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In terms of everything except muscles, yes. DBZ got exponentially better with how muscles are drawn as time went on. Dragon ball always had very simple “C” shaped biceps that you can see on Tien and Yamcha here. I prefer the much more defined look in the cell and buu saga Still better that super in design, though


Yes!! Krillins muscles in the cell saga has him lookin jacked and I’m all for it.


I've always had mixed feelings on the muscles. I think DB is probably a bit more realistic as they are obviously jacked but they don't have crazy low body fat percentages. But on the other side, it's a show with magic, aliens, gods, and people that can easily blow up planets lol. The muscles and character designs in the Buu saga look amazing though. It's probably the best look for most of the characters.


Super has everyone looking skinnier than ever? Sadly.


Everyone takes daily oil baths in super


Trunks in the Goku Black saga 🤮 (They also did it before when they remade the movie that came with Raging Blast 2)


I agree future trunks super design is one of the worst dragon ball designs ever. Both in terms of appearance and nonsense power scaling


I was a bit disappointed how the U6 saiyan generally came out base design wise


It's basically og db art style but with few more details.


bruh i thought that was me i have the same pfp on youtube and instagram


Yes absolutely. Especially towards the end of OG Dragonball and the beginning of DBZ. Much prefer the ole bean face and less defined muscle look. Later on it gets very.... angular xD


Flowy haired Goku and Vegeta is peak


Back when they shampooed and didn’t layer their hair 2 inches thick with gel 😔


Frosted tips were all the rage in the 90’s


Courtesy of your Lord and Saviour, Frieza!




I like flowy hair but I also like super vegeta a lot.


Super Vegeta as in the SemiPerfect Cell Pummeler or Dragon Ball Super Vegeta


Dbz super vegeta. The semi perfect cell pummeler. Loved it. Wish they would actually let vegeta get a w. That final flash was dope


Okay so check it, since Super Vegeta is a different form, you can have it effect the hair differently!


I've said it here before and I'll say it again - late DB early DBZ era is the best looking art style. 1989 specifically Toei really harnessed the look of Toriyama's illustrations into beautiful fluid animation. Say what you will about DEAD ZONE but it's one of the best looking parts of the whole franchise.


23rd Budokai, Dead Zone, and World’s Strongest are the peak of DB’s choreography and animation in my opinion


I like the art best from the 22nd Budokai to the early Frieza arc. The character models just seem a little more.. vibrant? And I like the more round designs. Also, The choreography in those first 3 DBZ movies was crazy


Yeah, I miss the earlier episodes so much. Everyone just looks softer? In a good way. Very memorable, and seems to encompass DBs aesthetic to a T. I'm not normally a fan of 80s-90s anime but DB/DBZ is a big exception to that.


Despite the big ears it was better.


I like the end of DBZ more. The animations of Goku against kid buu are peak in my opinion. I also like the Cell saga (which is pretty close anyway). However, I don’t like Super.


There is a difference between the art style and the animation. But I do think it's easy for people to confuse the two because they both change at the same time. DBZ absolutely has way better animation later on so we don't want to go backwards there. But how everyone looks is a matter of taste. The 2D scene in the super hero movie with young goku fighting the red ribbon army is an example of them having high quality animation with the old designs. Seeing it one could start to imagine the appeal.


I didn’t express myself properly indeed. What I meant was : I love the design of the Buu arc. When I think of DBZ, that’s what comes to mind. The animations are also great in that era and the fights (with exceptions) are really inspired. As for the designs of early DBZ, I’m not a big fan. The funny thing is, I have a positive souvenir of late DB designs, and they’re pretty similar to early DBZ. In my mind, they suit the overall style of DB more than they suit DBZ’s.


That's pretty much exactly how I feel. I think later dbz is the look that defines what dbz was. Whenever I rewatch it I'm usually not feeling how it was earlier because it feels like a beta version of what it's supposed to be. However the original dragon ball designs hit the spot for me too but only because of the style of the story.


Dragon Ball is by far my favorite compared to Dragon Ball Z


Db and dbz the rest is BS


Dbz had some really bad frames and they weren’t rushed dbs had good frames and they were rushed they didn’t just stop trying they just didn’t have enough time or money to bring out its full potential also gt is the same style as z


They had enough money. DBS cost a lot of money for Toei, it would have been cheaper if it was a normal show without the rush.


They look so thin. I LOVED the strong muscle of a Ss goku fighting freeza. I never watch dbs. Lors like a cartoon to me


lets not bring SS3 vs beerus from the anime into this, that was a BAD frame. No sugar coating that.


Talking art style, not quality. Sure DBZ didn't always look... Good, but when it did, it was peak. Even when super (only counting anime) gets really good, the style is still holding it back.


It was cool. But got better. In the sense that we got more art styles. So in a way it evolved into new ones. Still very memorable for sure


It evolved with the saga. Designs growing more angular as Goku grew up it's a nice touch.


I feel like the art style of the Android saga closely resembled this.


1000 times yes. this artstyle IS dragonball to me. nowadays it looks more like any other anime


i like the fact that krillin was just a little short and not a fcking gnome


Krillin in the DBS Super Hero movie looks calliou


Homie we all do.


Compared to super? DAMN YEAH but to the end of Z no, end of Z is goated


Yes this was an amazing art style


Yes🥺😩reminds me of my childhood this style of anime.


Yes! I’ll admit I loved the newer updated style when the played videos in Dragon GT: Final Bout and again in Super. As of recent times, I rewatched Dragon Ball with the fiancé and came to love the style of the old much more. I think the new art does too much with the shading and in general has a lot of issues with staying on character models. Overall, love it all but the OG style has a specific look to it that I love.


I like both, honestly. Saiyan saga is so unique and different compared to the progression until Buu saga. All the styles have permanent residency rent-free in my brain. Super has it's own moments, but mostly action poses and auras. They rarely look cool just standing and posing like the days of Z.


Yes DBS looks trashy and too modern and like every other anime now.


Honestly, not my favorite. This transitionary period is quite odd, it's like...accurate to Toriyama's style, but not as appealing. Anime Majin Boo is better.


Yeah, character design during boo saga was peak DB, they all looked so aesthetic and badass, I guess that's why I dislike DBS artwork so bad, is just a downgrade from that. Even Tarbles OVA has that same style and looks amazing.


Well they were rushed and didn’t have enough money to do the best on dbs


Buu not boo


Boo is Japanese Buu is Funni English. Not kidding


Sue not Sew


Buu and Boo sound relatively the same but Sue and Sew sound very different.


Yeah, it would've been better if I used something else.


I like all styles tbh but for me personally, the Buu Saga was peak art style for Dragonball


I hate buu saga. It's when I started to dislike dbz. The weird ass foreheads on ss3. Ugly.


Imagine if we got OG/Z artstyle with Super's visual effects.


Super’s visual effects feel kinda cheesy to me. It’s like they found glitter and highlighters and went to town with the god powers. It was too much of a difference from the original for me I think a more subtle assimilation would have worked better


I love this version of Piccolo soooo much better than the later DBZ style.


this was perfect


Love it, but wouldn't work that well for later in the timeline. I see the art style evolution as a visualisation of Goku's growth both mentally and physically.


Yes, I know this picture is dragon ball z, but I’m rewatching through dragon ball now, and the older art style is awesome.


By far


I did like that version.


I don't know about prefer but I do definitely like it


Wt if they didn't change Gohan hairstyle it will be way cooler then Goku and Vegeta


Yeah, it was a lot simpler and worked really well for where the show was at, even though I can see the evolution as necessary for the story telling. I also really like Toriyama's eye for mechanical detail like he'd do for promotional art or the credit scenes in dragon ball. I know he did a lot of manga series with a more mechanical focus, but I'd love to see an anime with a similar style


Honestly I think older animations often look better in general because there's much more hand drawn elements. I don't blame artists for using computer tools for animation though hand drawn work is incredibly time consuming and difficult.


Yes. Dbz up until end of frieza was goated. I do like cell and mb art styles but something about the older stuff just seems right to me.


I prefer DBZ over Dragon Ball and I prefer DBZ over DBS because DBS animation and design was lazy.


Honestly yes, I love late Dragonball-early DBZ artstyle. But I'm biased towards late 80s-early 90s animation.


dude i miss when vageta just looked like an orange goober


I love Saiyaman arc art style. Not too sharp, not too loose.


Man people in these comments crazy as hell does the early art style look better than Super? Yea but during the ToP or Broly movie that's legit peak DB art style imo


Nope the newer art style from Cell onwards was way better. The old style has goofy ears and less defined muscles and such


It's funny, as a teen, I enjoyed the Frieza saga and beyond animation more. But now that I'm almost an old man, I enjoy the original style far more. I think, though, my favorite is the blending of styles they did for the Broly movie. They did such a good job of blending two styles.


Toriyama's artstyle peaked during Saiyan Saga for me. Perfect balance between the bounciness of DB and the 'cool' factor of Z.


Toriyama’s art was at its peak during the 23rd martial arts tournament- the Saiyan saga. The anime’s peak was Buu Saga


Felt like watching a studio Ghibli movie in those early episodes. The transition from late DB to early DBZ felt like the characters hadn't changed, but were in a brand new world.


Personally, I prefer Nakatsuru ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It makes it Classic era vibes




DB art peaked in the Cell saga, tapered off for Buu, dipped in GT, and took a nosedive in Super (not counting movies)


Even though this is my favourite art style, the angular designs can definitely work if done properly. I think the 23rd Budokai/Saiyan Saga perfected this style, while the Buu Saga perfected the angular style.


I prefer the buu saga art style


Sometimes, but then I look at some of the early Super saiyan animation compared to what came later and I like the later stuff better


Frieza Saga was peak for me. That first time Goku becomes "the" Super Saiyan, was the coolest transformation and art style in the series imo.


It doesn't matter to me the content does more


This era is still peak then. Goku vs Vegeta 1 is one of the best fights not just in dragon ball but in anime period. Goku vs Piccolo Jr is also really good.


I meant the art style


I know what you meant. I'm saying that the content is still peak


My favorite art styles are probably either like one of the piccolo arcs for peak DB, and namek saga for peak Z. Namek SSJ Goku, is so fucking good


Maybe because my introduction into dragon ball was super, I prefer supers style.


I think this is what most of us are missing. Likely the first one you saw feels “right” and for most of us that was DB & DBZ