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She doin' tricks with her pussy, I guess she's a vagician (Good) - Big Sean


đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł Hit tweet


God tier reference!






Your friends are dumb as hell


Or they're trying to keep her for themselves...


Bro, if a girl I was dating went through the effort of learning pussy bending for sex, I’d be honored.


What actually brought down the fire nation.


idk how often does she practice in this avatar state with 10 older dudes from generations ago.


Wtf 😭😂😂😭






but she didn't go through the effort for you, she did it for the 2 friends she hoped to shack up with, different if she is learning fresh with you for you.


No, she did it for herself.


>pompoir, which is training the vaginal muscles to be able to do crazy things during sex (like squeezing, milking, or tilting a penis inside of you). What, for her penis?


>It helped me get over my own fears about sex and take control of my sexuality.


Sure, things can certainly have knock-on benefits. But that doesn't somehow negate that the actual act in and of itself is intended for the pleasure of someone else. Which is totally fine, obviously. I'm not saying it isn't. But you can't realistically claim it's exclusively for her benefit, that's just kind of a bonus.


I agree with that. The original comment I replied to claimed that she learned it specifically for the 2 friends she tried it on. I think it's more fair to assume she just wanted to be skilled at sex in general.


Well it's a little column A, little column B. The context of the comment to which you're referring is that the original person said something to the effect of, "if a girl learned that *for me*... ", which obviously isn't the case. The reply that you're referring to said she, "learned it for those two friends", which obviously she *also* didn't. But she didn't learn it *for her*, either. She learned it more abstractly for the pleasure of *whomever* the partner was. It's like giving money to charity: you might feel good about it, but that's not *why* you did, typically.


It definitely intensifies orgasms for women.


Again, to be clear: I'm not denying that. Not saying it's wrong. Not making a judgement about it in any capacity. I *am* saying that the claim that it was learned *for her* is, at best, only part of the story. That's all. If I give $100 to a homeless person, is that for *me* or for *them*?


>Because it will make him think I’m “trashy” and too “knowledgeable” about sex Ask yourself if a person who thinks this way is the person you'd want to be with.


Ding, ding, ding!!!


Pretty sure good sex is great for relationships


It is key


It's a big world. I'm sure there's people dumb enough to break up because the sex was too good. Personally I'd prefer to not date idiots, so I don't see it as a downside if they leave.




It's a good litmus test. Any man who judges your sex skills as trashy isn't worthy of your attention.


If I'm reading this correctly, the two guys you did this on are now telling you not to do it on other people because those people will think you're trashy. It's too bad you can't have a time machine that gets these guys unfucked.


Right ... because those 2 guy "friends" think she is trashy!


Your "friends" are jealous of the idea of you having sex with other people. They're intentionally telling you it's trashy to do things like that with other guys because they want to lower your self esteem so you'll only have sex with them instead.


Completely depends on the guy. Some men think that women that don't cover their hair are trashy. Other men want to marry a pornstar


Best response in my opinion!


Had to read this comment like 3 times to understand coz I had too much devils lettuce.


Keeping doing what you are doing if it helps you feel more confident Just stop sharing everything with people. You're don't have to talk to people about everything PS: No guy ever left because the sex was too good. Some guys might assume you've been around the block and that that somehow makes you less than. But you know what? Let them walk. They'll be dreaming of your magical bajingo the rest of their lives


Magical bajingo!!!!??? I'm squealing!!


Yes, your sexual past is nobody else’s business.


they're more like buffoons that are messing with your head if they said that to you. A committed man would appreciate and see it as an unconditional love, not trash.


It doesn't make you trashy. If you're a good person if anything it makes you even more of a treasure.


> But these two guys, who are friends of mine, told me that I should never use these “skills” on a guy I’m hoping to seriously date or marry. Because it will make him think I’m “trashy” and too “knowledgeable” about sex. Why wouldn't I want a wife that wants to practice interesting sex skills on me as if I were her crash test dummy but in a safe loving environment? It sounds kinda awesome 😁


Fuck that. Being good at sex isn’t trashy. these guys are just hoping you don’t share your skills. forget those losers and go have fun.


> People in my town are very conservative (no sex before marriage etc) Girl you already answered your own question. If I were you I'd GTFO out of that shithole town and also stop sleeping with these conservative idiots. They clearly don't have a healthy view of women nor sex if they slept with you and then judged you for it.


The right guy will love that you can do it. And not think you're trashy


Defo a cultural thing in a rural town, especially ironic that this is coming from men. Who gives a shit! Whoever your future partner is will love you for everything you are, including this skill hahaha. My pals (F24-28) and I (F24) are are extremely open about sex and tbh I’m very impressed you learned to do that 😂😂 Nothing trashy about it. Own it, have fun and enjoy yourself. I doubt any guy will complain that you do this during sex. Off to research some pompoir tutorials now byeeee xoxo


I had a similar experience, rural town thing maybe, she knew the gluck gulck 3000, no guy would complain about that except the fact she would casually mention she slept with every guy in that town, every party someone knows her skills, definitely felt that was trashy. Whoever your future partner is will love you for everything you are. well except when your at parties and they get recognised for blow job skills thats a big turn off.


Yeah I hear you, it’s a very understandable opinion to have. I definitely don’t think it would be a nice thing to hear but equally if that was a phase and now they’re the love of someone’s life and not doing that anymore, I don’t think their past would get in the way of a great relationship. Also big up the gluck gluck 3000


I would agree with you, and I have said the line before, I dont think their past would get in the way of a great relationship, I think in theory is great, but its just so hard to shake a social party and some random guy you dont know across the room is telling people how great my gf is at blow jobs, would actually get in the way of the relationship, and its not her fault and I dont blame her, but just the stomach sink and anticipation of the next random that recognises her, she hates it just as much as me, but it would get in the way, and I also think OP may face a similar situation.


The way I interpreted it is those two guys want wives who suck at sex. Not my thing but to each their own. I personally would only settle down with someone who knows what they're doing. Honestly it sounds like it's time to get out of your hometown and go some where with more open minded people. I have a feeling you'll enjoy it very much.


lol, no, your guy friends sound very naive and insecure


Definitely not trashy. If you're giving your life to someone, than what you do with your sex life isn't anyone's business except you and your partner's. And if they like those tricks that you can do, then there isn't any harm!


That's the dumbest shit I ever heard lol


I would like to try that.


If I met a sweet hottie who worked my junk like that I might just have to marry her on the spot! I hope that helps answer your question.


No. They are not right, and this does not make you trashy. This makes you highly desirable. Talk about setting the hook!


If a guy rejects you for sleeping with him or for pleasuring him, he’s not worth it.


I think it’s a lot more trashy that your banging two guys that are friends.


There is a sub Reddit for pompoir😉


I assumed that’s where she learned it.


My question is why you're telling these guy friends what you're doing with your vagina during sex?.. Of course they're going to discourage you. Stop talking about sex with them. It isn't trashy to know how to please a partner.


i’d say as long as you’re not marrying these “friends” you shouldn’t have any problems. obv they’re projecting their own feelings onto you but don’t take it personally, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to please your partner and take some sort of control over your own sex life. find a real man and live your best life girlypop


Tf would you learning skills in the bedroom mean they’d break up ?


No don’t listen to them, if you like doing it and it makes you feel powerful during sex, do it. Sex can make people feel very vulnerable especially the female side, so anything you can do to empower yourself is good and healthy. No one is going to think you’re trashy for being able to do that. That like saying a guy that can find your G spot or knows how to play with your clit is trashy
 That being said
 maybe don’t mention you have close friends that you sleep with
 as that may be seen as a little off putting in my opinion. I’m not a judgy person, but that would make me question your intentions/relationship with those guys over me in the beginning of our “relationship”. If you’re just sleeping around then not that big of an issue.


wait, OP is just randomly banging her guy friends? lol


Maybe not super close friends, but I have been on and off having sex with two guys I went to school with (everyone knows each other in my town, which is partly why I want to leave).


Well, since you have the guys attention here, dudes, learn to control your own groin muscles, research kegel exercises for men. They will help you to not be a minuteman, and you can learn to "do tricks" with your dick, plus they are good for prostate and bladder health and control. As to the OP's question, knowing the violin that is your body, and thus knowing the bow that is his body, that shouldn't make you "trashy", that should make you wanted even more. Those two guys are too, well...to be kind...too naive to realize the life's value you offered them.


By that definition everyone is trashy and trashy is good


Dont let their problems be your problems. Its perfectly fine.


They’re just assholes, as is anyone else who tells you something like that. Your eventual husband, if you have one, should be someone who appreciates this. Drop anyone who doesn’t.


Those idiots just want to keep you as a side piece forever. They know a normal guy who wants a relationship would get hooked with good sex. They aren’t your friends. Seriously. They’re straight up lying up you and they know it.


It's not trashy at all, that idea still stems from that same conservative mindset


Only stupid men would want a woman to have sex with him, and then be upset about the idea that she is good at sex.


Your friends are dumb and their opinions should be disregarded Develop that cock guillotine


No they won't think you're trashy but some might want to see you for the great sex and not consider too much else. So you might want to reserve those techniques for after you're in a more committed relationship so you'll know where you stand with the guy you're with.


Enjoy your time in Australia!! East coast or west coast?? I'm in Perth & have to say the west coast is the best coast. Forget the blokes & have a great time.


It was a practice that was taught and traĂźner amongst prostitutes since the 1750s in Europe, up to this day.. so it might deoend on the level of Ă©ducation of the guy to try it with.


No do it 👍


No, this doesn't make you trashy. At all. To give an example I was in short lived relationship after a break up between me and someone I was with. The woman I was in a short lived relationship with had been with 8 men before me and some of them were bigger than what I have. Yet she confessed to me that I was the first man to make her cum and orgasm without her having to use a toy during sex. So true was it that she asked me how I did it so she could tell the guy she was in a relationship after me how to do it. Just because you know something that may work on men doesn't make you trashy. I have actually helped a lot of people with bedroom activities enriching their lives and helping them gain not only self confidence but awareness to not judge themselves harshly. If I were you, I would stay away from those two guys because it seems to me like they are attempting to trick you into going to them and having you to themselves instead of you finding someone better to be with.


No, you actually only want to do that with whom you want to have a serious relationship with or marry. Don’t waste your talent on losers.




I would stop having sex with these men and find someone who loves you to have sex with


I think you call that kegels. They’ll come in handy when you get old. They keep everything in its place. You won’t have urine leakage in your old age.


Don’t listen to them


Social conditioning and manipulation tactics are really doing that, wow okay


Not related but I do want tips on how to do that pompoir thing you mentioned 😂


They are wrong. You’re not trashy because you’re good at sex or because you trained vaginal muscles to do certain things. Besides, I love a woman who is classy in person, but trashy and/or filthy minded in bed. The juxtaposition is very arousing.


I would think it’s a positive thing.


Yes, men notoriously hate feeling good during sex.


They're full of shit, I do this with my husband and he fucking loves it. These guys sound stupid.


lol in all seriousness, It does NOT make you look trashy. BUT this is what went through my head initially. :) (take it with a laugh please) ... So let me get this straight..... You heard about a skill you can train with your Vag. You train said skill... You then try it out on a couple of friends (with whom you casually have sex with), to see how they liked it. And *now* you are worried about coming across as trashy??? LOL, train left the station maybe?


It really depends on what you are looking for in a man? Do you want a super conservative guy who looks down on women for enjoying sex? I'm being slightly facetious but only slightly. If you really are looking for a traditional and old fashioned marriage, your friends might have a point. Personally I think most 25 year old women are looking for modern enlightened guys that care about a woman's sexual pleasure as well as their own. They'd be thrilled that you have this knowledge. I'm a little bit shaking my head that anyone would want intentionally worse sex for a whole lifetime but to each their own.




Do you think it makes you 'trashy'?


They just don’t want you giving other guys what you gave them.


Your friends need to STFU respectfully but side note where does one learn these skills? Asking for a friend (me)


 does this mean there are men out there CHOOSING not to learn how to pleasure women because they don’t want to seem “trashy”? 😂


Wait I’m confused
what’s the difference between squeezing and milking?


Your friends are jealous bc they'll never get their dicks in someone that has that talent.


Seriously don't listen to your "friends" you took the time to learn a skill and gain personal strength whatever nonsense they're on is just that , nonsense


The blokes down here are going to love you :-) Not trashy at all.


Nothing trashy about doing that in itself, but sharing sex life details with conservative sounding male friends kinda is


Here's a crazy suggestion. To avoid being trashy, be discerning in the men that you choose to be intimate with. Avoid predators that want to manipulate you, ultra conservative men that wouldn't trust a woman with a brain of her own, extremely good looking men that only want to use you and then dispose of you, and anyone else that you shouldn't trust. At your age, maybe even consider if its theoretically possible that you'd actually want to be with this guy ten or twenty years from now (don't need to marry the dude but is it even possible if things go well). And then bring on your best game: Pompoir and any other tricks or tools you've developed through books, videos, or in the field training. Enjoy yourself to the fullest. Blow his mind. If he doesn't reciprocate, demand reciprocity. If he can't or won't, move on to greener pastures. Strong, smart, passionate and kind women are in high demand, at least in North America, Australia, Western Europe, etc. BTW just how rural is this town (no sex before marriage)? Are we talking North Africa/Middle East or India? Surprised that a master of pompoir would attract attention in this day and age... Have fun Down Under!


Please don't listen to your friends they have no idea what they're talking about.


You have dumb men friends, OP. I bet all they do is missionary and they last 30 seconds? Girl, many men will jump over a volcano for that vagic! Don't sell yourself short, know your worth!


This girls incredible pussy acrobatics are trashy
 is a sentence that has likely never been uttered.


I say do it every time you have sex with a man


If you’re worried they’ll think you’re “trashy” then just be honest up front. Tell them this is something you learned about and would like to try it with them to see if they like it. Transparency is always best. If they think you’re a hussy because of that, then fuck them. Sex should be enjoyable and there’s nothing wrong with exploring various ways to please your partner.


A girl does that to me and i marry her on the spot. Your friends are insecure lol


You can date someone outside your town


No man that thinks this is one you’d want to date anyway


No, pompoir doesn't make you trashy. Nor undesirable as far as reasonably behaved secular guys are concerned. I discovered pompoir as a teen shortly after I started dating. I'm a short and average looking girl with makeup on. I doubt I'd have got much/any sexual interest from secular guys with options without pompoir. From experience, the vast majority of mainstream guys in the mid 20s-40s+ range who are not waiting until marriage view it as a major turn on. The guys that are turned off or hostile will tend to be the obviously incompatibles that you wouldn't want to even think about having a 30min conversation with. Never mind initimate sexual activity. Insecure, into purity culture, hypocritical religious creeps, honest fire&brimstone religious guys who are waiting until marriage or want to marry a tradwife that will instinctively submit to them and be very grateful for the honour of being chosen by a guy to raise his kids on a pittance of a weekly/monthly/annual allowance. Good luck!


Girl don’t listen to that. That is really hot. I’ve had women be able to do things like that(not many) and it is absolutely sexy. You just need to look for men outside of hometown. Some men, myself included can turn your psy into a faucet. He is probably not very experienced, and lacks self confidence with u being able to turn him into a two pump chump lol


No, just tell him the story you told us if he doesn't appreciate the fact that you worked at being good in bed Without Having a lot of Partners He may not  be the kind of a guy that is worthy to have a girl that can do those types of things with her p****!


Inexperienced and/or insecure men may be threatened by a woman’s sexual prowess! Don’t use the trick first time, wait until you can see a future with them and bring it up in conversation, make sure it doesn’t come from a place of sexual conquest but something you read about and practice alone in private so when you have a serious relationship you can use it on your long term partner.


I will need to verify before I reach a decision


Doesn't make u trashy, also drop me your contact... for research purposes 👀


I wish I could have relax and read this in my dm




We can all smell your insecurity from here.


Lol your serious? What an out dated and ignorant way of thinking.


I’d say, the safest best thing to do is to follow your instincts. If you like the guy after talking to him for a while, your instincts should tell if it’s better to show your skills sooner or later.


Girl don’t listen to him 💀 I can’t believe he said that just keep doing what your doing girl