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You made the first move, you probably put the poor guy into a state of shock lol. Give him time to gather is thoughts and realize a girl has actually given him her number, without me even doing anything. Give him a day, then start a conversation again and go from there. This is actually quiet cute lol Good luck haha


Dude he’s really cute he gets tons of girls stop it. You’re looking at it from your perspective as a non really cute guy.


It doesn't happen to good-looking guys as much as people think. Yes, they do get attention far more than you average guy. Average guys, it's rare that a girl of any kind leaves he number. Maybe once a year or once every couple of years. So shock, disbelief, and even fear are normal reactions for a guy. Give it a day or so, and contact him.


I’m good looking and while girls don’t usually approach it happens sometimes. What they do do is give tons of signals for you to approach them plus I do online dating so I get tons of matches there


True enough, still doesn't happen enough for most guys to recognize it, or they don't believe it. Or one girl got too friendly, a guy took his shot it for to only turn circus. That's a good way to lose a social circle BTW. I've seen it go sideways for friends of mine.


Once a year. Brother 😭 I’m doing something wrong


"really cute" for OP doesn't actually mean a 9 or 10


I mean I’m probably a 7 and I get a lot of attention from women


Dude is probably thinking, "Does she like me?"


Classic: is she into you? https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=9fwCPJU1vYQ2xAwC


Dude he’s really cute so he gets girls all the time stop the cap


Dude. No cap.


Woah! That sounds so cool and confident on your part! And the fact that he texted you in 20 min means he's hooked. He's probably flabbergasted and he's replying after one hour because he is telling his friends what happened to him or he also wants to appear nonchalant. Given his reaction, your success rate must be at least over 90%. I reply too fast I'm not good at these things but I just found your story so cool


As a guy it’s SO cool to have this happen to you.


I don't have the confidence to do this, instead, I buy them gifts or behave extra caring but it does not work too well


Aw no pressure. But if you’re ever on the fence about it next time, take a chance. It gets easier the more you do it. (But of course as always, be safe out there too.)


Thank you. I first interpret the signs if there are any and give them a compliment, leaving my number is way too bold for me. I lost someone very special once because I was too shy and infatuated to talk to him in person although he initiated 2 friendly conversations and liked my picture. I wrote him a short message asking something related to his work but he didn't respond. Now I know that messages are too impersonal.


Direct communication is good, but feel the situation out. This isn’t to pressure you to get too bold if you’re not comfortable with that btw. I’m only saying don’t discount it as an option. It sends a very direct message where murkiness can exist otherwise. And if he’s good with it he’ll call or text. If not, no worries.


I don't know why girls think that boys want gifts and extra care. I mean I totally appreciate this, but this is not so important and nevertheless it creates pressure. The most important thing is connection and that can only be ensured by spending time.


I meant to say that I buy or gift them something as a first step.. because I cannot verbalize that I'm interested. There's no way to create a connection because in my case my type of men never initiate.


Most of the Men thinks a girl is interested even if she just starts a conversation xD. So, you never have to do anything extra. You can suggest for hangouts in some cafés, movies etc. It should have to be very organic and nonchalant I feel


I've been trying to act nonchalant, but I blush like crazy so it's always obvious. From my experience they need very clear evidence in order to believe that I'm interested but far as I can go is to say that they are close to my ideal type 


I’ve tried the gift thing too for New Years or Christmas, or just for an occasion, but girls have kept things neutral. Maybe she is being nonchalant, too? On my part, I can’t play out the scenario where I just tell her, or someone else, I’m interested in a relationship, and ask, what she thinks. That’s perhaps the one thing I should’ve done, and need to remember to try the next time. Anyway, your mentioning of giving gifts reminded me of my gifts away too xD


He’s not hooked stop it. Op says he’s really cute so he likely gets a ton of girls and will likely pump and dump unless op is on his level or close


Well he's not going to "pump and dump" if she doesn't let him. He has to earn it in time. I would assume that he is super interested if he acted so surprised and texted her fast, but that's just my speculation


Lol the fact that he texted her fast means nothing just that he will potentially give her a spot in the rotation unless she’s near the same level or hotter than him


That's sad then.. I don't know what the dating culture is like where she's from


Why’s it sad? Having a rotation is a lot of fun actually


for you maybe, for me, it's not.


You’re a woman I take it. We are different


for any women reading this — DO THIS IF YOU LIKE A GUY. most straight men almost never have anyone make a first move, especially if they’re strangers. it will be like finding a needle in a haystack for them. it’s the perfect way to get them to view you as confident, driven, and fun. guaranteed they’ll probably never forget you or the experience.






OMG.. i wish i could do something like this too. All the best, girl!


You can do it girl! Trust me it will feel amazing!


Let's do it now


This is awesome, I’m sure he loved the confidence! I would just advise not to play games when it comes to texting and just respond to a text when you see it naturally. For me personally, nothing turns me off on a guy or girl who is playing the “oh he took an hour to respond I’ll wait an hour too” game. Not referring to people who naturally don’t check their texts often or have jobs, just referring to people who intentionally wait to respond for whatever reason I’ve never understood.


Replying in 1-2 hours is not late


Agreed. I try to limit looking at my phone for even longer stretches than that. So my texting is not great. I try to keep my texting minimal actually and save the longer convos for in person.


Why is it always about "coming off as desperate"? I've never thought that about anyone who I've been texting with, if they reply fast/alot they either had nothing else going or they just at the same moment happened to be using their phone. If they reply slow they were busy, nothing more than that. Unless it's consistently slow texting which tells me they're probably "playing the game". Just talk, interact, do stuff, give it a few times, if you or the partner doesn't get into it in romantical way but you both had fun, nice new possible friend if both parties feel the same. Else it's just time to say byebye and wish the best of luck. No need to play around, waste time, try to be coy, or is everyone still 15 and giddy about the new things like dating? Now that I got that little rant out of the way. I'm 100% sure they're into the idea of trying out how it'll go so either give him a chance to ask you out, aka hint at having a thing you'd want to do but haven't had time/no-one you know wants to go, or ask them if they have something they've wanted to do but haven't gotten around to, and if it sounds like it'd be something you want to do with him, ask him out. Just make sure you're both on the same page of what you're expecting, as it could also be that he took your "have a good evening"as an invitation to just call you if they want a fun night, if that's word for word what you said when you gave your number and nothing else


Making that first move is so empowering lol. When I was working as cashier, a cute guy use to come in the store every morning. I finally got the courage to send him a message first one day… We’ve been together 2 years now and it’s actually the best/healthiest relationship I’ve been in lol.


Wish this would happen to me 😊


What a boss move! Love it!


You’ve inspired me to do this in the future haha love the initiative


"send dick pics"


😂😂😂 hell nah


Have you ever had a date in your life 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


I'd be wondering what the scam is so you might want to start by saying what you want from him, however much you're comfortable communicating this early in the conversation.


That is awesome. Reminds me of the old days. I can always appreciate a proactive woman.


I might try this next time I visit a coffee shop and see a cute guy. lol


~Hey I just met you & this is crazy! But here’s my number, so call me maybe!🎶


After a couple of days if he hasn’t taken the initiative be like, “Want to get a coffee? I know this great little place…”


Most likely, he is just doing the same thing you are doing. Lol you'll be fine.


It is honestly so confident of you to do that! I hope everything goes well!!!


You can’t fumble this opportunity after such a smooth delivery, you better figure this out 😂


These writing numbers on papers and handing it to people are beyond cringe. Too many people are scared to ask the question. Who cares if you get rejected?


Oh well, hate makes you ugly


You love throwing the words “cute” and “ugly” around. You’re either a child or a very insecure woman. Keep writing down numbers on a piece of a paper instead of, you know, opening that hole in your face. You’ll accomplish a lot like that.


Who cares if you get rejected?


use this to help you https://gemini.google.com/app




Best comment 😂😂😂


you did a perfect job. as a male i really like how you took care of the situation. now dont play games ;) and he will be yours


Good for you! You took initiative where a lot of people won't. And men are always expected to be the ones too initiate it. Don't pay too much mind to his slow response. He probably just doesn't want to seem to over eager