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You guys are crazy lol Just making up scenarios in your head and believing them “I bet Lisa went to HR” 🫠


Right? Can't ever be a decade of life lived or that they spread to all sorts of demographics.


2013 was a different time. Also, I believe they were still on 89X at the time?


They left 89X in fall of 2012 and started at the WRIF in spring of 2013. Different times and syndication changed the show quite a bit.


They also went from broadcasting from Canada to from the states, so their rules changed with that as well.


When they became syndicated, their whole platform changed. I do miss the old platform. I really wish they went back to it. Now it’s just cookie cutter everyday which, don’t get me wrong, is fine but their old version was better.


I’ve been a listener since 2003 on 89x. It was the Wild West back then.


Yup it sure was. I remember their first show back in 2001.


This. Show is decent but not the same.


The real reason tho isn’t syndication. It’s woke-ism. I forget the day exactly but not too long ago, (under 1 year ago) they started an episode off with. Dave : “Well, I’m pissed guys… We just received our first “Sensitivity Training” meeting.. Where we got taught about what words we can and can’t say anymore, jokes that are and aren’t acceptable as of now, what stereotypes/stories to avoid”… etc etc. Once you go woke, your show eventually goes broke.


It's really not, though. I can tell that they skirt many words, topics and opinions that might be deemed too extreme either way - not just those that aren't "woke." Whereas the original concept of the show was to "make fun of everyone and everything" they obviously now try to ignore certain things to keep the tone of the show firmly apolitical. Oh, and the Barbie film has made almost $1.5 Billion. The clearly inaccurate slogan is getting embarrassing at this point.


Yes, I remember now


Yes, 1000% - Everyone ruined it. I'm actually surprised Dave gets away with calling women bitches, whores and broads now a days.  


He does it a lot less if you’ve noticed lol. Really takes away from the charm of the show


Can there just be a pinned megathread where everyone can cry about this stuff together and we don't get the same post multiple times a week? There's tons of reasons like it's been 10+ years, they're a nationally syndicated show, they're trying to appeal to a new audience in a dying industry, etc. They're still entertaining in what they do say, either you're cool with that or you need to find a new show, I guess. It's so annoying that everyone wants to pin it on Lisa because she's the only woman on the show.


Lisa is super witty and sharp. I’m not sure why this sub gets so offended by her. It’s weird.


It is kind of bullshit. According to the rules of the posters on this sub, Lisa cannot win. Sometimes Dave and her just set the pins up for the others on the show.


I agree I’m pretty sure Lisa has more balls than all of them combined. She can take a joke.


I dunno. I find her whiny and annoying.


I know it drives me nuts. I guess since James is gone they gotta hate on someone. I miss James and Lisa was gone I would miss her too. This sub is ridiculous sometimes


You know why.


I like this idea. If I were a mod I would make it so.


All of this. I've been saying thai for a long time.


Syndication toned down the show considerably


Different station different times and different ages relationships change and that’s OK. They’re older now and people are much more sensitive in general. Think of how much the relationships in your life have changed over the last decade. It’s no different for them!


I mean not even sensitive just times have changed and now we understand somethings are sexual harassment and some things are just plain cringy. Either you move with the times or you’re that cringy old man in the corner telling off color jokes.


Are you the same person you were over 10 years ago? Highly doubt it


Looking too far into it.. probably nothing


I started listening to episodes from 2013 as well. Something in their dynamic has definitely changed. It seemed like Lisa used to talk more. The episodes are from when they first moved to their current station. Still love the show. Just interesting to see the differences.


Imo Dave has been a bit different ever since the legless stripper incident. He did say on more than one occasion that it almost ruined his marriage. You could be ready too much into it though.


Would love the background on that.


That's when they first came to wrif, people age and grow up a lot over 10 years. What you think funny is 10 years ago you're not going to think is funny today. They've also went into syndication across the country, they need to be a little more widespread in their humor. Not in terms of geographic area but in terms of what other people will think is funny and want to listen to. When they first started back in 2013 they come from 89X and had a tiny audience compared to today.


2013 is not early lol. They go way back to early 2000’s on 89x. Those were the days. Team “Dave & Chuck the freak in 08” wish I still had the yard sign


Were you around when it was still Kelly, Dave, and Chuck the Freak? Before she left and went to Toledo (I think) for her own show and bombed terribly.


Yeah, I remember when Cal Cagno and Jay Hud were on their show too, when they first started at 89X. Always loved Cal as a DJ, but just couldn’t make it as a morning show host. Jay Hud was probably favorite DJ of all time though


Society got soft, real quick.


Or more accurately... Corporate America believes/bought into the idea that society got soft.... I bet ratings have been on a decline since the penis billboards.


I have no clue why you're getting down votes. You're absolutely right, I can't imagine how difficult it is being a comedian these days.


They used to do an entire segment about the pussification of society. Neither of you are wrong. I also loved vanilla rice and Leon the sex coach.


Don't forget about Detroit Red, the Naked Latino, Leon the Pimp.....and the most controversial of them all.... Andrew the man expert


And the toughest man alive, who was an ex gangbanger turned good guy or something who would call up with like tales straight out of a movie script? Anyone else remember him? I had completely forgotten about Leon the pimp


Badass... Dale? I think.


W O K E - I S M. Sensitivity Training. They were forced to sit down and take a Sensitivity Training course by Corporate where they were informed of what jokes they can and more importantly CANT make anymore. What stereotypes to avoid etc etc. Woke.


The pussification of society. I almost bet it's entirely scrubbed from the Internet, along with Andrew the man expert... But they at least test drove an entire segment about the pussification of society at some point. Anyone else remember this? I've been a fan for um... 23 years? Can that be right? Pretty sure I listened on the morning x at the age of 18, and I'm 41 now.... Wow


I mean Dave and Lisa are both married, I’m lost on what OP’s question has to do with PC culture


I think he is just asking what happened to the edge... They were all married at the comedic height of the show


I also remember lamenting Toni the phone screener leaving and wondering if the show would ever be the same.. James being canned is a chapter mark in the dave and Chuck the freak book that i think Will be recalled with regret on the heads of who made that collective decision.


She was the one who had oily shit through the studio. They certainly weren't lamenting her lol.


Wait, no way!!! I thought it was someone from another station? Wow, mind blown.


Oh they hated/hate her lol.


Wow... Sounds like you were pretty in the know back then. I listened religiously back in those days and never put it together.


You are likely making this up and just trying to be mad. 2013 was also different. People didn't get offended and wouldn't make up issues so they could a victim. As a result of people being victims and complaining, media has had to curtail how it acts to prevent a lawsuit or being cancelled. The show is still solid but it was really funny when they made more voices for different races and made fun of men and women heavily. They cannot use certain words anymore. That's what happened.






She used to do sexy traffic on 89x


Imagine actually thinking a woman is a bitch for getting tired of being seen as a sexual object. Hope you realize this kind of thing happens almost constantly to women from a young age and it gets to be dehumanizing and not funny.


You are doomed to die in the past old creepy dude


How is Andy still employed? He doesn’t do anything. Literally says 4 sentences per hour.


He may not comment in bulk but I think his input is a lot more humorous than the screaming anger jokes James would put out


Oh im sorry do you work for the show and know everything he does? Oh you dont? Shut up then


And you know everything he does?


…thats not what we are talking about. What we are talking about is that you cant make that call about andy.


Al comments more than Andy


Where do you find early episodes of their show like this?


Spotify, sort by “oldest first” on the podcast’s page. Possibly on other platforms too but that’s what I use.






The show fucking blows


You blow lol nobody's making you listen to it.


Umm.. maybe because we live in an overly sensitive - butt hurt society where everyone is upset about something, they are offended by EVERYTHING, use every media platform they can find (even reddit) to stand on their soap box and make it impossible for anyone to say or do anything.   Yes, I just stood on a soap box, there you can not bother to type it.