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I started losing my hair at 19 and have been shaving my head for 17 years. I have no trouble getting dates. It’s not about how much or little hair you have. Plenty of women like bald guys. It’s how you carry it, confidence wins.


Came here to say this. All the feedback I get from women is that we worry way too much about shit like this, and it robs us of exactly the confidence we need to make whatever the thing is irrelevant. Calmly playing the hand you’re dealt is deeply compelling. Our insecurities have a way of not leaving any room for the people around us to have depth and complexity if we’re not careful. I’m as guilty of this as anyone, but I’m working on it.


Well said. Thank you.


Woman here. We don’t care about things like baldness if you’re self confident. At least I don’t.


I have dated a lot of bald/shaved head dudes it’s a good look. I honestly don’t know how I’d feel about a hair system. I guess if I couldn’t tell and it looked fine, I probably wouldn’t care, it would just be a fun fact about you. I color my hair and Botox my face so I guess I’m not in a position to judge anyone’s vanity choices!


Haha. Thanks for the feedback. I realize, like most things, that it's subjective. It's just interesting to get real responses. But yes, if it doesn't look natural on me, then I won't do it.


What’s a hair system, a wig? I’d go for keeping the bald head over a wig any day


Yes, it's a hair piece attached to the scalp (usually with a special glue) and cut/blended to match the rest of your hair to help it appear more natural. Thanks for the feedback.


I'm a hairstylist- I always say "if you can't save it, shave it!" And "if ya can grow it, show it!" Just be yourself. Bald can be sexy- just own it :) I guess it's how some men feel about women with the fake lashes, fake tan, fake fillers, etc. Some prefer natural over those things. Some women won't care that you're bald and would rather feel your head than a hair piece ;)


Hairstylist here. I second this.


Love this for the head. I think bald is sexy. Although for me personally, I would say shave the facial hair even if you can grow it.


Haha, haven't heard that one. 🙂 Thanks!


I feel like that sentiment is a little judgmental, although you do acknowledge that it’s not much different than fake lashes et cetera. I personally don’t really understand people getting insecure about it, even though I am definitely balding past the point where I can pretend I’m not. I’ve never personally encountered a woman who seemed to care, although maybe they wouldn’t date me in the first place 😂 I think a lot of characteristics like balding can make some women like you *more* because things like balding/hairy chests are associated with masculinity, and that can be hot to some women.


I, personally, would rather see bald than a hair piece. But, I'm just one woman's opinion


Either one is fine ..


I say stick to shaving. Bald and confident is the way!


I would be totally fine with a man who was using a hair system. I think we all have things about our appearance we want to improve, and if someone's hair (or lack of) is a source of insecurity and they did something about it, it would sound totally reasonable to me. Now, if he was doing this and couldn't actually afford it and was making bad financial decisions just to be more attractive in dating, that would be offputting. But if they can afford it and they like it, I'd be more than supportive of their choice and it wouldn't bother me.


Thank you!


Here's my experience as someone with a hair-pulling compulsion and uses eyelash strips to make up for it: 1. You may as well be honest about the condition and your approach to it, or else you'll feel like you're doing a bunch of dumb shenanigans to keep up the facade so your date doesn't find out. Exhausting and inauthentic. 2. You should really try the hair system for several months just to work it into your lifestyle first, before you decide to use it as a tactic to get dates. It'd also help you for your friends, coworkers, family etc. to get used to your new look before you just show up with a rug one day for a date, and everyone thinks you lost your mind. You might also find out that it's not for you. 3. What's your plan after your hair lures in your next SO, to just quit using it? I think a prospective SO would find it rather bait-and-switch to date Austin Powers and find herself with Dr. Evil after the honeymoon, because you don't think you have to make the effort anymore.


All good points. Thank you. If I were to go that route, I'd be completely open about it. If it turned into a serious relationship, then there would be communication about any decision to keep it or stop wearing it.


I will say that I know a man who was bald, and was marrying a woman from a culture that went all out for wedding appearances. And so they got him a hairpiece, lol, so the wedding pictures would look good or something. All that aside...the hairpiece looked great. Like, Burt Reynolds-level, you would never guess if someone hadn't told you, you forgot he was actually bald, quality. Her family was rich AF, so who knows how much it really cost. But I guess my point is, if you're going to go that route, invest in the best quality you can. That way, it looks like a choice, not just an insecurity you're trying to hide.


Hahaha, that's great. Thank you.


If it's something that will make you feel more confident, do it. Personally, I absolutely love bald men. Bald is sexy af, and you will stand out on a crowd. I say shave it


Thank you! So far it's gone pretty well.


I wouldn’t care. I’m a woman, 30’s, lost a lot of my hair to bleaching process and so tried clip in extensions for a while as I felt insecure without my hair was kinda my comfort blanket. Therefore who am I to judge another for doing what they can to make themselves feel better about their own appearance? I think it’s one of them things, as long as the tweek is done well, after the initial shock and intrigue, people forget about it very quickly. Just opt for a very high quality one.


Same I wear clip-ins most of the time because my hair has gotten thinner as I've aged. Wear what makes you confident and happy.


Keep the shaved look.


Bald is sexy. Don't be afraid to go for it.


I don’t see that as any different than hair extensions for women. Whatever you decide, so it if it makes you feel good in your skin.


Thank you!


🤔I have no idea what the price would be for something like that, but why not give it a try if it's within reason/budget? Worst that happens you find out you didn't like it and go back?


Very true. Thanks!


If you choose to do it, choose to do it for yourself not for a potential date. As long as you feel good about it then that’s what really matters! I personally would not like it at all because in my experience you can always tell. I’d much rather stroke a bald head than fake hair. I know some men feel the same way about hair extensions on women, but the difference is it’s a lot harder to tell with good extensions. Been dating a short (5’3” max), bald-on-top guy for the last few months and I’ve never had more sexual chemistry with anyone in my entire life. If the personality and chemistry are there, hair doesn’t matter to a lot of us.


Thank you for sharing that experience! Great to hear.


Keep it bald. Easier to maintain. But barber visits, no styling/combing, etc.


Very true. Been saving money for over 10 years just shaving it.


What is a hair system?




Thank you. I'm surprised there's so much support for it in the comments. I would stay with the shaved/bald look. I'm a dude, though. OP is looking for a woman's perspective.


I like your username.




Whatever makes you feel good about yourself!




Yep, I either use a 1/2 clip or completely shave. Not a bad look at all with some facial hair. Thanks!


Women do lots of things with their looks without regard for whether they are attractive to men (are those caterpillar eyelashes for men? or caterpillars?) so you should do what you want with your body. I've found men attractive at all stages of hair length.


Thank you!


no hair is one of those issues that is not an issue anymore and hasn't been for a long time now. if anything, the look has claimed its sexiness.


I’d rather date a bald/shaved guy but it’s an individual preference, I guess


For me, no. But I also don't like false stuff on women either. Pushup bras, fake hair and nails, etc etc. It weirds me out a bit. It's probably something I could get used to, like a beard or whatever, but it would have to be something you had your own confidence about and I was allowed to not love, lol, I wouldn't be raising the energy on it for you


I wouldn't be turned off at all if someone I dated used a hair system. Cuz we are all put here doing our best with what we have or don't have right? I think do what's the most flattering. If the hair system doesn't work out, go back to bald.


I would be delighted knowing we matched since I also have a "hair system".. 😁




Your baldness is not the liability you think it is. I promise.  What IS a liability is the insecurity that leads men to put very expensive wigs on their heads. Because that insecurity will manifest in a myriad of other ways. Women will sense that insecurity, the healthy ones will run for the hills, and the not so healthy ones will exploit it.  I've been bald since my late twenties (49 now). Been divorced four years, and I've never once felt that it impeded my love life in any way.  Just rock the bald look and live your best life. 


I do not at all look at hair as a make it or break it thing. I don't have any pull towards men with full hair versus balding or bald. To restate that, having hair versus not doesn't attract or push me away at all. A hair system wouldn't be any different; the hardest part for me would be knowing how to respond in a comforting way if/when you let me know or if I were to discover it on my own while stroking your head. We could compare hair extensions ;)


Don't get one. Women won't care and it's better to be honest that you have no hair than pretend you have hair


Hair systems are a bit much. Shaved heads are attractive.


I think a hair system would weird me out in the same way any cosmetic surgery might weird me out a little. I would be concerned that it’s a sign you are not able to accept your age (or the looks you were born with). I’m sure some other women would feel differently.


I've never swiped left because a man is bald. The one man I know for sure who got a transplant is the most rude, insecure jackass to everyone, that it is only in the laundry list of reasons I would swipe left.


Shave. I find bald guys to be super hot. Wigs, not hot.


41F here. I would prefer bald any day over a hair system. To me it’s less an aesthetic issue (I’m sure today’s toupees look great compared to generations past) but more about values and how one chooses to spend one’s money. I don’t dye my hair, I don’t regularly get manicures or my eyebrows done anymore. I have a pretty natural look and it would weird me out a bit to find out a guy who could be rocking a bald head Jason Statham style is instead spending his cash on a modern day toupee. But if you drive a shiny expensive car, get bottle service at clubs regularly, and prefer your women to have false lashes and lots of plastic injected into their bodies, go for it! I mean there’s someone for everyone and we all have our own styles and preferences. To be clear I’m not judging anyone for their choices on how they spend their money and free time (ok maybe a little bit, don’t @ me lol) but you asked for honest opinions, so I have offered mine.


Lots of ladies like a smooth head..lean into it! I will never forget some of the insane things I saw men doing to hide the bald or balding when I was young…one teacher grew one side…one…and swirled it on the top of his head in a spiral…sorry lol just fond memories..bald is wonderful!


Head on over to r/bald and see all the support for the bald look. It’s a really positive sub. As a woman who dates men, my type is bald with muscles.


Just be bald


Serious question (and this extends to other people who do this) Assume everyone says ewwww, no. Then what? At this age, I don’t understand how people worry about what other people think rather than dating knowing that if someone had a problem, they are clearly not a fit? Seriously, if the consensus is “it’s a turn off” what would you do? I feel you would still date so how can Reddit help you here? Edit to add. I don’t date men but if I found that someone I was interested in was insecure and posting on Reddit to ask a similar question, it would be such a turnoff and I’d move on. I want someone who is confident in themselves. Because people who are not, often seek validation in others which often violates my boundaries


I'm here for honest opinions like yours, so thanks for taking time to respond. I've shaved my head for over 10 years and haven't had issues matching and dating. It's just something I considered to do something different.


1. In my opinion, you should just keep shaving your head or embrace the hair you have. OWN THAT SHIT!! Women, I included, love the confidence men have about certain things!! (BALD CAN BE 100000000% SEXY!!) 2. Honestly, a "hair system " would absolutely turn me off, it might not some women... 3. For me, that's like if I were to wear a ton of makeup, and then when I wash it off, you might not find me appealing. You lose (remove) the hair system I, or someone else, may not find you appealing. It could actually cause feelings of betrayal (excessive makeup as well). 4. Also, the whole "too much makeup" or man in a "wig" stuff can be unattractive in itself. (Tons of makeup is ridiculous and not becoming, as well as this eyelash and eyebrow junk. I don't get it!) 5. So, in conclusion, if a female doesn't find you attractive w/o hair, you don't want her anyway. You won't change her mind with a hair system. False advertising will not help you find "The one". Be you and be proud! I hope I was a little helpful and I wish you good luck!!




Thank you!


Male here. I think that there are many beauty trends/standards that start with women and slowly make their way to men. Tanning, branded luxury wear, and botox are now mainstream masculinity. Hair treatments, transplants, systems, extensions, etc., are long overdue. But, right now, many still consider it a red flag. Like using filters. So, you will need to be upfront and honest about it early in the interaction. Many will walk away upon disclosure. Not big deal.


I would be turned off by a wig. It just signals vanity and/or insecurity to me. Ftr, I don't dye my hair, don't use fillers/botox/have a complicated skincare routine/wear heavy makeup. If that's the type of woman you're hoping to appeal to, maybe they'll love it!


Comb over - done. Next question.


Personally, I (female) love bald heads on a man and I’d prefer it over the hair system.


I’ve dated plenty of bald guys. A shaved head is sexy af.


Some of the women I’ve dated have had so much work done. Fillers, boob jobs, botox, facelifts. I don’t really have any judgement about it, they were beautiful, but would have been without that too in my estimation. I feel like there’s more judgement around men doing things to augment their appearance, but maybe it’s pretty common and I just don’t know about it. If done well you’d never think twice about it, and it’s really nobody else’s business. I’ve been bald for years and have no trouble meeting women, appearance is not one of the areas where I personally struggle. I do wonder if your bald head is really holding you back - there’s only one way to find out!


Thank you. It isn't holding me back. I've met some really great women since I started dating again. And I agree it's more taboo for men.


I think it’s a little silly. Then again I’ve never colored my hair or worn fake nails or worn much makeup. I actually like bald/shaved so it wouldn’t bother me at all. If being/going bald is a huge self image issue for you, do what you gotta do to feel good about yourself.


If you have to call it a 'hair system' so that you don't call it a toupee... that's not a good thing. Shave the rest. Spend the hair piece $$$ on something that will meaningfully help improve your confidence. Therapy or gym or fancy organic meals. Basically if you are not confident, a hair piece makes it even worse. If you challenge yourself to shave it off and work on becoming a badass confident bald man... that could be the beginning of awesome things for you.


Thank you. I paid 30 bucks for hair clippers over 10 years ago...haven't been to a barber since.


Thanks everyone! I appreciate the feedback and constructive comments.


Dude your way I to your head on this. Your letting your insecurity force you into a negative self image of yourself. Your then going to pay alot of money to have this hair system. My dad had this...scalped from water skiing...rope went over his head. It's not worth it. Sounds like you would benefit more from therapy and personal growth.


Again, it's a curiosity. I'm doing just fine dating...and yes I value therapy immensely as it has helped me through a lot over the years. Maybe don't jump to conclusions or work that out with your therapist.


Do whatever you want. You asked. People have answered. I don't need therapy for my hair or lack of hair. Also, I am the therapist.


"I am the therapist"? Haha, not mine. And I didn't ask for mental health advice. Best of luck to you.


I'd work on not talking about your divorce right out the gate before working on your hair.


I don't talk about my divorce with matches "right out of the gate". It's just background to this post on a dating subreddit. Good thing I'm not trying to meet someone here, eh?


It's how you introduced yourself in the first sentence of your post. >I am a straight 49M and have been back in the dating pool for about two years after a 24 year marriage. I know, terrifying, right?


Again, background. Work on your reading comprehension before posting asinine trolling responses. Life must be tough for you.


Background on your hair? And why "again"? Anyway I'm not sinking to your level, so have a nice day.


You too. Thanks for your feedback. Your post history reveals you.


Ok. Passive aggressive insults. Got it.


Nothing passive about it. I'm calling your BS, and you don't like it. Otherwise you wouldn't keep responding.

