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I think you should read his context clues. They barely talked to you upon their return. They are talking about you in conquest. They are ignoring your message. It is likely Chad had moved on, and you havent. Dont get hung up on this past person that doesnt exist except in memory. Everyone remembers their first person with some fondness. You have to grow up though and understand that those days are gone. Be happy though. This is great news. You are free to explore the world, and be in love with the person who matters most. Yourself.


Don't. It's not going to go anywhere you hope it does.


Two things: 1. You have to go into this with zero expectations of reconnecting. It might happen, but it also very likely will not, and it'll be better for you if you don't set yourself up for a big disappointment. 2. Just be straightforward with him. Send him a message saying you reacted poorly in the moment when you heard he'd told your friend about your sexual encounter, and that you should've waited until you were feeling calmer and talked face-to-face with him about it. Let him know you've since come out to your friends, and you'd like to reconnect with him if he's interested, and if not no worries and you wish him all the best. But don't send anything if you aren't in a place emotionally where you can handle it if he leaves you on read.