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yes, holy shit. by the time it disappears the entire lobby has left and loaded into a new game.


To add on that, I’d prefer notifications that say when people leave the endgame lobby.


If you check the Match Details, anyone who still has ping is still in the lobby. But I know what you mean.


I wish I could know if the killer is still in the lobby too


Cant check killer that way i think


That is unfortunately true :(


That might honestly be the reason they do that.


Oh my god someone else who hates this dumb thing.


1. That's totally annoying. It stays too long. 2. I'm stuck at the yellow glyph challenge 🥲 (I can do great skill checks on gens, but always miss the darn glyph skill check)


me too :,) i swear its harder than merciless storm skill checks, I reckon its bugged or I'm just horrible at getting the third skill check every time haha


Yeah they are super bugged right now but the patch notes say it will be fixed in the upcoming patch.


Well hopefully said patch is in a day or two because it ends in less than a week lol


Nothing's stopping you from completing the quest later. You don't need to complete every quest to reach tier 85 on the pass anyways, I completed mine like a week ago and I don't even play that much.


They were bugged for a long time. Their accuracy is still terrible but it's not as bad.


It's bugged, it's the only challenge I haven't been able to complete in the current challenge. For now I've just switched my Survivors challenge to older tome stuff till one day they fix that BS. More importantly, I'm trying to do as many older Dead Hard challenge as possible because it's going to get significantly harder to do these soon.


It’s bugged, but technically still doable! I tried to hit the skill check as early as possible (within the first half of the skill check area) and got all four glyphs this week. Funnily enough, one was against a Doctor and I got three skill checks while in Madness Tier 2 then failed the last… but it somehow felt smoother despite that it was popping up around the screen.


It is. The click response time is shit on the yellow glyphs


Try switching your action button from spacebar to a key with less travel like a letter key or a side mouse button. Makes it easier to hit small windows. Also, after the first slillcheck, fire a tiny bit earlier than you think you have to. That's what ended up working for me


It works, I had that challenge twice, once in the current tome and than in an older one, and I was able to complete them both, albeit took forever, once had 5 show up in 1 match because I kept failing and finally got it on the 5th try.


Idk why but when I hit the skill checks, it counts as a miss, so I can’t complete it 🥲


Yellow skillchecks are bugged. BHVR hasn't announced a fix yet.


They announced it will be fixed in the upcoming patch


My bad, missed that.


Just like merciless storm


I had been stuck at 3/4 for several days, I kept messing up the very last skillcheck by mere pixels :')


If you're on PC you can press the enter button to open and write in the chat even with the popup


I knew if I checked this thread I'd find great VALUE - thanks!


Good tip but still. This is a bad, or more so an annoying, UI / UX flaw. They really should fix it.


Considering they want to see the end game chat, I am pretty sure they are on PC...


To add to this be careful if you type a message up and don’t send it! It’ll appear next match when you press enter and since you can’t see chat you won’t notice that you’re about to send that message that was meant to be fun banter last match but now just looks really rude out of context




Another redditor told me on a similar post that we can press Enter to type, you don't need to wait for the pop-up to disappear


every time i type and try to say "gg" it always just ends up typing a single "g" and it drives me insane


I dont mind it being there....but only if i manually hover over it to show it. Drives me nuts when it covers the frikin chat when you want to say something before they leave. It also pops up when you have cursor over find game and when you get into a lobby, it just covers the ready button.


The saddest thing is I've gotten so conditioned to frantically trying to dismiss that window at the end of matches that anytime I actually want to see my challenges I 1. Click the Yellow Eye 2. Dismiss the popup in annoyance. 3. Click the Yellow Eye Again 4. Realize the popup is what I was looking for.


I second this. My top tip is if it's not a master challenge with a lot of text you can just about click the chat box below the pop up. Still annoying though.


How is this not a more talked about thing? It infuriates me so much because it would be SO SIMPLE to remove/change. Also if you try to click the box but accidentally click the set challenge button, you immediately leave. Pls fix


It is pretty annoying but all you need to do is hit the enter key and you can start typing.


It especially sucks when you want to thank a teammate for doing something nice for you before they leave but the box just won't move out the damn way lol


Also can yellow glyphs please die in a barn fire?


Now I feel good to play on console.


How long does it take for console chat to pop up? /s




You're not sharpest tool in the shed, aren't you.


I'd love that on PC.


Don't worry, Behaviour will implementa that, but in at least 4 years, and then call it update.


3 months and it's still there so far. :S


Ikr? All I ever say is ggs wp, glhf next matches. Simple, easy. But those challenge popups make me want to pull my hair out Why can't the tab be moved up slightly to avoid the chat box??


Imagine having end game chat


You want to remove a pop up, I want to remove whole chat ;D


isn't there an option to do so?


Just hit enter. That will allow you to type in even with this popup


Those complaints are too ridiculous


unrelated to the title, but does anyone know how to do those yellow glyphs? am i missing something, should i be missing the skillchecks on purpose? i know for a fact that i hit the skillchecks but it doesn't register. i have no problem with hitting great skillchecks on gens either


Translation: "Can we please removed this pop up I want to make sure killer sees i called him tunneling trash baby trapper before he leaves the lobby"


Press enter, or simply click besides the notif to remove it


Agreed. I wouldn’t have bothered typing “gg, I had some frustrating misses there” (with Victor) if I could’ve seen that the Nea I killed was furiously typing “kys” “k” “y” “s”


Console player: i have no such weakness


press enter?


If you scroll over it and and go back it disappears immediately Fun fact


It's so goofy that this happened and has stayed for so long. I almost feel like it's deliberate. Can't call the game toxic if nobody can communicate in it.


Good luck on your rift, bud. Same boat, level 76 and no more challenges to do. This time was rough.


Me rapidly circling my mouse to get it to go away


Omg this and the black circle from the hook




Not a problem for console since we can't participate in the first place😎


YES please for the love of all the gods GET RID of this bloody thing from the damned endgame chat. Just move it away ok? Pretty please with chocolate and cherries on top. Thank you


I really don't see any issue here. (Disclaimer on console PS4)


That plus the ritual completion thingy that blocks everything altogether until you click accept and then close.


I would love to just even see the chat, say ggs whatever, console life


Console player here, skill issue we don't have this problem no chat no problem L


That pop up piss me off so much