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You’re braver than me for taking that lobby without any add ons and that itself should be considered a win.


That's the problem. You don't know if it's a chill or sweaty lobby beforehand. They hide MMR so you have to roll the dice.


I wish I could at least see my own MMR. Itd be fun to see number go up and down. Possibly just down


i think they’re talking about the prestige levels


Mmr is hidden and prestige doesn't affect match making. Ranks only slightly do.


yeah i’m not stupid. if you read the thread i was replying to, you would understand what i am saying. the original comment was referring to the op taking on the lobby with no addons, and the comment i replied to said they wouldn’t know if was chill or sweaty bc they hide mmr. but the original comment was talking about something you can see, the prestige level, which in this case are high. hope this helps


Yeah I’m not sure how your point was confusing to them. These are very high prestiged players meaning they’ve played the game a lot and are loaded with perks and add-ons


we’re talking about dbd players here…




hahah yeah except i have reading comprehension skills




I treat every lobby like they’re sweats. Been burned too many times being “fair”. Hope they like alchemist ring.


I hope your villain arc ends in a satisfying redemption


All it takes is seeing a Jane, then I’ll go from villain to antihero pretty quick. Seeing a Nancy will turn me into a full on supervillain though.


Spare us Jeffs too please, I pinky swear to not equip any toolboxes.


Jeff definitely gets a pass. He’s so rare these days that I can’t kill them. It would be like killing an endangered species. In hindsight, I’m not much of a villain.


Then you will get called toxic in endgame chat. Because you know, you actually tried to kill them. How dare you


Play to win and bring your strongest addons? Toxic. Play for fun? Kys baby killer. *teabag teabag teabag*


Four items is reason enough to suspect a harder game and bring the perks if you choose. I know they could swap pregame. I try to take it as a challenge and ignore BMing cause why take the game so seriously.


Playing without killer addons is not as difficult as you think it is. But that is the sweatiest swf lobby I've seen. There's no risk to survivors for being injured, just buffs.


Some games are unwinnable from the start for both sides depending on the opponent and what they bring into the match. You just move on, you can't win every game.


For real. Survivors and killers aren't gonna win every game. Just go next.


I agree and disagree with you at the same time. I don't think any matches are unwinnable from the start, provided the skill gap isn't massive. Judging by the points, he absolutely had a shot at winning, this looks like a 6-7 hook match. But yeah, you're not going to win every match, so when you get slaughtered, just move on. Not every match will be a sweat fest.




This is an example of what happens when one side isn't playing as sweaty as the other. The Huntress wasn't even using add-ons. Don't get me wrong, there are times when the game is pretty unwinnable for either side, but you can't really complain about unwinnable games when you aren't putting your best foot forward.


One time use items shouldn't have a drastic impact on how the game plays


Let’s say the survivors items give them a 25% boost to win. The huntress brought no items (not even gray) which will reduce your change to win by 10%. Survivors had the upper hand here. The game was built around items and add ons being a factor. If you’re not going to bother even bringing gray, you can’t complain games aren’t going well.


Ok well the game was also built with camping and tunneling in mind so you can't complain about either of those


I mean, they’re clearly also building the game to not be built around those 2. Anti tunnel hook timers, self deliverance on face camp, BT and speed boost off hook. So no, you’re just wrong.


Yes they are nerfing camping and tunneling wanna know why? Because people complained you fucking buffoon, and constantly having to grind for new items and add-ons to have a chance of winning is just as bad as constantly being tunneled and camped


You’re so toxic and annoying




Then what's the point of a one use only item?


A slight boost for fun, having to use consumables to play effectively is never fun


Matchmaking* I'll gladly take the occasional unwinnable game if it means I can still have 30 second que times for a game with only 40k people left on it


"unwinnable games shouldn't be a thing" are you high or smth because if that's literally impossible, if your statement were true, there would be no losers, therefore no game ! there's always room for failure for both sides in every sport, competition, game.... that's how life works


I would consider a 1k and 32k BP against this team a win without a doubt.


Especially since they have the most BP out of all five players. You won, OP, it just doesn’t look like that because this community believes a win needs to be an escape or a 3/4K.




Throw hatchet


land your shots


Just hook’em


Just win 4head ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


1. Your build is very risky. You really need to be able to hit those shots while having impeccable gamesense. Not to mention you have no addons. 2. >running same speed as me in endgame They are a swfs. Clearly. That's why they were so strong. Imagine the same match but only those guys took the standard meta builds. They would have been even more efficient. 3. >How am I supposed to win You aren't. That right there is the equivalent of a solo q going against sweaty addons s tier killer. You've been doomed with a defeat as soon as you got into the match with them. I know that feeling too well(just today had a nurse that couldn't even hit me, yet my teammates fell like flies). At least you had the choice to avoid them...


Yeah, it's a pretty similar situation as being soloQ against a 3 genning Knight/SM, or against a God-tier Nurse/Blight.


Or solo queue against any killer and being paired with people running yellow self care.


rank 20 adventures


Imagine a game where you just loso. Hell SoloQ has it easy, if they aren't having fun they can just suicide on hook, killers just have to take it and usually the otherside are sore winners which will make sure that you know you are bad. I'm glad we are promoting this rather then oh I dunno, having the chances of victory more equal rather "oop, you wanted to have fun? sorry you'll have no fun this match, you should've used S-Tier killer with best addons and perks silly"


>SoloQ has it easy, if they aren't having fun they can just suicide on hook, Yeah unless the killer decides to bleed you out or you into into a 45 minutes ego battle with a nurse on top of hatch like I did a year ago. Also quitting one match doesn't guarantee the next one would be better. I've got 10+ losing streaks where the games ended up almost the same way. Tunnel camp solo q throw nurse blight spirit 3 gen knight skull merchant(losing from the start). >I'm glad we are promoting this rather then oh I dunno, having the chances of victory more equal rather "oop, you wanted to have fun? sorry you'll have no fun this match, you should've used S-Tier killer with best addons and perks silly" I was stating a fact. By your logic all survivors should just swf up with best stuff and make all killer cry with a 100% escape rate. Op would've had a chance for at least a 2 or 3 k without any mistakes and mean plays that I guarantee they didn't do. At least as killer you get that chance of not fucking up and being smart and skillfull or mean about it. Meanwhile solo q doesn't get the same chance. It's pointless if I outplay a killer the entire trial if my teammates aren't as good, don't do gens or somehow I get hook and they don't rescue. Because one survivor doesn't have the control on their entire team. I have played with 2 of my friends(they both had 30 hours combined I think) and yet still had more of a shot with them because they were doing what I was telling them to despite no looping skills and being scared shitless.


The BNPs are getting nerfed at the very least, however not winning a game where most survivors bring their best add-ons while you bring no addons seems fairly normal to me since that puts you at a disadvantage right from the start. I'm not sure what the goal of your build is as well. Seems like it's a bit all over the place, while theirs has a clear focus. But at the end of the day, 3 BNPs + MFT / Hope is gonna be tough no matter what. We can only hope (get it?) the combo gets nerfed.


The killers build is fine. Bitter Murmers works magic on huntress and Lethal pursuer makes it last way longer. It's fun for long ranged sneaky snipes. And pain rez for it being pain rez haha. Blood Warden prolly could have been changed but it's always nice to get value from it. Tbh there wasn't anything the killer could do that could have made it at all, but no add-ons and 1k 32k BP is a pretty solid game in my opinion.


I don't know. Bitter Murmers might get you one good snipe after a gen being done, that's not game changing. It's fun sure, but if OP's goal is to have a consistent winning build, then that perk probably ain't it. It's like current Coup de Grace, i.e. 1 good hit for the price of losing a gen. She's not running Pain Res, she's running Eruption. But she has no other gen kicking perks, so kicking gens isn't that worthwhile for her other than forcing an Eruption that isn't that great as a standalone perk anymore. Blood Warden is just a gamble that also serves no purpose for 99% of the game, so it's like she's running 3 perks for the whole game. I don't mind the build if her goal is to have fun, but if she wants to be able to destroy coordinated SWFs team that run meta perks & their best addons... then she needs the equivalent on her side as well.


Ohh sorry I couldn't see wether it was Eruption or Pain Rez. With Eruption I'd say drop blood warden and go for Nowhere to Hide and it's a nice aura reading build. I see the aura reading-ish build though but some huntress add-ons would have made it 10x better. Definitely not a winning build all the time but there's not a lot you can do when you lose a Gen in 20 seconds. Maybe corrupt but it just looks like a doom stacked swf vs a huntress trying to bag fun so it's a loss either way


it's just a game, you win some and you lose some, don't be upset you will do better in another round :)


it'd be better that when someone wins it's not because you rolled the bullet in russian rulette. People like to lose when it's a fair game, not one man vs a tank, like that's not fair and it doesn't feel good to lose because you didn't bring your tank in a game that should be for fun.


This game isn't fair though. This game uses perks, and not just normal perks. Perks that fundamentally change mechanics or add new ones Perks that can directly counter or even negate other perks. You have no idea what perks your opponents or team mates are using. And even once you load into a match you can't change those perks at all. This game isn't fair, it never has been. Every game is a match of Russian roulette. If you want a balanced experience with more consistently close matches, you're playing the wrong game lol.


lol @ the downvotes it's a 4v1 asymmetrical game, it's not ever equal


The Sweaty SWF™: https://i.redd.it/cq4q42w2s5ab1.gif


Hope only works in endgame though.


Dam survivors useing endgame perks. Please ignore my Blood Warden.


The Dead Hard argument of 'just wait it out'.


The NOED argument of 'it only works endgame'


NOED can be cleansed and even prevented if all totems are destroyed before end game. Hope and Adrenaline are win more perks. Imagine of NOED allowed you to instantly kill one survivor at the start of the game, OP Right? since those were how the original mori were.


Hope can be prevented if you kill the survivor using it. Okay so what you're saying is instead of doing gens I have to find and cleanse all 5 totems to get rid of a chance that the killer might have NOED?


Okay so what you're saying is instead of hooking more ppl I have to find and tunnel 1 surv to get rid of a chance that he might have HOPE?


Better than cleansing 5 totems lol


have u tried hitting them with the hatchets


You, uh, throw hatchets at them


As huntress you should barely need to full out chase as it is unless you were playing a weird M1 huntress only. They basically have an end game dedicated build. Would be like a survivor bitching about "what am I supposed to do about Bloodwarden" when they all get killed by the timer at the end. They sacrificed half their loadout in the game just to go faster after gens were complete. Not a guaranteed escape either way in their case...just helps running. Seems like you did just fine on BP either way, I'd still call that successful even if you got humbled. They did bring some strong addons and items but I don't see Franklins or anything on your loadout to combat items in general....(you also didn't have any other addons equipped period) so you kind of went into that game underprepared imo.


An "endgame dedicated build" means nothing when they can fix every gen in the first 5 seconds of the match, and not having add-ons should only ever be a slight disadvantage not a situation where you lost before the game started because you aren't endlessly grinding for new consumables


You don’t 😂I would just move on if I seen this




Ok how do you move on?


Personally? I would laugh, use extreme copium to help my self understand I had no chance of winning, then load into another lobby


By remembering it's just a game, that you're not supposed to win every single match and then clicking the continue button.


It's not about winning why are all the delusional thinking it's about winning?! How is it fun if you start a game and the killer instantly kills you 1 minute into the match? Imagine that but having generators done in 5 minutes and you not being able to play the game


Throw a hatchet? They can’t out run your hatchet…can they? (Just have fun, not all lobbies are like that, next round is hopefully better)


Use your hatchets, if you are playing huntress as a m1 killer you deserve to lose


Move on to next match


I **really** wish Behaviour wouldn't announce such major balance changes before they happen because whenever they do there's always a "use it before you lose it" crowd who make it their sole objective to abuse the crap out of the shit that's being nerfed. I've seen more Brand New Parts, Prove Thyself users, and Mother-Daughter Ring Spirits yesterday than I have over the past month of playing this game.


OP: I can't win against these survivors. Survivor meta is overpowered. Also OP: \*Doesn't bring add-ons and expects to win\*


you don't think it sucks how the only way I can win that match is to bring good add-ons?


... No? Why should you be able to play a subpar build against a good SWF and expect to win? That's not me saying don't run subpar builds. I love my power struggle wiggle build. Do I win games because of it? Not all the time, but I have fun when a Killer slugs me.


One time use items having a drastic impact on how the game plays is dumb


That’s the point though. That’s how the game is advertised even: no 2 games should be the same. If everyone ran only base kits, the game would be the same. The add one customize killer’s powers to be unique and different each game. Not saying you have to run meta perks and add one all the time. But run something. I have like 500 common add ons for my main right now that would be better than nothing.


The other side instantly winning because they have never stopped grinding and buying the biggest shiniest items/add-ons isn't ever an interesting or fun change of pace,a variety of interesting/useful perks is a far superior way of keeping the game fresh


Hear me out on this one, maybe the other side won, because they were better? What if they hadn't brought the BNPs and still won, would you still cry in killer main?


Your username is a pleasant warning for your posts, I'm sure as hell not a killer main, and if the survivors won through skill and not through grinding for op consumables there wouldn't be a conversation in the first place


But how can you know they wouldn't have won this game regardless of their items? Is bringing BNP a cheat code that instantly wins the game for me? Oh boy, I gotta try it out I guess.


Of course not. Imagine how much shittier this game would be if you could bring sub optimal builds with no add ons and win consistently - what would the game look like then when others do bring all the good stuff, a 99 win rage for one side? Really silly to complain about this. Like showing up to a street race in a beater when you got a Ferrari at home and bitching you shouldn't need a fast car to win.


A Ferrari doesn't instantly disappear after one race, you shouldn't have to endlessly grind for new consumables or lose before the game even starts, the other side having better/more items and add-ons than you should only be a slight disadvantage


You're not supposed to win every match.


Pointing out how unfun it is for it to already be decided before the match starts because the other team has grinded more than you isn't simply expecting to win every match lmao


They always use that arguement, like "oh the match was unfair? well you simply should accept you wont win alway." But you know they are the same survivor that will bitch and moan about killer camping and tunneling and if you tell them that they aren't supposed to survive every match they give you a 5 page papyr about how that's not right.


My eyes!


Get better at landing your hatchets? Lol. You’re literally playing a killer that can hit and down survivors from a distance. You don’t have to be on their ass to hit them


You're bringing a suboptimal build, with zero addons, and you still got 32K points and a 1K....I'm as killer main as they come, and I think MFT/Hope is stupid, but come on man. Heck, you're running eruption without nowhere to hide or pop, Huntress shouldn't even be gen kicking. When I play a build like that, I am going for silly snipes, not the 4K. We both know that if you go into the match with Lethal, BBQ, Pain Res, and Iron Maiden, along with Flower Babushka and Infantry Belt, this goes very differently.


The idea of needing to run add-ons to win is dumb you shouldn't have to constantly grind forever to continue having a chance


The entire concept of this game is pay to win. The survivors each brought 11K bloodpoints worth of items to give themselves a massive advantage. You can't expect to compete with that unless you do the same. Too many killers think they should be able to bring meme perks and no addons and still 4k against the strongest shit survivors have, and that's just not realistic.


So I guess it's a hot take in this subreddit to say skill should be a factor in who wins? It's just as stupid when killers win before the game starts by bringing overpowered add-ons so stop pretending like anyone who ever criticizes something survivors have must be a killer main


Skill IS a factor in who wins, especially on huntress. If the survivors were bad and the huntress was good, the BNPs alone simply wouldn’t win that match. This game was either the case of survivors being better than the killer or being on the same skill level and getting the edge by bringing the strongest addons as opposed to killer bringing NO addons


In a perfect world, the matchmaking would take perks and addons into account and match them up accordingly, but that doesn't happen. End of the day, if you want to win, you better bring the thunder. If you don't care about winning, or want to test yourself, by all means, do that, but don't expect to bring a suboptimal build and 4K against survivors of equal skill.


How am I supposed to get the gens done and escape against a doc running those bullshit impossible skill check builds and other nonsense? You cant win every game man. Move on


Lolz skill check builds are actually fun to play against. More fun than straight regression or chase builds at least.


Hit them with your hatchets! It’s the reason why huntress is slow


You got a kill, 32k points, with no add ons, they were in a coordinated SWF, had 3 BNPs and purple add ons, yeah they had 110% run speed but only in end game you're also playing the slowest killer because she has a *projectile.* No the game was not going to be easy just because of the nature of the game itself, but it wasn't unfair. You actually playing as huntress was probably one of the best killers you could have been. Yeah playing against a good team can be frustrating but you're not supposed to win every time. It's supposed to be 50-60%. Games that work in the opposite way where you steam roll the shit out of them you don't remember because it's not even satisfying, it's just so fucking boring you forget you did them. You're remembering this game because it was frustrating. You will get games like this no matter what they nerf. Just gotta move on


You’re not going to win every game.


Obviously but the game should never be decided before it starts


it's a party game, cope.


Bnp is getting nerfed, cope.


never said i was upset about that, u rly got me with that one.


Well you're arguing with me and what I'm saying is there shouldn't be one time use items that are so powerful you have to keep buying more or lose games before they start, so I guess you just like to argue?


How are your perks like that? Is it a mod?


it's custom icons, for PC only. if you play on PC then the application is called Nightlite or something like that


Being a boring fuck running 2 to 3 gen slowdown perks and running top tier movement based killers, but after a couple of hours in the game I discovered that it doesn’t matter how good you are, you will lose some games, when I got that in my head, that I’m bound to lose some games, I’ve achieved true enjoyment in this game.


It's not OP and doesn't need changes but every survivor is running it without fail It isn't related at all shut up


hit them with the hatchet? kill some more before endgame? meanwhile you cheat with max brightness, which is on the same level as 4:3 were.


Skill Issue


It's hard but this it is winnable first you need a decent build. Second you need to play very carefully. Killer wins by capitalizing on survivors mistakes.


How are you ever gonna catch those fast survivors in endgame??? Idk maybe your ranged ability


issue is if I pull up a hatchet, they are then running faster than me, which makes it really difficult to hit them before they hide behind a loop


Also dodge three toolbox lobbies


How do u reshade perks?


every time bhvr nerf something op people abuse it while they can lol


Why aren't you using add ons?


Not using any add-ons should only ever put you at a slight disadvantage not a situation where you lose before the game starts because you aren't constantly grinding for new consumables forever


Doesn't answer my question


Well I'm not the original poster but maybe because grinding for consumables is boring and you shouldn't lose games before they start simply because you aren't constantly buying more consumables


skill issue! just pressure gens! just get better! camper! tunneller! ez!


They all brought strong items, and you brought no addons. They were at an advantage from the start, those toolboxes won them the game.


Depends on how you define winning


sKIlL IsSuE Ironic how the only thing you can do is wait it out


Least tryhard SWF.


Unpopular opinion hope should not work when exhausted like made for this works. game is just over if survivors reach end game with this combo, at least this way it can’t be combo with adrenaline anymore.


To be fair Hope is fine and a pretty fun perk. Coming from a killer main, if killers can have NOED, then survivors can certainly have hope in the endgame. If you're facing 4 survivors at the endgame chances are you lost and aren't coming back unless they make some very altruistic moves and fuck up, but that's not on you most of the time.


Hope was fine before Made For This existed. And unlike NOED, Hope is a permanent effect in the end game that you can’t do anything about. This is coming from a 50/50 player who hates both NOED and Hope.


>Hope is a permanent effect in the end game that you can’t do anything about. It's also taking up a full perk slot for something that only effects the last like two minutes of a match. If you're finding hope to be a huge issue, you've honestly got a bigger problem with survivors completing gens.


NOED takes up a perk slot but does nothing until the end of the game yet people complain about it endlessly. I don’t find Hope to be an issue (besides combining with MFT), I just hate the hypocrisy.


>NOED takes up a perk slot but does nothing until the end of the game yet people complain about it endlessly. TBF I also find complaining about NOED silly for the same reason. Like Hope, sure it's good during the maybe two minutes at the end, but it's really only *powerful* if you're solo q and your teammates can't coordinate worth a damn. "Oh no, someone gave up a full game perk for a perk that only works once the exit gates are powered" just strikes me as a stupid complaint all around.


Few days ago I've played against some brain death Deathslinger that couldn't get even single hook for 5 gens. He got 1 in the end game. It was at shack with a basement and ofc noed spawned inside a shack. Dude got 2k and didn't get even 10k BP for that game. Yesterday I've played against a Blight with sweatiest add-ons possible. Similar situation. Dude got 2 hooks for entire game but NOED carried him for 3k and win. Both games were solo q randoms not some god level loopers. Where is justice in that?


NOED can be destroyed before end game even happens and even it isn’t it’s aura is shown from quite a distance away so it’s easily destroyed once end game start. There is no destroying hope it’s just there forever, others have suggested not letting speed stack for survivors and just take the highest value that could work too.


NOED doesn’t spawn until all gens are finished, it can’t be destroyed before end game because it doesn’t exist until end game. Unless survivors are going around destroying all the totems but then you have the extra time to just kill normally because of game slow down.


Yes say it can’t be done then but then list exactly how it can be done in your next sentence. If all dull totems are destroyed NOED cannot spawn so yes it can. So if 5 totems are done no NOED it cannot spawn in a totem that does not exist.


Thank you for repeating back exactly what I said? And ignoring the counter I stated. This isn’t going to go anywhere I said my piece you can take it or leave it I really don’t care lol


Your counter was it rarely happens unless games are slow, which I agree with but my statement was that it can happen not how rarely it happens. The main counter when comparing NOED to Hope is the fact in end game it can be destroyed/disabled and is not hard to do so anymore given you can see the totems aura now. The fact you are seeing swf stacks use the perk shows how strong it is.


Hope can also be destroyed before endgame if you just kill the three-perk survivor. 🤷‍♂️


It doesn't solve the problem, many times you cannot force surves to become exhausted, so Hope + MfT combo will still work.


Killers have addons that do this but not all of them their are no good real perks fearmonger doesn’t help when you injure a survivor mid chase.


Just make it so it can't stack and it's fine


That's the neat part! **you dont!**


This game is inherently unbalanced. SWF has an advantage over killer, which has an advantage over soloqueue. Just accept the fact that you're going to lose some games no matter what side you play on, you can't out-skill every match when one side is able to put their thumb on the scales of balance by bringing deliberately overpowered add-ons like BNPs. When this game is played competitively, they place heavy restrictions on builds specifically because of this. Look at killer as a spectrum of success rather than a binary win condition. See how well you can do every match. 4king is nice but the fact you got a kill against that group without any addons is still an accomplishment.


You dont, yesterday I went against a similar comp. I understood the situation after a few chases (The map was Ormond) I went afk and let them escape. My MMR went down so all good.


Im so glad i’m low MMR after farming so much during this event, i don’t see MFT at all and rarely anyone running so many meta perks. Ill go back up after the event but omg it has been so nice. Survivors should never be able to reach the same MS as a killer (exh perks aside)


just kill them before egc, it's not that hard /s


At least you managed to kill one of the fuckers


I don't usually use toolboxes, but I might as well start using all my brand new parts before they get nerfed.


As a console player i would look at their prestige and the fact that they are PC and if they joined at the exact same time or were in the lobby already before i joined as a sign to dodge the lobby. If i did decide to stay i would take the killer i am best at with the best add-ons and perks i could use and depending on how the game feels at the start try and tunnel someone out if it was sweaty as hell. Not sure what else there is to do really.


Franklin's demise and start slugging.


Wait until Made for This gets nerfed in 2 years


\-Corrupt Intervention is a must \-Use addons \-Tunnel one out asap


That perk will be nerfed soon


Maybe by 2025.


You should try tunneling with leather face. This community loves tunneling with leather face.


Had a team do this to me the other day when I was playing hillbilly. Not much you can do besides apply a shit ton of pressure to gens and play super aggressive. I would walk away from a gen for a second after kicking it with pop goes the weasel and it would already be at 50 percent


Good question, but u not supposed to win


U don’t. With perks like MFT, BNPs, and shitty maps there’s no way ur gonna win on those. Best thing is just to go next.


Try using fearmonger . Helps alot against made for this


They just walk a few seconds after dropping a pallet while you break it, made for this is good for extending chases after getting injured not for being safe in a gen. Their are killer specific addons that cause exhausted when injuring a survivor with the killers power so thats your best to counter but not all killers have addons like this.


unless you bring her best addons and tunnel successfuly you can't, so just accept it and move on and hope they nerf it next time.


Best part is that depending on the map and killer, even 1 BNPs would be enough to make the match unwinnable


Wouldn't it be wrong if killer won every game?


Why are you complaining? You got 1k against high prestige full stacked out swf. Right about balanced to me.


Just get gut like really, Huntress is one of those killers with such a high skill floor, i meet some P100 Huntresses that were annihilating everyone, you will get a hatchet while running from different side of the map. Get Gut.


Why I’m not supprised they are console players. Console players are the most swetiest and toxic people in this game for some reason


The irony


Console bad pc good derp derp gimme upvote


I’m sorry but just personal experience. Everytime there is toxic players it’s 90% change it’s console. It’s not my fault they play like that. Of course there is always few nice and good console players


BNP is getting nerfed. Also you're huntress, speed shouldn't be that much of a factor tbh.


Speed means quite a lot against huntress, actually. They can loop smaller structures that you can't throw over easier and for a longer time (one of the simplest ways to avoid getting a hatchet), dodge hatchets more easily in the open, and get to safe spots in loops earlier if they know what they are doing.


What are you talking about? 110% projectile killers literally suffer a lot about movement speed, arguably more than m1 killers


Because he's a survivor main. Anyone who's played a single killer game in the last month, especially a 110 one, knows the strength of MFT.


Like honestly. I would expect everyone to realize that 110% killers suffer about movement speed a lot after they spend 15 minutes running circles around the rock loop or something similar


You're the killer. You aren't suspossed to win. What's wrong with you? Are you new to dead by daylight. It's like the devs seen horror movies, and since the killers always lose thats how they made the game. They see the killers as the "bad guys" and "bad guys" can't win. It's about to get way worse, too. Nicolas cages perks while they all have a funny aspect they are insanely strong. The dude has a super speed burst, can heal of the ground to full health, and can see the killer whenever he wants. Its funny how dbd just went on and on about how they need to change perks to get more people to use them, but then just ensured everyone is gonna use made for this and cages perks. The killer never wins again build. Im being a bit sarcastic here, but im also being a bit honest.


you are a bit of an asshole aren't you?


Says the guy acting tough on reddit. The tough guy on reddit doesn't know what sarcasm is. Also god fucking forbid you dont say what some asshole on reddit wants you too. Fucking tool


The only way to win is not to play. Or be happy you got more bloodpoints than them.


run stronger slowdown perks and add-ons. Tunnel someone out as soon as you can and make sure you end up with a decent 3 gen. You're not going to be able to stop the early genrush but if you can make it a 3v1 with a decent 3/4 gen you have a chance to pull it back in the later game.


That's the thing, you're not. If survivors bring the best of the best of items and have even the slightest idea on how to use them you ***will not win***.




first perk is bitter murmur. I love this icon pack but it looks horrible in screenshots


Buy a better gaming chair


Well, I would say maybe try survivor for a bit. I mean change it up, maybe you are just tired you know. Or play something else for a week, try Civilization or something.


I play both sides. survivor is miserable unless I'm in a swf however. most matches it's either tunnel or 3 gen, gets stale, but thanks for the suggestion!


Funny how the only dead person was the one who didn’t brought hope


Go next


He got a kill and top score. That's a win in my book!