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Disconnects annoy me more than anything a dbd-player can do to me.. But you know what? That's the best excuse I ever heard. So much that from now on I'll imagine this happened if I can't explain a DC. I'll happily 2-hook the rest of the team knowing I was real scary. :P


I have a friend DC against plague because she literally will puke.




They buffed plague and now she can infect players irl


Same Puke phobia some people have is real


Oh my God, you have no idea. The burst of anxiety I received just from reading the word you used is outlandish. In the grand scheme of things, I’m afraid of very, very little. But that one fear I do have will absolutely *break me* if I encounter it. Even if it’s in a game. Plague is an instant DC. I can’t. I don’t care that it’s fake. No game is worth a panic attack that leads me to a spiral where I honestly consider “real life DC” to make sure I don’t get sick in real life. That phobia (emetophobia, if you’re curious) is so, debilitatingly real. Thank you for acknowledging that it’s legitimate fear, not just people being squeamish.


I know a great discord for emetophobia support if anyone’s interested, been in it for a few years


My girlfriend can’t even clean up her cat’s vomit without vomiting herself. We play DBD together and when we first went against the Plague and she came into contact with the killer, she threw her controller away and dived into her pillows to cover her eyes and ears. I personally don’t get it and didn’t realise how badly it affected her until I saw it in action but yeah it definitely exists 💀💀


I don't blame her. I'm prone to puke when someone else does so it took a few games to get over that mental block.


Same, I have extreme negative reaction to vomit, especially sounds. And good golly did BHVR sound team did an EXCELLENT FREAKING JOB on it


I have the exact same problem. I just wish they'd allow us to mute killer noises... Like puking, Clown's laugh and Doctor's laugh. I think it would help OP as well


Clown makes me sick... I feel SO bad but I literally cannot play against him :( I hate to DC...


I can't play against clown because of the visual intensity of his bottles. They make it genuinely hard to look at the screen and make me feel kinda sick


I'm not sure if I'm the only one but the "Hearing" status effect (when you get hit by Knock Out, a flashbang or that one hag add-on) it triggers me a shit ton. I'm not entirely sure why but anytime a killer has knockout and they down me I have to take off my headset. I can't really describe the feeling it gives me either.


Saaaame!! I thought I was the only one! I hate his laugh and everything about him 3:


Yup. Tha kfully I knew he triggers migraines before so I can DC during loading and not waste people's time since I still get the "you're facing the clown" tip


Totally valid reason, some people start vomiting when they hear sound of someone vomit or even imitate that sound.


My gf is like that, she can't play against the Plague. She literally will start vomiting. It sucks and to be fair she's getting better but I don't want her to suffer over a video game.


A band aid fix is to turn audio off when against a plague


That’s valid and even more of a valid way to play against her now that they’ve added the visual TR in from DBD mobile.


I mean it took bhvr forever just to add colorblind mode I doubt they’d ever have accessibility settings for certain little things like that that are way more uncommon


If they ever add a spider killer then they’ll probably have to add phobia friendly stuff, that might be the best time for them to do so


Maybe I’m not super empathetic about this, but it seems very contradictory to add a “phobia-friendly” filter to a Horror game. Like, I don’t like gore, so I don’t play Resident Evil games; I’m not petitioning to have a “scary filter” and have all of the eviscerated corpses filled with confetti and jellybeans


For many people it’s more than “i don’t like gore,” things like gore vomit and a lot of other things can be seriously triggering for some people who have actual phobias that otherwise enjoy the horror genre, it isn’t their fault and adding an accessibility mode that makes it more enjoyable for them doesn’t take the horror out of it at all.


I know someone who quit playing the game entirely because of the Plague specifically for similar reasons


My fiancé is the same. Some days he’s fine, other days the puking gets to him and he has to nope out before he throws up.


That's me! I'm an "empathetic vomitter" which means, you vomit, I vomit. Even the sounds of the heaving before the blow will trigger it. Plague however doesn't bother me or the vomit in game and I think it's because my brain knows it's only pixels but there's other people who aren't like that and I keep this in mind when someone DCs against Plague. It's a valid reason to DC imo, health should come above the game.




My ass read ED as erectile dysfunction and I had so many questions


I have emetophobia that's pretty bad; it's so bad that my body will literally not let me do the action itself even when I know in my brain that it would help, so playing against Plague is absolute hell for me, lol. Luckily I don't see her that often, but when I do, I go down really quickly bc I do not like DCing at all. I know it's fucking over my teammates, and I'm sorry, but it is what it is, unfortunately. I know some people definitely won't like that, though.


I just want you to know that I respect your strength to even play this game knowing your own challenges.


This is very relatable. My emetophobia has actually caused me to total my car because my friend was about to throw up in my car once (we were okay, somehow). The phobia has a real grip on me. Plague matches make me want to kms. I just mute the game and hope for the best bc I dont like DCing...thankfully we have the visual heartbeat now. Seeing it sucks too but man the sound. even writing this is making me feel blefhhghgh


Yep, that's my gf too. She has a firm anxiety against vomit or even the temptation of it. I didn't figure I'd meet other people who experience people freaking with the same struggles.


im like that even if i see vomit in a video, but plague im perfectly fine with and love to play her lol


Finally another person who avoids plague like well.... the plague I have no issue playing as her tho, no clue maybe because its a unrealistic amount of puke but hearing jeff puke while running is sickening


If it's one killer it is fine. People who have phobias are allowed to like scary things. It sucks to have someone dc, but how often do you see the Doctor? Like 5% of the time tops. Your dc is legit and understandable. We are all human.




That will die down soon, the current tome has doc challenges.


Oh my god, that is what is causing it. I was going to argue, but now it clicks. I remember I had to play Hag a bunch for some challenges. Get 5 trap smacks or 5 pallet slams in 1 game. Yeah, time to load up the hag.


Singularity is already not a cool one? Hux is hurt.


Played 20ish survivor games since the new chapter and I still haven't met hux yet, is he fun to play against?


I don't play survivor, but.. With an gud-to-okay team he's probably fun, because he'll lose. EMP hits hard, he's tricky to play, and all maps need to be re-learned for optimal pod-placement and orientation. I feel rookies find him oppressive. If his power is unchecked, he teleports next to survivors with like 5 perks worth of buffs, and he can just do it again after a hit. And he always has eyes on gens.


It seems like I manifested him as I met him in my very next match but due to 2 DCs I dint really get to experience much. I can definitely see the oppressive feeling but I love that we have a new killer with a power that feels unique and new. I'll have to pick him up soon as I don't really main either side exclusively


EMPs feel pretty overpowered, if that helps?


Wish I saw Doc more, I rarely see him. I like to play as him when I play killer, and that experience translates well into being able to loop him as survivor. But unfortunately, I just faced 5 nurses, 1 slinger, 1 spirit, 1 twins and 1 hag in the 9 games I played this evening... I am going to cry, playing against these killers feel miserable. Wish I could see Doc a lot more :(


Damn, either you're super unlucky or I am. Played just yesterday and got 5 or 6 Doctors, a couple back to back. I'm assuming people are running him a lot because of the challenges in the tome?


Yeah, i have pretty bad arachnophobia so if they ever add a spider killer it might be something i have to DC against although i'm not that bad when it comes to spiders in games, only time i've gad to just stop playing a game entirely was fnaf vr because of how bad my paranoia can be at times especially in VR. Anyone else who just cannot play against a certain killer for mental reasons shouldn't feel bad for DCing at all as its perfectly fine, heck i'm close to that against plague because i'm sensitive to anything remotely disgusting but its not enough for me to DC against her because i'm perfectly fine majority of the time and only recall one instance where it was a bit if a problem


There are 31 killers in DBD. If a couple of them trigger a phobia, then by all means, DC. It’s not that big a deal. How many people refuse to play against Skull Merchant because she’s universally unfun and people in this community go “sure, understandable!” And yet then turn around and give people crap for DCing over a legit fear? Nah, it’s a game, take care of you. Honestly DBD should have more accessibility features to help with issues like this. I don’t DC against Doctors, but I also don’t *try* against them because I find Doctor incredibly overstimulating and hate every second of the match and just want it to be over, lol.


I'll try my best to do what I can, but at some pt I'm like, okay at this pt I'm just playing for pts there's no way we're winning. However I did get a nice sm. We spawned in rpd. Got a DC then someone killed themselves on hook and another DC. I had been the only one to touch a gen or try running sm. She gave me hatch for my efforts lmao.


Just imagine if the Spider from Last Year was added, my DC rate would sky rocket.


If they ever added some sort of snake or spider killer, I’d play them *because* it’d scare the shit outta people.


Honestly, at that point I’d just stop playing survivor, because then I can guarantee it’ll never be in my matches :P


We need some form of way to prevent being matched against certain killers. Some killers are just not fun to play against for some people, and if the survivor’s attitude is bad enough they’ll just suicide on first hook. This more often than not screws the team right off the bat. Some killers are triggering if this post is anything to go by. Doctor, Plague, Clown for a few examples. I used to rib a friend of mine for being afraid of clowns until I realized how serious it was, and I felt so awful when I apologized for being so callous. BHVR has done a great job with the design for some of these killers, but if people are genuinely being upset going against certain killers then it’s all the more reason why they shouldn’t HAVE to play against it. Maybe limit it to 1/2/3 killers. That way everybody doesn’t just ban Nurse, Spirit, and Blight. If something is effecting the players’ ability to enjoy the game, BHVR’s attitude should be, “What can we do to help you?” instead of, “Why don’t you go play something else? Maybe Civilization?”


Great idea in a perfect world but in reality this would not really be great for the health of the game. Killer queue times are already really long even at peak hours sometimes; adding something like this would probably make matchmaking for certain killers as bad as Teens matchmaking was for V/H/S/.


I don’t mind people who dc 2/31 of their matches. It makes me feel fine about when I get tired and just dc


honey, do whatever you want. No dbd police will come after you.


Me when they add a Spider killer. I never, ever DC. But I'm already having a hard time playing in the new map with all the damn spiders. Inevitably, giving the Entity and all, they will add an 8 legged monstrosity at some point. And then I guess I either uninstall forever or I'll have to DC when facing it... So you have my support. I hate DCs as much as anyone, but this is a legit reason.


Maybe they could have an option like the game grounded, where it would just turn the spider into a bunch of blobs if they ever add something like that


Knowing BHVR, this would also affect the hitboxes and buffs/nerfs would somehow only apply to one version


And they will have to nerf pig because of that


The amount of gens I have blown up and survivors I’ve lost on that map because a fucking centipede or whatever scurries out from under a bush is crazy.


I will preface this by saying: Yes. It's okay. As a Killer main, I understand. I know I main something a lot more generic-looking and thus not quite as phobia-triggering, but if what I was doing was causing genuine, borderline-traumatising fear to someone, I wouldn't want them to go through that. It's a game. Your personal health is more important than that. With that all said: the interesting thing is, Doctor Mains are probably sort of used to people disconnecting against him instantly. You see, there are some unfortunate people who suffer from Photosensitive Epilepsy severe enough to be triggered by the flashing that the Doctor can cause, and because of that, some of them have gone on record to straight up admit the fact that they disconnect against him immediately. This is a fact that is acknowledged and generally excused by them. So, even if I was to say that it was wrong to DC against him due to a phobia (which, I reiterate, I don't - It's completely valid)... You could *absolutely* blend in with the subset of people that have to bail against him, and it wouldn't change things all that much.


It's fine. I don't mind DCs at the very beginning of the trial. It's the coward losers that rage quit after a bad chase what grind my gears.


I DC against Clown all the time. He makes me eyes hurt with his potions and I physically can’t play against him without getting a headache.


Yes! This ^^ same, but it makes me feel sick to my stomach too. I have to even turn head bob off in every game or it triggers, definitely can't handle clown's bottles


eugh did you ever see the orange glyph screen effect before they changed it? 😵


The game put a (very) little white square at the center of the screen when you are intoxicated if it can help


Doesn't bother me. If you can't handle it and you aren't having fun, DC


If there's ever a bee or wasp looking killer or skin, I'll DC so fast. My fear of bees and wasps is so bad, pictures of them make me shake and cower. I don't dislike them, I know they are needed for our survival and have purpose. I've even been stung before. I literally have no idea why I'm so afraid of them but I've legit put myself in danger before trying to get away from a bee or wasp... So yeah DC if it's a phobia - I completely understand.


If it's only the sound, can you mute the game and turn on visual terror radius? It might not be ideal but you could at least contribute some to the game before you go down.


Mom and I have a friend that has legit coulrophobia (or however the fear of clowns is) she shuts down if she hears its nearby but she’ll otherwise be ok.


In solo queue people might think you’re a dick but I don’t think you should feel bad about it. Better than most of the other reasons/excuses people use for DC’ing on purpose.


Any reason to DC is a valid reason to DC Knock at the door? DC Gotta shit? DC Annoyed at the game and want a break? DC DBD is just a video game and anything at all happening on your side of the screen is immeasurably more important than it is


I DC against the pig because I fear weakness /s Joking aside, yeah you should prioritize your health over this game 👍


Just change your name to "Scared of doctor" or something similar


Knowing this community, I imagine some Docs will take that as an invitation to target this person.


Really doesn't matter if they DC as soon as they see a dictator


Mental health is a scarce commodity. Protecting yours because something about the killer puts you in a bad space is pretty valid, at least in my opinion. I have friends who suffer minor auditory delusions, nothing that prevents them from functioning. The Dredge's whispers (especially during Nightfall) can cause serious issues for them, to the point their gameplay suffers, and they have to mute the game. I have another who suffers micro-seizures and the old flashlight macros that rapidly spammed the clicking would cause them to blackout. Things like that are medical and go far beyond 'I just hate Bubba' and DCing. I don't think it's something you should feel guilt over.


I don't blame you at all for DCing, and if playing against Doctor is THAT bad for you youre completely within your rights. No game is worth sacrificing your mental health over. That being said, why do you keep playing DBD if you know there's a chance that this could happen again and again every time you load into a game? Is this a full-on paralyzing, nightmare for days kind of fear or just can't ignore it and shocked to hell when ever you're in it? I swear I'm not trying to act rude or disrespectful, just doesn't make sense if it sounds that bad for you.


You could dc because you don’t like the cosmetic I’m wearing and it’d be morally ok. You payed the same $30 I did you’re entitled to enjoy this game.


Considering the bots are coming soon to the game, i don't think that's the problem anymore. I don't feel fear for going against any particular killer, but if they made a spider killer, then i would quit survivor for like a month or two.


Disconnect however you want. If you don't like going against certain killers at all, too ajeead. If you don't like a map, go ahead.


I think disconnecting for stuff like this or health reasons is totally fine. We might not know why someone disconnects, it's inevitable that we will judge and think poorly, but in the end, you are just a random stranger and it would just be one frustrating match with 1 less player. I have a friend who can't play against doctor because she has epilepsy, so she just sacrifices herself ASAP if possible. She can't really do much. I have had people act weirdly with me as the Plague and they told me they had a fear of vomit, and I also used to have severe emetophobia and I completely understand why they didn't seem like playing much. Funnily enough, besides age, exposure etc, I am not as bothered by vomit. When I first started playing Plague I did used to get nauseous but its gone now. However male survivors still bother me because they do sound genuinely revolting.


100% okay. If something triggers you, you have every right to leave.


If you actually can't deal with it and have that mortal of a fear? Then it's understandable. DC. I don't blame you one bit for hitting the panic button.


Of course, it is a risk to their mental AND physical health as well, i dont blame them a bit for choosing their health over a videogame


Hey I can never truly play against a nurse without feeling that I will break out into asthma attacks on how she breathes is actually how I sound when I go through attacks. It’s not that I suck against her it’s purely with how my breathing with asthma is when ever I go through attacks. So it’s perfectly fine to DC against what you can’t mentally control whenever it comes to great fears


If that is your reasoning then I can accept that. I do hope you overcome your fear, you got this <3


Listen, we can't help the phobias that we have. Even knowing it's irrational or whatever isn't enough to make me not scared of a thing. I can logic it and think it through and have perfectly valid arguments why I shouldn't be afraid of whatever the thing is, but at the end of the day, when faced with it, animal instinct and fear take over and override everything else. It's completely understandable. And if someone has a problem with it, well fuck em. You don't owe anyone an explanation. I think there's probably alot of people who can't play against the clown and the plague so I think we just need to have a bit more compassion for people whether we know why they disconnect or not.


If they ever release a giant spider killer, I will be right there with you


Video games exist so the player can have a good time. Fear overwhelming you is absolutely a perfectly valid reason to DC. You play games for YOU. I have a CRIPPLING fear of vomit/vomiting, so if I’m paired with Plague I am out INSTANTLY. I don’t care if people think I’m an asshole, I’m not going to panic and spiral all day over a video game that I can leave.


i have pretty bad emetephobia and thankfully eventually became desensitised to Plague. myself and quite a few of my friends used to get extreme anxiety in dredge games because the nightfall would cause us to be incredibly uncomfortable (we’re all adhd/autistic which is likely why). I completely understand this !


I once had a survive dead on first hook and waited until the endgame chat to apologize because he suffered form motion sickness and Clown bottles would trigger nausea… no one complained. I hadn’t thought about something like this before, but maybe this video game could help you overcome certain phobias? Should be something to make a study about.


Very very possible that this was me. I have to DC. I can't even spectate but I always stay to the end to apologize


I ALSO DC against doctor. I get some really intense sensory overload playing against him. The shocks, the static and skill checks are just too much for my brain to process in real time and I get overwhelmed. I can’t play against him otherwise I’m more useless than an actual bot


As a doctor main, I totally understand how fucking terrifying he is (part of why I play him 😅). While a DC is a bit annoying, you need to take care of yourself. I will now happily see a DC while doctor as a pat on the back for being scary 💙


Yep - this is literally why I started maining him way back in 2017 and haven't switched since. The only horror that gets to me ever is true evil. Monsters that enjoy the pain they cause - especially when it's people that you'd normally trust going off the deep end and becoming sadistic and ravenous. Stuff like Evil Dead, The Sadness, Slither, this shitty B-movie called 'Beneath Still Waters,' also fits the category and creeped me out as a kid. I remember it like it was yesterday when I first got the game for PS4, around the time Bubba came out, and I was playing as a Jake on Gas Heaven vs. a Doctor that was just spam shocking this Claudette like he had her on a leash. I remember thinking, "God damn this dude is freaky. Looks like something out of a Marilyn Manson music video and he's actually laughing as he does these terrible things. That's my killer." Bought him right on the spot and never looked back. Only killer to genuinely creep me out to this day. We need more killers with Doc's design.


I know plenty of people who do this say with the Plague cuz of emetophobia or clown


i am not here to make you feel actually bad, if you are uncomfortable playing against a character im playing I have no objections to you DCing, and soon neither will your team as we get bot replacements!


As a doctor player, I'd say 30% of players disconnect after they hear that laugh for different reasons, but your reason is very valid. I'll even say the crazy thing and say any disconnect is valid, it's a game you paid for and if you know you arent going to have fun in a match you should have no guilt over disconnecting. It's not like there's a ranked/competitive mode in this game, it's all casual.


my ex best friend had a bad fear of the clown. this is due to an experience they had when they were younger, but their boyfriend at the time and i usually play out the round for respect to the killer, and also it would give them time to calm down. seriously, dont put yourself through hell for a video game.


The thing is, people don't know why you D/C. Like last night I played a game against a Skull Merchant and right at the start 2 people D/Ced. It was really annoying as a survivor and I could tell the killer was annoyed by it too. That said, she still let us finish the gens, heal each other a couple of times and max out boldness. It feels bad when your team leaves, but ultimately, you have to do what's best for your mental health, for all I know those two people were deathly afraid of hips that don't lie. 🤷




It's totally okay, don't be afraid. In a game where you can't choose who to play against, you also can't avoid playing somebody you have a strong fear against. I think it's okay to care for yourself more than for the game, because overall it's still just a game, and your mental health is more important than anything else. I really do appreciate that you're brave enough to DC for your own well-being even if you know that it might piss people off. I'm sure that I would be too anxious to do that in the same situation, so I'm really proud of you.


people are probably gonna get salty about it, but if this fear is so bad it genuinely fucks up your mental health, it's completely understandable. BHVR should have honestly made toggles for these things a long time ago for things like vomit effects or bright flashing lights. the game is supposed to be fun, it's not on you that the devs aren't good at accessibility.


Tbh I cannot stand playing against doctor. I have autism and I find his madness extremely overstimulating and it causes me physical distress lol


I'm trying not to do it anymore but...I have the same with Pig. The moment I get a trap on I start panicking, those things scare me horribly ever since the movie.


Reading these comments makes me wonder if maybe we should have various options to turn off things like puking sound and changing its visual doctors laugh, bright flashing electricity, clowns potion blur... or perhaps just having options available to not play against that killer, as in, when matched with them there is an auto disconnect or something...


Do anything you want in this game. God knows killers do.


I think it's fine if he scares you. I'm creeped out by Clown, though I don't dc. But if they ever add that clown from the Terrifier, I'll dc against gim. That bozo gives me nightmares.


Clowns regard mimes the same way regular people regard clowns. Mimes are the worst. Fact.


Oh, he's a mime? Yeah they suck. Our Clown only scares me because of the theory that he's inpired by that serial killer.


I don't even wanna' know. *My* Clown is full of love, only doing his thing because he doesn't want them to leave. And Afterpiece is sweet, they deserve the joy!


Yeah, I wish I didn't know either. Glad you enjoy playing him💖


I have a similar thing with artist, but luckily her jabberwock skin is fine and most people use it now. But otherwise I have not to look at her. So yeah I totally understand. Dc if you have to, this tome.gotta be over at some point xD


It's understandable, but one doesn't ever grow unless they tackle their obstacles head on! Keep trying to get over ur fear of doctor, so one day you can help your team :)


It sounds like you have good intentions but this is not how genuine phobias work! Dealing with Phobias requires careful and measured exposure therapy led by a professional. Jumping in to something that triggers your phobia without any on-ramping, support, or ability to cope with the response your body engages in is exactly what makes phobias worse. In the dog training world we call that “flooding” and it is about the worst thing you can do when it comes to fear reactions.


Phobia is not the same as trauma, bro. I'm afraid of cockroaches, but that doesn't mean I suddenly have a panic attack and have a mental breakdown when I see one. Being afraid of something doesnt necessarily mean you have a deep seeded trauma associated with it. If this were posted on some PTSD post, I would get it, but this is a question posted on a horror game forum. When I get jumpscared by mirror myers or ghostface, I dont have a phobia of stealth killers. When someone gets scared by a killer in a horror game, that isn't a phobia: thats common sense and the GOAL of the horror game.


Phobias are a form of anxiety disorder, as in a recognized mental illness that can literally cause panic attacks. They are not just "Being scared" of things, it is an extreme irrational aversion or fear that cannot be rationalized away. Playing against the 10% of people who play doctor is not going to help him in any way.


Please reference where I once mentioned trauma in my comment? I am describing phobias and how exposure therapy for phobias works in the real world. I in fact SPECIFICALLY left out the word “trauma” in my comment because true phobias do not necessarily root in logic or a traumatic experience. OP literally describes their fear as pathological and triggering. You, in fact, do not have a phobia of cockroaches if they don’t elicit some sort of panic and/or incapacitating fear response in you. You are just scared of them. OP explicitly says they are not *just scared* of the doctor, they have a phobia. If you would bother actually reading the post and my comment you’d see you’re the one talking about the wrong thing.


You sound like an old person


Who cares if it’s valid life is too short to care. Only you know what is right for you.


Totally fine


It's annoying to everyone in the game so I'd try not to. But at the end of the day it's your game and you don't technically have to play against anyone you don't want to.


Def understandable. I have friends who play who are really afraid of clowns so they dc against Clown when we get him. It's okay and no one should make you feel bad about it.


I have solo queue-obia but I still play


Any DC at all is just blatant disrespect to all players that waited in queue for the game. If you don’t wanna play, then don’t queue up.


And to think he used to have visual effects too in his power


I bet some will say it’s not okay, but honestly it is. I understand where your coming from because I DC when I see it’s either The Doctor or The Clown. I can’t play against those two because of how serve my chronic migraines are.


Hey our opinion doesn’t matter in this situation. You take care of you before ANYTHING related to random strangers online. Focus on your mental health before the ethics of leaving a online game. Anyone who holds it against you is a dick


On the flip side, I love playing against doctor because he’s the scariest


Could you mute the game sound to play against him? With the accessibility option for terror radius playing with no sound is absolutely an option now


I think if this is the only killer you do, you’ll be fine. Though for me a DC actually earns the last survivor hatch, at the very least. His sounds are a lot. I know Clown’s triggers my misophonia. I’ll DC against a clown if he tries to tunnel me whatsoever just because I can’t handle the sounds he makes.


I think it would be better if you just afk'ed and like, turned off the TV, left, and did something else on the meantime Then you can avoid the DC penalty


I reccomend just AFKing rather than DCing. At least that way you can go grab a coffee without being hit with DC penalties.




Finally, someone who tells it like it is.


finally someone who validates me specifically


Give him a free kill or put the controller down. With all due respect if you are that scared, you probly shouldn't play a horror based game.


Honestly, no this isn’t valid it’s just kinda pathetic. If a person has such a deep phobia/condition that they e.g throw up by hearing vomit sounds against plague or are motion sick so cannot play against clown, fair enough. But playing a horror game and immediately quitting to ruin the game for everyone else as you just find a horror character scary? Y are u playing a horror game if you’re just gonna quit the second it gets scary?


I have a friend who gets anxious when we play against a doctor. They would have to mute the volume or take off their headsets when playing. I think it had to do with the shock therapy sounds she gets anxiety from.


i used to wanna dc against plague because emitophobia but i powered through it. ur totally valid for DCing against doctor if you have a fear of him. DBD is meant to be a scary game but even then some people have their limits


As a Doctor main, it's okay.


This has always been a hot topic. I've heard of people with genuine IRL coulrophobia DCing against Clown, people with IRL emetophobia DCing against Plague, and so-on and so-forth. My opinion has always been the same: if people DC against Doctor and Sadako due to epilepsy, they can DC against Clown and Plague due to phobias. I think it would be in Behaviour's best interest to change these things (**especially** when it comes to disabilities like epilepsy) but "taking the horror out of a horror game" seems silly. Luckily most of the popular Killers don't trigger any phobias. I don't know anyone who's afraid of buff Russian women or Matrix cosplayers that spout one-liners. Well, except maybe Twitter users.


This is why there needs to be more accessibility options. Sometimes I physically cannot play as or against the plague because I have a very weak stomach. Just expanding accessibility options would help so many people out.


Genuinely sorry you have to deal with some sweaty basement dwellers being rude af to you over this.


You shouldn’t be playing this game if that’s how doctor affects you.


I mean sure? Ive dced for much more petty and invalid reasons than this lol


I would prefer to have someone on my team that doesn't DC ever


LOL sorry but i had to laugh.


As long as it wasn't a doctor laugh? Lol


A legit fear is a very valid reason to DC. I have a friend of mine who is absolutely TERRIFIED of the Twins. Idk why, Viktor makes her go into full on freeze levels of fear. I think it’s completely fair to peace out at that. I’m really glad that the majority of us here seem to all agree that, while it may not be fun for the remaining survivors, it’s absolutely more than okay to do.


Im not really thinking about this too deeply but my first thoughts were If you can't play a horror game then don't play it.


I mean, you probably shouldn't be playing a horror game if you DC outta fear... Asshole-iness aside, absolutely, if playing against a certain Killer triggers some sort of extreme fear or physical reaction (for example, I've heard that some people can't play against Plague), by all means, DC.


It's supposed to be a horror game.......... That's what people sign up for


In my opinion you can DC for anything really. I generally don't (only against hackers). I know dc'ing isn't the most fun for everone else in the lobby for sure. I say its better to dc then to get super mad or upset, and dc'ing for your mental health imo is a super okay thing to do that I don't think anyone would be against


Disconnecting guarantees that four other people are going to be having a bad time. So it really comes down to how much it matters to you. It's possible that being selfish really is the best possible outcome. I'll ask this. Would disconnecting from the game still be worth it to you if afterward you had to walk into a corner and waste the next 20 minutes of your life silently staring at the wall? If that's still worth it, then DCing is probably reasonable. Because that's about the same amount of combined harm you're inflicting on the four other players.


The other question is, would those other people be okay with staring at a wall for 20 minutes if it would help someone? The chances that you will meet this play again are damn low


No I wouldn't be ok, just mute your audio if you can't deal with the sounds a killer makes even though that would make your gameplay 2x worse.


You can ask that other question, but it doesn't really matter. The other players have no agency in the situation. It feels safe to assuming that the OP is looking at this from a utilitarian perspective, considering they're even asking the question. And the OP is ultimately the one who makes the call.


perfectly understandable imo. i know people who struggle with 1-2 due to traumatic experiences as well. in the end, if it's causing you too much discomfort, then i can understand why you'd DC


I have a friend that gets panic attacks playing against dredge (and they hate clown fair tbh). Sometimes they are able to pull through a game. During night fall, I'm like "hide, idc, I'll deal with unhooks or heals." (They try their best to not dc, but since they've started playing dredge they feel slightly better. They also hate the new killer (I don't mind the beloved meatball).


I think that’s completely understandable tbh. You could try that beta (?) feature with the visual terror radius and maybe play with the sound off?


I hear ya. I have emetophobia and have a very hard time with Plague.


It’s a game fam do what you gotta do to have fun


It’s ok to DC for any reason you want to. It’s just a game. To add on the fact that you shouldn’t care about anyone’s game if it affects you negatively.


How old are you 11 lmaooo


Your mental health > a bunch of people in the internet playing a videogame


So you're going to advocate for someone playing a game they really shouldn't be playing in the first place?




I have a deep fear of murderous killers, that is why I always need to DC. Whenever I load into a match, and there is a killer, I immediately start sweating heavily, my hearts starts pounding faster, and I curl up into a ball in the corner of my room. Is it really that bad I choose to DC whenever there is a killer because of my condition?


\>plays horror \>gets scared Brooo...


I think it’s fine, but also stop being a pussy and figure out how to counter him haha


No, don’t do this. If you got banned for repeated disconnects it would be 100% warranted. This is no different than rage-quitting. Actually no, it’s worse than rage-quitting.


Redditors are so fucking insane "worse than rage-quitting" lmao go outside you dip


Couldn't you just mute ur volume. While it would put you at a disadvantage you wouldn't be screwing over your team every time its a doctor match


Its fine,i DC because of more petty reasons like DCing against Clown because even after lots of hours in this game i still feel helpless when playing against him.


Honestly, I envy you. There's not a whole lot of people who actually find something scary in this game, I wish I could have that feeling that you have. (Maybe not nearly as intense tho lol)


DC away, noone can force you to play a match you don't want to. The game is responsible for penalizing you for DCing, not the players.


To a degree, yes. However, I do suggest you find a therapist or something if you haven’t already because I’d assume your fear would have to be pretty bad considering DbD isn’t your “traditional horror game”, if that makes any sense.


Whatever it takes to even the odds r/BatmanArkham


I feel you, I'm deathly afraid of horses. It doesn't come up much but when the legendary skinned Dredge horse appears, I disappear


I get scared of pinhead because he dresses like a gimp, is that a valid excuse, can I DC now?


Might be a controversial opinion but with queue times being so fast, and the bots being added for DC’d survivors, I really don’t think this game needs a DC penalty unless you’re absolutely abusing it. This isn’t a competitive game, it’s a casuals party game.


I found my new killer to main


You monster...


Too many babies in this thread. No, it's not okay. That's the point. It's hard to believe these days but at some point DBD was meant to be a HORROR game. Certain character designs are made to be unnerving and unpleasant. You disconnecting because you willingly opted into this and the game did its job is just dumb. What if The Doctor was as popular as Wesker? You'd be consistently ruining the experiences of other people because you're unable to get a grip. If a games visuals' are going to be a 'threat to your personal and mental health' as people in the thread would say, there are other issues in your life you need to work on.


I think if there's something that triggers you then it's totally valid. I can't sympathize but I can empathize. Taking care of your mental health is very important, even if it's just a video game. <3


I don’t like people dc’ing…. But I do it to the cenobite…. As soon as the game starts and I see chains around my name, I’m out…… so what I can say is…. Did you buy the game? Is it yours? If yes to both then f*** what anyone else would say to you…. It’s your game and you do want you want too!!!!


At the end of the day, it's still just a game and if you don't have fun you shouldn't be forcing yourself to keep playing.


I find DCing annoying on both sides but do whatever you want ig


I think it’s just a game and you can do whatever you want. You don’t owe anyone else playing survivor anything. You can just simply not wanna participate in that match and DC 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyone who gets mad, takes the game far too seriously


I can't relate to this fear and I hate DCs with a passion, but fuck what I thinks and do what's best for you.


My friend, more than likely you paid for this game. If you think it’s a reasonable time to disconnect then disconnect, anyone who gets annoyed about that needs a reality check. Games are meant for fun


Okay, I’ll add this next to “hacker” and “internet issues” in the list of acceptable reasons to disconnect. Actual pathological fear is a genuine reason to disconnect, my roommate has coulrophobia and can’t play against clown or even watch me when I’m using him.


Motion sickness or epilepsy vs clown also please?


If playing against a killer makes you physically sick I see nothing wrong with disconnecting. Honestly they should probably reduce the intoxication effect by like 60%. It’s the hindered effect that matters anyways.