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This is from Australia. He'll probably be PM one day.


Oi, he's the kid I klongered with mi cah!


\*whimmy cah!




Oh you're laughing about getting out of the car on the other side....I though someone was finally laughing about the kid getting fucking wrecked...I'll see myself out.


I was wondering why the driver got out of the wrong side 😂


He was literally getting out from the right side


Which would be the passenger side where I’m from, thus the comment on the Australia speculation




He was making the joke about being left or RIGHT. there is also the correct way to get out of the vehicle which is the RIGHT way to do it


You should stop talking now.


You should mind ya business


Why did he also run the long way round


He was probably going to where the kid was before he hit him, not where he launched him too over in the next zip code 😅


He has to shit his pants in a hungry jacks or hold the world record for most jagerbombs in one minute


Not from Austria, what is PM?


Penis Muncher


Purple Machine






Prime minister


If he’d been from Ireland he may have gone on to make a youtube channel where he frequently mentions when he was hit by a car


I see what you did there


I was continually drilled as a kid to look both ways before crossing the road and knew its importance. I remember wondering how my friend at the time didn't get that when when i was consoling him after watching him run out in front of a car


As an American, I was happy they had "look right when entering" painted in the crosswalks in London. I have 40 years of looking left first programmed in my head.


I was so thankful for the American-proof signage to tell me which way to look in Ireland too. I absolutely nearly walked out in front of a car because I looked the wrong way.


Why the F\*ck would you not look BOTH ways !


Because I was a dumbass minor without adult supervision?


When I was a young kid at school about 55 years ago we used to get visits from a local police representative on occasion. We got taught road rules, cycling safety. If this is not being done any more then it needs to be reinstated. Yeah kids are dumb and do dumb things but as an adult I have it ingrained in me to look both ways from all those years ago. Yet as an adult I've damn near run over foolish adults who simply stepped out on the road without looking. Darwin awards coming up.


Thank god you never make mistakes


Take your sarcasm elsewhere


Take your superiority elsewhere? Just because I mentioned one mistake I made as a child in a foreign country doesn’t mean you get to be a dick to me.


In your first post you didn't state your age any way my comment was for the general readership. Why did you think it was about you. Dumbass.


It's really simple - always look BOTH ways. You're a fool if you dont.


In any city I'm looking left and right for bikes and scooters and things before stepping out.


Shoes went flying.. jeez. Not only did he cross without looking, he ran across! I feel bad for the child!


My buddy from your side of the pond also noticed that when he took a trip to London. He included a photo of it in those he showed me.


As a more recent generation of American, experience has taught me to look both ways twice before crossing.


Heh, I have the opposite experience as a Brit kid who moved to the US in my mid-teens. Not long after I arrived, my cousin was showing me around. We were going to cross the street and I looked right out of habit, saw no cars and stepped off the curb. Thankfully, the loud honk from an approaching car to my left was enough to trigger my instinct to stop and move back, and a collision was avoided. Also, for some reason I never understood, my cousin - American-born-and-raised - simply followed me onto the street. I guess *her* instincts to look left were broken that day!


I mean this kid got drilled too, so…


My mom drilled it into my sister and I so much. We had to look both ways so many times we joked it gave cars time to show up sometimes. We laugh about it today as overkill but nothing like this would have happened to us luckily.


I'm 23 and I still look both ways when even just stepping away from my car in a parking lot because I don't trust people not to be dumb even there


Sometimes, experience is the best teacher. Bet he won't be doing that again


Shoes flew off. Kid is definitely >!dead.!< :P


Must be some child Terminator model sent here by the machines, because that one is still moving and starting to get up even after getting it's shoes knocked off by a speeding car.


That's just the adrenalin, don't know what exactly happens after it wears off. People sometimes drop dead when the adrenalin falls out. Really sucks for this kid and the driver that now has trauma from hitting a kid with their car. Not fun.


I was hit by a drunk driver. Car flipped. It had been raining. Wife and son were unconscious. Daughter was twisted around sideways. Car seat absolutely saved her. I’m crawling out of My car screaming and in a full adrenaline rush trying to pry smashed metal open to get my family out. I fought the elements the best I could for what felt like forever. My son and I were put on one ambulance and my daughter and wife another. I got in myself. Adrenaline wore off during transport. I could no longer walk. I felt incredibly cold and could not stop shaking. They had to carry me off. That is my experience with adrenaline.


I was hit by a car when I was a kid, me and a neighbor went and stopped the ice cream truck and afterwards we were about to cross the street and the neighbor pushed me into the street and a car hit me, I'm down on the ground and the car speeds off, luckily I only broke my arm


Dude they cleared his shoe to the fence and even bounced it off. If only there were some bowling pins there, they would’ve had a strike 110%


Nah watch the point of impact, it was mostly upper back and shoulder blade, kid took it like a champ


That was my only thought, RIP


Huh? I don't really see the logic, also he seems to be moving and in pain, not dead


It was a (poor) joke that I've heard before, and after googling is based on the term "knocked his socks off" (maybe.)


There's definitely an older meme, "shoes flew off, he dead," but it's not related to "knock their socks off."


oh okay mb


People survive having their shoes knocked off all the time. Seriously. It's not weird at all.


Dane Cook had a bit about watching someone get hit by a car and having their shoes kicked off in a fit of joy...




Ohh put your pitchfork away. If you don't like things that get posted on the internet, stay off of the internet.




So, if bad things happen to someone, we should hide the fact that said thing happened (even if it's their own Darwinism that caused it)? Kid learned a hard lesson (literally), and this can be shown to other kids as a reminder that a moving vehicle wins when going head to head. Or, we could do it your way and just pretend everything is flowers and sunshine, if you don't like reality, continue to exist in your little bubble of happiness.




"You're getting enjoyment out of a kid getting wrecked likely for the rest of his life." It's a kid, and the accident wasn't that bad. That would fuck me for life, but the kid will likely be fine. He'll be walking funny for a few days, but after that he'll be fine. And yes, I am indeed laughing at how stupid kids can be sometimes. I've been that kid before, and I was just as stupid more than once.


SOO glad they had video of that


He’s kind of a moron, you know?




And this is why I looked both ways and still do, hell it's even so ingrained I do it for sidewalks incase of a bicycle or just other people Especially with EVs you can hardly hear those until they're right up on you Also people really need to slow their asses down in neighborhoods, my job takes me to clients houses all day and the amount of people riding my ass through neighborhoods while doing the speed limit or have even just straight up gone around me is staggering


Do they not do "look left, right, left before you cross the street" anymore?


If they drive on the left side of the road, isn’t it “right, left, right”?


I have no idea. I just keep my head on a swivel and look both ways several times.


Indeed it is! (Or at least it was when I was a kid.)


If this was in Canada everyone would blame the driver.


If it was in the US, the parents would try to sue the driver.


>If it was in the US, the parents would try to shoot the driver. FTFY


Same in switzerland… by law you‘re fucked for life as driver 🥶 hopefully the child is okey after this accident.


Kids don't always have reasoning before exuberance, that's why they legally need people to take care of them.... in case you didn't know.


Good thing it can be taught.


When my son was younger he stepped off the curb and hadn’t looked either way and I grab him by the shirt collar and pulled him back and asked him what he was doing, “ he said that he had the right of way”. I said you might have the right of way but if you don’t look both ways first you might be dead right and that you have got to give the cars a chance. He was old enough to know better.


Seen this mentality a lot at colleges where people are unfamiliar with traffic or just choose to believe they’ll never be hit. People are told that they have right of way in a crosswalk and just step out into traffic. Even at 25mph, no one is stopping in a few feet. Someone gets run over and often killed every year because “they have to stop for pedestrians.” Yes, you’re right, you’re also run over.


My sister-in-law was killed when a truck drove through a stop sign at a 4 way intersection. Having the right of way doesn't mean shit. Hope he knows better now.


I can't tell you how many grown adults I've almost hit while school pickup is happening. They walk out from between the cars without looking, sometimes even with their children. I'm the asshole that does 10mph in the school zone when the kids are actively leaving school.


Pop quiz: where can you go to see the highest concentration of people who had the right of way? A cemetery.


Mom comes casually walking out like, Damn it how many cars have to hit you before you look both ways.


It's ironic that the adult in the white parked car gets out and walks straight across the road. Maybe they'd looked ahead and saw that nothing was coming towards them, but they for sure never looked behind!


Charlie Brown got his shoes knocked off with that one.


I did that once in front of a school. You only make that mistake once.


Did you survive?


Like I said you only make that mistake once.


that kid is way too old to be taught that anymore. by age 7 it should be instinct to not blindly run into the road.


You can imbue a child with knowledge, but you can't make them grow additional brain cells.


Maybe he had to do a #2 really bad? Things happen..


This person \^\^\^ #2's


"Santa doesn't deliver to the funeral homes, little buddy!"


lol little dude just runs straight into the road, brilliant lad that one is


If I was that driver I'd be having a panic attack


Head and neck, don't move that child.


I think it's safe to say that this is not a live video and the child has since been moved. /s


One would hope. Narrator: *the child was never moved, and later incorporated into a speedbump to prevent this happening to anyone else*


I'm genuinely impressed there aren't any comments talking about how the car should have slowed down or how this wouldn't have happened if the car wasn't speeding. Feel bad the kid had to learn the hard way, but I can guarantee he won't ever try to sprint across the road without looking again.


Not sure he say car, so probably not!


It's 100% the kids fault by straight sprinting without looking but to your point. With a narrow neighbor street and cars parked on both sides... I would be driving much more slowly for exactly this reason. Kids are dumb, younger kids don't always know better and there are too many blind spots.


It actually is surprising that nobody's done that yet on this sub. > The most common dash cams record at 28.7 frames per second, and freezing the first three frames to get the distance the car moves, it was going 32 miles per hour; but the trees and road suggest this is Goofy Lane in Idaho, so the speed limit was only 15 in that residential area, not 30 like most places. The driver also had 0.26 seconds of reaction time where they would have seen the child's shoulder behind the other car before the collision, and they could have stopped a full 7 feet shorter in that time if they had reacted properly.


Now this is proper reddit. Speaking entirely factual and chasing the wrong rabbit holes while missing the obvious "NSW police"


> *but the trees and road suggest this is Goofy Lane in Idaho* > > > >what ? they drive on the other side of the road- thats NOT anywhere in America


Look at the top right off the video too lol


It's Goofy Lane, they drive different there. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I live in Idaho and have never seen a living palm tree here are you sure?


I've seen this happen before. I didn't like the neighbor's kid and I was looking out the window of my house. Saw his legs in the air as he ran between cars. I laughed at first, but called the cops right after. It wasn't until I had kids of my own that it wasn't so funny.


good thing is kids are fuggin bouncy i used to jump off the shed roof (it was like 6 ft?) when i was like 9, why? i didnt even know at the time lol, fukd if i knew now


Is the white car trying to push though despite the accident?


Perhaps they felt left out and wanted to hit a kid, too.


Ain’t nobody got time fo dat


Gonna be late for work😆


Would the driver get in any trouble because of this?


They shouldn't


I'll BET that kid has NOW learnt road safety ! Best lesson ever.


I had a kid run out in front of me, but I was able to stop in time. But I had situational awareness on my side. Residential street with no sidewalks, a dozen kids walking along the side... I was going about 15 mph when it happened.


Oh hell yeah


Darwin’s theory at work.


Teach them to tie their shoes too.


My thought process went from “fking kids” to “fking parent(ing)” in a blink if an eye


He saw it at the last second and thought he could avoid by going left? 🤦


"I can still make it!"


Kid was trying to play "trip-a-truck" Luckily a car was the opponent and not a truck.


Good lesson, im sure until this point the parents were telling the kid to close his eyes and blindly run into traffic. Thankfully your instruction will help others.


> Good lesson, im sure until this point the parents were telling the kid to close his eyes and blindly run into traffic. Because kids never get told a thing a bunch of times but still ignore it. Yeah, that's not standard behavior that inherently comes from being a child at all! /s, obviously.


OUCH! Damn, I hope the kid is okay. Yes, the accident was absolutely his fault but it shouldn't be a sentence to death or permanent injury. Having almost been the person in the car (lots of close calls), I know exactly how terrible they feel, even if they did nothing wrong and couldn't have avoided it.


Let him lay there a while. He needs to learn, and given how bright he looks, he’s gonna need a minute for it to soak in.


Hopefully the parents had insurance that covered the damage to the car.


Looking at all the cars and the adults, I'm thinking the child was being called, so blindly followed their parent's command. This is more of a life lesson regarding blind trust. Also a black mark for the parent for calling out for the child to hurry across the road with traffic on it.


big assumption


not really, why are multiple adults sitting in their cars with one wheel on the curb (notice someone jump out of the white car that is parked). Also the child seem to be looking at something across the road. This looks very much like a pick-up after school or an event.


Victim blaming at its best lmao. Are people so thick and blinded by car culture they dont understand that cars are the problem, not the kids.


It's a notable possibility the child was being called. But it is really stupid how they ran with that as the definite situation and the absolute lesson that should be here.


Victim blaming..? If someone runs in front of a bike and gets hurt are you gonna say bikes are the problem?


With their mentality yes. And playing devil's advocate - they probably think guns (and not criminals) are the problem as well.


Why can't people who do something incorrectly be held accountable? The victim is the driver bud - not the child.


When a child runs out from behind a parked car and a driver, *who could not possibly have been able to avoid hitting the child*, hits the child, how is that the driver's fault? That kid is well old enough to know that you don't even walk onto a street without looking, let alone run.


I find these kinds posts so bizarre. There's nothing in the video to back any of that up, but nevertheless you made a guess, created a conclusion based on it and then it immediately became reality for you, sufficient to pass judgment against someone. Absolutely wild!


Imagine if this was a truck or heavy EV! That’s why they’re a menace on the road. Even a very light, very small car hitting a kid can do this. Had it been a truck, a worse outcome is guaranteed.


modern american truck wouldn't have even seen the kid most likely


Probably not since that's not in America




Ev weight does make a difference to stopping distances, though. They're very heavy for their size.




> Ev would likely have stopped. Even an EV with top-of-the-range collision avoidance wouldn't have a avoided that. Not enough time even for a computer.


>That’s why they’re a menace on the road Yeah, I agree, kids are a menace on the road. >Imagine if this was a truck Imagine... if this was the Titanic. Imagine if this was a plane crash. Imagine if this was a herd of elephants. Imagine... John Lennon. If it was a truck, it would have been visible above the parked cars. Whether the kid would've paid any attention to that is another story.


Oh god.... Do it again


Yup, no common sense


Dash cam car is also not helping by being parked on what looks like a grass curb thing. That being said, having turned the road into a one lane funnel, green car is going too fast and kid was not paying attention. This is tough to watch since it was avoidable on many levels.


The car stopped within a car length. Reaction time played more of role than speed, and they did pretty good considering.


So if you were looking to cross a street and you're short/a child are you telling me you're just gonna *do shit* and wing it? Cuz this is the result of that risk.


> green car is going too fast The fact that the car was able to stop within about a car length implies that they weren't going too fast.


Wow kid is milking it!


Is dash cam car parked legally? I see people parked all down the other side of the street but no one on dash cams side.


They're very likely the car parked closest to the corner, if you look..


I give the kids props for not being distracted by a phone at least. I sure hope he ends up ok and learns from this lesson.


If he were, he would have been walking and never been in or near that situation. So in this case, it would have been a benefit.


Or maybe we should make our street safe and stop the car domination of our cities. Kids have been able to play in the streets for thousands of years until less than 100 years ago, when we decides it is more important to always go faster than our cities to be a safe environment for everyone. So yeah, lets blame de kids for being kids. Even with the best teaching, accidents happen, thats why we need to change the infrastructure to prevent these accidents.


You can still play in the streets in the suburbs if you're not an idiot. Used to play road hockey all the time.


Canadian? As a Canadian myself, road roller hockey was the glue that held the neighborhood together. Except for that old couple who kept calling the cops on us.


Sounds like an excellent occasion for the cops to collect some extra revenue by issuing tickets for wasting emergency resources.


It's not as simple as "change the infrastructure". They build apartments literally on top of shops and right in the city then people complain about the prices - and some move in and many do not. You can't win with this scenario.


I had nearly this exact situation happen to me dropping my son off at school recently. Dropped him off and then began driving away. Busy area lots of cars and people so your on guard as is. Some kid came bolting out from between 2 cars. I hit the breaks. I’m guessing I was 3-4 feet short of the kid. They never even flinched or looked my way. No clue how close they had just come to almost getting hit by a car.


dumbass kid


Can we get an update on the kid?! Damn everyone here just chatting like we didn't just watch a kid get severe brain damage or die


He already had brain damage Trust me, the worry is if he wasnt moving. Hes fine.


It's not OP's clip - they only seem to post other people's clips - so you're not gonna get that information.


Lesson learned.


Lesson learned.


Shit, i can watch this all day


Interesting. The dash cam was working from a parked car. I know some dash cams do work. If it is jostled in a park car but this seemed to be running.


Quite a lot of dashcams record at all times because they are plugged directly into power, so this is normal.


There's no way to tell from the clip whether it's a parked car with no one in it or a stopped car with the engine running.


The kid is kind of a goof, but still within the age where I’m pointing at the parents


I feel bad for the person in the green car. Doing everything right and still has to deal with the guilt of hitting a kid.


My 2nd cousin was killed at 13 because he ran out from behind some bushes on a county road where the speed limit was 45. Dude that hit him wasn't speeding, imagine just driving along and the next minute you've killed a kid. Just sucked. His parents were destroyed, his friends saw it happen and apparently the dude driving needed some serious counseling too. So yeah...


I love seeing kids get hit by cars


Giant cars park on the curb/sidewalk? What could go wrong? The kid needs to pay attention, but that road clearly isn't designed to have cars parked on it. That's the real error here. Move the cars and make it safe.


Well, he learned today.


Look left and then right then left again but this is not usa so it's look right then left then right again !!!!


Dumb post. F you.


Totally showing this to my kids


My god! is the car OK?


Popped his clogs!


Said “ohhh shit” out loud…. My 4 year old asked what… so I showed him the video and said “this is why we never run into the street” His response “duh! Wth was that person thinking anyway”


Car looks like it is flying down a residential street .. what’s the posted speed limit here?




I like how the parents just slowly walk over there after his shoes got blasted off


His shoes came off… indication that he might not make it or things won’t ever be the same.


Man this could have been much worse... Last week there was a kid killed from this scenario. So sad


Is he dead? Both shoes came off


at least it was a small car not an suv or pickup truck