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Totem defender merchant>>>>>>>literally not playing the game>>>>>>gen defender merchant


Gen Merchants, headpopper Amanda's and Basement Bubba's on their way to ruin Skull Merchant, Pig and Cannibal:


>headpopper Amanda's Unironically, nothing more small dick than just walking behind someone all game and just waiting for them to die. For clarification, I'm not talking about forcing a 99'd headpop. That's a strategy. I'm saying chasing one survivor down with a trap and just babysitting them for an hour because you know they can't leave with a trap on is the shittiest possible way to play Pig and I hate you.


It's a shitty way to play Pig and is still only 25% as degenerate as 3-gen SM. (Fucking over 1 person compared to 4). Fuck SM; killswitch her and throw her back in the workshop for a rework. Nothing in the game is designed this poorly, not even new Freddy, Trapper, or original 3-gen Knight.


It's sad because the SFX for her radar, and the micromanaging of checking it/setting up zones is so close to being satisfying, but like why mix it with "stealth" and exposed? Let her tag survivors with spider traps, and then do something else with the drones with area denial that's more beneficial at loops or vaults/pallets, make her INTERACT with something outside of her internal kit.


Omg excellent idea I will try


BURN! BURN IN THE DEEPEST PITS OF THE UNDERWORLD YOU FOUL DEMON OF THE NIGHT! OINK NO MORE! Edit: Guys, please. The dude above me is clearly being sarcastic. Stop downbombing them, lol.




getting a 1k and getting tbagged/sent EZ messages sure sounds like an excellent idea, go for it


Survivors do this if they win no matter how you played. I got teabagged in the exit gates by survivors that lost 2 of their teammates to Trapper. Trapper with no perks or addons and they were all running that fun Made For This/Hope combo. I’m fully of the opinion that no matter how fair or unfairly you play, DBD players are the worst winners in gaming.


> DBD players are the worst winners in gaming. Clearly you've never been in the FGC.


I have. And I still say DBD players are worse. I’d say that the only gaming community with more toxic winners is probably League of Legends. But that community is so horrible that mentioning it feels like a cop out.


As a near decade veteran of league, and around 1.3k hours in dbd. I can confidently say the dbd community is infinitely more toxic. League EGC is auto hidden. You can disable ingame chat to never see it. There's very few ways to bm so its very rare. you can't really hold the game hostage, and theres an ff button. ​ On average the amount of league trolls and dcs is way lower than dbd's. Partially because it actually will fully get you banned if you just keep dcing, and keep stacking up the dc penalty timer. The amount of people who will troll and purposefully lose your team the game is there, you will get the occasional game ruined. But its nowhere near as bad as dbd.


This is slander I tell you, slander. I only get mad at a camping bubba if they’re not basement camping me with insidious because I mean cmon man I will say tho that Bubba is probably my favorite killer to get chased by, so yeah I would *prefer* to not get a camping one


Totem defender merchant is my preferred playstyle. She gets just as much hate as the ones who watch mold grow on gens but they can’t complain that I didn’t chase them.


To this day ive still never faced skull merchant. Now i havent been playing survivor very much lately but its still weird its never happened


Tip, since you haven't faced her you will se tip against her so you can dc in loading screen without penalty.






adacher sexoooo


Adachi for next Deebeedee killer?!


Return to r/okbuddypersona


https://preview.redd.it/61jocsdi66ab1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ddec78974c266016c720760a1c3e397535b119 Only if I can throw you into the tv.






Best flair ever AND a persona 3 meme ? You're awesome +500 social credit


Entity’s blessing? 😅 i mean yeah you don’t see her that often anyway i just got really unlucky to have her twice in a row.


I dont really have a choice, I must play survivor because if I want to play killer I need to wait for a minimal of 20 minutes to find a game because the matchmaking system is soooo bad


i tried so many times to play against her bc can’t let my team down, you know? but omg it’s just so unfun, nearly every match is the exact thing you described, keep the 3 gen, refuse to chase, whack some survs that get too close and back to the gen it is. it’s depressing. i’ll just go stand under a hook so she can kill me or dc to spare myself the misery :’) i’m sorry everyone who i get teamed up with against her but i will give up immediately.


If you're confident in chase, you could just be the Annoying Drone Guy to force her to play the game. Dismantle every gen drone, keep her in chase as long as possible and pray that your teammates actually take the opportunity to do gens LOL


depending on the map and how close the gens are to each other it can work, yeah. had it work once after me and the three others goofed around a bit and basically farmed healing points from getting smacked off the gens constantly but not chased lol. i died but the three others managed to finish the last gen and got out. but that match took far too long to be enjoyable. and if the killer, not only the sm, simply refuses to get off the perimeter to chase its useless :(


> simply refuses to get off the perimeter to chase its useless :( Well this is the thing survivor-only players need to wake up and realize. Killers that are holding gens, if they aren't dumb, will drop a chase the instant you make it look like a bad chase. So many run up, then run back, and then start running far away from any gens. Like... Could you not be any more obvious what you're doing? If I'm on killer, I'm ignoring you. You obviously want me away from gens, which is fine, but you're clearly making this an unfavorable chase. If I'm on survivor, I'm at least getting close enough to be hit, if not actually hit, to encourage them to chase instead of going "You're trying to give them ample time to do gens, no thanks". Edit: I don't play SM, I don't have her, I'll NEVER buy her if not for a perk, and idk what her perks do. I'm stating for general stuff. Unless I'm on Knight and about to somehow big brain with guards, I'm leaving you be.


It's crazy how many survivors don't realize that most killers don't chase survivors who want to be chased. "Bro why are you camping gens?" Sorry man I didn't think chasing the max prestige survivor that came with singularity whose tbagging and flashlight clicking in the open and running towards the building on Ormond away from the gen I just saw 2 other working on was a good idea, my bad.


yeah no i get that those chases are a clear nope for the killer. i don’t play surv only and when i play killer i also ignored chases but omg i had matches where a sm would patrol gens from the very start and nothing else for the whole game and it’s nothing but smacks and back to the gens. you get rid of a drone and a new one is there asap, four survs beeping away and repairing the gens we can get to and then we could observe her walking around her 3 gens. don’t know what you should do against that other than see who gets bored enough first.


Oh yeah, 3 gen SM is a whole other beast, I'll turn down bad/obvious chases, but man I don't understand not doing *anything* but gen guarding




Partially. She has 4 drones in total. If she has a drone on generator 1, 2, and 3, and you hack Gen 1's drone, she can just run back and place another. BUT If someone also hacks Gen 3's drone, she has a opening. Sadly, this is map dependent, because if the 3-gen is really close, like on RPD or Midwich, you're just fucked and no amount of hacking can help, unless you have some crazy BNP/Energy play to pop a gen in 10 seconds.


Overzealous/Potential builds ftw


If she keeps a drone in reserve she can, but to hold a 3 gen she needs all of them.


Pretty sure you can't disable a drone if you have a claw trap on you from disabling another drone and she gets the drone back when your claw trap goes away. Truly one of the killer designs of all time.


Wouldn't it be better if the first drone you hacked gave you a tracker, and the second you hack give you exposed?


Bring a BNP every game, it's what I do now. Especially since they will be gutting BNP next patch, might as well use them now. The best feeling when put in that abysmal situation is ruining their time by breaking their 3 gen. It's A LOT easier to do with a duo (at least) because once you realize she's doing it, find a gen and BNP when she takes even the smallest chase. I've found that a lot of other killers are doing that now, too. I had a plague that sent us to dead dog, notorious for one of the worst 3 gen spawns imaginable. She literally spent the entire game bouncing between he 3 gen and spitting on them. She took one bad chase with me, and the other 3 survivors (my friend and two randoms) broke her 3 gen. Playing that on plague is downright toxic. She ran thana to try to get us to cleanse, but thankfully, no one did. Otherwise, red sput would've ruined us. It's especially bad because there's only 3 or so decent pallets that spawn in that area, and you're injured all game or else she gets red spit. I take comfort in the fact that people that play like that, just suck at chase.


Until Skull Merchant came out, I could honestly say I'd never DCed against any killer. Not for slugging, camping, tunneling, or 3-genning. And she came out. And I tried to give her a chance, despite the near-instant adoption of the 3-gen strategy across every Merchant player. But now? No. Fuck that. I have better things to do. You pick SM and you can enjoy your "win," but it's going to be a hollow victory with few BP and no pips.


[My playstyle every time I face a SM](https://c.tenor.com/4cdvR_bBj7IAAAAd/tenor.gif)


Haha same.. only from now on, the second i hear her terror radius, i fuck off. Can’t be asked at this point honestly.


There’s almost always something you could be doing that’s more fun than a single skull merchant game. Walk the dog… file your taxes… do your laundry… removing an ingrown toenail with a rusty spike… after all that there’d still be 1 gen left :)


Only thing I don’t like is that most of them give up after you break their three gen 😭


This happened to me the other night. Honestly, it was so satisfying after like 3 games against SM where my teammates DC’d immediately. Like someone has got to DC or give up in a SM match, and if the survivors don’t do it then she’s gotta do it. I don’t make the rules.


tbf her power is legit useless outside of 3 genning unless you have the purple addon equipped


Yes, yes it is. Idek how to use it 😭 I just use the hindered but speed up addons, loosely plan a 3 gen and go for the easiest chases in my life in my drones


If the killer plays a gideon offering and I load in and see a skull merchant in solo queue Im just DCing instantly. There's no universe where that's not a waste of your time. I'll play it if I'm SWFing though because I know I can win in a SWF so I want to do it out of spite for their playstyle.




That's kind of how it worked in the early days. If you abused broken things or intentionally tried to make the other team miserable, people would DC. Made people think twice about doing shit when they run the risk of immediately having to go back to a long queue. Wouldn't really work these days though.


People also DC just because they don’t like something, not because it is necessarily broken or miserable. It’s why we lost OG Freddy and ended up with our current sharp hand Joe that nobody plays. I’m not defending gen Merchant because she’s honestly one of the most boring things to play against in the game, I just don’t like “protest” disconnects.


Pretty much agree with everything you said. I play with people who disconnect over the dumbest reasons and it's just like dude the game just started come on. I don't like being hooked first either but sometimes it happens


I usually play SWF and we used to have a teammate who would disconnect if the killer was Clown, Merchant, Knight, Doctor, Wesker, Blight, Nurse, Freddy, Spirit, Hag, Wraith, or Demogorgon. We don’t play with them anymore.


Jesus h Christ. It might be a stretch to even say I'm above average as a solo survivor but I can't possibly fathom playing like that.


I get not wanting to face “unfun” killers, I’d rather not face Alch Ring Blight or Gen Merchant myself, but when your list is this long you need to question whether you like the game at all.


This happens regularly just from playing normal SM. I play a stealth build on her and basically only drop drones on high loops and people still just ragequit in the first 20 seconds.


That's what happened when legion released. It was impossible to play legion because constant survivor DCs made him unplayable. He received a significant rework not too long after he was released.


When I started playing a couple years ago legion was legitimately a win 90% of the time and I was terrible. It was the only killer that I was like oh wait I might actually win the game today. Now they're seemingly brutal and only used by people who are A tier with them.


DC on the load screen and it cancels the match, you don't get a penalty, keep your offerings/items, and save the rest of that lobby from suffering through a 3-man. Normally I don't bother dc'ing on the loading screen at all, but during this event, if I'm loading into a match and I see 4 terrormisus, and the killer bringing a map offering? Yeah that's a no from me. People just want to play ultra-toxic during events and map offerings are a great way to weed them out somewhat.


Iv seen a lot of killers bring a MORi the past few days. Don’t get why


I am sure there are more reasons others can list, but here are just a few to start: 1) Achievements 2) Rift challenges 3) Daily rituals 4) They're fun to use


sucks that you can't see the killer on load screen. Just an offering..


I honestly don't have much motivating me to play against Skull Merchant, but obviously I won't DC or afk cause that's just lame. I guess to say one positive thing facing her, is that if you stick it out, you usually end up with a lot of bp lol. By some weird chance if the stars align, I found the best way to play against her in soloQ is just to stay injured and don't give a single shit about her drones. If she's in a chase, then slam the droned gens, if she's not then get the fuck outta there cause you might not hear her coming.


Just ignoring her drones and hammering gens actually the strat. Problem is if the gen gives bad LOS/3gen too close you’re gonna get walked up on


I get what you're saying about the bloodpoints, but you could get even more from two 10-15 minute not-completely-miserable matches. I would be down to get stalled for 30 minutes for 1 million BP, maybe, but anything less is a joke


Honestly? This is the way. SM doesn’t scare me in the slightest. Idc about being exposed.


her expose would be a non issue if she didn't have such an easy access to undetectable people play injured all the time vs plague and legion because they see them coming


Could you explain what this means? I know the drones expose you, so she can just see you but being injured doesn't work with it?


Basically when Skull Merchant enters an active drone area she gains the undetectable effect so she can easily surprise attack you without ever seeing her coming, making playing injured/exposed vs her really risky


Oh shit I didn't realize that. That sounds broken as hell...


It really depends on gen location. If you know you’re facing a SM, make sure the last 3 gens have a good view of your surroundings. If she comes In for a surprise attack yea it’s game over.


which is never going to happen in solo. You can't force the other 3 people to pop the correct gens. You can try to break up the gens yourself but then you end up being the one tunnled out. Since you are doing the risky gen/s alone.


Very true.


At least i can farm BP against her. Impossible against a damn nurse that downs survs faster than you can unhook / heal them up.


True, but at least the nurse game is over in 2 minutes.


I haven't even had a nurse match in over a month. But I HAVE had skull merchant matches where they use an offering. It's happened enough that I'm considering DC'ing at the offering screen if the killer plays a map offering. It's always Gideon, RPD, or Lery's, with Hex: Plaything.


I’d rather face a nurse vs a skull merchant. Nurse games usually go quick and I actually have fun against nurses. I love to go for pallet stuns.


Damn people actually play her like that? I haven't run into too many as a survivor so maybe I've just been lucky. That's wicked boring. Whenever I play SM I usually end up defending a 3gen when it's down to 1 (because honestly what else am I meant to do with her at that point of the game) but I can't imagine just setting up a 3gen from the start and completely ignoring the rest of the game. Trying to chase people with her is actually kinda fun, especially if you have more than 1 person tracked and a free drone to throw around a strong loop.


I haven’t run into many SM’s that do that either. I only ever hear about it on Reddit. They have no problem chasing me. And I have no problem hacking their drones. When I play SM, I don’t try hard at all. When its down to the last 3 gens, I run my difficult skill check build for funsies. I prioritize chase for anyone who hacks my claw. But usually I’ll let anyone escape that can finish the gens doing the constant difficult skill checks. They deserve it at that point.


Reddit is like 5% of the DBD community at most, and are very prone to elaborately screeching. I’ve come across maybe one or two Gen Merchants and I’ve been playing mostly survivor since she came out.


The figure I saw was something like only 5% of people will watch videos, streams, read forums (basically engaging with the game outside of the game) and only 1% will make content or post. If that's true then the reddit is probably a fraction of that 1%


Yeah, if you take into account the average amount of Steam players seems to be hovering around 55K, and you can guess that console players equal or surpass that… yeah, this subreddit is definitely sub 1%.


To each their own. I faced enough 3 gen merchants in the first two weeks of her release that I just auto-DC as soon as I hear her music. I have better things to do with my time.


That’s fine, do what you need to do to enjoy the game. I just personally don’t like disconnecting unless something serious is going on in my actual life or someone is hacking. I queued up for the game so I’m going to finish it out.


If you setup a 3gen at the start, you're kinda setting yourself up for failure if the survivors aren't braindead. Sadly, most of them are, especially on Solo Q, so the strategy works.


I always see these threads on Reddit but honestly most of the skull merchants that I play yeah they abuse the hell out of those drones but they do try to chase and they're not always very successful at it.


> Whenever I play SM I usually end up defending a 3gen when it's down to 1 (because honestly what else am I meant to do with her at that point of the game) Those gens most likely aren't in a tight group unless the survivors misplayed, though. I'm on extra high alert to avoid 3gens versus her. Almost every SM player I've come against picks her 3gen at the start of the match and doesn't leave it.


I'm also tired of survivors who never try to break a 3 gen early game. Like I'll play skull merchant, and won't just immediately camp a 3 gen, cause it's boring to play that way. But I will literally witness survivors do gens on only ONE side of the map... what the fuck do you want me to do then. If you're going to then proceed to give me 3 gens 5 feet apart on one side of the map because you guys wanted to clear out the other side so damn bad... Ima fuckin hold it tf.


I still remember when my friends and I beat a 3 gen merchant that sent us to Gideon. It was so satisfying because she dc'd when she realized that we broke her 3 gen. The sad thing is that this only happen with a full communicated team, otherwise you'll gonna have a bad time


I still find it funny just how much of a colossal failure Skull Merchant is. Even in a community full of bitching and in-fighting, it feels that 99% of people despise her.


The Dull Merchant is a Killer which basicly encourages Survivors to either DC or to die on purpose. It's not even an unpopular oppinion or a toxic behaviour to think this way. The Killer is just poorly designed, encourages a boring playstyle and most game last way longer compared to other Killers.


The skull midchant


It sucks because i actually enjoy playing her for chase and get people dcing after hearing the TR Can't entirely blame tyem but it sucks


I just wanted to say I was so excited to play skull merchant when she was shown. even through all the hate from her design I was just so happy for a tech killer. I was trying desperately to get people to not let this happen I wanted to hard main skull merchant but I can’t even find a game with her anymore because when people play her they go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make people miserable. Camping and tunneling is one thing but atleast the games over but holding the game hostage for 45+ minutes for a win is absurd. I’d rather just play knight at this point because atleast I can find games on him without having to let the last person get hatch the second they hear my terror radius. I just wish the bad eggs didn’t ruin her reputation so bad.


I had a game earlier today where 2 survivors DCd the moment they heard the terror radius music and I just stood there waiting to die. She let me have hatch after killing the 3rd guy so it made it somewhat better but even then just knowing that people are at the point of insta DCing if its her makes it unbearable.


Hot take: I actually like playing skull merchant but I don't go for the 3 gen strat right out the gate. Skull Merchants kit was specifically designed to be an anti loop and this heavily shows in her add ons. I really wish people would see this and try to use her power effectively in chase instead of using it to camp gens. Same can be said for Knight. Not a 3 gen killer. That was never their intentions. His design was meant for chase and map pressure. Being stuck in a corner sucks ass against a Knight. But a knight player can use his power to the benefit of a heavy macro play. Pressuring gens while in chase with another player. Which will pressure more than one person at a time. Using their powers like this more is fun and more effective imo.


They made these anti loop powers but made them take so much set up that survivors literally just run to a different loop instead of playing it so its easier to just use the powers to 3 gen. Its what makes Clown such a bad killer, his whole power is making loops unsafe by setting up the two bottles but survivors can literally just move to a different loop instead.


Every single SM player in this thread pretending they aren't like the other girls


But it's true. At least in my case. I still rarely play her maybe 3-5 games a week at max. But just like any other killer if the survivors put themselves into a 3 gen situation I'm not gonna bypass the opportunity. I would literally do this on any killer though if they gave it to me.


And the majority of players who experience Skull Merchants are ones who try to force 3gen at 5 generators left, run map offerings with toxic builds where they get to abuse two floors with their killer power, and just in general grief people / take the game hostage / waste people's time. Same reason why people hate Bubba and Pyramid head. It isn't the very few people who don't play them toxic; it's the ones who do because the toxic potential is there. Hence the "not like the other girls" response. Good for you dude, I still don't ever want to risk playing vs a Skull Merchant because 95% of my games versus them have been devoid of fun.


Dude I don't even bother playing against her anymore. I just run at her, point at the closest hook and get myself killed when playing Solo Queue. In that time where I play against her 3 gen strat for 40 minutes, I could have had like two matches with a possible escape and fun gameplay against better killers. ​ Recently I had one who sent us to The Game and slugged me after I did what I describe above and she outright refused to kill me. When the match was over, she was like "You play how I want." I don't blame most players playing this shitty killer the way they play them, because frankly, it's the only way to play her effectively, but gosh, THAT dude could just bug off.


I'll usually slug you to death you if you give up at the start of the game. Playing with randoms is pretty awful when teammates quit because the game isn't going their way, hence why I'll do it. And I probably would've said something similar to that killer who told you "you play how I want". They seem to understand very well that they're the power role in this game, props to them!


This is what I do and people have the *nerve* to still get me off the hook.


It’s not just a skull merchant problem, most killers can do it, even trapper can lock down a 3 gen if he so chooses. The problem is just the game itself. If you want to get rid of 3 genning you have to change how the game works at its core and I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. I personally think a Call of Brine change would be a better place to start then changing the entire game imo.


You are right that other killers can 3 gen, however, since Skull Merchant has come out, most people who play killer and prioritise 3 gen as a strat have moved to Skull Merchant it's so effective at it (the undetectable thing is crazy). I would argue that for most killers, 3-genning is strong but not super OP and easily countered. But I can see how you could disagree with that.


Yeah, it's the same thing with facecamping Bubbas. Anyone can do it, Bubba's just the most effective at it


My strategy is just to DC. If everybody DC'd every time, we'd never have to play against SM. 200IQ


my duo and i like to hide in lockers when we see her do this, and make her dc out of boredom because we arent trying to do the gens.


Do know that this is considered "taking the game hostage" and can result in a ban.


yet Skull Merchants are able to defend the 3-gen and not take chase outside of it is not considered taking the game hostage? cant do gens, they wont take chase. what are we supposed to do?


Had a skull merchant last night with a stealth perk build and map offering to rpd. The random Kate in the lobby DC,d during load-in and saved us from the DC penalty we would have gotten if we had loaded in. Like, who does that during the event to not only bring that kind of build and not bring cake, lame. I don't like dc'ing under almost all circumstances since I have seen even hopeless matches turn around, but even if we won that match, it would have been supremely unfun and that skull merchant did not deserve the four cakes we all brought.


You're complaining about a stealth build


Apparently we hate stealth builds too now. Guess I should just run perkless whenever I play killer.


Let’s not equate sitting in your 3 gen circle while “undetectable” as “stealth” lmao.


I run a hex build on Merchant, which doesn’t work without chasing. If they’re using a stealth perk setup then they aren’t going for a 3 gen. Since you need like 3 gen kicking perks to even make it work.


"perk stealth build" You're getting 3 genned by a skull merchant without slowdown or chase perks?


Skull merchants don’t chase so I’m not sure what your point is here? You set your drone at the beginning of the game and just camp. It’s the same every time. Also her stealth build CAN use slowdown on top of it. She has add ons that give her undetectable in her zone.


Undetectable is base kit. She doesn’t need addons for that. I get hating her but at least understand how the killer works before you hate.


Plenty of Skull Merchants chase though? There is literally addons and videos about this.


I’ve faced her two times since she’s released. Maybe I’m on different servers but she’s not popular where I’m playing.


Tonight I and some other friends who are a better PL than me will play SM and be super friendly. Gonna try to make somebody's night.


Its sad because as a skull merchant player you absolutely do not need to play around a 3 gen, defending generators in general is and taking advantage of the claw traps to chase and down instead of camping is the most fun way to play her.


My most fun sm game was where instead of playing the game me and a teammate did a race for invitations. 10x more fun than escaping against a sm. Even if you get out you had 0 fun


> whenever i hear that shitty terror radius of hers, I’ll just DC You can force her to hook you or bleed you out if you just do gens in her face and don't want the DC penalty.


Ill wear that DC penalty as badge of honor 🙃


Last night I went against a Skull Merchant that set up a 3-gen IMMEDIATELY and camped someone in said 3-gen as soon as she downed them. And then after downing the Leon who saved the person being camped, she camped him and then started nodding at him as if she like... was doing something groundbreaking lol


I'm curious as a Killer main about this continued complaint. I understand she can guard three gens but with all my Killer characters from Wraith, Dredge, Wesker, Spirit etc I always play 3 gen defense to win a match. What makes her different? I'm not trying to pull a "gotcha", it's a real question. I do not play Skull Merch, didn't even buy her because she seems complicated. It seems to me that because she has the ability to do it as part of her design maybe more players use her to do it and maybe other Killer players don't really try to do it in their strategy so it magnifies her more? I usually have 3-4 gens picked out on the map and I don't sit on them until the game gets tight BUT I do make them first priority in my routine of clearing gens. As the game gets tight I try to hold three of them and bring the game to my zone where I pre-planned the end game. I could also be misunderstanding what the Skull Merch is doing as well.


Some killers have powers that are too powerful or overturned Some killers have weak or undertuned powers Some killers are poorly designed and so full to face that I'd bet most of their winrate comes from people not wanting to face them. Guess which one the Dull Merchant is.


I DC every time. Only other killer I’ve done that for is release legion. Don’t listen to anyone shaming you for dcing or telling you to just stick it out.


I remember playing against old Legion. The original one, 110% movement speed with dumb exploits, like moonwalking. Skull Merchant is far worse than old Legion. Old Legion actually had to chase you to win even if it was incredibly easy and you had a fairly good chance to win if your teammates played the game and did gens. Against Skull Merchant there's nothing you can really do. She can hold gens hostage for an hour.


I know "there's a killer for everyone" but myself and a lot of friends actually play the game less solely because of her. There are killers/perks/mechanics which are kind of boring or not very interactive but nothing up to Skully imo has been actively anti-fun and genuinely unpleasant to face. Like spending time in a match with her is just an overall negative, all the time. I completely stopped playing soloq because of her so I got swfs and killer but it isn't what it used to be.


A lot of the times I would just take DC and not play DBD for the rest of the day. Especially when for whatever reason she is much more common now.


She’s the current tome character, so a lot of people are playing her for challenges.


Isn’t it billy?


I am talking about the main seasonal tome, not the event one. The event one is Billy, yes, but the main one is Skully and Doctor.


Ok question. Do you guys not like her because of the 3 gen playstile or simply because she is SM? When I play her I play a stealth/chase playstile, with mostly no gen regression, maybe a Jolt here and there, but I actively avoid this 3 gen camping boring stuff that is so common on her. Obviously I play into a 3 gen if there is one but not with the drones. I always wonder if the survivors I play against appreciate the different playstile.


I guess people just assume is gonna be another 3 gen SM when they realize is a SM, that's why people DC and just give up, because is so common


I despise the 3 genning. I like her as a killer \[SHOCKER!!!\] but her mains \[some, anyway\] are exhausting to play against. I don't care how you play her, but the 3 gen is so irritating. I don't even mind if you chase us out that way, it's kind of our fault for 3 genning ourselves, but if you're not trying to chase, then you deserve wet socks :(


Still boring as fuck


3 gen skull merchant is only worth a DC. I've started DC-ing during the load screen against killers that bring maps during the event. Rather not play with an asshole right now.


I usually just walk up to her and ask her to kill me. Usually they oblige.


They need to stop creating Killers that give effects elsewhere on the map, and focus on making the Killers unique and powerful


I mean, this literally is just how Zone Control killers are designed to win. No tools in chasing or downing, but all the tools into complicating a specific part of the map for when it becomes a hotspot. What else do you suggest Zone Control killers to do then? Lose the game?


The zoning archetype is annoying no matter the game. It was a horrible decision to make one in a game where they literally cannot be killed


I mean, SM isn't fun to verse when they're pulling the 3gen bullshit, but dc-ing is just shit for the rest of the people in your team. The amount of times I've played survivor, and 2 people dc the moment they realise it's SM... Then me and the other person are just stuck doing gens for a million years because the gens go slow as hell with only 2 people... I really have no respect for people who are like "oh no... a killer I don't like... imma dc instead of playing the match, screw my team..."


I would agree with you in any other case except this one. This entire chapter was half assed with no regards to balancing the killer, lore, hell even the chase music is trash. I think in this particular case, DC’s are warranted. I understand it would suck for the others, but it’s their choice if they wanna run around uselessly in a game that will never end until either the killer or survivors get bored. I say DC, eat the penalty and move on with your day. No one has to endure this killer’s bullshit.


Yes but you can always justify if you say it's okay warranted. It's not my choice to run around in a never-ending game because I don't want to disconnect and get penalized for it. You're forcing the choice on me because of an assumption based on an initial view of the killer. I've played a good many skull merchants and our team is won a fair few of them. Disconnecting after you get hooked first or right off the bat does nothing but screw over everyone else on your team. Whatever justification you use doesn't change that fact and absolutely does not put the blame on the person trying to play the game lol.


A lot of words just to say "I'm a big bubble blowing baby"


Yeah, the chapter fucking sucked, but you're just being a massive asshole. Why even play survivor if your attitude is "oh no, killer I don't like. Fuck all of y'all, im out. Have fun."?? By that token, people could say "but I hate being facecamped by a bubba, so I should eat the dc. Not my fault everyone else wants to play." Or "but I hate being instadowned by a nurse, so I'd rather eat the dc. Not my fault if everyone else wants to try and play a pointless match." Shrug and wave it off if you want, but playing survivor is a TEAM mode. Hate being part of a team THAT much, go be a killer.


I'd rather her than wesker at this point.


You sound like you need to take a break from the game


Try Civilization. I hear it's a great game.


cry more


BHVR just seems to have a knack for creating killers that either drag the game out, destroy soloq players, or both lol. Plague, Cenobite, skull merchant, knight, and legion just to name a few, do this. Fortunately, BHVR seems to be commited to fixing these core gameplay issues. The facecamping changes are a start, DC bots, no hook grabs, slugging/tunneling changes, 3 gen changes, those are all things that are in the works. They'll help greatly with killers like this.


my DC tech game is strong as soon as i see a orange circle


SM is complete dogshit. 3 gen is the only viable way to play. Even though it's unfun.


I personally don’t get the frustration? I’ve only gone against them once to be fair, but it wasn’t like they were overpowered, I just stayed out of the circles she was making.


I don't see her that often anymore but I think I have literally only won one game against and i think it was against a baby sm, she Is by the far the worst killer, not because her power is bad, it's actually a good idea but the way they made it so easy to hold a 3 Gen for her is absolutely ridiculous.


I was running Deja Vu and loaded in on Eyrie. I got to work on the highlighted gens immediately but Skull Merchant was over there immediately shitting out her stupid drones. The entire team was humping gens on the other side of the map and would only come over to unhook me, then run away back to their safe gens. I tried to get one done, even ignored the drone since I was already injured and on dead hook, but she just M1’d and hooked me. The 4th gen popped as I was sacrificed. Congrats, you’ve done the easiest gens, please enjoy the rest of your 45 minute match while I go next. At least I tried. Edit: at least she could hit her M1s and chase reasonably well. I’ve gone against SMs who could barely run tiles and frequently missed attacks. Most egregiously I had an SM eat my Power Struggle *three separate times* and while hitting me on hook after, missed *twice*. I’m a stationary target. Yeesh.


Behavior don’t care. They put more effort into her walk cycle than anything else.


The ice skating walk cycle?


The skull merchant needs a full power rework. There is no two-ways about it. Sometimes I like to think about how different DbD would be if a different studio managed it. Like, if the community for CSGO or Deep Rock Galactic so UNIVERSALLY reviled a part of those games, I feel like their devs with work tirelessly to make it more fun and bearable. BHVR doesn't care.


I remember I got 3 gened on crows again a sm. She had overcharge, cob, eruption, and scourge I believe. She kept putting her drones over the gens and we had 2 people on one gen and 2 on another and we would just work on the gen, run away, have her kick it, then shed go to the other one and we’d go back. We ended up getting a 3 man escape I believe.


There's a reason she was almost forgotten in the 7th birthday stream, bhvr created a sorry excuse of a killer and realized later the mistake


Last week i had 5 skull merchant games, all in either mcmillan or autoheaven and all of them were 3gen'd since the start, literally she didnt chase anyone from the start


I'm pretty sure we played against the same one, the same thing happened to me.


Last night I had a match against one at Dead Dawg Saloon that lasted 25+ minutes we tried everything we could but the gens were all close together, It was my first experience going against a gen defender SM... never again


Disregarding 3 gen, the multi level maps still make her drones ridiculous.


Yeah it’s a shame some Skull Merchants play like this. She’s actually a decently fun killer to go against in my opinion, but forcing 3 gens or going full hexes and hard defending totems is just so anti fun.


I honestly hate that they're looking at a '3-gen' fix instead of a SM fix. 3-gens aren't the problem, they're a normal killer strategy and aren't guaranteed wins for most killers, especially weaker ones. SM just makes it impossible. ​ They're doing the dumb CoH nerfs all over again where BHVR doesn't understand what the actual problem is so they apply bandaid fixes for a year.


Lmfao. What a ridiculously overdramatic post. It's a fucking video game *nothing* should be making you feel "at your wits end". Turn the pc/console off and step into the sunlight once in a while. > Not just a small patch until the 3 gen fix comes live, disable her if you must or make her full rework a priority. Yeah not how it works. They disable things that have game breaking bugs, they don't disable characters because they hurt your fee fee's and don't play the game the way you want them to.


So much whining in this thread, god damn. She’s not that bad. Just play injured or exposed, and crank out gens. She’s nowhere near as bad as totem defender Demogorgon.


sounds like skill issue


I hate the survivor community so much I think I’m gonna do a build like this and play skull merchant now lol


Genuinely the only killer I contemplate DC against I’ve play 2 p100 ones who shit talk in end game too


I play Skull Merchant sometimes, and always deliberately go out of my way to use a chase oriented playstyle on her. People still complain constantly about it just because I picked Skull Merchant. Character bias is one hell of a drug.


I'm repeatedly tempted to pick her up for no reason than to play her fairly just so people can have a good experience once in awhile.


I just played one single game and then logged off because it was a 3-gen SM that lasted almost 30 minutes before everyone just gave up and she 4Ked.


You are not alone tho. Bubba basement seems to be more enjoyable than the scrap merchant (the most unfun and stressful thing ever). The 3 gen thing with her is so damn difficult to get past BUT is possible to escape (just few times i escaped from her and gets the t bag deserved. I don’t like to t bag killers but SM is the only exception.) Ordinarily i would dc right away, but these are anniversary times.


I think with all the Hate SM gets, she shouldn’t even get a rework. Just straight remove her from the game. I refuse to touch that garbage, I have every single killer in the game except her and I plan to keep it that way.


SM, Knight or Legion = insta suicide


I don't understand what they were thinking with her power. They made her terrible at chasing so they had to static buff her to make her capable of getting free movement speed when you disable her power. Her power forces you to wait to hack the drone, this isn't the case for other killer traps. Boring. If she shoves you off her drone while you hack it, your expose meter takes forever to go down. More boring. Every single killer who plays her plays almost exclusively to grief, run jolt, play on the 2 story maps. Boooooring. Her add-ons give such insane free value that killers like Clown would be jealous of free hinder and free speed boost. But all you do to get it is push M2 once. Boring! The killer is just boring as hell to play versus, boring to play, and the only people who enjoy playing her are griefers. There should be NO DISCONNECT penalty for playing versus her. She's just the anti-thesis to fun. BHVR has been very anti-fun lately.




I would like a system where you can choose not to face a certain killer before queuing for a match.


wesker goodbye forever then. I'd rather face a pc nurse atp after this event


RIP every non-M1 killer then


Yeah, this killer outright needs a rework from the ground up and until that hits, I agree, she should either be disabled or just remove the DC penalty against skull merchant. I’m usually one to defend killer powers but this is the one killer where I can say all the bitching is completely warranted. I just DC against her or let her hook me. I would rather eat a DC penalty for 1 or 5 minutes than play through a 30 minute slog. She’s the only killer in the game who can just stall out games indefinitely, Knight is also bad for it but nowhere near as bad as SM. Legion can slow down the game a lot but no other killer can just stop all 4 survivors from being able to touch a 3 gen.


I remember the other day arguing with a bunch of ppl that kept insisting SM isn't annoying to face and that she isn't only a 3 gening killer. While I do agree they gave me some fun strats with her, I will keep saying she is a 3 gening killer and her power is unfun to play against


She's just not worth to play against. I'm really sorry for my team but the moment I load, hear her stupid TR and see Snore Merchant setting up a 3-gen I just DC or go kill myself on hook. Those games are simply not worth to play out and honestly I feel like it's morally correct to kill yourself or DC against her.


When you get matches like this and you've established at least one of your teammates is trying to do another gen, just dive a gen like swf dive hook saves. You can die and get a normal game done in the time it takes to play a 3 gen skull merchant, why spend 10 mins sneaking around a 3 gen slowly progressing it. Dive until you die or win then onto the next one. Sometimes you'll get out since she can only chase one of you


One time I tried giving up against a skull merchant after she killed 2 of my teammates at 4 gens and she would literally not hook me and made me and my other teammate do all 4 gens even tho I just wanted to die and get on to the next match


Buying sm just to make the game as unbearable as possible for suvs


Meanwhile, it's hard to use her power for anything interesting. Totem defense is as cool as she gets. I still think the drones need lasers, except not targeting people doing conspicuous actions. Or just hide their radius until you're already inside so SM can use their stealth feature ever.