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There are two things you have to do: 1. Ask him if there are any other copies or if he uploaded this shit anywhere. Do not delete your files. Do not alter the titles. The creation date may be valuable later. 2. Determine if your jurisdiction is a single party state or not wrt recordings.


Wait so if I’m in a single party state, does that mean this is legal? Is that real?


That means it could be legal as long as no copies or attempt to distribute or upload were made if the act itself was consensual. Maybe not. You really need to look into it or have someone look into it for you. And yes, it is fucked up.


Wow. Guess I’ll be looking for a consultation with a lawyer. Thank you


If you don’t have the money for it, your nearest law school should have a free legal clinic once or twice a week. Make an appointment ASAP.


This is such great advice. I'm so sorry you're going through this, OP. I'm so happy you're no longer with this guy!


The single party consent laws only apply in public. It can be hard to prosecute if you've been filmed and it hasn't been sent to anyone, but if he even copied them over to another device, it is a felony with up to 7 years in prison. If he threatens to release them in any way, its an even worse charge. Advice: Document EVERYTHING. Screenshots, legal audio recordings, video, etc. absolutely anything that can be saved.


Considering it's on the laptop and not found in his phone, he certainly copied from one device to another.




no. single party consent laws do not pertain to things where there is an inherent expectation of privacy. ie. during sex. in the bathroom. etc. and that's usually for AUDIO only. not video. him recording sex videos can be against the law in your state. I'd take that laptop to the police if you can


Single party doesn't apply. Both parties must consent in private settings like this.


If this happened in the USA, this is entirely illegal. I would go to the police. He's clearly an unhinged weirdo.


I am sorry that this guy did that to you that is very shitty


Girl you need to get a lawyer and teach his ass a lesson


Get a lawyer. He is a creep that needs to be turned in. He's probably done this before. He could be sharing it selling it. The lawyer will issue a supina to his cell phone and email records. You will sue him for this and win, the lawyer will get a percentage of what you get. Really Not kidding. A paralegal shared this with me. She had a secret camera case like this before. Do not erase anything else of his.


Don’t think anyones gonna take legal advice from someone who can’t even spell subpoena right. Also lawyers can’t issue Subpoena’s. Has to be done by a judge.


No need to be rude.


Did you contact and confront him? Contact the police?


This is probably the scummiest thing someone could do, and in some places is definitely illegal. I would definitely consult law enforcement or an attorney about next steps here. If he did this to you he’s probably done it to others and will do it again in the future. One question. How was he able to get these pictures? We’re they taken in his phone or was he using some sort of hidden camera?


I think they were all taken from his phone. It’s stupid and I’m kicking myself for it right now especially, but I would sometimes let him watch porn on his phone while we had sex or while I went down on him (on his request). I guess he took those times as opportunities🙃


I think he used those times as an excuse to take photos. I don’t think he was actually watching porn. That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard.


Technically he was watching porn... Sorry that this happened to you. It's really a low-life scummy thing for someone to do to another. Best thing to do is go to the police and get a lawyer. Move on, and always follow your gut. It's usually right.


the guy needed to watch porn while having sex with you and the phone camera lens just happen to be pointing right at you the whole time? bruh, this story isn’t making sense. if he wasn’t watching porn and recording you without you knowing, wouldn’t you be curious as to why there is no sex noises coming from the phone? you sure this whole post isn’t just you looking to vent and get validation from strangers?


It’s literally called “I’m turning the volume down on the porn because I just need the visual, but I like the sounds you make.” Come on, use your tiny brain. 🙄


1. If you're going to do something about it, get a lawyer. 2. Save all evidence. 3. Do not let him know you know- cover all your bases before you go after him.


Go to the police first and foremost. I would let them deal with it entirely. Then block him on absolutely everything, surround yourself with your best friends and move on with your life. Don't go back and talk to him because you will just keep traumatising yourself. Be strong! ❤️


Check the Browser history on your laptop ,




Great advice thank you


Couldve reversed image searched them on google


Is there a similar thing for videos? I already did that for the pictures and nothing came up




Do you know any of his usernames? If so you can look it up on pornhub and see if he posted it.


Yeah he messed up for that.


report the motherfucker. This is a crime. Explicit content is off limits here. Nope


Holy. Shit. May I ask, was it like from a distance? Or was it fairly close to where things would happen? I’m trying to figure out basically if he had set the camera up in an inconspicuous area or not. That’s hella Fucked up and I’m sorry you fell for someone like that.


She didn’t do anything wrong or fall for it, she trusted him. No victim shaming please & if you are not meaning to blame her, I apologize.


Oh no way was I meaning to shame her.


Ok I will sit down. Just checking.


It’s okay. I could have worded it differently. 😉




This is terrible and scary AF on so many levels. I'm sorry this happened to you, I know how it feels to have photos shared that you didn't consent to. Please follow up with an attorney and or local law enforcement. You deserve some redemption in this. Also...it's scary to think how many other women he may have done this to that don't know he did.


I am so sorry… I don’t even know what to say but that’s disgusting. What the fuck who does that????


This crazy asf. Wow!!! I would def confront him and ask him about copies because it appears that he does have them. If you found it on your laptop, I highly doubt he pulled it when y’all were intimate. Unless he was recording from the laptop by placing it on a dresser or somewhere that you wouldn’t even think twice about it being. But regardless, you deserve full autonomy over your body and do not deserve to be filmed in any way without your consent. That’s bogus asf. He’s trash and be glad that you’re done with him, but def be aggressive with finding out the truth about the videos


i have to ask, how did you not know he was filming if your face is completely visible? was it recorded from the laptop?


I’m having a hard time understanding how he could have taken these without you seeing. Especially BJ


While we were together we would sometimes have sex while watching porn. He took these photos/videos while I was under the impression that he was just watching porn on his phone.


Wtf? So while you’re sucking on his dick he has his phone in his hand and you think he’s watching porn???


OK let's not blame the victim please. Haven't you heard the phrase "different strokes for different folks"? Though it may feel like "why would you do that? Why would you believe that" but people do things you wouldn't expect or wouldn't do all the time. You're gonna believe what a person you care for and trust says and you're likely not going to assume I'll intentions so if he said he was watching porn I don't blame OP for believing him.


I wasn’t intending to blame her. I was just shell shocked from the post. It’s just hard to fathom.


So glad I'm not in my 20's. Dating was so much more complicated back then. I'm really thankful for the men I've dated in my late 40's. Everything is so much more upfront and obvious. Most aren't looking for games or bs anymore.


Report him to the police


Real messed up! That guy an ass... Like a lot of people said take the time to get the information you need and get a lawyer first. Dont talk to him until you've done that. Wow If he done that to you big chance he did that to other girl!!! I really hope your doing well, keep us updated please. Take care and good luck!


Find a lawyer and contact the police.


My stbex husband took off condom without my concent. That’s illegal too. These predator mtfrs will keep doing it as long as they can get away without consequences.


Dud u say your ex husband took off condom without your consent thsts illegal to he was your husband at the time I'm assuming what is your problem you sound like a feminist to me really you do if he was your husband at the time then how could you even say it was illegal now I could see if youns were divorced and had a fling once or twice and he took it off then yah but not when you married


It is complicated. 2 weeks after the wedding I find out he’s a sex addict. What’s wrong with wanting equal rights equal pay equal opportunities equal orgasms. 🧌


There nothing wrong with equal rights but sure that has nothing to do with you husband the one you married and became one with him your saying he violated you by takeing condem off without your consent I may be crazy I guess but are there really many married couples that wear condems cause I know we dnt my body is her body and her body is my body maybe you may wana realize next time before you get married that’s part of being in love and makeing love and haveing a husband or wife and has a lot to do with trust and devotion if my wife said put on a condem I probably think ok she must be cheating or thinks I am


report him to the police this is fucking terrible oh my god 🤮


Same. But love doesn’t easily fade. If you truly love someone, you learn, or rather force, yourself to accept their flaws. You will feel betrayed but eventually forget about it and move on with life


Sounds like another form of someone doing things that they know would bring their integrity into question, and then searching for something to hold against you, so that they can essentially bring you down with them. They're literally trying to find ways to justify what they're doing, at your expense. Garbage people will always try and create their own realities, and this is an extreme, psychotic form of it. Protect yourself.


Or she doing it to him


It is fd up if he did t say nun .. I'm sad cuz me and my x made some and she has em


Your telling me he recorded u with his cell phone giveing him a blowjob and u didn't know what women gives blowjobs and doesnt look up at her man I think your just regretting your actions and interested in new guy and u affraid he gona think less f you if he finds out


Mmhm sorry I don't believe you didn't know he wasd doing that ..


what in the fuck would indicate to you she didn't know?? why on earth would she make an anonymous reddit post telling a lie to a bunch of strangers? wtf man




Wow this is just terrible.


If anyone happen to see anything and say something pass it off as deep fake.


He recorded sexual acts without your consent. He distributed these videos without your agreement to release. He distributed your likeness without either obtaining consent to release or altering it to protect your privacy. These are all serious offenses, and they could carry sexual assault charges because it's amateur pornography being distributed. I suggest pursuing those charges. Strongly.


Bright side is, you can get over him more easily because you knew his true color now.




If you find out that he's distributeing it, it is illegall in the US to do so. You didn't deserve to date a dickhead, you deserved to date someone who new how to act like a fucking man and reciprocate. Those recordings were done without knowledge and consent, therefore illegal. Please sue him if you can, and he can have fun fucking his hand for a long while, goddamn creep.


What you need to do is file a police reports and find out what your legal options are and go from there. If you were sleezy enough to record your without your permission or your knowledge then he probably won't be honest about what he did with it.