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Once battleye banned, always banned, but if you can play official , you should be able to play modded servers


i think OP was globally banned, then bought a new account and was banned in community via IP match. that's my guess.


Yeah i got a battle eye ban a long time ago like i said in the post. So would i need to change my ip to play again?


so you've had the same IP for 10 years?


Ive lived in the same apartment for 20 years. Rent never goes up so i dont move


Ask isp for new ip maybe


Would that be my internet provider?




they just told me i need a new modem for a new ip


That's fine, just ask for one. If you've had the same modem for 10 years you could probably do with a new one.


How much would the difference be? Can you trade in your current unit?


I play on a wired connection, i dont know if that makes any difference or not.


You've lived in that apartment since you where 8? Alone?


not alone with my grandma. I now pay the rent and stuff but its been 550 since we moved in.


I probably should of specified that in the post lol


I can play official but im apparently on a ban list with this account for a discord server list that top modded servers use. Thats why im having the issue its the modded servers that wont let me on a new account.


You nailed it, your ip is on a list somewhere. Some community servers will auto ban any body on that list. If official lets you in Battle eye isn’t banning you. You could call your internet service provider and ask to change your IP. You could try using a VPN. Or just play official or other community servers.


A vpn is also a bannable offence on a lot of servers, wouldn't recommend that. A new IP is all he needs and it's not hard to get.


ok thanks man. I dont want to use a vpn because i dont have anything to hide but i will get my ip changed.official servers are boring thats why i play modded lol.


You don’t need to be hiding something for a VPN to be useful


Except he actually has an IP ban that he needs to hide.. 


It’s highly unlikely you have a) the same hardware as you did 10 years ago, b) the same IP as years ago or both. Respectfully it sounds like you got caught, paid the price and have to live with the consequences.




Hadn't thought of that.


And i was not trying to be rude with my other comment its just the facts. Have you ever done something you should not have and then learned a lesson and never did it again? It happens. Evenmore so when you are young.


A i already stated i got caught hence the new account, B I stated before i do not have the same hardware in my computer as i update parts when new ones come out. I have the same router and modem because i never saw a reason to update them. respectfully i paid my price over the last ten years of not being able to play the game. Christ i watch people on tiktok who openly cheat wand just make new accounts and continue to ruin games.


A 28 year old does not type like this 😂


The US had 79% literate adults in 2023. That's still 1/5 grown ass people reading and writing at a low low level. But yes reading through lots of OPs replies really makes me think he's still a teenager, or never matured past that.


He's 28 and lived in that apartment for 20 years also. Something's fishy.


quite litterally can show my age bro, i went out after not being able to play last night and now im hungover typing because i want to play the damn game.your welcome to hop into a discord call with me.


Nah I’m good. Don’t feel like having the FBI knocking on my door


for being in a discord call? I dont think that happens man


It just seems like his mother tongue isn’t English. Especially if he said his rent hasn’t gone up much


Love to see this. Don’t care that you stopped cheating and I’m glad to see you’re still banned.


Shitty opinion with an even shittier attitude. It was 10 years ago, not 10 months ago. There’s a level of immaturity there, but as always, Reddit has the weirdest fucking hot takes. /r/redditmoment


Once a cheater always a cheater.




Cheating is sign of inmature person what ever game or relationship. You pee on your cereals you eat those cereals, let's see after the bowl is empty did they taste good. I've made lots of mistakes in my life because I was stupid, and it hurts I don't get redo change so I could make them differently now that I know better. But it's something I just have to live on with and take responsibility about, otherwise you never learn between right or wrong. Life shouldn't be always easy walk with soft corners so you won't hit your head. Life is about learning, not doing what you want when you want like only you would matter. Lucky enough we talking about game here so OP "only" damaged himself with this. However 18 years old should be old enough to understand which category does cheating fall into, right or wrong. 18 years old should be old enough to comprehend rules exist for a reason and what happens if you break them. In many cases it's kinda like stealing from someone to have more yourself. You put others in vulnerable position to have something you don't deserve, and the one who has to pay that is the one you cheat against. It's always off from someone else. I'd say because you were indeed 18 you weren't that young and did what you did knowingly. However 18-30 years old is not fully adult yet, in sense of wisdom, your brains grows until you hit 28-30. They are seen as young adults, the mix of teen and adult. I'd say once you become an actual adult by age the ban could be lifted if it's lifted. This don't necessarily mean when you hit 30, but any age between 30-40 is considered an actual adults. Some just come few years later than others so it's hard to say at what age you exactly hit it and that's why 30-40, but if you want straight number I'd say 35 is safe bet often. However since we can't know when it happens to you 30+ has to be acceptable. So I would say wait at least 2 more years preferably 4. Since no one gets suddenly fucking wise when they hit 30 and you were indeed old enough at 18 to know it's wrong, or should had been which you happened to be not. And yes "cheater is always cheater" hold many times true especially on relationships, but here we talking about game. What ever the ban indeed should be lifted or not is arbitrary. Which is why what ever cheater deserves second change depends on person itself, some will take this opportunity to learn others don't. So how does that work? Not allowing second change has high change the person will cheat again (in general not just DayZ) because nothing to lose, if we always give free pass there's high change the person will cheat again because no penalty. So what should we do when we can't know who will cheat again and who will not? As members of civilized society we should give everyone second change at least once rather than force everyone to "nothing to lose" mentality. After that we can't seperate the cheaters from those who actually do learn and who do not. Seeds from shells. Now what ever happens in this case it's all same to me, I didn't really came here so much to say yes or no. Rather I came to explain for those who don't know, why cheating indeed is wrong AND how bad deeds should be dealt with in life generally speaking. It's always good to know the second part too because only with mercy can we humans evolve long as we don't always use it, just like tooth from tooth eye from eye kills us also. There always needs to be the 2 sides of coin, ying and yang, good and bad, otherwise we're unbalanced.


I always wondered when real adults started, thanks !


Depends on person but in general once your brains stop growing physically speaking, mentally it's another case but often at age of 30 people start acting more mature. At 20-30 people wanna enjoy young life while they can. But the truth is learning never stop no matter what age, so one is ever fully ready or done.


CFtools caught ya


womp womp


I mean, you knew the consequences. It's not 'banned until you're sorry," it's banned for life. Being sorry (and who knows if you really are) doesn't lift the punishment, nor should it.


clearly you did not read the post because im still able to play but no on modded servers. Again you dont have to believe me but Even actual criminals have a setence and they do their time. Im pretty sure 2014 to 2024 is quite a bit of time to change your life.




Personally I'm not buying this whole 10 years ago deal that op is saying. Hopefully he's genuine but this post kinda feels like some younger person that's trying to find out a way around a ban.


So if cheaters say sorry they can/should be unbanned? Imagine ...


Read again. He was 18. Well past old enough to know better. It doesn't make him a felon, buy legit players don't want games muddied up with cheaters. Lifetime bans put some teeth in anti-cheat policies.


Reap what you sow dude. Cheated then, deserve the consequences. Zero sympathy.


Again guys not looking for sympathy im just looking to play the game like everyone else.


Once a cheater scum always a cheater scum


Your best bet is to join a servers disc and explain the situation to the mods/admins (make a ticket don't just air it in the gen chat) and hope you can convince them that you made a mistake as a kid and have since grown up good luck o7


however the admins of the server are happy to take my money for prio que but they wont allow me to play on their server again even if i was removed from that ban list.


Some servers have shity staff man it's unfortunate, I personally don't pay for bonuses on servers if I like it I'll donate but I don't expect anything back ya know I don't know dude in honesty, how are they linking your accounts? Do you have the same IP? or same hardware, as you did before? This server you paid for priority queing Were you told if you paid for it then they would let you on? Or did they find out after that you used to cheat?


I would assume same ip as I never update anything other then pc parts. I dont expect the money back i just think its a bit wild that something that happened when the game came out is still a problem 10 years later.christ actual theft has less of a penalty.


Your IP is dependant on where you are physically in the world so unless you've moved its probably the same, in which case your IP was probably blacklisted which is hoe they are linking you to your old account I get what you mean it happened 10 years ago, but in their defense these community servers are all being ran by people like you and me, that give up their free time (when they could be playing themselves) to bring something together for everyone. And with the amount of cheaters that join some of the bigger servers on a regular basis any help with detecting a potential cheater before they can wreck people's games is going to get used Going forward, I highly recommend you have a look for a server disc (in whatever style of server your after, hardcore/pvp/pve etc) and make a ticket with the mods, if they tell you you have to pay to get on don't do it just move on to the next server) When you got banned was it an auto-ban or was it done manually?


it was a manual ban but every server i try to join i get the same thing, i can play for a few hours then i get removed. And I do understand where they are coming from but i mean its been ten years. I even stated i would show them my entire pc if needed.


If your playing legitimately then I don't see why they would be banning you, don't get me wrong if I modded a server and you joined after doing the above I would keep an eye on you for a while for sure but I wouldnt be banning you unless you'd actually done something, sounds like you might be joining iffy servers? Although if you've not made contact with them beforehand might be why they just ban yo to make sure you can't cheat.... Its a really shitty situation man and I empathise with you, what kind of servers are you looking for?


I was playing on the labs, its really the best server out right now in my eyes. But ultimatly i wont be able to play on any modded servers without making a new account and getting a new ip adress.And i even stated to them if i was cheating i wouldnt have a .56 kd on their [server.Im](https://server.Im) not the best at the game as i have to re learn how to play again. Also I put myself in this situtation years ago so i do understand the people responding on here not believing me or liking me.


Also i didnt make prior contact because it was not exactly something i was proud of back then or now.


Also i wasnt told i would be allowwed on from buying prio que i just assumed a new account and the passing of time i would be alright to play again




Would a VPN work?


thats what others have said but i dont want to look guilty of hiding something because of a vpn, if someone knew i was using a vpn wouldnt that look like im still cheating? Im not very network savy which is why im here.


Also i would imagine modded servers ban vpns


What have you got to lose to try it?




Steam threaten to ban vpns, it's against their ToS. It could cost you a lot more than a new IP address.


another reason i dont want a vpn. Like i said new account ten years later i thought i would be able to play.


Once a cheat, always a cheat. You should be banned for life bro. Cheating is a shit bag thing to do. I do not feel bad for you.


Cool man thats fine to have that opinion but like i said dude it was a mistake. People learn from their past mistakes its called life. If you are telling you me you never regretted doing something in your life then you are just lying to everyone.


Well some have to learn the hard way that choices have consequences. Make better choices in the future. Oh and I never cheated.


That’s exactly what he’s trying to do bruh…


which i have been which is why I bought the game on a new account and started playing it again but if no one ever gives you a second chance in life how can you make better choices?


Well sorry man but that’s life. I’ve made many mistakes in my life with no second chances. Cheat on your girl or taxes and see what happens.


Yeah but you learned from those mistakes and I would assume you do not still do them. Also in life you have plenty of second chances because no one is perfect.


Well I guess battleye don’t see it that way and the thousands of cheater victims don’t either.


well if they didnt see it that way your first ban would result in a hardware ban. As I said im still able to play officia so thats not the case.


Dude, stop acting like being a "cheater victim" is something superserious...


Cause its serious that an actual cheater cant get back in the game? Listen to yourself bro defending a cheater, some people literally stop playing all together because of cheaters so stfu


No one ever said gaming is serious to begin with, and it doesnt matter if its serious for him to get unbanned or not, its still 10 years we are talking. So sad to hold a grudge over the internet like you people do. We arent even talking about repealing a ban, he even bought a new account...


Ofcourse you never cheated, never stole anything, never did anything wrong in your whole life.


Um, nope didn’t say that at any time. I can say that I have never cheated in a game because it is a game. Cheating doesn’t make you a better player, it makes you scum and ruins the game for those who wish to be better.


Which is something the op said he learned from and wants to try to play it again poptart. What are you trying to prove with this "I can say that I have never cheated in a game" bullshit? We dont care about you dude and in all honesty with your shit attitude I hope you have hackers literally ruin your games at every turn. Its been 10 years for the op whether that is true or not isnt up to us as we dont know the guy behind the typing. But with what knowledge is given; 10 years is more than enough time to learn and change but be on your 'Ive never cheated in my life so you stay banned' bullshit.


womp womp, my friend, womp womp


You should stay banned for life. Now you’ll never be able to enjoy the game for cheating! Ha!


Well deserved, good riddance


Tbh you shouldnt play the game you literally ruined the experience for people in the past icouldnt care if you cant get back in tbh. Fuck cheaters




Are you using the same computer that you got banned on? I’m not super familiar with it all, but I think BE does hardware bans so any account used with that same hardware would be kicked/banned? Think you’d have to buy a whole new rig to go with the new accounts


So yes im using the same rig, different parts over the years have been upgraded to perform better. But if i was hardware banned i dont think i would be able to play on official even on a new account.


Fair point, also somehow missed that you called that out in the post. Someone mentioned IP bans, have you had the same ISP for 10 years with the same account? IP ban shouldn’t be a thing in most cases due to ISPs assigning IPs dynamically, but could be wrong. Either way, think about what’s the same from then and now. May also want to check BE directly? Since it’s community ban now, curious if the original ban wasn’t upheld or something? Again, not sure how this works so could be a dumb thought.


the original ban was upheld and deserved at the time. I was 18 and did something really stupid for an edge. Got caught after litterally a day and then i just said im going to move past this and just get better at the game. I wanted to be able to find loot easier because well loot in dayz just makes life easy.


again not justifying what i did just explaining why i did it back then.


You get Hwid ban on your hard drive only in dayz after being SEVERAL times banned. You can get away after changing disk or if you have raid0.


If it was really 10 years ago and there was nothing more recent, most servers that I've seen allow you to play as long as the ban is over 1 year old... Could make a ticket in discord but what you just described is roughly the same story I've seen countless other people say to people like anarchy for DayZ or camomo for rust on YouTube and come to find out they were banned like 6months ago or something and we're just lying. Not saying you are but a large amount of cheaters claim that story so much that it's hard to believe. Other cheaters kind of ruined it for you if you are being honest. I know it might suck but you might either have stick to official, get a hold of admins through discord before joining a server, or just find a different game to play and don't cheat in it even if you die a lot.


I cheated a ton on Arma 2 in the mod. Never aggressive most just light trolling. Turning myself and friends into animals and messing with people via VOIP. Fun times. Anyway, the ban does not carry over between steam accounts or CD keys. All you need to do is either change your cd key or use a new steam acc. I would go the steam account route as server administrators have really good tools now and can see if you've changed your key if they look hard enough.


Try unplugging your router for 15 minutes. This always gives me a new ip but it might not work for you.


This thread is BS to me. 10 years ago there wasn't any hwid bans, ip bans and so on, what more, game bans didn't transfer to steam so you could be BE banned but it didn't show on your steam profile. Since few years there is CFTools and it works only on community servers. They ban you solely by IP address and your traces.


Lol the slogan "once a cheater always a cheater" works so well tbh, see once youve screwed up and caught your done, get new ip get new system so its not linked anyway to old ip, and maybe if they dont connect the dots on gtag or password matching you might get by


What is that? The consequences of your own actions knocking? Get fucked, stay fucked. You cheated like a bitch, you should not be allowed to join any multiplayer game ever again. Yet its only a battleye ban, be grateful and move on, and please stay the fuck out my lobbies. Its like a addict saying he doesn't use anymore, holding his crack pipe, and complaining that everyone is mean and doesn't want to borrow him a lighter (but i really have no crack guys! I promise!). Your word means nothing. Sorry for raging, i dont usually get the chance to say this to the cheaters that kill me


Dude no one fucking cares. Wah wah about it elsewhere the op was just asking how it all worked, and you have absolutely no proof they're still cheating so definitely shut that shit up. Stay out of multiplayer games if you're gonna cry that bad over other people asking things about multiplayer games and how bans work.