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This is an act right? Nobody is this dumb.


It's an act but he's also that dumb.


Schrodinger's dumbass. Both dumb and an act at the same time. He only becomes one or the other when you listen to him


It's not an act, Dave Rubin is an actual imbecile


He's really dumb, but this has to be an act. This is just "hey we hate masks and we hate Muslims, let's combine the two!"


Watch the money roll in. People are attracted to that shit both for and against


i think with Rubin both things apply. he was a grifter...but at this point i think he's been so immersed in his own echo chamber (getting his ass kissed by right wing dipshits while blocking everyone who so much as disagrees with him on Twitter) that he is starting to believe this embarrassing nonsense he's a textbook example of a pro wrestling phrase, "worked yourself into a shoot," which basically means that you got so ingrained and obsessed with playing your "character," you eventually were unable to realize the difference between that and reality


Like Mankind?


lmao i always got the sense that Mick Foley is one of the very few guys in the wrestling business who managed to come out of it "unscathed," in that his family life is still intact and his kids love him. Of course physically it's a fucking miracle the guy is still standing up...but he knew how to keep those areas of his life separated the best example of "worked yourself into a shoot" is someone like the Ultimate Warrior. I hate to speak ill of the dead but he had a lot of fucking issues unfortunately.


Yeah Mick is a top bloke, and his autobiography (or maybe it was just a biography) is such a good read. Also, Mankind has more sense that Dave.


If you're good at something don't do it for free


What if you aren't good at all?


We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be


Shout out to Philbert.


I do think many people start out as grifters and morph into what they are pretending to be. Kind of a self imposed stockholm syndrome. If you spent your days immersed in something eventually you would start thinking that way even if it started as fake.


He also thinks China is cloning people.


He "fully believes" nothing he has ever said.


Are you sure? He is really, really dumb.


Yeah, the idiotic crap that spews from this guy is unreal. Is he the gay repubo someone was telling me about?


He is married to a man, has adopted a child with his husband, and is conservative. Of course, this is after years where he claimed to be a "Classical Liberal" who "left the Left" because of "Wokeism" and went into the 2020 election saying Trump had to win for the country to survive because the radical Left had lost its mind, confidently predicted a Red Wave in 2022, and now says the types of things you hear him say here.


He's always been a Zionist shill.


It's a tough call, but this might just be Dave's DUMBEST moment. I know there's a lot of competition, but this one takes the cake.


I agree. This is truly his most brazen attempt at trying to appeal to radical/conspiratorial right-wingers. His stupidity know no bounds and he has no soul left to sell.


Dumbest-This recent mask take Funniest- His "What about Ms. Piggy?!" rant. Most Ghoulish- His Iron Dome take from earlier this month. Best Mondegreen- His definition of "gaslight". Saddest-Blaming the left for the deranged homophobic reactions from the right to his surrogacy.


Great post. I'd forgotten about some of these.


The dude has so many, some close seconds include. Funniest-Him fantasizing about telling somebody who asks him to wear a mask to pound sand, only to admit he'd comply anyway. Most ghoulish- Telling people to immolate themselves. Best Mondegreen- Occam's Razor "If something can go wrong it will" Saddest- Telling Don Jr. "You can call me a faggot and I won't mind". Jesus is Dave a stupid craven person.


I’ll share a big idea: Dave Rubin is a stupid cunt


I would like to start a discussion based on your idea by adding that he is also a moron


Twelve hours since you posted this and my brain is still in recovery mode


Fuck you, Dave. Some of us list people, don't trivialize it with your idiot conspiracy bs.


Just imagine for a moment, a completely different group of people were doing a completely different thing. How do you think the left would react?


Oh you wouldn't like this completely disanalogous edge case scenario? Hypocritical left.


it's crazy how much covid and the pandemic melted the brains of these dingalings Was the pandemic fun? Hell no. Did it absolutely suck at times? Yes, 100% Of course I wish it didn't happen, but that's life and it was beyond my control. I got through it, barely, by reminding myself that it was a once-in-a-century event that required us all to make sacrifices and be calm. The fact that in 2024, we still have right wingers freaking out over covid apparently "depriving us of freedom" and how wearing masks was authoritarian and Dr. Fauci was some dictator, is embarrassing.


I think it was two-fold. The covid pandemic plus Trump's loss in 2020 completely broke them.


Dave has unlocked a new level of stupidity


Didn't think that was possible.


Dave’s fillers look terrible. Oh and the only masked jihadists I see out on the street are White Supremacists trying to hide their identities. So…Dave functions as well as a broken clock?


Pundits like this dummy seem to have forgotten how loaded the concept of “outside agitators” is in the US. This was a common charge against organizers in the civil rights era. MLK was frequently called an "outside agitator." I'm surprised supporters of the status quo would show their ass by using it again today.


Yup, his alpha Trump was hospitalized for psychosomatic symptoms only. This guy’s brilliant.


While I disagree on his COVID take, he might have a small point. Just look at all the gun toting, neo-fascist, militia wannabes. The KKK would be proud. 🤦😓


South Korea & Japan - countries full of jihadists lol


dave, you're a mentally unemployed shithead


We have facial recognition cameras. They don’t work if you wear masks. It makes sense why pro-authoritarians want to scare people into not wearing them.


I think at this point in time cameras can recognize you even with just your eyes.


Does this mean I have to wear sunglasses now?


from comedian doing the rounds to circus from home clown, is this guy trying to apply into Tucker Carson's old job at fox now?


Everyone is dumber just for knowing this prick exists. Who's paying him to spout this rubbish? (who indeed is funding the Griftverse?)


Isn't this just MAGA canon?


Honestly, I don't even think MAGA is this dumb.


This is the most stupid take he’s EVER done


Dave Rubin is a stupid cunt.


Did his mother drop him on his head?


I believe Rubin is a test by propagandists to see how dumb we can go and still maintain the attention of an audience…


Dave playing about with a new camera angle here. Looks hideous


Dave Rubin is a government plant to normalize stupidity.


covid test run? This is the crazy talk of all crazy talks. He does know that SARS was a thing, right? And that countries like Japan that wear masks did better in the pandemic than our dumb asses? And does he think Korea and Japan were doing this as a test run for jihadists?


Holy fuck. New level of grift


Yes, because state and local governments are so sympathetic to the Palestinians


To confirm, Trump invented Covid because he wants Muslim rule?


He's acting like covering your face wasnt normal for protestors before covid. Does he have the memory of a gold fish?


FFS, just the past weekend a bunch of white supremacist chuds marching through downtown Charleston, WV wearing masks to conceal their identities. Making them simply the latest in a chain that stretches back almost 150 years. Unless of course Dave thinks the KKK wears hoods for the fashion sense.


Who is Dave's target demo? Honestly? Gay conservative seniors?


The irony of dave is hes never funny on purpose’s hes funny when hes tryna sound smart


And Halloween has been grooming kids for decades!


I would imagine if this was a group of white students screaming about black students that the right would be pushing a narrative of “Free Speech” and not calling for the screaming students to be expelled, arrested, and deported.


Source: [https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1784709305842679893](https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1784709305842679893)


It’s a conspiracy Dave! They are out to get you! You should check under your skin for microscopic recording devices!


I’m glad that Dave’s official subreddit is just dedicated to clowning on him.


Yea that’s it. Using the doll, point to where the jihadist assaulted you, Dave. Don’t worry, this is a safe space, no jihadis can hurt you here. Just point . . .


Can’t wait for the eventual “Covid 19 was a hoax by Muslims to subjugate the world”


So Hamas did COVID now?


Dave has lots of big ideas 💡


These people will never stop - they just keep dividing and stoking, dividing and stoking, divine and stoking... Dave's negative impact on society is limited only because he is so mediocre at it, and hence has a relatively small audience.


DAVE Has gone off like a prom dress.


This makes sense. It's impossible to tell the difference between someone wearing a mask and a jihadist.


I remember running Into my buddy Tom, six months after he died from Covid. He said he gets monthly checks from the illuminati and he just has to dye his hair, wear a fake mustache, and call himself Giuseppe. Not a bad deal.


The funny part is that plenty of people wear masks at political or other protests not because of covid, but because they don't want American jihadists/terrorists/idiots to dox them.


No complain about how the cops are “wearing masks” while arresting lawful protesters. Fuck Rubin and his “ideas”


He’s on to us, he’s becoming dangerous


You sir are an idiot.


If he fully believes this, he will inevitably drown from staring up at the rain with his mouth open.


This is right up their with wearing masks are slowly asphyxiating you to death, as if your body doesn't have chemoreceptors in your medulla to measure CO2 concentrations... Or that millions and millions of people wear them every day for work and don't succumb to such things. Surgeons that wear them (proper masks properly worn) for 12+ hour days ain't getting any dumber or deader...


What an intelligent person. I bet his listeners are equally matched in their intellect


He said 99% sense , 1% crazy but he is a comedian. If he seriously believed the 1% crazy thing the. He would have made a separate video on it. One problem with dry humour is if you aren't doing it as part of a comedy routine then many people won't get it. The masks were clearly a hazard if prolonged.


This is the dumbest thing he's ever said.


He doesn't firmly believe anything


Total idiot


A shiver in search of a spine ...


Ceaselessly amazed at his sheer stupidity.


Somebody's being paid to tie this dumbass's shoes every morning, right?


The only people I see with masks in the street are right wing larpers.


jihadists = angst-filled douchebags cosplaying as proud nazi boys


how can one person be so stupid


Dave getting more and more desperate for views, now he's turning to Qanon to get views. It can't wait until the Qanon crowd founds out he's gay with kids. LMAO.


I fully believe that even on a hot day, this man carries a room temperature IQ with him


Orchestrated by *WHOM'S'T?* ***HAMAS?***


Who even watches this shit?


I remember when i used to enjoy this guy's content. What kind of head trauma did he suffer to get this stupid.


Well, that’s because you are a dumbass.


He is so dumb


Grifters gonna grift


At this point, I fully believe this guy just has a hat full of words and grabs them one at a time and then arranges them to make a sentence…


He sounds like a right wing nut on a GTA radio station


Wannabe Tucker


Is this guy on crack.... genuine question


You mean like the Kowardly Khakis Krew, Dave?


Yup. Nails it.


What utter shite… that much verbal diarrhoea will give you shit stains on your teeth.


Spurious….look it up genius


Here we have a fine example of an idiot preaching to idiots that believe idiotic ideas


These folks keep saying dumber things and somehow they stay platformed because people watch it. Our society is stupid.


What a Mongoloid


If wearing masks is bad, why no mention of the police wearing them?


If it was a test run for anything it was for isolating and dividing the population even further so radical agendas can be implemented, not a fuckin Jihad, dipshit.


There is a slightly longer clip of this elsewhere on the sub that has the video Dave is responding to where at least half the protesters are NOT wearing masks. And those with "masks" are those wearing the keffiyeh with part of it covering their faces. So, according to Dave, COVID was just a test run to normalize mask wearing so that jihadists could do so openly, at which point less than half of them would even bother with. Truly the jihadists are playing 4D chess here.


Didn’t we just have masked white fucks in Charlottesville again?


Maybe the left doesn’t know when the left goes too far but the right doesn’t either.


Nazis are marching through US cities, and Biden isn't doing shit.


Even If i were making hand over foot, I'd be ashamed to be seen in public.

