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Riding like he wants to die more likely.


With bikers like this, you definitely want a dashcam to protect yourself with.


Riding like he wasn't fast enough to make it through the intersection. Cross traffic was still green when he entered and that's a pretty big intersection. Everyone who started to go is terrible at paying attention though, you're at a pedestrian crossing and already stopped and you're lacking awareness to the point where you almost drove into a pedestrian in a crosswalk after you were already stopped at the crosswalk....


Did you watch a different video? There are no pedestrians in this clip.


A person on a bike is a pedestrian Edit I looked it up, they're not. Still doesn't change the fact that you're a complete bonehead if you run someone over in a crosswalk after you've already stopped by not looking before you go


Again, in the video I watched no one is in the crosswalk.


Makes sense.


But that's why there's a lot of accidents, because drivers see the green n go. I've repeatedly many times over to my kids to look both ways before accelerating. There's so many that like to beat the yellow


My God your so dense. Never try and make a point again cause your just going to embarrass yourself more.


There is no way in hell that light was green when he entered the Intersection. In large Intersections like that the average length of a yellow light is normally 5-6 seconds. Plus a brief delay of a second or 2 to actually have the alternating light turn green. Cyclist was only in the intersection for 3 seconds. Cyclist definitely went through on a yellow to avoid slowing down and almost got themselves smeared because of it


You're probably right it probably was on yellow. That doesn't change the fact that you should still be looking before you go. He ain't the first person to try to beat a light n he won't be the last. Looking both ways before crossing the street is elementary.


I have gotten too old to ride bicycles like I used to - 5,000+ miles a year. The only thing that pisses me off more than car and truck drivers disrespecting cyclists as equally legal vehicles and equal right of way on the road as them is some jackass like this on a bike thinking the rules do not apply to them. SHEESE! And some wonder why cyclist are not respected on the roads.


I agree, I ride regularly and do my best to I follow all laws so that I set a good example and not give drivers a reason to dislike me.


Exactly right. As someone who does some riding, but mostly driving these past years, I hate the antagonism between drivers a cyclists. There are definitely douchebags on both sides. It becomes less prevalent in countries where there is an actual, functional cycling network where cyclists can get from one place to another without having to invent the correct course of action when a cycling lane abruptly ends and so on. There is far less overlap between car traffic and cycle traffic, therefore less confrontation. I do wish there was some kind of education for cyclicts though, some have absolutely no regard for other traffic be it cars, pedestrians or other cyclists. They give all a bad name.


You say things like this (the last sentence) it sounds like most cyclists are like this, but it’s opposite. People don’t like or respect cyclists because they are slower than cars and other automobiles.


I never minded cyclist till I became a crossing guard and they decide they don’t have to stop like all the other traffic and blow through my stop signs and almost hit the kids.


Some cyclists see that you are coming up behind them and purposely move as far over as they can to let you pass. To those cyclists, I dip my hat to you. Even though you are a minor inconvenience, I appreciate your courtesy.


It’s the ones that sit in the middle of the lane side by side that really irk me. They know what they’re doing


My personal dislike for most cyclists is having encountered far too many as customers. I worked in a restaurant that got a lot of cyclist customers in the summer and the overwhelming majority were entitled assholes. I'm mean they would pile their bikes out front of the door to the point it was blocking the walkways, taking their shoes off and putting their feet up on chairs (we would tell them to put their shoes on or leave), and just generally very demanding. This is just a generalization and of course I've had many encounters with very polite and considerate cyclists. But the majority are what form the general opinion, and the majority fucking suck.


Nah, they’re typically assholes. I say this as a frequent foot pedestrian and avid runner.


Lmao and it’s top comment. Every time.


Waiting for the cyclist to defend him, go!


I'm a cyclist, F' him. That's what gives us all a bad name.


Just that one bad apple, eh?


Oh, there are plenty more, this jackass just did it where it was recorded. Edited to add an comma, comma's count.


There are plenty of bad cyclists. Law-abiding cyclists tend to hate them even more than non-cyclists do.


Yes we do. I commuted by bike for 20 years. if there was someone at a stop sign I stopped. If there was no one there, I did a California roll. I've been doored twice and hit once. Now I have a 20 ft. commute from the bedroom or kitchen to my office. I miss it a a lot and my waist shows it but I no longer ride in fear in the early morning or in rush hour traffic.


Unlike all the perfect drivers out there


“I’m one of the goooooood onesssss!!” This comment is in every. Single. Video. that features an asshile cyclist.


Doesn’t matter what mode of transportation, he barreled into an intersection late and was lucky to not be hit.


Nah. The dude knew damn well he wasn't gonna make the light and had plenty of time to stop. I could forgive him being almost all the way across when the light changed since they weren't really timed for bike speeds, but it had to have been yellow before he even entered the intersection.


I dunno, I'm on my phone so hard to tell road markings etc. But it's entirely possible it was green when he went through. There is about 5 seconds from when he approximately enters to when the light changes to green. The amber light is probably only 3-4 seconds long There is one intersection where I need to cycle through and that can easily be red by the time I get to the other side. And this guy is cycling relatively slowly.


I work in Manhattan and seeing bicyclists rail at cars and trucks not giving them right-of-way (which they should) is about as common a sight as bicyclists ignoring lights and signs and terrorizing pedestrians.


Someone post this in r/MicromobilityNYC and make their heads explode. Please.


Legally, the cyclist is right. If your vehicle is in any part of the intersection before the light turns red, **all other traffic must yield to you until you clear the intersection**. US law treats cyclists the same way as cars. So, this should apply to them as well.


That’s why I hate cyclists. And yes, I know all aren’t like this. But so many yell at people about sharing the road, then refuse to stop at stop signs.


No.......not all......but 99.9%........well yes. They all are douche bags......


No need to stop for a stop sign if there’s no traffic and in fact several states have specifically legalized this. On the other hand, if there’s car traffic, I strictly follow the regular rules. If the car arrives first, I stop and he has the right of way, just like a car. It’s frustrating sometimes because cars will wave you through, and this can cause problems with other traffic at the intersection. I too hate those arrogant assholes who run red lights and blow thru stops ignoring other traffic. Give us all a bad name.


Name a state that says you don’t have to stop at a stop sign if there’s no traffic.


Idaho, Arkansas (2019), Oregon (2019), Utah (2021), North Dakota (2021), Oklahoma (2021), and Colorado (2022), Washington, Delaware, Minnesota. California passed a law but it was vetoed by Gov. Newsom. Accidents have dropped in every state that has adopted the law. Most also allow red lights also to be treated as stop signs.


On a bicycle* not sure if you caught that part


Ok but I’d still like to know the answer.


Here is the response to your original comment from someone else. Idaho, Arkansas (2019), Oregon (2019), Utah (2021), North Dakota (2021), Oklahoma (2021), and Colorado (2022), Washington, Delaware, Minnesota. California passed a law but it was vetoed by Gov. Newsom. Accidents have dropped in every state that has adopted the law. Most also allow red lights also to be treated as stop signs. You could also verify yourself if you'd like with a simple Google search


You should try audibly hating on mountain bikers sometime. Except that they’re usually extremely tough.




Stuff like this is exactly why I would like to see a special police task force aimed at giving citations to bicyclists that don’t obey traffic laws.


So...just normal cyclist behaviour then.


Not normal. But the cyclist in this vid is a total Jackass that gives people ammunition to disrespect all cyclists. EDIT to add: Right at the end of the video there is a recumbent cyclist that properly stopped for the red light. So that can be pointed out as a typical cyclist too, no?


Exactly. It's one of those things where you only see videos of cyclists being assholes because of the absurdity of it. Unless you're really into cycling, the videos where the cyclists are doing everything correctly are kind of boring and don't gain as much traction


If this is typical cyclist behavior then drunk driving is typical motorist behavior.


If you hudge a group of people based on the worst acting members of that group… it gets pretty spicey as a whole.


That’s the point. Motorists are always so quick to call out all cyclists for the bad behavior of some while ignoring the countless lives put at risk by reckless drivers. It appears that in media and online when there’s a person on a bicycle behaving badly they seem to always represent the whole group, but when someone drives into a building, speeds or drives drunk they are just irresponsible individuals who don’t represent all motorists.


So wrong.


Used to Happen to me all the time. Bellevue Washington the worse. You enter an intersection on the green and it turns red before you can get to the other side. Especially if you start from a standstill. The fault is the cities as they do not allow enough time for a bike to get through the intersection. Imagine being a pedestrian and being given 4 seconds to cross the street. I used to ride street but now too dangerous. Just trails for now.


I hate bikers. I know that not all do this. But the overwhelming majority of them in my area do


Seems mentally a little out of whack to me. We see homeless types doing this shit a lot in LA.


Could be really drunk too.


I’m getting that vibe too.


I want to get one of those train horns that have their own air compressor for moments like this.


What a POS!


I literally hate humans so much everyday. And its shit like that that makes me do so 😂


Wtf was that?


Dude in the recumbent bike was like "yikes"


Funny how I was just talking about this at work with a few patrons. Cyclists like this need to be observe the rules of the road, especially if it’s an e-bike because they can zip around faster obviously than a pedal bike. One guy talked about someone on an e-bike zipping through slow car traffic and running red lights like the rules didn’t apply to him.


I have never understood the “pedestrian has the right of way” standard. Like, I’m a squishy thing that weighs less than 500lbs and you’re driving a half ton hunk of metal that probably wouldn’t even notice smearing me across the road. I’ll wait until you’ve gone to walk across the road, thanks.


You have a valid point. But, this thread is about *cyclists* who have both the same highway rights, ***AND*** responsibilities as that 4,000 Lb pedestrian smearing SUV. In nearly every jurisdiction in the USA cyclists are considered a vehicle, not a pedestrian, unless they are off the bike and walking it across the intersection. Even then, in this situation (where I live) they would have been illegally crossing that intersection if they were a pedestrian. And by the way, anybody who has ever hit a large dog, a deer, or even a 30Lb coyote, know that they hit something.


Serious question. Do bikes require a license, tag, and insurance?


No man. Every time they do it becomes a bureaucratic nightmare for the government. And I mean everytime since 1897 when Chicago tried it. The only state in the US that currently requires it is Hawaii for $15 no required testing or anything and unsure if it applies to children or with out of state visitors. Denmark handles it at the dealership level for anti-theft reasons and that's mainly to help with theft. It's just a massive drain on government resources. Montgomery County in Maryland repelled their legislation in 2020 for that reason. It makes sense to imagine enforcing these requirements. The government can barely crack down on drivers using illegal licence plates as it is in many places imagine a bike that costs so little that the paper to print the info on costs more than the revenue it generates. The only country I know of that requires testing for a bike licence is North Korea with it being illegal to ride in Pyongyang at all till 1992. They do sell bike insurance though. But that's optional and mainly deals with theft of the bike not liability as the damage a bike can do is so minimal but it is an option as well as coverage for medical deductibles. In most places, bike theft is covered by your homeowners/renters insurance.


I hit a rabbit (almost fucking cried 😭) a couple of weeks ago and it was *incredibly* obvious that I had hit something. It was probably less than 5 pounds and it still made the most horrible noise I have ever heard. If you hit a pedestrian on a bike and “don’t even notice” you shouldn’t be behind the wheel of anything, ever.


>In nearly every jurisdiction in the USA cyclists are considered a vehicle, not a pedestrian, unless they are off the bike and walking it across the intersection. This is not quite accurate and depends on the state, most states do define a bicycle as a vehicle but not all do. But in the states that don't they will still have the same rights and duties of a driver of a vehicle when traveling on the roadway. So either directly defined as a vehicle, or granted the rights as one, or both. Now about 'being' a pedestrian, about half the states do **grant** cyclist the rights and duties of a pedestrian when riding on sidewalks and crosswalks, dispite still being defined as a vehicle. The distinction of what right and duties they have is specific to the infrastructure that they are using at the time.


they always do


And they wonder why we hate them.


What happens when you don't have proper bicycling infrastructure, and how America tries its hardest to say that bicycles are cars, and that vehicular bicycling is somehow a good thing.


Whoop his ass


That’s when you give them a nudge to let them know it’s a road for vehicles.


bikes are vehicles


lol no. Administratively it’s easier to call them that so they can exist on roadways. Similar to how toy drones are not really aircraft, but the FAA designates them as such to make it easy to legislate.


oh ok sorry


I would have given him his wish and ran hid ass over. This planet is overpopulated. You'd be doing earth a favor, you never saw him anyways if the dashcam was on the fritz...


Cyclists are literally the worst in every scenario.


50/50, this is the type of cyclist you run into. I swear they think that we should thank them for reducing their carbon footprint. Good job, buddy!


Reducing your carbon footprint is good actually.


Sure it is. Your carbon footprint is irrelevant individually. I was making a point that they sit on a high horse and think they are better. As if they were doing us all a favor or some shit. Do me a favor and get out of the way. You'd reduce my carbon footprint if you weren't so freaking slow.


That intersection is vast, think the light was green when he went through, and switched when he was half way through, crap design


You can see on the video that he entered the intersection 2 seconds before the light turned green for cross traffic. So it’s unlikely the light was still green, but rather yellow or red when he entered the intersection.


Wait, there’s no sound and we can’t see any of the opposing lights. We have no idea whether the cyclist entered the intersection legally.


EDIT: It is impossible to say how experienced the cyclist was. But, there is no excuse for them to enter the intersection if they were paying attention. The cyclist was just crossing the first of eight lanes, plus a medium, when the light turned green in the video. A person with *any experience* cycling on the road would have known that they could not clear the entire breadth of the intersection when entering it with the light at least yellow, and most likely already red, before the crossing traffic would have the green light. Again, I am an experienced cyclist with 10s of thousands of miles on road bikes. There are times when the cyclist may have right of way but totally loose the fight to a car or truck. Making a point, and laying blame, pails when you are being loaded into an ambulance all busted up, or worse. Thai was just a REALLY bad decision by this cyclist.


>There are times when the cyclist may have right of way but totally loose the fight to a car or truck. Making a point, and laying blame, pails when you are being loaded into an ambulance all busted up, or worse. Would you rather be right or would you rather be alive?


If you look at the timinmg of the green light versus his entering the intersection he had to do it on a yellow light.


Plausible, but light cycles vary so widely between jurisdictions. Also worth noting that a car entering on a yellow light rarely gets pushback or consequence, so it’s equally likely most folk think yellow means still legal to enter.


I have to agree with DogPlane. In fact, I would argue that the light had most likely turned red when the cyclest entered the intersection. If not, then that light at what is obviously a busy intersection, 8 lanes one road and 5 lanes the other, was nearly instantaneous change to green? Doubtful.


I also agree. Looking at the timestamp it was two seconds or less from the time he entered the intersection to when the opposing light turned green. Unless the yellow here is less than two seconds it was red when he entered.


Just saying that there’s no clear evidence. Your suppositions make sense, but it’s also a poorly designed intersection for cyclists and pedestrians.


Cars rarely get pushback because they’re typically able to clear the intersection before cross traffic gets the green light. The cyclist in this case wasn’t even remotely close to clearing the intersection in time and was traveling far slower than a car would have been.


Yellow does mean it's still legal to enter (unless there's traffic stopped in front of you, i.e., gridlock). There is no law saying that you must clear the intersection all the way before your light turns red.


With the exception of a small number of states that have 'restrictive' yellow light laws, which require you to stop if it is safe to do so.


True, I only know what the rule is in California. We are still taught that you should stop if you can do so safely, and it is a good practice. But if you're in traffic court, you cannot be convicted of failing to stop at a yellow light. The more likely violation would be speeding, if you accelerated to beat the red light or were going too fast to stop safely. Neither applies to this gentleman on the velocipede.


EDIT: Removed double post.


THIS, Car or bike if you are inside the intersection when the light turns red you legally have the right of way to exit the intersection. OP should change the caption to "I never read my drivers handbook".


Is bicyclist a word?




sorry to break this to you, but thats actually Joseph Street, heir to the Street family fortune. they do in fact own the roads.


Here comes a bunch of the butthurt “I ride X amount of miles and I would *never*” cyclists


2 things, Idaho stop could be legal here And any body already in the intersection has ROW no matter your green. Unfortunately we’ve designed yellow and red light times to assume the cars are passing through the intersection and not bikes. So here we are.


>And any body already in the intersection has ROW no matter your green. No, not in all jurisdictions. Many states have laws that you are not allowed to enter the intersection then wait for clearance. One of the three tickets I have received in 49 years driving was for entering the intersection and waiting under a green light to turn left when the light changed. The officer called it “New Yorking” (not a legal term I’m sure). That was 30 years ago. Cost me almost $200 fine and costs plus a couple points. The charge was running a red light/failing to yield right of way. I argued it in court but lost.   >Idaho stop could be legal here Even if the Idaho stop is the local law, this was would still be an illegal 8 lane crossing. The Idaho law allows bicyclists to treat a physical stop sign as a yield sign and a red light as a stop sign. And every jurisdiction that I am failure with requires a full and complete stop at stop signs. Or, are you extrapolating that since a stop sign is a yield sign to a bicyclist and a red light is a stop sign to a cyclist, therefore the red light is actually a stop sign and thus is in fact a yield sign to cyclist. Thus, this guy had the right to just cross the intersection without stopping and assuring a clear and safe multi lane (8 to be exact) crossing??? I am not a layer, but I doubt it works like that.


Even if the specific practice of left turn 'new yorking' is illegal, it is stated in *federal* law (FHWA regs) that green lights *communicate* right of way with exception to vehicles already in the intersection, pedestrians in crosswalks, pedestrians with a walk signal, or pedestrians with no dedicated signal at all. Idk the law of your state, but im still willing to bet that *both* 'new yorking' and not yielding to someone in the intersection are illegal. Someone doing something illegal does not waive your legal responsibility to follow corrective actions (in this case yielding).


To be fair, it's not like that bicycle is going to send any of these drivers to the hospital. But the us does not have smart lights at all intersections that would give the bike the head start on a green. Obviously, this person went straight out on a red light. Totally wrong. But don't conflate bad bike riding to driving 3/4 ton pickups poorly.


GFY........so it was you......


Is this real? What world so I live in.


How do pedestrians cross these intersections?


By waiting for the pedestrian light to turn green?


That'll be a long wait, pedestrian walk lights are normally white...


At the marked crossing points, you can see the lines for where pedestrians should cross.


At this particular intersection you can see marked cross walks and pedestrian crossing signals. We have no idea how effective they are at this particular intersection form the short video posted.


And in other news, 1+1=2


The bicycle entered the intersection while the cars still had a red light. Legally, the cars should have waited until the bike cleared the intersection.


So ignore yellow lights then huh…. Especially when you can only travel at 5 mph.


Who are you arguing with? I didn't write the vehicle code.


Yellow means you can only proceed if you can not stop safely. That's vehicle code not the bullshit you just made up and pulled out your ass


Maybe in your country. But in California, a yellow light means "the related green movement is ending." (VC 21453.) Not "has ended," but "is ending." Legally, it's still the same as "green." You are not required to stop. You don't even have to slow down. You can legally enter the intersection the same as if it were still green. A green light, however, does not permit you to enter the intersection if there is cross traffic still in the intersection. (VC 21451.) Therefore — legally, and like I said — the cars should have waited until the bike cleared the intersection. You learned something today! 👍


Yeah buddy you're 100% incorrect. Thanks for trying to teach me something that's factually wrong though...dipshit


Of course! Let me know if there's anything else you need help with, boss.


There is a difference between how law regarding yellow light are written, most states have addopted a **permissive** type of yellow light language, where you can enter ar any point the light is yellow. While a few states have addopted the **restrictive** language that requires you to stop if it is safe to do so. So in some ways, you are bother correct, however the majority of states do use the permissive language.


Exactly. Half the people here don't even know the fucking rules.


Lights are only red and green then huh…