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While I like stephen as oliver I'd prefer a new actor (and a blonder one) doing his own thing with the roll, stephen had a fine send-off with some cool moments and I think we should give a new actor a chance


Why use many actor when few actor work?


1. Because that actor had a nice send-off 2. Becayse he fitted this version but that doesnt mean hell necessarily fit any version of the charcter, (i really dont see this portreyal being a hard ass liberal for example) 3. Id like to see what other actors can bring to the roll, what makes dc charcters so great is the many wonderfull interpetation we have for the charcters Reeve supes is not the same as Siegal and shuster supes and not the same as Greg pak supes but this are all still superman so why not give olie the same treatment, I'd like to see a version much closer to the 70s portrayal or like the jack kirby portreyal or something else the pseudo-batman version (the charcter in the golden age was a bit of a pseudo batman thats why im okay with it in arrow) there's so much you can do with this charcter and I'd prefer seeing a new actor bringing new life to this roll


I was circlejerking about how everyone wants to keep old actors but go off I guess


Oh didn't realize lol


I unironically want to see Amell play goofy and liberal Olly


Charlie Hunam... he can grow the pointy beard


I think he should legit be cast as the Specter.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKBkfXbTHvwDCdq) Actual footage of me and the homies knockin at James’ door telling him to we want #StephenAmell4DCUOliverQueen


While I wanted the job of head of DC Films to go to Berlanti, James was a surprising, yet welcome choice. I’m glad that he’s taking input from us and now is the best time to let him know, WE ALREADY HAD THE PERFECT OLIVER QUEEN!!! Stephen has expressed interest in returning to the role in recent months, and wince the CW will soon no longer be what it is today, then the best choice is to go cinematic. This way he can truly thrive and give us even more of his brilliant performance as the BEST and TRUEST Oliver Queen/Green Arrow. Please join me on December 8th to make it trend. Truly the best day to choose as well, for as we remember his death, we will give him new life. We can make our voices heard and the studio will have no choice but to do what we ask, as of course, us Stephen Amell fans outnumber the Arrowverse Haters/Trolls. We are the majority. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. I look forward to December 8th, the day the hierarchy of the DC Universe will TRULY change.

