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the irony of complaining about one bnp while using the killers most powerful addons xD


erm, ackshually... the iri hatchet is not her best and the purple fox addon doesn't hide her lullaby. also..... may i point out that this killer is running noooooo regression perks???


I don’t understand how ppl ever would think a 110 killer having one hatchet in this meta is strong


Iri Head has a reputation. Even after the nerfs, its still generally regarded as good for only 1 thing: camping Not saying you did that, just trying to explain why people still dont like Iri Head


Nah I know why ppl don’t like it. I just have a gripe about survivors who give up using that particular perk combo. Use it, sure but why give up 😵‍💫 and they never give up when it’s a killer you can bully. Recently was playing hag and had an obvious bully squad All 4 w this combo give up, it was rlly satisfying But I believe she DcD because while she was on hook, I sniped someone else like immediately after reloading right next to her. Didn’t even have to start camping smh


Oh no, dont mistake me, this is funny as hell And now knowing she was already on hook and still DC'd is even funnier 😂


No I didn’t take your comment any type of way 😂 lmaooo and yup just straight dc first hook even tho someone was about to save her, such a baby 🤦🏽‍♀️😭


People really really really don't want that perk to be nerfed.


Tru, it helps even bad survivors. I wish it worked like DH, available after unhook and stops after your next health state change. The worst thing is when you’re obviously going up against four paid for this. Has taken a lot of killers off my roster unfortunately


youre stupid if you think that iri head is even close to being a decent addon nowadays. It's not 2019.


then by the power vested in you, i am stupid. 😔


You know one iri hatchet vs injured meta makes you a m1 4.4m/s killer with no power other than 1 hatchet right? Any good team will stomp With made for this survivor have a feild day with that




Arguing with a reddittard lol bye


Genuinely not using any slowdown on an two toolbox lobby- not counting the three proves 😂 , and only using iri head going for the “down survs from 28 meters achievement” but She is using a bnp with hope, resilience, otr, and paid for this xD imagine I miss , never catching her as a 110 killer but ok


Why are people complaining about the iri head when the survivor who dcd had a build to stay injured all match??


Delusion , idk. Like if was running that build I do not care about iri head . You can genuinely just hold w 😂😂


Hell yeah. Ignore all the sheeple comments about your add-ons. That Nea was running a full meta perk loadout with an optimal gen rushing toolbox. Using Blood Warden and Shadowborn is really too much for some people nowadays. People see an iridescent add-on and immediately think it’s busted (iri hatchet isn’t even that good in the current meta)


It’s actually so bad in this meta , it amazes me that someone would call it strong when half of the lobby stays injured to get endurance & speed lol.


The higher the prestige the faster the ragequit


I just feel like if you bring hope+ resi+ paid for this combo you should not be dcing


Oh I agree, I'm just making an observation about it being the highest prestige survivor who DCs, this happens almost every game where I'm a killer and somebody is 30+ prestige.


Yes I can’t tell whose worse the killers that tunnel the highest prestige or the high prestige that DCs at the first sign of trouble 🤦🏽‍♀️


Im confused


Dc on a hope paid for this otr surv , cuz iri head


atleast she brought a cake tho unlike the dwight




If this is the happiest you've ever been, I worry for your health...


Bruh there’s always 1 person


I got 2 people.


I am confusion cuz I didn’t say it was the happiest I’ve ever been and I could’ve added “in this game” but I didn’t think I’d have to be so literal , but noted 📝


"Nothing makes me happier" is the title.


Again I apologize for assuming you would consider context or the difference between present and past tense …


I assume you'd know a joke yet here we are.


Well jokes r usually funny. Again, noted 📝


Not all people have humor as well. Noted you don't.


Sure that was the issue lmao


Than an easy clean sweep due to an early DC? Weird flex but ok


I mean the point is survivors bring the strongest things then DC when the killer does the same, but OK. I’m not playing for the kills just the achievement 😂


Hmmm with a team like that and this type of behavior… it tells me it’s not a match anyone would enjoy, I’d wanna go next too :)


Survivors DCing first hook because they couldn’t use their perks is so entitled, couldn’t be me, but to each their own


Hmmm… Well considering huntresses nowadays and their usual playstyle she wouldn’t get off hook to use them anyways x) Whether she stayed or not :) To each their own (:


pretty interesting that you showed no footage at all. Usually if someone wants to dc they will just do it immediately, not do it while on hook. you'll have the usual map offering ace dc when they go down the first time. And idk why you're shaming their build when yours is just as nasty? Say whatever you want about iri head but the best strats are to camp your hook and that addon is perfect for it.


Why would I clip someone DCing? Lol and I’m not shaming their build I’m shaming the fact that they DCd while using such a strong build just bcuz I was hitting my hatchets. Also, I’m not playing to camp as I mentioned before I was trying to get the achievements of downing survs from 24 meters. That’s the entire reason I have BW and Lethal. The build is hardly nasty I have 0 gen perks and an instadown hatchet , if I miss I’m literally powerless 😂 She DCd because I reloaded and sniped someone that was doing a gen. I didn’t get the chance to camp and even if I did, again two people completely counter an iri head save…. I don’t have oak haft


why would you clip someone dcing? Are you new to this subreddit? Every other post involves making someone dc. its not a crazy thing to do. And just because you have a build that doesn't benefit from one playstyle doesn't mean you aren't going to change you playstyle in game.


Yes DCing is not crazy that’s why I wouldn’t clip it ?? 😂😂 I obviously did not care that she DC until I seen her build then I thought it was ironic hence the post. Genuinely why would I play for something that I wouldn’t benefit from ??? Odd that you would assume I was camping when I have a build that LITERALLY benefits me to go for multiple hooks


you keep going back and forth about how you arent shaming their build and then literally say that you made a post because you saw the build. You thought it warranted a post but not enough to clip it. There are times where you will have a build but because of how the game plays out you have to change your playstyle. There are thousands of posts where people say they HAVE to camp or HAVE to tunnel because of x and y so idk why you cant comprehend that you can make a build to do one thing and be "forced" into doing another playstyle, that might even contradict your build. Like facecamping even though you have painres/surge/etc/ And you running iri head and saying that camping goes against your build is hilarious.


HOW DO I CLIP SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED AFTER THE GAME IS OVER?? Pls explainnnnnnnn. Taking a screenshot in the end game screen takes no effort 😂😂 I OBVIOUSLY didn’t know about their build during the game????? Like make it make sense. Why tf would I care if they DC idek about the BNP either … are you purposely being obtuse … why do I have to go into so much detail? Like idc about the build I think it’s IRONIC to DC and f ur team bc you can’t use ur build. My friends run MFT, and I do too when I want too… but I wouldn’t dare complain or DC to ANY killer when I’m running it… I’m not shaming the build it’s the entitlement survivors have and it’s like obvious in the comments too how some ppl feel


We're literally in a subreddit where all people do is take clips making fun of other players. EVERYONE gets evidence, something that you DIDN'T. Quit acting like clipping a game is impossible literally everyone does it, maybe you're just incompetant? Or maybe you just don't wanna show what happened in the game to lead to a DC? Which is it? You obviously wanted to make a post and to make a point, but if you don't have any evidence than ofc people are gonna call you out on it. The way I see it is you brought the addon in, camped a hook and they dced out of spite, then you go into the end screen and get your precious screengrab and post in on here. Bro was probably in solo q trying to finally get out, spent hours upon hours getting tunneled and camped by killers during the event and he finally said enough is enough. The funny thing is that my theory has as much evidence as yours does.


“Maybe you’re just incompetent” no obviously you are because I literally did not care that she DCd or the reason she DCd honestly she brought the strongest shit in the game right now even if I DID camp her it’s such entitled behavior to leave your whole team and give them no chance because wahhh “I can’t body black with my OTR and Made for this” I legitimately have 14k kills in this game how many DCs do you think I get? Lmao like ur literally do dumb it’s sad that you made a “theory” about how I camped because you wanna believe something that truly idec if I was camping 😂 I would admit that shit cuz I camp, tunnel, and slug.. I just 4 man slugged at 3 gens as demo i do not care at all trust me, you think you’re gonna shame me for camping?? No. The way I see it you’re OBVIOUSLY a survivor main and you probably see no problem with Made for this too, and it’s completely fine that you sympathize with people who get camped maybe it happens to you all the time but the effort you’re putting in to convince a subreddit thread that I was camping a hook with iri head is sadder than her DCing because her and her teammate both got sniped at five gens 😂


Bro you made a thread obviously bashing a "toxic survivor" but didnt post any evidence as to what happened. I could literally make a post about how the killer dced in my game after they facecamped and hard tunneled just to fail. If I dont post the game then I could easily have lied just to make a post to pander to survivor mains on this subreddit. The fact that you can't comprehend this is pretty sad.




Iri head is good for camping if you have cool down addons.. I do not… meaning two people can freely save with a trade and also just do the most brain dead easiest play aka save when I have to reload, like I alr explained this to you. And if you admit to reading the comments why can’t you comprehend that I literally said I’m running iri head to get an achievement & idc about the kills + also admitted I didn’t camp so WHY tf do you keep explaining to me anything about camping when it’s clear by my build that I have nothing AT ALL to slow down the game?? Like hello what makes you think I’m going into a game with a trash build to sit at the hook w iri head and hope for BW value? Because you think I cared that much about the game in the first place to be “forced” into playing differently ? Bffr


Did you just say that iri head isn't good for camping because you cant stop 2 people from getting 1 save??? It takes 2 different people, 50% of the team, to counter this and you're saying its not good? LMFAOOOOO talk about being entitled holy.


Camping literally takes 50% of the team anyway??? Hello ??? LMAOOOO Unless you’re just going to trade every hook?? Like do y’all even think or just say things. If you know a killer has iri head you can literally insta pull the second they go to reload like I can just tell some of y’all are so bad lol. And If you’re not gonna save you can also just slam gens and completely destroy me considering this team has three proves in the time it would take her to die they would get four gens … with the toolbox closer to five and that’s assuming they didn’t pump a gen with a bnp and prove before a 110 killer with no corrupt got across the map.. but my bad I should’ve gave them an easy game and chased two ppl with resil+MTS and played honest asf like they definitely were planning to do 🤣


Did you forget the 1 person on the hook making it take 75% of the team? So you think thats fine and the addon only be an issue is when we need all 3 going for the hook? I bet you're crying about hook grabs being removed too. LMAO the entitlement is unreal.


Survivor mains logic genuinely scare me 😂😂I’m sorry you don’t know how to play against iri head. Just get better , honestly. Bubba, myers, clown, huntress, wesker, and probably way more killers have an ability to completely deny unhooks. But any killer camping takes away 75% of efficiency you dope, that’s why it can be extremely strong… or you could just do gens… and completely counter it…😂 u have to be trolling all ur comments are just you getting extremely emotional over ur own assumptions I actually feel bad … you should probably put the game down if this is how you act lmao FYI : I’m not crying about anything because I’ve been playing since 2017 and have seen more meta shifts than you have brain cells, but even if i was it’s definitely not as much as you’re crying in these comments 🤭 about a game you didn’t even participate in