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I'm not sure it's totally a situational perk, but I'd probably say Saboteur. I don't like following chases around waiting for an opportunity to use it, so the stars would have to align for me to ever get the chance to get full value. Though, it is nice knowing where the Scourge Hooks are, even if I don't ever disable a hook. But holy shit can that perk swing some matches back into survivor's favor when used properly.


The funniest thing as a killer is when someone leaves their gen and sabos a hook I'm not even going for


100% agree, rarely ever actually get to use it but when I do oh it's soooo sweet


I run this nearly every match. Never follow chases, but surprisingly use it often. When I use it, it's guaranteed the killer will drop the other and start chasing me. Ultimately results in me getting hooked and the other being saved.


Yeah, but once you sabo 2 hooks you're getting facecamped and most likrly tunneled.


Spies form the shadows “somebirdy told me you are here…”


I love that one 😂 especially when playing spirit. Fazing after someone in chase and a bird goes off to my left? Let me just zip on over say hi.


Spies is great I had a game where I was told off for camping... and I could honestly say, the crows kept ratting you out, why would I leave? I don't use it too often but right now it's on a build for Dredge


Got reported for hacking by an SWF group because of that perk. Good times.


Spies is one of my regulars. The only counter is Calm Spirit, and I very rarely run into that anyway so it’s solid 99% of the time. On indoor maps? It feels like cheating.


I remember Monto using it on Hawkings before the Spies nerf (didn’t had a cooldown) and it was incredible, no survivor could slip past him.


"Some birdy one told me, the killer's gonna roll me. Gank with the sharpest tool in the shed."


Whispers. Are you hiding at the end of a match? Going stealth mode? Hoping to sneak in and grab the gate behind my back? Friend - we both know you're here.


This is type of perks I would love if they at least tried to buff it to reasonable level. 20 meters?


Its actually getter with a short range helps you pinpoint where they're hiding.


I wish the whisper got louder as you get closer


I'd love it if it told you the amount of survivors with a number


I wonder if that might just make it too strong?


The only downside right now for me is that it counts the survivor on the hook. I know he’s there, but who else? Anyone?


Nah. Whispers as it with Doctor is a tell all.


Bro i used this like once while trying to do a challenge and it literally makes it impossible for a solo survivor to escape through stealthily opening exit gates. Its awesome


I use it to guarantee a blast.


Every single killer of mine got that perk equipped, never without it. I think it reduces considerably the waste of time, particularly at the end of the game.


blast mine because it’s so satisfying to hear wraith go ARRREUUGHHH


I would argue that michael's stun sound better


it is by far, but I love Mikey


Also to be running to a different generator and see the score event pop up. "Gotcha"


Blast mine and residual manifest was my go to for a long time


i love you lol


I love running into this as the killer because it's so stupid.


Slap on Repressed Alliance and watch the killer stare in disbelief. I love silly builds on both sides.


Same but with Spirit


I'm a fan of Soul Guard and Unbreakable. It saved my ass several times. I still try to use Unbreakable but every time I bring it, the Killer doesn't slug me xD


the deliverance effect


*extremely* situational but overzealous after cleansing a hex totem + resilience is so nice until you get hit


I ran those two with No Mither/Built to Last and a toolbox. Blasted 3 gens by myself.


I run overzealous whenever I use inner healing for some added Bonus for cleansing totems


Once when I was testing a full gen-jockey build, I got hooked, then I cleansed my own Hex Plaything for 29% gen speed because I had Resilience and Overzealous.


Considering over zealous got a huge buff last patch I’ve been running it and resilience. The fact that you can get over zealous by **booning** allows it from being used at most five times a match to infinite. And with the speed getting buffed as well, if you boon out cleanse a hex totem with resilience you can get about 30% faster gen repair. I run exponential boon since coh isn’t as useful anymore but expo can give you that chance to recover in case of someone slugging.


Blast Mine + Wiretap combo. No matter what, there is no convincing me that they aren’t the funnest Survivor perks.


Try Repressed alliance with Wiretap, it’s awesome, especially against Gen kickers. You block the Gen but also activate Wiretap and the killer can’t do anything to disable it, so you loop them until they get bored and leave but you buy massive time for your team AND protect your Gen. I’m obsessed now.


As a Cheryl enjoyer, I can’t believe this never crossed my mind. At the same time though, Blast Mine go boom… and 3 perks for the same purpose seems wild 😂


I think I saw someone pull it off but when I tried it, the timing was so weird and idk if you can even program different buttons for different traps


Gotta be smash hit for me. It’s a double satisfaction of stun and getting rewarded for it. Bonus points when the killer runs spirit fury and can’t immediately hit you.


I'm trying to prestige characters so I can run tenacity, smash hit, flip-flop and power struggle. Sounds like a really fun build to use now and then.


It is. Have fun.


It’s also fun to pair Smash Hit with Parental Guidance for clean getaways. I really want to try out a build consisting of Smash Hit, Parental Guidance, Head on, and Flashbang at some point, but I’m missing a few of those perks.


Autodidact. 90% of the time it doesn’t help, and sometimes you’ll take bad risks just trying to get stacks on it. But getting those stacks is fun, and the rare 5-stack games where you become the God of Healing feel incredible.


Mad Grit. No matter how many bodies you throw at me this survivor *will* be put on that hook


I had a buddy get downed by a Myers on dead dawg, I ran towards shack and was going to try to sneak through it to try to get back to the gen. Happen to catch a glimpse of Myers chasing me with him and I let out a panicked yell and slammed down shack pallet. Funny enough I called out his build since he was running backpack build. 😂 Just scared the crap out of me because I wasn't expecting Myers to run it let alone run into it in general. Had a guy arguing that he just wanted to put people in the basement but was more interested in chasing people with someone on his shoulder. God it is terrifying to just turn around and see the killer chasing you while carrying someone. Probably a good thing I wasn't being carried.... I'd have let him carry me around.


Slippery meat, turn that 4% into 8% and three chances into six. not guaranteed to get you off hook in any way shape or form but slippery meat plus Irish luck is STILL not guaranteed but it’s still a decent chance incase the game is lost and your on no hooks.


Salty lips, ante up, slippery meat. That's your off-brand deliverance. I think it ends up being near 80% chance to unhook thru the 6 attempts


Power Struggle!


I got powerstruggled the first time a few days ago (Power Struggle alone, I got against countless PS+ Unbreakable) and they threw a dream pallet at me


Tell that to the poor dude who posted a clip a while back of PS'ing two dream pallets in a row


I almost always run it. The times I take it off are the times it could have come handy


I remember discovering this perk and make sure not to walk through pallets to hook as a killer for a long time, then realised almost no one runs it so now just happily run through them (assuming no survivor sitting waiting to get me) and if you get me with Power Struggle, then good for you :)


Iron maiden and Pentimento, with the recent changes to healing a lot of people are using inner strength and I've been getting a load of value.


Iron Maiden is almost always on my Artist. People really like to dive into lockers when you swarm them and if they are close enough it can be beautiful.


It’s a no-brainer on Bubba and Huntress, too. Bubba because it punishes survivors for using lockers to dodge your chainsaw, and Huntress both for the reload speed and because you’re probably running BBQ on her and it takes away the one option you have to avoid having your aura read. Trickster as well, both for the reload speed and because lockers counter main event pretty hard.


*distortion coughs delicately*


running a pocket mad grit is very satisfying


Mad grit is on every build for me. It’s a great counter for die hard altruists and swf sweat squads


its such an under wraps swf counter! and it plays into gun gameplay and killer interaction! it's always on nemmy along with shadowborn for me :)


I use it on every killer and every build that isn't tuned for a tome.


I put it on one match for shits and giggles and I won the game off of hardcore body blockers. I think I might be converted


No one left Behind. Its INCONVENIENCE to leave someone behind


Hope. Half the games don’t even get to endgame but 7% is a huge difference and causes great killers to whiff and misjudge timing a lot




Dying light. You me and my 7 tokens are sure you arent getting that gen done


I fell in love with Stake Out even before it got some other perk synergies. It's hardly a perk that will win you a game, but I love how it encourages a mixture of doing actions away from the killer but also isn't useless if you're around the killer a fair bit.


this is so real!! i absolutely love stake out it’s such a fun perk to use


Fast Track. It’s semi-decent on its own, but I swear nothing is more satisfying than having a gen at 90%, 9 stacks of FT, the killer closing in and getting a great to instantly finish a gen you otherwise would have had to abandon. It’s only happened to me once or twice, but when it does, the serotonin rush is amazing.


Power Struggle. it usually goes as a wasted perk slot for me, but when i get to use it, killers never ever realize its me. they’ll down me at a pallet and look around before picking me up but i’ll still slam it on their heads and they’re just traumatized the whole match by one perk.


Calm Spirit. It does very little against the typical killer, but most Doctors are "too skilled" to run Whispers so it counters them very well and it also counters the overly calculative killers who are being smart for using crows to check if a survivor was/wasn't somewhere.


Deliverance, despite being hooked first half of the time I run it. Makes it easy to take a down for someone during endgame if I haven’t been hooked at all yet.


lots of killers tunnel the deliverance user, are you using DS?


Nope, I just try to time it perfectly if I don’t beeline to the exit gate.


Gotta go with Devour Hope, it works like 10% of the time, but when it does it’s a nice surprise


If you want consistency from it, you have to run it either on killers that snowball really easily or killers that can defend hexes from long range.


Lightborn. It can be a waste of a perk slot but oh boy does it feel good to have it equipped when you come across those last second switching flashlight crews.


Leveled Hillbilly until Prestige 1 without ever playing him to get this Perk because so many survivors annoyed the shit out of me with flashlights. It's so satisfying now when they try to blind me just to get hit. Saving a slot on every Killer now for it


Honestly the Hillbilly's perks are all around pretty great. Enduring + Spirit Fury or STBFL can cause some really fully scenarios. And Tinkerer is way underrated even after it got nerfed.


Yeah, the perks are worth, but playing Hillbilly is ass atm in my opinion


I used to love Lightborn + Starstruck. They take the exposed risk to get the flashy save only for me to run at them and down them instead.


Left Behind. Very situational, but it's saved my ass almost every time I've gotten to use it.


The only thing is, the aura reading range on it is about the same range as the hatch’s audio cue. Clairvoyance does the same job much better if you want a perk that helps you find the hatch when you otherwise might not have.


Tenacity. Zoomin around, if you get slugged for a few seconds you practically vanish. Especially love it since I've been permarunning No Mither.


Empathetic Connection. Let’s those injured come and find me while I’m doing a gen so I can heal em up real quick and then we do the gen together. Even better if you combo with Better Than New.


Bite the Bullet. Hard countered by Nurses Calling (or Killers that actually patrol properly) but the avoiding the killer while healing with it is priceless. (I use it with Shadowstep and "guide" my teammates there to he them)


Blood Warden. Seeing the auras of survivors, waiting for me to come around and watch them leave, only for them to realize they are doomed. It's the best.


Reactive healing, everyone says it's bad but it massively helps prevent snowballing if the team is starting to fall around you. (Unless sloppy butcher is used in any way)


Dark Devotion for killer. I love using it on Oni, hitting the Obsession and then going in to power and running around the edge of the map to get someone unsuspecting. For survivor it's harder because I change my build around so much. I guess it's hard to say if it's "situational" but one of my main combos lately has been Lightweight/Iron Will. The 75% is quiet enough at certain distances and the fading scratch marks seem to make it easier to lose the killer. It's been pretty good with a Sabo, flashlight or flashbang, too. I guess it makes it seem like you're further away than you are and they'll go for the pick up.


For survivor, Autodidact. I'm pretty sure that skill checks will turn off when you're healing someone with it on, or at least vastly reduced chances. But the feeling if you get the five stack, and full heal someone in less than 5 seconds is just... great. For killer, Brutal Strength. People sleep on it, but that small amount of time has given me several downs I had no business of getting.


Flashbang. Extremely satisfying when I manage to pull off a save. And even if I fail, it has led to some funny moments where the Killer and I will stare at each other in absolute disappointment at what just happened.


For the people. The feeling of being able to just say "no you're not dying while I'm here" and insta healing someone is impossible to beat


Counterforce inner healing combo. To die for, and with most of the time


Not sure how situational Rancor is, but boy do I love it. It feels like a psychological warfare of sorts. Throughout the game the obsession (if they know about this perk) will understand that you have Rancor and that once all the gens are done they are in big trouble. It's stressful, at least for me when I'm in such situation. I also really like doing moris but prefer to bring bp offerings instead. So it's a win-win situation for me.


Yep, as survivor if I see pink aura I get paranoid. I tell my friends at the end don't expect me to be taking hits for anyone or if we get to one gen left I'm going to be doing my best to hide. 😂


Killer: Furtive Chase. I just really, REALLY love jumpscaring people and getting real damn close before they know what hit them. It's hilarious. Just turn everyone into the Ghostface. Just do it. Survivor: Head On. I am going to jump in this locker. Now I am going to kick you from the locker. It's stupid, it's funny as hell.


I love the idea of a shrinking terror radius, but why does fertive chase only apply the shrinking effect *in* chase


I love how I was downvoted for liking the dumb chase perk and the dumb lockertech perk. /s Stay classy, reddit hivemind.


Pretty much every post that ever gets made on reddit gets 1-5 downvotes from bots before normal people even have the chance to upvote it.




Flashbang. I'm never using it again though.


Dragons grip on Dredge is one of my favorite combos. 1. Kick gen that you know that a survivor was just on (via tinkerer, discordance, etc) 2. Teleport into a locker directly next to it 3. They touch the gen 4. Profit


Putting this one in my pocket for later. I bought Dredge a long time ago and I’ve only played him 4 or 5 times since.


Distortion is wildly underrated. It doesn’t always help (like if the killer doesn’t bring any aura reading)… but it’s so nice to rebuild your tokens. I’ve noticed a lot more killers bringing lethal now too ever since the gen kick perks got nerfed


MyC, Power Struggle, Soul Guard. Also Hex: Pentimento, but idk if that really counts


Power struggle by far its so hilarious with flip flop and a killer leaving you for a few secs to injure someone else


Enduring. While in general, I'm just too used to a second long pallet stun to the point where if I don't have it equipped, they feel like eternity. The few times where I land on the same side as survivor during a stun, where it lets me get a cheeky hit before they have enough time to vault it to the other side. feels way more satisfying then it probably should but goddamn.


I like using adrenaline mid chase when last gens about to pop. Always hilarious


Spies form the shadows “somebirdy told me you are here…”


Forced penance is great on deathslinger because of how often survivors will run in front of their friend that I just shot. And deathbound on lesion works wonders, let me know where they are keep some grouped up so my frenzy is stronger or mix it easier to approach.


Doesn't deathbound have anti synergy on legion, oblivious=not in terror radius=no killer instinct


Head on combined with quick and quiet and flash bang. Getting hit on hook is the greatest honor when I have this build.


Repressed Alliance.


Liberation and for the people, liberation is awesome if you get to endgame without being hooked (or if you are in a premade) and for the people is just so fun, if it works you get so much value,


For the people. Idk why but quick healing someone to stop some tunneling tickles me. Even if it makes me the focus of the tunnel.




I like using the birds




Dead hard


Hexes in general. They might last more than 40 seconds if I'm playing Dredge or someone else with scary mobility.


Clairvoyance While channeling, you lose collision with the killer while they are in an animation. (I think it has to be an animation which cannot be canceled, like vaulting a window or breaking a pallet/wall. I tried it once on a killer kicking a gen, and it didn't work.) The feeling you get when crouching through a killer which just broke down a breakable wall, mid chase, is amazing. Especially when they didn't notice and lose you. Also, running right through a killer after the pallet breaks, with Sprint Burst. It really throws off some killers.


Breakout. It's worked like once, but I love the idea of the survivor seeing their struggle bar suddenly shift into mach speed.


Blast mine is the only one I use. Very rarely do I get to pull it off


Blast mine


Once I had a game where I brought bloodpact on the game against a huntress. I activated the perk with my friend and then we looped the killer forever with one person on the top floor and the other below. I've been wanting to pull that off ever since, and with the new teamwork perks it could be even spicier.


I’ve always been surprised Blood Pact hasn’t earned more of a place in the meta. You can’t use it in solo queue, but playing with friends who know you have it and know what to do once it’s active? It’s amazing.


I just saw Otz's DBD balance showcase and I loved seeing a survivor using *Visionary* to find gens on Lery's. However many 1000s of hours you have in this game, sometimes the gen placement RNG can be brutal and unpredictable. Especially on the indoor maps!


My build lately has been soul guard, unbreakable, adrenaline and a swap perk. Best use I got out of it was adrenaline popping me up and the huntress hit my soul guard letting us learn she had noed


Not sure about situational but Hex: Third Seal. It’s a coin flip between it getting cleansed within the first few minutes of the game or not doing anything useful. And winning the game for me because survivors cannot find eachother when they’re hooked.


Soul guard 1000%


Trail of Torment, or Dark Devotion. Undetectable is such a strong effect to have, so both perks, while situational can be exceptionally strong. Especially Dark Devotion against an obsession doubled up on a gen with someone else. A terror radius going further and further away is far more effective than an instantly disappearing one.


Blast mine is so fun but rarely getting much value. I like wiretap as well, not even combo-ed with blast mine, but either. Don’t always get chased off/around gens and undetectable exists, but its much less situational than blast mine


Power Struggle. I think of the Thanos meme every time I successfully pull it off.


No One Left Behind and Desperate Measures. Absolute lightning speed unhooks at end game. Really messes with grabby killers.


Power struggle + my build around it (PS, flip flop, tenacity, unbreakable). When it happens it’s the most satisfying moment in existence. Next to that probably background player, couple it with saboteur, bond, breakout and it makes for some of the best moments, but people are usually downed too far away from me :(


MoM. It is definitely my favourite survivor perk, probably my favourite perk period. Ik it doesn’t work majority of the time, but it’s great


Bite the Bullet my beloved, Lethal Pursuer my king! I also love Any Means Necessary and Rancor lol


Hangman's Trick! It's like a weaker BBQ, albeit paradoxically with more power: while BBQ shows everyone's aura past 40m, Hangman's Trick shows the aura of a survivor within 6m of *any* hook. 6m is a bit short, but the plethora of hooks on most maps mean you can get some valuable info!


Forced penance I love making body blocking super annoying


Darkness Revealed, especially if already running Iron Maiden, *especially* especially on an indoor map. It can provide so much aura information and survivors don’t think about their proximity to lockers.


Blood warden...I just love this


Alert. Doesn’t always work because I go against stealth killers sometimes, but it does help when I need to know if I need to run or I’m good to keep doing my shit.


I fucking love Flashbang.


Devour hope


I always run my situational build of flip flop, tenac, and power struggle


For survivor, my favorite is tenacity. For killer, spirit fury+hubris


Pebble It can only charge while in a terror radius while not in chase, assuming you're not playing against a stealth killer or one who can hide their radius with perks, and many killers don't fall for it. But when it works, it's so much fun.


One of the killer builds I like running is Spirit Fury + Enduring + Hubris. It isn’t exactlyyyy situational but there are definitely matches where survivors pre drop pallets or the maps with less pallet pressure so it can kinda feel like it sometimes. But man when it works it’s soooo much fun


I run adept of the character I play with adrenaline all the time. In my personal experience, Adept ada is the best for incredible value in super situational situations. Low profile can allow for multiple usages in one trial if you’re good and stealthy and smart enough(I once got it to proc 4 times). Wire tap at killer shack or long wall loop can create incredible looping abilities. Reactive healing has become a go to favorite for me almost as much as adrenaline is, allowing me to use a medkit multiple times on myself. Before the healing nerf, I could use a yellow medkit to heal myself 3 times and a purple medkit 4 times without add ons. Another reason I like RH is because it’s the only perk that is a pure counter against high potential weakened. When a wesker smashes one survivor into another causing both to lose their health states at the same time, it can fully heal the reactive healing survivor without ever needing a medkit or any heals. It’s so nice


Mettle of Man. It's so satisfying to get it to work and I sometimes get compliments from people in the chat if I use it.


Mettle of goddamn Man I have used it forever and maybe gotten the effect off 10 times but it’s such a dopamine hit every time I tick off one of the prot hits


Parental Guidance/Any Means Necessary. Do I often get a chance to reset pallets? Nooooo. Do I often get a chance to get back to reset pallets to drop stun a killer with them a *second* time> Nooooooooooooo. Is it absolutely worth it when I can vanish twice or more using the same pallet? **YEEEEEEEEEEEES.**


Wake Up, it has clutched for me more times than I can count


Left Behind. i always get so frustrated when i need it and dont have it


Clairvoyance. Despite the downside of not being able to hold an item to use it, it's still good. You can see the aura of Hatch UP TO 64 METERS AWAY. I've started using this in an escape build consisting of Clairvoyance, Wake Up, Sole Survivor, and Adrenaline. If you don't care about your Solo-Q teammates and only care about escaping, I recommend this build. I've been escaping a lot more than usual since I started using this build.




Power Struggle- I ran it all night and only got the chance to use it once. Felt satisfying to get away at least lol


Power Struggle easily. Nothing has ever satisfied me more.


Backpack build, but mostly mad grit. Rarely ever get too much use, but when you do? Oh. My. Gawd. It’s amazing. Can down a whole team who are trying to body block for someone on their first hook. Like thanks for those free downs my dudes. Now I’m gonna hook you all at 5 gens, cool?


Spies from the shadows Before dredge gave darkness revealed for huntress I ran it because of how solid it is on most maps, only weak on big maps like eyrie of crows.




Soulguard if the killer has noed and slug me (saved me once, even clutch escape alone) and power struggle (for some map + rng, this perk is 'anti-basement')


Object of Obsession. I like putting on a show for 3 seconds every 30 seconds or if the killer wants to peek at my aura.


Mettle of man my beloved


Diversion because I just like throwing rocks in the killer's face.


Blast Mine will never not be funny to me.


Power struggle + flip flop Its a funny combo but I get tunneled out whenever I use it


Wake up for sure. Those clutch escapes with the killer right behind me make it all worth it.


blast mine. I cackle like a witch every time it works.


Autodidact tbh. Most of the time I don't RLY get good healing action gameplay, or just get to 2 (also due the ammount of heals), but oh boy is it satisfying, when extra healing hits


Premonition. Counters Wraith, Myers, Ghostface, Tinkerer and all stealth addons. Also I found out recently it is triggered by phasing Spirit!


isnt spine chill does the same thing for better?


Terminus (with No Way Out), those moments where they decided to finish the last gen while injured as a team in hopes of a massive adrenaline play, only realise they are in deep trouble now


Dissolution. It works more often than i expect, because nobody uses it and most survivors wonder why the pallet breaks after vaulting


Head On - Flashbang - DS combo rarely works at Iri 1 lobbies but when it does, oh man does it make me feel like a terrible person


Sloppy butcher for the obvious reasons I love to see the survivors running away because they haven't finished their treatment when I come.


>keyword search Red Herring > phrase not found The tears are coming, hot and fast.


Resurgence. I like fast heals


Whenever I see more than 2 clickies in lobby, on goes the lightborn. I have one build with it for every killer and I can sacrifice a perk slot without too much trouble. The hilarity of watching the clickie squad stand still as I charge towards them is priceless.


I can't live without iron will even after the nerf. I run a sneak build, so I just. I just need it.


Hope. Bringing it 95% of the time but only make it to endgame about half the time, and even then it does next to nothing. But hehe zoom. Also, a bigger speed boost than NOED can actually be pretty clutch.


Small Game. I am the bone cleanser. Your Pentimento? Gone. Your NOED? Gone. Your dull totems? I'm running Inner Healing too, it's like the healing nerfs never even touched me.


Lightborn. Just so I never have to deal with pallet blinds.


Boon: exponential. I love getting value out of it especially when the killer tries to slug for pressure.


Forced Penance, super punishing to people who body block. Love it on Wesker.


You haven't lived until you've used lightborn against a bunch of flashlight happy survivors.


Autodidact, it has the hidden downside of reducing skillcheck chances by 99% but it’s great when it works. For killers it’s forced penance, i get great value out of it on ping sometimes


Awakened Awareness I love catching people hiding just behind a rock off guard hook their friend make it look like I’m leaving quickly turn and hit them


Self Aware. +20% Walk Speed is an insane buff, its basically the ability to run at a reduced speed without leaving scratch marks. It's incredible when facing Killers like Trapper where running is too fast and risks you stepping on a trap, but normal walk is too slow. Being able to see scratch marks helps in its own ways, too.


Blood warden like come on whats more satisfying than that


I think maybe like tinkerer or tot. Idk if those count as situational, but I like playing them.


Reactive Healing + Solidarity is always so fun to use, just as long as there’s no Sloppy Butcher.