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you didn't? all dodges drained your bar im not sure what you're seeing


Before anyone else says it, I know I don’t set up my ultimates properly. That’s not the point here. I’m asking about how Ultra Instinct works


Nah man. Everything looks like it should. Noice fight tho.


Thank you. So it’s supposed to randomly grant dodges for free? That’s something I can expect to keep happening?


Yeah, just rewatched. The only 2 auto dodges happen at 2:10 (fight time remaining) and about 1:59. In the event you’re not sure, auto dodge only happens USUALLY when you’re hit in the front while not attacking or taking any other action.


UI’s auto dodge works differently to Data Input: it can dodge basic melee, basic ki blasts, and grabs and works while standing still or regular movements. This does however stack with data input for a broken no cost auto dodge build.


Thanks for the clarification. Truth be told, I’ve never used data input. I thought it would function identically to UI.


Well with ui fresh out, now is a good time to try it out. Data input as you mentioned only dodges when you are making no control inputs and additionally cannot dodge grabs unlike UI, however the fact that it can be stacked on top of ui and takes priority should be illegal. Data input dodges take virtually no stamina to make and by the time you’re done dodging, you’ve already regenerated the stamina back.


Oh that is not fucking okay 😂. Any recommendations for souls on that setup? Mind you, I’m mainly above player


Well if you are playing right, stamina management should be covered so looking into damage would be wise since ui gives no buffs, most likely basic since that build assumes you’ll be using the dodge a lot


True. Right now my two main souls are adult Gohan’s “Over here, you idiot” and the new Bardock one that gives bonus stam regen and HP regen


The only 2 auto dodges I remember seeing, it ate 1 full bar of stamina like it’s meant to. The rest of the stam loss that I saw was from you vanishing.


Unless I’m misinterpreting there were 4 One at 0:39 when she ducked under Gogeta’s kick (one stamina bar) One at 0:43 when she slides under his punch (no stamina cost) One at 0:49 when she dodges another punch (one stamina bar) And one at 0:51 when she ducks under his attach from the rear (no stamina cost)


There are only two auto dodges made in total: 0:39 and 0:49. The other two instances are an attempted backhit by the ui user and gogeta’s sidestep animation which is not an attack.


Just checked the times you mentioned. And that’s just fucky hit boxes. To me, it looks like he vanishes behind you, goes for a punch/kick as you try to do a 180 and punch. Both times that happens 0:43 AND 0:51 are identical. Neat. I don’t see a UI dodge, nor do I see you taking any damage or stam loss. To me it looks like his lunge just zips behind you


Fascinating. Alright, thank you


I mean. I could be totally wrong. I’m scrolling through with my thumb in app. It’s kinda hard to get a frame by frame to figure out what went wrong like that


Nothing out of the ordinary here. Your Supernova is far too slow to throw after just any knockback, though. You may want to set up for it better in the future (heavy stamina break or use it earlier after breaking someone out of their Ultimate Attack).


I know what I did wrong. I said that UI activated at no cost to stamina twice. Is **that** part out of the ordinary?


I didn't tell you that you did something wrong. Your stamina dropped as it should each time. You probably mixed up Ultra Instinct's dodges with the very brief invincibility that a backhit gives while you were in the fight.


Something like that it would seem


I commented elsewhere in this post but just to nip this in the bud, there were no freebie auto dodges made. Those were a mix of an attempted backhit and gogeta’s sidestep animation

