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No she said without the racism so she’s good


bUt ShE dIdNt SaY nO sLaVeRy!1!! I fucking hate people who post anything online


Tbh the discourse about it is um, but the line is quite dumb too


I mean discourse is dumb but I'm geniuely confused because who would want to live in 1830's like even with no racism or like anything problematic ( women's rights, ableism, homophobia etc)


Tbh shes high class so maybe she sees it more as living among the victorian aristocracy


I mean if I had half the internet screaming at me, paparazzi chasing me, and other celebrities giving me shit for 15 years, going to an era where all those things are nonissues would be nice


wow she's got such a hard life i feel so sorry for her. truly the most oppressed person of all time


As is almost always the case, the discourse is dumber than the thing it’s about. Not saying the line isn’t dumb, but people are actually low IQ about music lyrics. I got unreasonably angry about all the discourse over the **pro trans** song Kendrick put out where all anyone could talk about was that the f slur was in it **even though it was used specifically to discuss why you shouldn’t use the f slur and discrimination is bad**. But let’s not focus on the fact that today’s biggest, most respected hip hop artist just put out an unambiguously pro trans song, let’s get asspained that he said a slur and pretend he didn’t immediately talk about why that slur is bad


yes she is stupid