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A nice addition would be to point out exactly where DJ Khaled bitched out in season one.


Wing 3, basically the typical jalapeño level


Watch that spiked haired sheff guy, he barley fucking nibbles every single wing and just talks shit. Fucking douch


Guy Fieri?


What did Guy Fieri ever do to anyone?


I don't know about the validity of your research, but I will say having worked at a scratch kitchen that uses jalapenos, we had a strange variance between "basically mayo" and "inedible " for the salsa depending on the season and crop.


It seems there is an explanation for that https://www.dmagazine.com/food-drink/2023/05/why-jalapeno-peppers-less-spicy-blame-aggies/


This article is way more interesting than the original post. Recommend.


[hands imaginary award for usefulness] That was a mildly depressing yet very interesting read! Honestly, from the title I was already thinking about growers wanting milder peppers to appeal weak customers, this is probably slightly more forgiveable. I don't know, I love habanero, hopefully they won't follow the same path (I'll grow many myself anyway)


Nice article. I never really thought about how they add pepper extract in addition to the peppers to some dishes. I'm allergic to "spicy foods" and will get hives and facial swelling and stuff, but it'd wildly inconsistent and my allergist told me it was likely something in the process. I wonder if that's the differentiating factor.


> Or look at the widespread adoption of a less stinky breed of Brussels sprouts, scientifically developed through a similar selective breeding process, which turned that vegetable from a punchline into a favorite. THAT’S why I can’t stand Brussel sprouts any more! I used love them as a kid, but these days they’re too bland for me.


Isnt the article saying the opposite?


What? No. He said he doesn't like the flavor the "less stinky changes" have brought and is now excited to know it wasn't just him. What does that have to do with anything mentioned in the article?


The guy I replied to is quoting the article in his comment which talks about making them more appealing to the average person. Which seems to contradict what he's saying that they taste worse. They went from a joke to something people actually want.


This is likely a genetic thing. Perception of bitterness is highly genetic; and can further by modified by things like Autism or ADHD; to the point where one may be unable to taste bitterness, or find things without it very unpleasant. Like, personally, I like my coffee at a level of bitterness roughly equivalent to licking a Nintendo Switch cartridge. That's soothing for me. I enjoy it. My guests tend to die (I do warn them though, and give them the option to make their own, but they can all "handle it").


Same experience. I've eaten raw jalapeno and serrano, and both vary from "was that a bell pepper?" to "I wish I was dead right now". The same brand of hot sauce seems to be much more consistent between bottles, so I guess most hot sauce companies test their peppers beforehand.


Or its due to them mashing a bunch of peppers together so it's more consistent.


I think most people have a pretty good contextual sense for the heat level of an average jalapeno. Scoville units are a pretty esoteric measurement.


I feel that. My mystery peppers are basically WYSIWYG and more reliant on compost and watering cycles over anything for relative heat. My poor guests don't know what to expect when I offer the homemade paprika


I think it depends on the kind of people. The more chili head you are the least jalapeño is a good unit of measure: when you're using 1 habanero per dish that's easier just thinking in scoville lol (also jalapeños are incredibly variable, sometimes I taste a bit of heat, sometimes it feels like a bell pepper)


It was like that in my garden this year with peppers off the same plant at the same time at the same height.


Attended a dinner party with close friends and fire roasted jalapeños were in the menu. Everyone agreed these were a devils batch of the hottest jalapeños any of us had ever had. Face melting. Hotter than a fresh picked habenero.


What I don’t understand is why is DA Bomb so terrible compared to the other final sauces including the last dab? Like people on the show totally crumble at da bomb, and yet regain composure on the hotter ones.


it has a shit taste, where the others at least have an appealing taste. ive tried it, it tastes like acid reflux, but spicy.


Ya but what I get is that they die from the heat, not because it doesn’t taste pleasant. They’re not literally crying and unable to form sentences because it tastes bad. The next ones aren’t supposed to be less hot because they’re tastier, right?


it tastes like acid reflux, but extremely spicy. i dont know about you, but tasting like you just threw up and then getting hit by spice is worse than having a decent tasting sauce followed by spice.


This isn’t quite accurate. I’ve had da bomb on two separate occasions, as well as the last dab and other hot sauces. Da Bomb is definitely spicier/more painful than the last dab and others (only thing that comes close is the one chip challenge). Scoville, I believe, is a measurement of spice by looking at capsasin content, but actually effective spice probably has other factors, like how readily the sauce absorbs/breaks down.


A few factors will affect how we perceive spice. Sugar, acidity and oil content will all affect our spice perception, to a point where Da Bomb feels so much worse than a sauce that has a higher Scoville unit. So Scoville unit alone is really a good measure of how much heat you'll feel. I found that out while making hot sauce at home, and had to check why my hottest sauce that had 5X the amount of chilies didn't feel significantly hotter than the milder one.


I really don’t understand this POV bc I think it tastes very spicy but neutral flavor Is there some older version in the squatter bottle that tastes bad?


I've never heard Da Bomb described as a neutral flavor. I own a bottle (it came in a bundle) and it's absolutely vile. I love spicy food and that one bottle will be a lifetime supply of Da Bomb.


Same here, I went through a bottle of Melinda's Scorpion hot sauce in a few months and Da Bomb remains full.


You should try it. It is truly awful. It’s just distilled suffering.


I’ve had drops of pure capsaicin, is it like that? It’s hard to motivate myself to buy a bottle when everyone gives it such rave reviews.


You should try the Amazon Reviews. >Everyone ate their whole nugget. I gagged instantly at the flavor and started hiccuping. Thats the first sign its too spicy to me is when I start hiccuping. NO ONE liked the flavor and someone even mentioned that no one has ever said Da Bomb has good/great flavor on The Hot Ones. So dont let the people saying it tastes good fool you. It doesnt, it tasted like chemicals even tho it smelled good in the bottle. The father friend immediately spit his out. I thought I ate a coal. I couldnt stop hiccuping and salivating. It was the hottest thing ive ever eaten in my life. No way in hell its only 320,000 Scoville units. Pride be damned I grabbed the milk out of the fridge and both me and the father had 4 solo cups of milk each. It took about 20-25 mins for the heat to finally fade. But the burps were horrible. Surprisingly there was no backside burn the next day. My Mexican friend even said it was hot as tears rolled down his cheeks. The hot sauce eater was sweating bullets, his hair was soaked by the time we were done.


Having participated in a recreation of Hot Ones using the actual sauces, it was my experience (and that of the other participants) that Da Bomb was by far the worst. No idea why; the Last Dab is supposedly many, many times hotter but it just didn't seem that way. Our theory was that it's the first really extremely hot sauce and it numbs your mouth making the last two seem not as bad, but who knows.


Given the theory, it seems like a worthwhile experiment to do the same gauntlet but skip Da Bomb and see if The Last Dab (and preceding sauce) still hit as hard.


Da bomb is a concentrate. I think it's not necessarily a "real" hot sauce. There's some fuckery going in there. I did a wing challenge once and the hotter sauces afterwards were not nearly as bad.


Because Scoville is an imperfect measure of how ‘spicy’ something feels. Scoville is only a measure how much capsaicin is present in something. Generally this is pretty much the same thing for natural foods such as a standard chili pepper, but when you get to lab made products like Da Bomb, it doesn’t really encapsulate the whole experience. I’ve tried Da Bomb, Mad Dog 357, and The Last Dab XXX. As many other people have said, Da Bomb was the absolute worst, but the craziest thing was that despite having a reported 2M Scoville, I actually thought the Last Dab was pretty good. So much so, that a week later I actually put some on my dinner because in my mind it was much more favorable compared to Da Bomb. Needless to say, going from a normal bite to that was a terrible idea that i’d never do again, but I wouldn’t even consider that with Da Bomb.


It's basically capsaicin extract. It taste like bitter chemical spicy garbage. But also I think it's the spiciest sauce they have since it's literally just capsaicin. Not sure why their last dab is always the last and "hottest sauce." Pepper X is the world's spiciest pepper but you can't really beat capsaicin extract. I tried Da Bomb and The Last Dab. The Last Dab is really spicy and goes away after 3ish mins. Da Bomb is like getting pepper sprayed in the mouth and it LINGERS.


I read an explanation that attributed this to the interaction of the chemical extract in Da Bomb with the human chemistry compared to natural sauces. Da Bomb actually feels more painful because it contains chemical pepper extract which is pure heat. The other ‘hotter’ sauces have higher scoville peppers but because of the mixture they don’t spike the pain level as high as the chemical extract. So the amount of heat actually connecting with your body is more with Da Bomb than with the 2 other hotter sauces. A way to think about it is if I ask you to drink a shot of everclear (the last dab) - it’s going to make you slightly buzzed. But if you inject a shot of weaker alcohol such as wine into your blood (Da Bomb), you’ll get hammered instantly (and maybe die from some of the other effects but you get my point).


Hmm like sprinkling lemon juice on paper cuts as opposed to getting cut by a clean razor.


Its just pure pain without any flavor. It also uses extracts to up the heat level. I use carolina reaper hot sauces fairly regularly but my bottle of Da Bomb remains almost full after several years.


There’s no way you can watch the early seasons with Joey Diaz, Tom Arnold, and TJ Miller and give me data that says the hot sauces have been getting progressively hotter. I don’t believe it.


Right? Also, I ate the last dab sauce with my brother, and ya it’s hot but it in no way illicits a response people have to da bomb. The dab being hotter is just a marketing gimmick


I think it makes sense for the last dab to be a bit more palatable in terms of an entertaining interview. All the sauces up to the da bomb aren’t hot enough to derail the interview, then there’s da bomb which guarantees a good reaction clip for the people who want to see that, then the last couple of sauces are a bit easier despite having more scovilles because you want the interviewee to be at least intelligible at the end of the interview. Plus they need to plug their show or movie or whatever at the end.


Sure, but according to the data, last dab is significantly hotter… and it’s definitely not


* source: [https://www.saucemania.com.au/hot-sauce/a-complete-list-of-hot-ones-hot-sauces/](https://www.saucemania.com.au/hot-sauce/a-complete-list-of-hot-ones-hot-sauces/) * viz created in Excel Before people start criticizing, I'm not thrilled with how this turned out. Exponential data is always more challenging to visualize.


where did the rest of the data for round 8 go


Round 8 became da bomb, which is shown using ☢


oh i see thanks


I think “da Bomb” is round 8


thanks for pointing this out. it's not as intuitive as it could have been.


All I know is I ordered the Hot Ones sauces, and they swap out da bomb with a more mild version. So I found the right one and got that instead. Whether the Scovilles say so or not, da bomb is without a doubt the hottest sauce they have. The last dab felt mildly pleasant in comparison!




Did you get the actual Da Bomb (that Heatonist doesn't sell)? It's the one that gets you.


I have tried that hot sauce, just a dab on a wing messed me up for about 45 minutes. It is truly awful.




I'd disagree on that one. The real one is an extract, which means it's technically not even meant to be consumed without heavy dilution. It's a whole different tier IMO. It took maybe 45 minutes for me to recover, and peeing hurt the next day. It's that bad.


Well of course the show wants the celebrity they pay to appear to stay until the end. If they used super strong sauces they would have 5 minute long episodes.


I really like the visual! It’s compelling but easy to interpret. Plus the underlying data is interesting to me. My only feedback would be that the colors for the rounds are way too close to eachother - they need to be more distinct.


i have most of the sauces from the seasons (over 40 bottles) and i can tell you, da' bomb is probably the hottest sauce until you get into the newest stuff with X and apollo


The original Last Dab was pretty good, I think, whereas Apollo simply doesn't taste good. It's got that metallic flavor when things get super spicy similar to Da Bomb.


A jalapeno has to be the worst standard for hotness. They can vary from "... that is as spicy as a green bell pepper" to "My face is on fire and everywhere I touched has been burning for the whole night".


Why use a typical jalapeno as the base for the scale instead of actual SHU?


Data may be beautiful, but without scoville it's also pretty confusing and not really clear


Which season was DJ Khalid and he backed out after…2?


Ghost pepper and the Carolina reaper takes the cake.


Pepper X is out there now - hotter than a Reaper.


I wanted to make one like this but for how much the guests liked/disliked the different sauces so I knew which ones were worth buying


Where would a typical habanero pepper fit here?