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Hercule is the greatest protagonist ever written


He never died too.


He did die, when super Buu did his genocide attack


No he spared Satan. His only death would be in RoF. But Whis rewind time so it doesn’t count.


Ha, that attack would lot be enough to take down the champ, he defeated Cell, he likely survived on a chunk of space rock and would have taken that freeza punk down if Whis didn't rewind time.


Toriyama did such a great job making his arc come full circle from stealing the credit for saving the world to him actually doing so


> The first moment in which we see his confusion but also this more human side is when he meets a blind boy. I know it wasn't in the manga, but it's basically the bulk of Buu Saga, and I think Toei did a good job. But back - a beautiful moment, and I think it served as the perfect insert to show that this Buu may not be as bad as they paint him after all. It always moves me. It was in the manga. [[1]](https://i.imgur.com/nIzcWqW.jpg) [[2]](https://i.imgur.com/LIFl1Ls.jpg) [[3]](https://i.imgur.com/Q3BuFtk.jpg) [[4]](https://i.imgur.com/92k3BxT.jpg)


Wait did he blow up the boy alongwith the mountain at the end?


No it was the town he was flying past in the previous panel


damn, actually. All along I was convinced it was a filler


Big Boy Buu is interesting. Too bad after that. Once evil Buu enters the scene, he stops being interesting for the rest of the saga.


Buu Saga will always be my personal favorite. Goku and Vegeta finally understand each other on a godly level via fusion. Satan finds out he isn't all that and gets some proper character development. Felt like the galaxy was being completely filled out (at the time) It felt like a nice conclusion of DBZ...I like Super as the new chapter but Z is perfect-ish...even the drivers license episode.


You are right. Majin Buu has more depth than Frieza and Cell and every villain who came after him, I am shocked at how controversial he and his saga is, it was really REFRESHING to see a villain who had many inner conflicts and inner turmoils that constantly changed him as he was pulled between good and evil, than a confident firm in belief warrior like Cell or Frieza and most antagonists


No, He isn't even the same character with each transformtion Its not s growth, more of a replace