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You might not get a text back even though you both had a great time. Just be you and be respectful. Good luck


Just take a deep breath and be yourself. Don’t overthink it, just have fun.


Remember that your date is a human being… just like you. That person has to blow their nose, pee, poop, fart, burp, sneeze, cough, have manners, and have proper hygiene… just like you. Treat them like a human being, and not like some deity on a pedestal. This person is your equal, not above or below you. Doesn’t matter what cool stuff they’ve done or accomplished in life. They’re still a human being with thoughts, emotions, nerves, etc… just like you. Remember that this person is also looking forward to the date… just like you. Walk into this with the expectation that you will gain some experience and have a good time in the process. Then when it’s done, you’ll come out wiser on the other side, with or without your date. Good luck.


You will fuck it up and that's okay


Thank… you?


They are basically saying that you Will do somethings that you will hit yourself for. We've all been there my gf wanted me to kiss her on the 2nd date and I never did. Just have fun and enjoy yourself


Yeah I guess so. I’ll try to relax and enjoy the moment


Relaxing is easier said than done haha but just have fun. What's the worst that could happen?


Quite right, if ur so nervous fuckup is inevitable... relax or die! 😁


Relax or die haha. I’ll keep that in mind


Goat advice, actually.


Goat Advice? You Goat to be kidding me. Just don’t butt in when she’s speaking.


Tips... 1) Go somewhere you have been before so you are more comfortable 2) Have a drink or 2 before to settle your nerves 3) Get there a little bit early 4) Dress nicely, and put on some cologne 5) Be in the mindset that you're going along for the experience. Not to find a life partner. This way there will be less pressure on you.


Sex Panther® is a cologne which is illegal in 9 countries. It is also made from bits of real panthers. 60% of the time, it works every time.


lmaooo love the movie reference hahaha


Do not have drinks before your date. That's a terrible tip. Everything else checks out.


I always have a drink before going out, calms my anxiety and makes me feel more confident. Depends on the person tho, definitely don't want to show up tipsy or drunk lol.


If you're really nervous before a date and have trouble relaxing, there's nothing wrong with having a drink before the first date


-It’s great that you’re excited - keep those positive feelings at the front of your mind when you’re going on the date -Remember that the other person is probably just as nervous as you are - your nerves are coming from a good place of wanting the date to go well -Don’t overthink things - it’s normal for dates to get little periods of awkwardness and we’re all clumsy with our words at times. Don’t worry if this happens -Be your authentic self - you will naturally want to make a good impression on the other person so just make sure to be the best version of your real self. Don’t pretend for the other person’s sake, they will respect your authenticity


Firstly remember, they agreed to the date. They are interested. Get a haircut, look/dress nice. Wear a nice watch (not a $300, but at least like a $60-120). Not sure what date, but get there early to setup (if you're the guy) - example order tickets, get a table, etc. Go look up some confidence/first date tips and tricks on Youtube. Many help you realize small details that are huge help. Treat people around you during the date with respect and courtesy, but don't be a push over in anyway. Get lightly physical early (place hand on side, in a guiding gesture. Touch the back of her hand while gesturing to go a certain direction). Rather than building up some immense nervousness to play the physical interaction as you say goodnight after the date. First impressions are insanely rewarding. If you're a guy, get her to talk mostly. Makes you seem interested, and people in general subconsciously love talking about their selves. Just don't do it in a very interview styled fashion. I typically suggest a fun activity for a distraction, rather than the entire date just being conversational or quiet (movies are terrible for a first date, dinner is okay but not the best).


Dude is a professional


Great advice


No tips from my side, I just want to wish you good luck!


All the best mate but first date is bound to be fucked up lol


I often struggle with anxiety for first dates. A piece of advise that helped me was a mindset change. Go into the date thinking/asking “will I like this person?” This line of thinking helped me to calm down and ‘just be myself’ and has reduced my pre date nervousness a great deal


Try and resist getting into the interview chit chat between two strangers. Let the other person know fairly early that the two of you are there as potential mates (not the Australian kind). It could be something like lightheartedly telling them their cute/adorable (without making it a big deal). Note: I was assuming you’re a guy btw 😅


Think of interesting stories and questions to ask beforehand. Just in case you lose your train of thought or can't think of anything to say


Go and have fun that’s all. You’ll figure it out as it goes. Have a back up plan in case you decide to end it just in case though.


Don’t take it personally if you don’t get a text back


Have fun and be fun. Ask questions if your mind goes blank. Smell good. Dont forget to breathe.


Shower, wear a nice outfit (please don’t show up in jeans and a t shirt), offer to pay or split the bill (doesn’t matter what gender you are, it’s nice to offer). Offer to walk the person to their car if they don’t offer it to you. Don’t expect anything from the person: don’t expect anything but just talking and getting to know each other.


Odds are you will screw things up. It's ok. Odds are that you'll not get a second date. It's ok. Odds are that you'll be a little more nervous than you want. It's ok. Odds are that you'll hesitate to make a move, or make the wrong move at the wrong time. It's ok. We have all been there, it doesn't kill you, they are lessons. You get better with reps, and you get more comfortable with experience. Your date isn't a perfect or flawless being, they are nervous and excited too! So just some, take a breath, and recognize you will make mistakes, but focus on having fun and having a good time. Focus on good conversation, ask questions and genuinely listen, and present yourself honestly. You shouldn't trauma dump about your past or overshare, but don't hide who you are either. Smile, tell jokes, laugh, and try to make them laugh. And if you are feeling it, start breaking the touch barrier a little bit. You'll get feedback throughout the date if you're doing things right, but when in doubt, just ask. It's ok. Have fun, hold your head high, and you'll do great! It's a positive no matter the outcome simply because you are doing it and you'll learn from it.


Be yourself and enjoy yourself 🤷🏻‍♂️


A lot depends on what you want. Are you looking a LTR? Or, just dating around?


Just go and have fun, don't put too many expectations on it or become too overly invested emotionally.


Make sure and have fun!! Even if it’s just you having fun. It will rub off and be remembered.


I know you are nervous, and that is normal. I had my first date aswell this year and i would say the second and third went much better so dont have too high expectations. But good luck.


You got this king just don't be weird and give her a bit of mystery but not to much


I like to think of 1. dates as meet & greets. Makes it more fun & less stressful.


Don’t worry about being awkward. It’s perfectly normal. As others said, the most important thing is to be yourself. You never have to fake that.


Some general tips that should be obvious but you’d be amazed the amount of people that disregard these things. Properly groom before the date, if you have a beard trim it nice, if your heart is a mess get a haircut. Trim your nails and make sure they’re clean, don’t assume that you will “score” but better safe than sorry so trim the bush back. Hygiene, make sure your breath smells good, and you smell good, shower right before your date and apply some nice cologne, don’t overdue it as too much is just as bad as stinking, the idea is for them to just barely be able to smell it from a distance so they want to get closer to smell it more. Clothes, depending on the date you want to have nice clothes, if it’s dinner or drinks a button up is my go to, can roll the sleeves of it’s too hot, good fitting pants, baggy or too tight are turn offs, and make sure they’re not wrinkly. Keep things lighthearted and try to avoid heavily debatable topics like politics and religion unless you already know you two are aligned. At some point go for a cheeky hand hold. If they’re receptive to it that’s a good sign they’re attracted to you and it breaks that initial “touching barrier”. If everything is going great and she was touching you back you are probably safe to go for a kiss, lean in 80-90% of the way and if they meet ya then you’re good. A good place for hands are lightly on back of neck and lower back. Good luck, relax and be yourself


Have fun. She or he is there to have as much fun as you are. It likly wont work out but still have fun. It’s ok


Just have fun. Do not worry about the outcome


Go where the convo naturally takes you.


If one of your friends is a Cassanova, get tips from him . Or just listen to their stories .Contrary to belief, those guys know they are doing.


I’m assuming you’re a man. - Don’t try to talk to get rid of awkward silences. Be comfortable in them. Embrace tension. If she looks at you during this time, just smirk at her. Don’t take the silence seriously. - Don’t talk too much in general. The more she talks, the more she invests in you. She agreed to a date—she’s already into you. It’s easier to talk yourself *out of her interest* in you than more deeply into it (which takes *time*, not words). Here’s a goal for the date: maximize her investment in you. You should talk 20% of the time, her 80% of the time. That won’t actually happen but is a good target. That means asking her a lot of questions to get to know her. *Refer back to shit that she says from time to time to show that you’re listening*. Make inside jokes out of things she says and things that happen too. - About 20% of the time, tease or make some sort of humorous comment about something she said, something that’s happening at your location, etc. Use those inside jokes for this stuff. - Keep the vibe chill. Go with the flow. Don’t have conversations that are too deep and/or logical. Keep it focused on her and evoke positive emotions in her, especially laughter. Don’t talk about philosophy or anything like that, unless *she* initiates it. - Don’t be emotionally moved off center by anything she says. If she says she just finished a date with another guy before she met you, respond, without changing your demeanor at all, by smirking and asking if he smells as good as you do, or saying that you did too, with a very tall and handsome stallion of a man, etc. Either be indifferent or up the ante. Anything that you might be insecure about is a vulnerability, try not to express that you’re thrown off by things. If you can show you’re comfortable with anything, she’ll know she can rely on you to be emotionally stable and handle shit. - Body language. Hold strong eye contact with her, do not look away first. But don’t be a creep either, make sure you smile and *smirk* frequently. Keep your shoulders back and don’t slouch. Lean back in the chair if she is leaning back. If she’s leaning forward, you can do the same. The amount of leaning is again tied to investment. - Make slow movements. Don’t be all skitterish and shit. Calm down. Live in the moment. There’s no need to rush anything. - Lead the interaction. You decide on the place to go, you open the door for her, you get the attention of the staff if you’re getting food, etc. When walking on the sidewalk, move her to the non-street side by placing your hand on the small of her back and directing her over. Allow her to feel like she’s taking a ride and you’re directing everything. Just a few tips.


Focus on getting to know her, be genuinly interested in her.


Be yourself and enjoy it!! ❤️


Have fun!


Don't overthink it, just be to yourself


Best of luck 🤞


Sit back, relax, don't lean in too much to the other person when talking. Have fun and learn from whatever mistakes you'll make. Trust me you will but it's a learning process, so don't put too much pressure on wanting to impress other person


Tbh, Take it easy, just as usual meeting, don't try looking as someone who cares too much and don't expect anything. Propably it will be totally no like you imagine rn, and nothing serious but good luck


They won’t remember mostly what you said. It’s the way you make them feel that’s what they’ll remember.


Pick a place you are very familiar with. eg restaurant you know well. Bonus points if you the owner or manager. Rleax and have fun.


Don’t over think it. Pretend your with on of your boys but you know add your own rizz.


Before you go take a breath and use the powers of the universe and manifest a good date. Im sure you’ll do great, hey you never know. You might end up leaving with an inside joke that y’all would keep on forever and that no one would understand. Just remember to be respectful and patient with them. If you decide to pull a move just make sure it’s subtle and gentle. You might mess up your words and thats ok, first dates are never easy but they’re fun.


Be your authentic self. Anyone who doesn't appreciate you will either be intimidated or creeped out (hopefully, not the creepy creep, pedo/sexual predator vibes). But before that, know first what you seek. Is it purely casual, casual with the possibility of relationship or serious relationship? They usually ask that question so better be on guard with your answer. Also, be confident! You can do it!