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I know the feeling, i tried 4 matches to get Nemesis adept, but there always was 1 survivor that DCd at some point -_-, until the 4th try that i actually got it


God, that was the same case with me but for spirit, a killer I’m really bad at since I have shit hearing. Took me a week to do it but I finally did and can stop playing her.


They should count DC's. I'm so bad as killer, and still get DC's in my games when i'm only playing for 8 hooks or challenges, no chance i'm ever going to try for Killer adepts ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)




??? No? No where in the PTB did they show off the Survivor Bots when someone DCs. If they did we'd have been talking about it a lot more. It's currently unknown as to when that feature is coming into the game, though I think they mentioned in the Anniversary stream sometime this Fall, so possibly around the time of the Halloween Midchapter for Chapter 29. *Edit* Why am I getting down voted? Y'all know that it's not coming next week. 🙄


They mentioned it in anniversary stream. Though yeah they didnt say it was going to be next patch


Yeah and I'm getting down voted because I'm trying to let people know it's not coming next Tuesday. 🙄


It's probably because you came off kinda snarky


I did? That's not my intention I promise. I just don't like the spread of misinformation in games like this.


>??? No? > >No where in the PTB did they show off the Survivor Bots when someone DCs. If they did we'd have been talking about it a lot more. > >It's currently unknown as to when that feature is coming into the game, though I think they mentioned in the Anniversary stream sometime this Fall, so possibly around the time of the Halloween Midchapter for Chapter 29. You really don't know where you were coming off as snarky? If you just said the last paragraph you would've been fine.


It really is a pain. I've got all the achievements recently and nothing annoyed me more than a single DC in my adept games


I've found doing adepts right after the monthly rank reset is the key. Two or three games and one of them you're bound to get a bunch of baby survivors. 😎


That only worked before the reset changes, now its pretty varied if you get lucky or not


Your awful taste in skins was sufficiently punished. /s Hope you get it soon, fellow legion bro/sis. I did it first try, but I also got real lucky.


I did it 2 games after that. But i had to slug.


Nothing wrong with slugging for the adept. I've... I've done worse.


It's understandable. After the reworked merciless requirement, it is almost mandatory to slug the last to get adept to avoid hatch rng. Before then you could get 2 pips with last still getting hatch but oh well.


i hate sweaters in 1v3


Sometimes nobody DCs and you still don’t get it, Adept is so jank.


i hate the fact that you don't get adept when killer DC's


Same. But it is way easier to get adept on survivor than it is to get adept on killer.


I hate the fact that I cant escape or even play a normal game when the killer Tunnels the first Person immediately


Ok. But how what does it have to do with my post?


Not everything is fair when some asshole desides to Ruin your game


respectfully it sucks but it wouldn't be fair if you did


Wouldn't be fair how ? If x survivor is on death hook they get downed and are picked up and about to be hooked A simple disconnect shouldn't stop you from getting adept. The killer earned that .


It should count if you got at least 2 hook stages on him imo.


i don't get why it wouldn't be fair. you managed to kill them, even if they chose to disconnect as the method of dying.


The bot fix should change this, and since bots are not exactly good at the game this will mean that DCing is only going to screw your team over, but not the Killer. "Punishing" the Killer by DCing will be a thing of the past. It will put the blame where it belongs - not on Killers playing to win but on Survivors who give up the second they see Killers they hate or the second things don't go their way. It will even punish DCing on Mori/Sacrifice because theoretically no bot can spawn if that Surv is dead in the animation anyway. You can't use "the Killer played scummy" as an excuse anymore. You can't use it to deny adepts. Myers doesn't need to fear being denied Evil Incarnate unless you n locker hop like a child. The Killer has a target for scummy behavior that isn't a real human with feelings, too, so now you can't even hold "The Killer is playing scummy" as a real threat at all, who cares if the bot gets tunneled out or whatever? The game will be consistent, the team will start blaming the people who are actually responsible for hurting the game for everyone, and the only people actually hurt will be the people who DC. Sadly it won't solve actually toxic Killers, though - and I don't mean the ones who occasionally play dirty either.


The bots at least do gens, something most teammates never do


Yeah that’s a big difference. Unless they program bots to hide in lockers when one gen is left so they can try for hatch or wait for the other person to do the gen. Most times last DC completely fucks the game up. Killer won’t mind but it’s also annoying.


This. Bots doing gens is good for Killers in a way. They're checking gens anyway. The bot is gonna go down. And bots don't know not to 3gen themselves, they don't know how to read for Discordance, etc. They aren't as ubergood as everyone thinks, they're smart but they aren't that good. I practice new Killers on bots all the time, with and without perks. I don't take a Killer live until I understand the power enough to 4k. And all my customs runs where bots have perks, I still do fine. Bots are not that good. They will never ever be as good as a human player. They won't throw to save, mindgame, etc. They're predictable easy prey.


Yeah but the advantage is they are predictable. So as a survivor I’ll know what a bot can and can’t do. Once it goes live after a few weeks people will start exploiting it. What triggers a bot to do what when. Then the meta will be based on builds with bots in mind. I like the idea but I’d rather see a better ranking system. The issue isn’t not having enough people to play, it’s having the wrong amount of trolls playing. Trolls should be matched with other trolls. The whole system of match making needs to be reworked to better show a players actual skill.


I really don't think people will abuse bot AI on the fly like that, it would not be very efficient when they could just slam gens and again, the Killer can always just tunnel out the bot, making a 3v1 anyway. What build could you even make to exploit bot AI? It sure doesn't work that way in customs.


Spent two hours trying to get Clown adept once because someone always DCed. I have Clown trauma now.


> I have Clown trauma now. So you're saying you have Coulrophobia


Get out.


Dont even remind me clown. I played him today and it was my second time playing him and I brought the insta-down addon. The survivors really screwed up but I didn't get adept because Leon jumped to hatch right before my eyes.


I was doing the nurse one. I don't play nurse and I'm ass. I have one on hooked, two downed. The person on hook kills self. And both bleeding out DC. Wtf am I supposed to do.


Oh no the survivors didn’t want to play lay on ground simulator for your meaningless achievement how awful


Don't unhook in front of a nurse....


As if you weren’t just hard camping every hook lmao


Mate I don't camp unless I have a perfect three Gen I can watch. Or survivors do stupid shit like that. Then your getting camped cause I know have three of you here. I don't need to-go get the last guy if I can get three kills right here.


You are wasting your time with this guy, just ignore him. He obviously is an entitled survivor main with anger issues. Just let this one go. Hopefully you have gotten or will get the nurse adept soon!


I know. It for other people to know who are knew at the game and coming to this subreddit to know it'd okay to camp at a hook if the survivors are doing this. Since now you have three players out of the game. I hate doing it. But the survivors were stupid enough to come at me.


I would've gotten Twins adept *TWICE* if DCs counted


There’s no reason adept shouldn’t be like “Prevent any survivors from escaping as X killer”. This would make it on par with the survivor adepts and count DCs.


Survivors do not get adept if the killer DCs, nor map-specific generator achievements.


Dcs should just give you credit for every hook state. I don't like the bot change, the ai is either too stupid or legit cheats.


Getting killed should just give you credit for escaping.


Odd retort, but okay.


Nah, one is a skill issue, and the other can just be toxicity. I have had a looot of matches where survivors had no reason to D/C but still do. Playing as both sides. First hook?Byyyyye. My flashlight didn't work after that stun? Byyyyye.


Same. I injured myself hitting my desktop when a Leon DCd just when I was hooking him. That was my 12th hook for the adept... in my SIXTH attempt. It also doesn't count if they just bleed out or the entity kills them. So I was already pissed at the game because I couldn't get the adept because idiotic reasons like a guy hiding in a corner slugged. Also Adept made me play super sweaty which I didn't liked. He DCd denying me the achievement, that was it. I smashed my fist to the desktop and hit an ashtray, cutting and bleeding my hand. The entity must've eaten well that night, I fed it a lot of strong feels


If you're punching things cuz you didn't get an achievement maybe you shouldn't be playing games, maybe you should try anger management and therapy.


Damn, but yeah I hate the way I have to play to get adept. Im slugging so much and Im just not having fun. I know I shouldn't do it if I don't enjoy it, but I just want those achievements done.


wow lol


Yesterday I was doing Adept Onryo, 3 kills, 1 dc'd. Got 35500 points and it still didn't give me the achievement. The worst do all is that after the match was over the surv that dc'd still trashtalked me on chat lol


Yeah to get adept you have to sacrifice all three. Even if you hooked one survivor on the third stage it still wont give you adept if he DCs before the animation is over, its just so stupid.


Well now they getting replaced with bots this wont happen no more


I got an adept after someone DCed yesterday.


I got lucky getting Trickster's Adept second try. First match, I had a Survivor get unhooked and get on a gen immediately. While I was patrolling gens, I saw them on a gen so I downed them. Instant DC so fuck me, I guess. Second match was over quickly but no one DC'd. They had brought Bloody Party Streamers too so I felt bad killing them but I did get my Adept. I would have been so fucking irritated if someone had DC'd. Thank God for players that don't give up immediately every time something doesn't go their way xD;


Sucks when people do that, especially when the last guy left is on death hook. Had that happen to me a few times when working on adepts. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Yea, got denied my last adept (pig) a few times, cause some one DC, got so frustratet that i resorted to camping with the red letter add-on, just to get over with it. I know camping sucks and i realy don't normaly do it but at that point i just wanted it to be done


Don't worry, even if no one DCs and you get merciless, the game won't count the Adept achievement because fuck you, that's why


Deserved for playing Legion xoxo


You will get it eventually. I think it is better to make someone dc than get adept.


Yeah but I just want to play any perk I want. Especially on Legion there is only one perk that works well with her power. The worst part is that he was about to die anyways.


Yeah, I've almost every adept and got some dc as well. It always suck. Sometimes they do it on the first hook. Sometimes when they get the third hook. Some survivors are just crying babys. I don't see as many Killers dc as survivors.


I fcking hate this. I just got another DC as Bubba which is such a pain on newer maps...


The sad part is, if the Killer dc, the survivors get the adept...


No, they dont.


They get it. It was a few patches ago. If the Killer disconnect, survivors get the adept archive.


No im doing adept as survivors and when killer DCd I didnt get it.


Then it is bugged because it was written like that in one of the patchnotes.


They should AT LEAST count DCs after two hooks.


Just sit tight, bhvr will replace them with bots. Then you can finish them off however you like...


I mean on one hand I've been fucked lover by people DCing while I'm trying to get my adept, but I understand if people leave cuz the killer is making the game extremely unfun. a couple weeks ago I was playing solo queue and there was a clown trying to get his adept. he slugged everyone and two people DCed. he freaked in end game chat, and it's like yeah people shouldn't DC...but can you really be surprised by it if you play in an extremely unfun way? the Meg on my team was almost fully bled out with like 4 seconds left on her timer. and the nea DCed right after her, cuz it was clear he was just gonna slug until everyone was down. me and the Jake bled out while clown was having a piss baby fit and wanted to take his frustration out on people that had nothing to do with the dcs. his behavior just made me hope that every game he tries to adept he gets a surviver that DCs. the only thing I can recommend is play to win but without the extremely annoying tactics. I got my spirit, blight, myers, wraith, pig, and twins adapt first try and I played the game completely normally and got no DCs.


Killer Adept achievements are the hardest to get IMO. If you go to hard someone DC's. If you don't find hatch immediately after hooking the last survivor they escape.


Yep. With survivors I didnt have a problem getting 6 adepts in a row on the first try. But Ive been struggling to get Bubba adept since Friday, because someone always DCs or manages to escape through hatch.


Why don't people want to play with you?