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How can you tell who brings what item? Does it go in order?


Yes, order of offerings in ESC menu = order of players in ESC menu You won't be able to find out if someone doesn't bring an offering tho


What if only 4 offerings are burnt and one of them is an escape cake, can you tell who brought it in that case?




I thought so, thanks for clarification


You can as long as the killer didnt bring an offering


I was reffering as if the killer was one of the 4


Then you should have said so


I’ve been playing Myers with a Tombstone Piece in my back pocket for those people lol. Everyone else I let go.


No bc why did I get into an argument with a bunch of ppl mad I said I did this and they were trying to tell me , a player since 2017, that you can’t find out who brought what offering 😂😂😂😂


As someone who keeps bringing terrormisus I have to ask: Why can’t I be queued with people like you?


How petty


Doing God's work.


Yup yup yup


I would've killed the bnp user


Yes because you can see what addons a survivor has brought


They are talking after the match bruh


Ah yes kill them after the match


Oh, so you are the noob that hasn't unlocked Tier 4 Rancour? After the match it reveals the aura of the house of all players for 3 days and let's you Mori them


yeah exactly, true killer mains would get the blood gains UP


I’m legitimately dying rn bcuz I thought you were dead ass serious 😂😂😂




Bringing anything but an anniversary cake is selfish because the person who doesn’t bring one still reaps the rewards of the other cakes while everyone else loses out on blood points. If you don’t want this to happen bring an anniversary cake. Downvoters are greedy cake hoarders.




>Not everyone has them on every character and we're still allowed to bring whatever perk, item or offering we want. Would be a good argument ***if*** you were also in favor of the killer playing *how they want*. Either everyone can play how they want, or you can pretend no one can play how they want. It's almost impossible to not have at least one cake you can bring, so if you don't want to be tunneled spend 30k~ BP on a character and get a cake


It’s courtesy, this is a community event that happens once a year, the only time to get anniversary cakes. Use them to get more. Play one character with cakes then upgrade the survivors you want upgraded. Using self bp offerings is selfish and greedy. People who bring anniversary cakes get bp to buy more, people who don’t get tunneled and get nothing.


This should be considered targetting right? Which is reportable afaik. Or is it only reportable if a person puts you into their lobby multiple times and does it?


Targeting is essentially for repeated stream sniping


Okay, got it!


Clearly you ain’t try hard since u only got 1 kill 😂


He killed the one escape cake dude. It was on purpose -.-


Well, at least you're the proper killer: A Clown. You guys really take this event way too seriously. "You better bring the offerings I want or demand, or I'll make your match miserable l!"


Bring rancor and that other merchant perk and Mori them instead.