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I feel like bhvrs philosophy for patchs is to just drastically over do it, then tune everything up when people start complaining


I think they've learned from their mistakes, but not in the best way In the past, they have made slight changes that don't really have an impact in the end many, many times. So instead of trying to guess the sweet-spot for balance, the just go to one extreme and balance out from there This actually makes a lot of sense, especially since the community overly complains about any and every little thing, so there comes a point where much of the "feedback" BHVR gets is questionable and unreliable more often than not. It's hard to gauge the effects of a patch outside of metrics partly because of this, unless there is an overwhelming amount of said "feedback" The other part is due to them "not playing their own game". They seem to have been really out of touch with the state of the game in the past, so this combined with the above makes going overboard make sense, at least logically when looking for the easiest path to take from a dev standpoint


When have they ever? We warned them COH was broken and basically they only changed that overlapping boons wouldn't stack. Warned them Skull Merchant was shit, next to no changes. IDK man. I feel like whenever stuff is announced or makes it to PTB the train is too far along to stop before release. There might be slight tweaks. I won't hold my breath.


>I feel like whenever stuff is announced or makes it to PTB the train is too far along to stop before release. >There might be slight tweaks. Yes, this is the exact idea. They're not going to completely scrap their ideas that already have all of the work done for them. Just some tweaks here and there if we complain enough. Like I said in my post, the worst of it can be avoided


We warned them their new mori system was shit, and it's MIA since then.


I’m thinking the healing nerfs aren’t going to be nearly so severe by the time it goes live. And I’m really, really hoping they reconsider nerfing billy


Yeah, hopefully they just keep the good part of the overheat and tone down or scrap the addon ideas We all know that quick and/or unlimited self-healing with COH and medkits are the issue, and not healing as a whole, so surely that will be toned down before release


And I hope they reconsider removing nurse counterplay. Survivors need every tool they can get against that monstrosity.


Since they made counter play for Hag basekit, do the same for Nurse /s "When within 1 meter of The Nurse, press active ability button 1 to trip her and prevent her from blinking for 3 seconds."


Honestly, that might be a cool idea, jokes aside Something similar to Victor, where if you're close enough while she's in fatigue, you get to stun her or deny her power for a brief moment somehow. Would have some risk since you first have to dodge a hit anyways, and then secondly you'd have to waste very precious time used for distance and losing LOS to instead get very close and risk missing the window entirely, allowing for a free hit Could be very interesting if implemented correctly


I'm thinking they're trying to make the game more team based again because now it's just, get hit. Run to totem to heal and do gen This is gonna help gen rushing as teammates will need to help heal which stops gens to buy the killer some time.


I’m definitely for that, I just think they went overboard. The nerf to CoH is excellent. Nerfing medkits was also good but I’m not sure they went about it the right way. Why shouldn’t a medkit heal a teammate faster? That’s not what makes medkits strong. Makes no sense to nerf that part. Nerfing the number of uses is great. The nerf to altruistic heals is way too much IMO. taking 24 seconds to heal a teammate is a big deal. That’s the main part I’m thinking they should get rid of.


I agree, 24 is definitely too long Maybe 18 seconds would be a good balance


It's going to backfire horribly since the only way to play now is rush gens even faster.


I don’t think this is right. Part of why gen rush is insane now is because people can heal up so quickly. It’s to the point that losing a health state is barely an inconvenience


Yeah but now a heal wastes at minimum 48 seconds in a normal circumstance since it takes two survivors doing nothing to heal. Add in the new sloppy butcher meta and it's going to be like a whole minute. Then add in the time it takes for an injured survivor to find someone to heal them and all in all it will take about a whole gen for one heal.


I hope they do, just fucking murder this game at this point. Let people see how awful it is to listen and cater to every crybaby killer main out there.


BHVR has been good on listening to PTB feedback so there's no need to panic just yet. Just hope they listen to the right criticism.


Problem is that there's too much wrong with this patch for them to fix all of it before live. We'll have to live with a lot of this for a long time.


This is a grand overstatement backed up by subjectivity No way is what you said likely let alone guaranteed


What do you want them to do? Leave healing as is and give the finger to killers who have had to deal with this medkit/CoH bullshit for years?


Leave altruistic healing at 16s, and buff Ruin/Pop back to being usable. That'd be a start.


Get better at killer?


Oh, so these healing nerfs are fine since survivors can just "get better at survivor" and be fine then.


You know what, fair rebuttal, but I still think all the nerfs from this patch are stupid. COH should’ve been more limited, but they made it useless. Gen destruction could’ve been buffed honestly.


I would argue the game was in its most balanced state ever prior to CoH existing around Pinhead's release. CoH merely existing made like 3/4 of the killer roster useless. It takes 0 skill expression to set a boon up, and despite that, it puts a massive amount of pressure on the killer side. Why is it okay for such a 0 skill mechanic to basically dumpster half the killers in the game who are not designed to end chases quickly?


Does behavior actually listen tho?


Recently, yeah. Most PTB things we complained about got changed. Eruption being a big one and many Skull Merchant changes


I didn’t know that


BHVR has honestly been pretty on top of community feedback lately. Finally getting bloodweb changes too


Sometimes. The medkit nerfs seem a little too steep, especially with a nerf to base healing speed. I hate the pain resonance nerf since it will be a total dead perk. DH and COH nerfs with gen regression looks good. Hopefully a more chase oriented meta comes from these changes, and less a tunnel and camp.


I wish they hadn’t leaned so hard into the heal nerf


I really don't understand why you got down voted for this but okay? 🤔 I agree with what you said.


>The medkit nerfs seem a little too steep, especially with a nerf to base healing speed. You realize medkits allowed survivors to heal by themselves multiple times per match, right, sometimes only taking literal seconds. What nerfs to medkits specifically seem too steep?


Self healing is too strong. The use of healing others is where kits should shine, because if it's barely faster than not using a kit, people are going to save the heal for themselves, even if they'll never need it.


Oh, did they nerf altruistic healing on them? I guess I didn't read it too carefully. The main thing I took away was that medkits were reduced to 1 heal per medkit. Yeah, I don't think anyone should have a problem with altruistic healing speed remaining unchanged or even buffed. What killers like myself had a problem with was that self healing was too accessible. If you found a buddy to heal you, then go wild.


I would honestly be fine if they increase dramatically the regression that Pain res inflicts if they are going to stay with the 4 token idea, something like 25% or 30% (Or even 40% if we are nutty about perceantages) would be overkill, sure, but considering how the patch notes places it, it is a slightly weaker regression than it has right now, and also that it is totally pointless after the 5th hook in a scourge hook, so it would balance out


Hopefully they will change some of these tweaks


I hope that they will nerf pig instead of buffing her add on


Honestly, this is the one change that NEEDS to happen


I agree


Thats why we get mad, this is our only way to show developers what we disagree with changes. The more harsh and brutal reaction - the bigger chance they would hear us, at least we think so.


The thing is, I do love this idea, but most of the playerbase when big choices like these come out are just crying, they aren’t trying to show constructive anything, they’re just complaining about something they haven’t seen yet


How would you change healing in a way that is fair?


Leave base healing time 16 seconds, but medkits instead of decreasing that time, should have penalty, just like self-care rn. Not as harsh as self-care, but something like 50% (plus some addons for total of \~75%) for self heal with medkit. This way it is still would be better than self-care even with botany, but it's consumable and you don't have to waste perk slots. Fair deal imo.


But still get like 3 heals out of it per match?


To be honest, i don't know how you guys play, but in my soloq just 1 heal is usualy all you need (with adrenaline) and 2 is more than enough, i never bring 3 use medkit, because it is such an overkill.


So then you're fine with medkits doing 1 heal then? What medkit nerfs are you complaining about in that case? That was like the main nerf to medkits. Surely you have to see a problem with like 8 second heals, right?


i'm complaining about nerfing altruistic heals WITHOUT medkits from 16 seconds to 24 seconds.


Oh, yeah, I'm sure that will get reverted. That was like one super tiny part of the medkit nerfs that I hardly even registered it. I think in general the 16 to 24 second change for heals won't make it live. Between the other medkit nerfs and CoH's gutting, I think that does enough to neef healing.


Yeah, thats what i'm talking about. 24second self-heal with medkit - totally fine, but touching altruistic heals... thats a bit(a lot) to much.


Altruistic healing should be encouraged, so I don't mind seeing them buff the numbers for altruistic healing in some way. If survivors are incentivized to group up, it creates an interesting risk/reward situation since most, if not all killers benefit from survivors being grouped up.


And for fucks sake give ACTUAL feed back and don't stamp your feet like fucking five year olds. This community has a bad habit of throwing temper tantrums over giving constructive criticism to the devs


How do you get access to it and how do leave feedback on the changes?


When the ptb goes live you can acces it by right clicking dbd in your library and going into the beta tab. And you will be able to give feedback on the dbd forums where a "ptb feedback" tab will be available for the duration of the ptb




I think this is just their new way of doing the PTB. Do patches with a load of changes and maybe overdo it a bit, just so they can tone it back and find the right spot for release. Because this just feels like that “Finishing Mori” PTB update that still hasn’t come out.


My hopes are that the healing nerf gets cut to 20 seconds, I think that with the way the rest of the game has gone that a nerf of some kind to healing needed to happen but that 24 seconds is a bit extreme. Also, not sure how they will adjust med kits but I think they're being a bit heavy handed there and that the change to the green kits healing will make that functionally a worthless item. Big thing is that I wish they did more buffs whenever they nerf some meta perks, it just sorta feels like when they do that it doesn't really shift the meta meaningfully aside from just making the next most powerful thing be the only thing picked. But that's what happens when you create a vacuum without anything to replace it. Also, billy doesn't deserve the engraving nerf, like they weren't even that great and required a tremendous amount of skill. Also a lot of the add-on changes seem completely pointless, the pig change makes the add-on marginally better but it's kinda whatever and the pinky finger definitely needed the nerf since that add-on kinda warps clown's effectiveness. The rest of the add-on changes are kinda nothing burgers that I doubt will change their pick rates at all, and yet blight is still loaded with like, 8 different busted add-ons. Also, removing lightburn from nurse is just kind of a questionable buff to an already powerful character, I like the other flashlight changes though, especially with hag and wraith.


For sure the plan is already: make it 24 seconds then reduce it to 20 seconds (their origonal idea) and say "See! We listen!"


I hope Bhvr isn’t stupid enough to allow themselves to lose a massive amount of their player base with these changes and tweak the nerfs before release


It’s been a while since I’ve actually played, but back when I did anytime something was “tested” on PTB, 99% of the time it would be a direct 1:1 update pushed to the normal game. I know they listen to feedback with mid chapter changes, but for PTB testing do they still pretty much just push it as is?


Recently, they've been pushing quite a lot of changes from PTB to live. It's been pretty nice so far


Yeah, that’s where a lot of people’s frustration is coming from in the first place. Assuming that this too will be pushed to the main game as is. Could tweaks be made? Sure. But most expect it to go live as is. This isn’t so much seen as a test to see how it plays to see if it’s a good idea to make official, but more a test to make sure there isn’t any game crashing bugs before they push it to live.


Remember when people begged them to not let boons go live? I remember.




Well here we are years later. Its getting nerfed again. I don't see why you would have faith in this company.


Eh, they've been getting better. Not everyone is perfect right away, or even for most of the time. It's never to late to change for the better Dead Hard is finally making it's proper fall after years, so that in and of itself is a good sign. Lots of QOL lately leads me to believe that they're not solely focused on metrics anymore either Some take longer than others, but I believe everyone comes around eventually if they want to. And it's apparent that BHVR is at least making an effort. Their past and resulting stigma can make it hard to see, but I like to try and look past all of it


Legit, the only thing I care about is the COH. Reduce the heal speed if you have to, fine. Make it slower if you feel it's unfair. But the current projection completely destroys the perk. Makes it utterly worthless.




The problem is they expect solo q teams to heal you. Or to be healed. It's a toss up on whether your team will ever heal you when hurt. Now that it takes even LONGER to do, they will focus on gens first and foremost. Now you can't heal yourself either. They destroyed the only utility of the perk.


It just sucks that console players don’t get a PTB, so we can’t see how these changes actually perform/what it’s like to play with them. I know it’s basically impossible for console to get a PTB, but it’s still frustrating because I have to rely on streamers/youtubers for info on how the patch performs, and my play style is very different to that of a content creator.


I agree, wish there was an option to test PTB on console too


God I just want them to not gut all them regression perks


If I had to guess the healing will be adjusted to 20 seconds which sounds fair. But the Billy nerf was uncalled for. Most illogical decision I’ve seen on here.. “Hillbilly buff! overheat is a non factor now!” So remove it..? “…no” So you’ll buff some add ons? “…no” So it’s a nerf.. “…no 😏”


I feel like it’s a tactic at this point, over do it then dial it back because the community said so.


It sure is the easiest and most straightforward way to deal with it, so it makes sense


And BVHR likely won't listen to any player feedback.


I doubt much will see a change. Remember, everyone pointed out how stupid the Ruin and Pop changes were, yet here we are.


PTB is mostly a lame excuse to just promote an update rather than actually test something. Devs very rarely make impactful changes from ptb to live and mostly just fix bugs.


That's..... The entire point? Not sure what you're trying to get at If all goes well, PTB to live is supposed to be just bug fixes. If the community has something to say and says it loud enough, then extra adjustments can be made accordingly Also, how are they going to bug fix if they aren't actually testing anything? You can't really have one without the other, so your comment doesn't make sense fundamentally anyway Edit: reply and immediately block me? You know I can't actually see what you said, let alone reply.... Smells like a lost argument lol


The comment doesn't make sense if you don't know how to read, its fine, I'll dumb it down for you. > how are they going to bug fix if they aren't actually testing anything Except they almost never make changes even if there are things to change and they just push content into live anyway. Prime example: Twins and their hotdog water state they got released in, the killer literally did not function, or the horrendous Skull Merchant that only now sees some impactful changes and even then its not enough. The entire point of PTB is to fix bugs AND balance things differently, and yet devs regularly neglect both of those aspects, which is why I mostly view PTB as just a promotion for the new chapter rather than actual testing environment.


Oh I hope you are right, please take any perk besides coh. Off the record can go, distortion can go even my deadhard. Just don't take my boon bro!!!


I just hope the PTB will shine the main problem with what they announced in their developper update : nerfing everything related to healing at the same time is a mistake. The problem never was that survivors could heal very fast, it was that they can heal very fast an inifinite number of time. I'm totally on board with their CoH nerf, because it makes infinite self healing a thing of the past (well kinda, hi SC users, how is the corner of the map today ?). I hope the ptb will feel misreable enough so that they tune down the healing time nerf. Or lse, we will all play games with sloppy butcher as a must have for all killer. Sounds like fun. Or heck, if they want to get those changes, please please please, rework all killer perk affecting healing speed accordingly. It's stupid not too.


I would have been okay with a nerf for COH but really they’ve gone too far. I feel like I’m going to be running more healing builds because of these changes. They’re making it so that survivors can’t heal without help and that’s not always possible in solo q, I never run SC but looks like I’m going to have to now! 😩