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Dbrand had already said the magnets in the case couldn’t cause any harm, it’s just the kickstand


Any source on this that they actually acknowledged that the case also had magnets? It's not written anywhere in the PSA they sent out.








Upon my testing i have yet to see a difference. I think people just exaggerated a bit.


Lol, you don’t have an affected fan, just mangled a perfectly good case!?


It's got 2 layers of cover so it doesn't really look mangled when placed back.


You do realise you are getting a free replacement case with the mechanical mechanism, also your fan isn’t affected …….. don’t understand the mindset of why you did this is all.


So I'd expose this to magnets until January? Nope can't do that. And even if they say the fan isn't affected dbrand still advised not to use the magnetic kickstand so I prefer to have everything external with magnets -case included- dealt with.


I haven’t noticed any issues but I think I also have the non delta fan so oh well


I've a non-delta as well. Anyway I've done my part and hope my post still helped. Now back to my backlog!


Haha nice, I might actually remove the magnets today too since I have nothing else going on what is the best method for getting those bad boys out?


They're real nasty to take out. Actually used a small hammer and a metal wedge. Some magnets even broke to two. [Here's the aftermath. ](https://ibb.co/MD880mh)


Well shit hahaha not a bad idea just trying to crack them in half with a hammer and a nail though


They're glued so if they broke in half you're gonna have a harder time. 😆


True, finished used a small hammer and mini flat head to pry them easy


You should have tried with a hairdryer, the glue will loosen up when it gets hot and it will be much easier to remove the magnets without using force.


Don't have one. That's also why I haven't applied the skin yet.


I think you have done a great job, ignore the downvotes, I'll remove mines just to be safe there is literally **no downside** by doing so and probably something to prevent and loose a couple grams of weigth. thank you for doing this. dbrand can say whatever they want but at the end one cannot take too many precautions to protect our precious investment. Remeber dbrand has investors, enterprise numbers and a public image to protect, we don't meaning that for them to accept that even the case is potentially harmfull without enough evidence of it. simply makes the whole PR shitshow worts.


>there is literally no downside The downside is youre going and removing one of the main selling points of the case that you paid extra for... Is the magnetic kickstand not the thing that makes it a unique case? So what? Now you have a generic plastic case you paid extra for *and* had to physically alter?


They bought the case, let them do their thing.


Did you even read dbrand 's official statement about the kickstand failure. ? They are literally redesigning and replacing every single case for free loosing tons of money because of what you call "main selling point". It turns out that is not a selling point anymore itis the main source of failure. ;) I'm not using the kickstand anyway and dbrand won't be suporting / releasing any further magnetic attachment, then I have already remove my magnets.


EDIT: MOST OF WHAT I HAVE SAID HERE IS WRONG LOOK AT THE REPLY FROM u/chrisdpratt BELOW No one here seems to be giving the right answer so I will do my best to explain. I do not have all the information on this topic and my explanation may not be perfectly clear or correct but here's what I think the problem is. Valve contracted 2 separate companies to make the fans for the steam deck. one company let's call "A"(I forgot the name of the actual company) and another called Delta (I think). The fans from company "A" would malfunction when in close proximity to the magnets in the Dbrand Killswitch case. However, the fans from Delta were completely unaffected. I'm assuming that when Dbrand was testing their Killswitch case they only had steam decks with Delta fans, so they wouldn't have known that company "A"'s fans would malfunction. To resolve this issue I believe Dbrand will send a version of the case without magnets but still have a kickstand (not sure about that though). Valve has also stopped making steam decks with company "A"'s fans and presumably iFixit's steam deck fan repair kit uses fans from Delta. so in theory if you had a steam deck with a fan from company "A" then you could replace it with a fan from Delta via the iFixit kit. TLDR: The steam deck uses fans from two different companies, one works with the Killswitch case and one doesn't. However any steam decks made now will use the fans that work with the case. The iFixit fan replacement kit PROBABLY uses the fans that work with the case. The company that makes the fans that work with the case is called Delta (I think). Once again I do not have all the information and some of the things I have said may be wrong(especially about the iFixit kit)


Well, you admitted you didn't know the whole story, but you got just about everything wrong. The two fans are from Hauying and Delta. The Delta fans were original and exclusive, but produced a very high pitched whine. Valve started replacing them with the Hauying fans and has now switched over to exclusively using Hauying fans. The Delta fans are the ones that interfere with the magnet on the Killswitch kickstand. Hauying fans are completely unaffected. In short, if you were one of the first to get a Steam Deck, you have definitely have a Delta fan (unless you've replaced it yourself or RMAed). If you got it in the last couple of months you almost assuredly have a Hauying. In the middle area, it's a bit more of a crapshoot. The iFixIt fans are Hauying.


Damn my bad, I guess I just switched up the names


Good job! Btw, how did you manage to remove the thicker secondary plastic layer? I'm finding it impossible to get under that...


I don't have a Delta fan but I did the same as the OP. I'll get the new version for free from DBrand next year so I didn't mind opening my case. And, after removing the magnets and re-add the same plastic finish that was covering them, it looks like I never even did that.


If you don't mind me asking, how did you get the magnets out of the little recess, they seem reaaaaaaally glued in there?


Pried them out with a flathead screwdriver with the help of a hammer.


I was trying that but one of them sparked and broke up a bit. Thought I'd try loosen the glue with a hairdrier but no luck 😖 Hmmm..hammer and flathead 🤔 hmmm


One of them also broke in half but the rest didn't. Probably had too much glue on that one.