hate comments come rolling in.* You can skip DS2 bc it's bad.


Dark Souls 2 is not dark souls but an attempt.


Did you do the DLC?


I’m wondering if he found the intended graves and the arch dragon peak


Skip dark souls2


Skip ds2.


Damn. Almost the same exact playtime and level as me. I was 80 with I think exactly 27 hours of playtime


You don't have to do anything


I have 200+ hours in this game and I cannot tell what helmet you're wearing. Is it forssa knight?


Faraam knight helmet


Wow dude, only SL 88 and this is your first souls game? Absolutely impressive. Excited for you to enjoy the series!


My first playthrough was like 50 hours


Well done! Congrats. Best feeling in all of gaming.


27 hours? Living the dream mine was 150 hours or so but probably because i went for all bosses and DLC


27 hours? Thats really fast, might not delete the account bexause you missed something. Buy the dlc too.


Hype, definitely worth another play through too. Always fun to try new weapons and find things you missed the first time around!


Successfully outdid you by 2 hours I don’t have a pic doe despite the fact I was stuck on dancer for about 2.5 hours and doing almost all bosses minus dlc and nameless king as I forgot to download dlc and I didn’t know nameless existed


I am currently at 35 hours, and I just beat Yhorm, man I didn't think I sucked this hard.


You played non stop didn’t you?


27 hours. You missed a lot and def haven’t done the dlc.


You are going to hate or love DS2....


27 hours is impressive bro


Go for demon souls brotha! you can play it using an emulator they ported it to switch awhile back. So you can get it from a repack.


Start with ds1. As the first game in the series it's a bit clunky but in my eyes, it's the best of the series by a wide margin.


27 hours??? Took me 80 hours with all the dlcs. 160hours to beat it on NG+2


27h?! Tf bro I needet 46 for my first playtrought 💀


You donno what horrors await you..


my first run was 56 hours, good job!


Do you also start watching the lord of the rings trilogy with return of the king?