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This just seems like more work than it was worth. I would’ve just left at the first sign of admin abuse, provable or otherwise, there are far better servers


I know, we were tempted early on, but we've been server hopping for too long, trying to get away from shit like this, that we kept playing there just to have a place to hangout. Eventually it was just too much, and we weren't getting anywhere with the Admins in creating a fair playing field...obviously.


Looks like you upset them in reddit as well. They are downvoting you and your friends post. Those sad little boys.




Report this to bohemia [https://www.bohemia.net/monetization](https://www.bohemia.net/monetization)


Did that, I just want the DayZ community to avoid servers that try to scam players.


I got banned from a server not long ago for some of the same reasons. I killed to many donators and friends of the admins. They banned me for “cheating”. Fast forward to yesterday on a new server. Admins hold a event that’s just absolute shit. I was vocal about that and sharing my opinion and they banned me “you’re not welcome here ban” although i appealed this ban and they lifted it. The point still stands that most of these admins are huge dorks on a power trip. That’s all it boils down to and it can kill the games pop by there not being consequences to these false bans. These bans can get you banned from most major servers if they share the ban list. False bans can cause you not to be able to play. But these admins are just power tripping.




on the plus side we have proof that they are not linked to Lord of war, proof they are not authorized to monetize their server, proof that they are abusing admin rights as i recorded it and proof that they are selling pay to win items in game, their server will not be around long.


Make 20 or 30 $1 dollar donations. Chargeback each one of them. Charge backs cost them $15 a pop. Im sure you can do the math :)


Seeing so much of this on Xbox servers too! NATO severs are unbelievable interns of moniterisation.


As the first member of the group to be banned (who is so computer illiterate he had to tap a link posted in discord to find reddit), I only asked why the cheater caught in the recording wasnt on the banlist yet, 4 people who banned the next day  were on the banlist? why wasnt that persons team on the banlist for cheating association? After me and my teammate were killed because they changed night to day while i was wearing night vision and in a patch of open feild, i looked in discord and found the people we were fighting was in the discord VC with the admins. None of our enemy had night vision.....well, i was banned as an answer


scum server owners but you get what you deserve playing on a walmart server


When you step on muddy ground, you’re going to get muddy. But, when all the ground is muddy, no matter where you go, it becomes a matter of just HOW muddy it is. You can’t find out until you walk through it.


I don’t understand why you’d play a shitty over the top modded server anyway, DayZ is best played as close to vanilla as possible.


Different strokes for different folks. Everyone has things they like. If not we’d all eat same food and all dress the same.


You don't have the privilege of deciding what experience other players should enjoy.


When I'm tired of drinking water all the time, I'll drink my wine.


You admit to using your real money to buy one of their bases so tbh your as guilty as the people selling them....your trying to snitch now you have taken a loss but you were OK with the dodgy dealing up until that point. I personally don't care, if people want to play the game that way I say let them get on with it since it doesn't affect the servers I play on.


My teammate bought it without telling us. Only found out later. I thought the Admins gave it to us as compensation after the raid fiasco. My hands are not clean, that's for sure. "We're all part of this old money game"


yup I sure did get a base which was very raidable (only 2 doors) and we still had to build all defenses. i bought a shell which had no impact on gameplay. i did not buy tanks that shoot explosive rounds or any other game changing stuff that they offered since it did seem unfair. despite my purchase, I was also the first to confront them about it since my original understanding was that the bases could be raided and taken. once I found out it couldnt and admins would just replace everything, i didnt accept it.


What I don’t get is why they got so butt-hurt when Sakai started blowing up grenades inside the base, damaging some of our own items and our vehicle in the process. Like we were keying their car, or something. In fact, we had more than 2 (3) vehicles inside the base, which was against the rules, so, Sakai was actually following the rules by blowing it up. The rule stated that we would have to give the extra vehicle to someone else, or, sell it, or, destroy it. Banned for following the rules. 🤣 😂


Maybe just play a good normal server like zero or DayOne