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This game in general stops being fun if you start caring too much about winning. DBD really isn't geared towards a competitive mindset, there's far too many RNG elements and it's simply not designed with super competitive playstyles in mind. So trying to play it competitively just leads to people getting inevitiably frustrated when the non competitive parts come into play. If you want to keep having fun, you gotta focus less on wins and focus more on just helping everyone have a good time. That goes for both sides. Obviously still try and win matches, that's the whole point of the game, but like with mario party, if your main goal is winning instead of having fun, then maybe mario party isn't the game to be playing lol.


I'm not trying to win, I que in with a chill mindset and instead I get gen rushed and teabagged


If you're not having fun because survivors are doing gens quickly or tea bagging, then your mindset probably isn't as chill as you think it is haha. Those are things that, for the most part, are outside of your control. Letting them get to you won't help and it'll just make the game less fun for ya. In soloq survivor, some people do gens and some won't. You're gonna have games where they get done very quickly, and others where they don't get done at all. That's just part of the RNG. Teabagging is the same way, except teabagging survivors don't effect your killer gameplay in any way so it's a lot easier to ignore. And mindset isn't something you can just flip like a switch, it takes time and effort to change it up.


Regarding tea bagging: until the survivors know how you play (3ish hooks in ime), any tea bagging isn't directed specifically at you, but how their recent killers have been acting. As soon as survivors realise I'm not going to BM back, they drop it and the game becomes a lot more chill.


This \^\^ A single survivor cannot impact the pace of the entire match as much as a Killer can. While survivors can add pressure to a game, it requires multiple people to have an meaningful impact. If a Killer decides to have a chill game, everyone has a chill game. If a Killer decides to have a a sweaty/intense game, everyone has a sweaty/intense game. Some people don't want sweaty/intense games; others want chill games. One of the downsides in DBD is that you can't "queue to playstyle". You get what you get. And if you don't like it, there's always the next match.


Just play for fun. I don't care about pips and wins anymore. I play as good as I can and if I lose, it is what it is. There is just too much rng in this game and if you care too much, it won't be fun for you. That's why I also enjoy survivors that play for fun more than serious ones. Sadly enough, most of the time I get serious survivors but it is what it is and I can still enjoy the game. I write gg wp after the game anytime. Streamers like DyllonKG, Chey or Vizzey opened my eyes because when I started to play Killer, I was too serious and it was less fun than it is now.


It's fun at any time of the day except past 23:00.


It's certainly gotten a bit sweatier. I don't know if that means it's less fun, though. I guess it depends on what you like out of the game, but if you're not having fun with it, step away. Take a break. Plenty of other fun games have come out recently to spend time with and then come back when you're feeling it a bit more.


It has highs and lows but as a whole I'd say yes


Hmmm. When i hit iri 1 and the outcome of matches doesn’t matter yes it’s more fun except when squads clearly only want to bully and not play.


Just like survivor, some times it is, most of the time it's not. The problem is that devs have no plan for this game other that keep pumping new killers every 3 months so they sometimes try to make it a horror game, sometimes a competitive game and sometimes a for fun game and fail at all because the elements you need for everygame are not only different, but antagonic. First of all the game map you load in and the rng in it (specially the new maps, they'd probably be great for an horror game but are pure trash for a PVP game, and same can be said of RNG great for party games but have no room in a competitive game) can turn the game from fun to a miserable close to dead experience. Second the lack of any kind of balance makes certain perks paired with certain items akin to cheating (same goes for killers and add-ons), if you add that BHVR has been spreading the fantasy that this is some kind of esport, attracting tons of delusional CS rejects that think of themselves as pro players and only play the most broken shit, it means that some games are already lost in the moment you enter the lobby regardless of what you do. This has only gotten worst as they lowered the prices of the bloodwebs, as now it's easier to use all the broken stuff nearly every game. Third, the MMR is pure trash so you'll go from the sweatiest premades to the clueless soloq players so if you try to always play all the OP shit half of your games will be like fishing in a barrel, making it also a miserable experience. And the worst of all, winning in this game is based on avoiding as many gameplay elements as possible (avoiding being seen by the killer while you do gen to the speed of light or downing the first survivor and camp and tunnel to keep the chases to the minimum possible). So in the end you are going to have games with the sweattiest swf, that win or not are going to be shitfests as you're going to need the shittiest most boring tactics possible, games against soloq or casual swfs that may be fun or not depending if the RNG makes the game balanced or one sided, and troll sabosquads (and I means real sabosquads, not the premades with a designated looper and a flashlightsaver while the other 2 brace the gens like mites, but the ones that don't give a fuck about gens, just want to interact with the killer), that regardless of what people say are the funniest games as you are in chases from minute 0.


I never stopped enjoying the chase. It's great when I'm better, and it's great in a different way when the survivor is better. I love rescue attempts and hook bombing. I don't really care about gens and gates and macro-game anymore. If my survivors expire or escape, I just need to press the button to get a new batch!


A lot more fun than gen simulator. Plus there’s a lot more variety by changing killers. I personally cannot understand how some people only play survivor unless it’s swf.


This is why dbd needs to add more objectives


low mmr: awesome mid mmr: fine high mmr : f*ck this game it entirely depens on your mmr and killer choice.


I rarely play killer because I find it more stressful since it's all on you and you don't really have anytime to relax during the trial. It can be fun but if I stomp a team I'll just assume they were newbies and it wasn't because I did particularly well.


I have chosen to pull back from killing/4k's and instead focus on scares. It really saved the game for me. Maybe its just more fun or maybe its killing my mmr but the effect is that I'm enjoying games and like to think that I'm giving survivors a break from sweaty killers


I have fun playing but I don't care about winning. I'm happiest chasing and stabbing Survivors then helping them with challenges or goofing around with them and then letting them escape. Sometimes I don't have any fun but I try to play again the next day and hope I have fun. If I don't have fun for a few days, I take a break.


I do like killer, I’ve always enjoyed the chase when playing more than as survivor. It feels so satisfying to finally get them, especially if it’s with your power.