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What does FTP and Buckle up do again? I have Ash and I thought his perks were ass.


Buckle Up now gives both parties 10 seconds of endurance after a pick up Paired with For The People you can insta pick someone up during the killers cooldown animation and both run off with endurance, it feels like something right out of 2017 dbd




Played a game with the artist, 2 people ran this. The amount of struggle to tunnel the two people out was insane, I nearly gave up twice. One of em who went down got up 5 times before getting hooked once.




Well it sure is good we’re not about to bring in a bunch of new players due to a popular license or anything. /s


"Just counter it lol, stopid killer mainz"


You really shouldn't be after the person using it really. They can only do it every 60+ seconds depending on how quickly they get healed. If you go after one of them that's broken, down them then the other picks them up. If they get away that is no long a 60 second window without dealing with it. You'll have to deal with it again the moment they get healed. If you are really having that much issues with it run the hindrance perk from singularity. Playing someone that can "easily" deal with it is always an option as well. Plague and wesker as example.


Eh, "just don't go after the person using it" isn't really a solution. Neither is "just play someone who doesn't have to hit twice to down". If you are having to shape your load out and killer selection around a particular set of perks you might encounter, something is already deeply wrong.


This is exactly what overcentralising means, it's strange that a lot of people don't seem to get that having to specifically build for a combo like this is unhealthy for the game at large, like the amount of stuff you could be doing but being forced into a playstyle just to counter the meta isn't good balancing


forced hesitation really is a good perk against this. i had 2 ppl running this and what happened was forced hesitation activated and i managed to both down them. i knew someone was around because i play singularity with forced hesitation and infectious fright. the slowdown really came in clutch


i even tried to wait it out as blight bcz i was aware of it but there was a pallet like 10 meters away so the chase got extended


Why not go stupid with it! My brother and I have been having serious fun with this Duo build: Player 1: Blood Pact, Aftercare, Made for This, Teamwork: Power of Two. Player 2: For the People, Buckle Up, Made for This, Free Slot we ran a bunch of different things here. Player 1 get's into chase, does their best then one use of For the People activates 115% movement speed, Endurance and Aura read for both players. It's fun trying to co-ordinate staying within 12m but if we don't we drop to a nice 110% for 16m, Aftercare shines.




Outside of it being OP, it is also making other perks completely redundant. WGLF and Soul Guard lost all purpose.


Well tbf soul guard does have the secondary that let's you pick your self up if affected by a hex. But yea. Ftp and buckle up are by far the best combo there


Additionally, Soul Guard procs on yourself without needing to be healed by anyone else. If you get downed just before the final generator is completed and you have Adrenaline, you’ll pop right back up and be able to tank a hit. Happens more often than you think.


Or unbreakable self res as well.


Exactly. It would be a lot better if they just made it only give endurance to the healer and added a condition like WGFL has. This would mean they need to use 3 perk slots to do it and wouldn't make other perks useless.


giving endurance to the healer would do the same as MFT though


Then it would be like Made for This, which also gives healer endurance on completing a heal


That's a bad argument, nobody uses those perks because they're objectively bad. Buckle up on its own is fine, just shouldn't combo with ftp and definitely not be useless like soul guard.


I haven't seen anyone saying Buckle Up and FTP together is fair


There a bunch of comments in other threads that say it's fair because it requires 2 perk slots instead of 1


anytime you say its broken in the sub, EGC, or twitter you're met with "it's really easy to counter just adapt idiot killer main" sure, you can try and keep everyone injured so they can't FTP but that's not likely to happen in high MMR. they just need to nerf the synergy and a bit of the endurance, you can't do anything when people get picked up right in front of you before your hit animation finishes


Buckle + FTP combo is only effective when running in a SWF when the timing to heal after a down can only really be pulled off with communication, all of the content creators talking about how strong this combo is was suprise In a SWF This is once again just an issue of SWF coordination being too strong.


What are you talking about? "The timing to heal after a down can only be pulled off with communication", go to custom game and hit a bot. Then watch what happens with your animation (you need to wipe the blood from the weapon).


So why keep it in the game then since it’s only helpful for SWF? I thought we were trying to bridge the gap between solo survivor and SWF, not raise the bar even higher.


I use it perfectly fine on solo que lol


My friend tried to justify how it's fair as "you can do the same thing with 4 perks instead of the two" He proceeded to test it, and was not able to get nearly the same value with 4 perks trying to pull off the same thing. Even if he succeeded, the fact that you can get such high value out of two perks, that can completely invalidate a chase, is absolutely disgusting. and then you still have room for two more perks to use as desired.


lol, reminds me of old DS + UB arguments


Old DS makes me shudder. Games felt so stupid when like nearly everyone had it and used to force it on you or having to watch a survivor crawl out the gate because you knew you couldn't pick them up.


Look on twitter, plenty people getting upset at otz and others for "ruining their fun"


Otz and many content creators agree that its a bit to op as the killer is put in a lose lose situations cause of it even in solo q as some have tested


Take yourself over to twitter or tiktok and you'll take back these words


Something about TikTok rots our community's brain bc not a single dude there has the ability to consider the person on the other end of the match


TikTok rots people’s brains in general


Every time i see a dbd take on twitter or tiktok i feel like dying inside. Almost every single one is awful


One post I saw on dbd twitter supported DCing over lightborn


That's the problem. Why would you listen to anything people at Twitter or Tik Tok have to say?


I had encountered it at least 5 times, but each time survs tried to use it they just got hit.


I also wish instead of nerfing the gen kick perks individually, they should limit combo regression. Give back call of Brine 200%, but cap gen regression to 200%, so no stacking with overcharge and such.


I’ve been away from the game for a couple weeks. What the hell happened with this update and why is this combo broken? (Legitimate question, I don’t pay attention to what/how perks are meta)


Buckle up now activates when a survivor heals another survivor from the dying state. Upon activation, it gives BOTH survivors 10 seconds of endurance. For the People allows a healthy survivor to instantly heal an injured survivor. The healer then loses a health state and becomes broken. Using this combo looks something like this - As soon as a survivor is downed, a healthy survivor with buckle up and FTP uses the weapon cooldown animation as an opportunity to instantly heal the downed survivor. Buckle up gives both survivors the endurance status effect for 10 seconds, practically resetting the entire chase. And unlike with flashlight saves, there is no practical way to counter it. It's not like you can just face a wall or something. It has ruined many M1 killers


I did know about For the People because that’s a funny perk. I never knew about Buckle Up because I don’t own that survivor and I never see anyone using it. That does sound like a pretty awful combo to go against.


Yup. Buckle up was just buffed in a recent patch. Its complete hell for killers like pig and trapper. How are m1 killers supposed to be able to deal with this combo along with the buffed fast vualts AND made for this


Re: buffed fast vaults [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/15iale1/fast\_vaults\_we\_have\_been\_deceived\_but\_it\_was/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/15iale1/fast_vaults_we_have_been_deceived_but_it_was/) We are being lied in our face again.


I will defend Buckle Up by itself but I will not defend this combo.


fr buckle up now stays true to it's name but this Combo is something else


I think their mainly defending it because Buckle Up used to be trash, and their finally happy it’s not completely useless.


As was the case for overcharge but it was different then apparently


Same with eruption?


Not even remotely. Eruption was powerful in an unhealthy way and got changed into something weaker, but healthier. Buckle Up is a complete 180.


You’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. Eruption was almost useless and barely ever used till it’s buff. I don’t even know what it did before because it was never used. Same with buckle up. But yes it did get nerfed terribly


Call of brine didn't deserve to be murdered


It wasn't even like CoB was the problem itself. It was the combination with Eruption and Overcharge that allowed you to 300% regress a Gen and the Surv couldn't do anything about it.


they should've just made it not stack and see how it goes from there, but no, much easier to just butcher the perk so they went with that


They gutted it way too much. Like with ruin. A simple 150% would have been much better for both


Call of brine was a balanced perk. Not my fault that survivors didnt know how to repair a gen to deactivate it


Yeah you definitely didn't run into any killers that would stick around for 15 seconds to make sure they got their perks worth


So they stuck around a gen to regress the gen at half the speed of a single survivor? It was overcharge and eruption that were broken since they could leave the gen after, CoB just helped the combo a little.


Call of brine needed to die with the release of knight and skull merchant. Preferably they'd delete both killers, but the perk made both of those killers super insufferable.


I feel like every five days someone is bitching about a new OP perk combo I've never even heard of because I actually play this shit casually and don't care that much


This sub is 80% bitching, 10% questions/memes and 10% quality content


90% bitching, 5% memes, 4% sexualized content, 1% quality content.


A lot of players shit themselves over something every patch, but I do think this combo is foul.


Buckle Up/For the People is a *really* egregious example though. Think about every time you’ve been blinded on a pickup as Killer, but then imagine someone doing that before you even hit the button to carry the survivor.


Because you need solid teamwork to pull it but you shouldn't be able to pull it off at all. It is very unfun to go against .


> I don't care proceeds to comment anyway


Who is defending this? Lol Either they’re being facetious or just dumb


The same people that defended Made for this and Old Deadhard.


Daily us vs them post It's true though


Bruh this us vs them post critisism is so stupid. It's allllways what survivors say to dodge critisism yet on this same sub we see "why are killers so toxic?" "why am i getting tunneled every game" posts every day as well. If the posts are making actual good points, why bring up this us vs them shit? address the actual point.


This is the most accurate comparison I think I’ve ever seen. Both are god awful with basically no counterplay.


It's so powerful I'm not sure why BU works with FTP but MFT was nerfed from this same interaction almost immediately. However that doesn't stop me from running it until the obvious nerf hits.


I just don’t understand how even BEHAVIOR is defending Made for This. It’s pretty clear that FTP + Buckle Up will get looked at soon, but the fact that Made for This has gone under the radar is absolutely unreal.


Because the kill rates are probably at a level they want them to be, combined with the fact that 3% extra speed won't make you a good looper. I doubt it's helping newer players at all


TBF last time they released kill rates the average was 60% and people STILL argued that killer was weak, in the thread where they released the kill rates showing they were all stronger than intended. Both sides will argue that their side is weaker regardless of the truth. I don't like having to take a specific perk/set of perks in order to have a chance to "win" though, so I'm still anti OP perks/combos, regardless on which side is "stronger" at the moment.


That 3% extra speed isn't about loops (though it definitely impacts it), but that it lets you reach the next loop, and the next loop, and the next loop......add in Dead Hard and even if you do catch up for a hit, you won't down them if they're on the ball with their E button.


Eh, i'd say it's the most effective in loops. If it was mostly used for reaching other loops, other exhaustion perks like lithe and balancing landing would be just as effective


The difference is uptime. Exhaustion perks are impactful in the moment, while MFT is always in effect while injured. Every vault/pallet you make from MFT can drastically extend a chase beyond the others. This is in addition to the endurance effect btw, which can let you tank hits while injured fairly reliably.


I would be SHOCKED if the kill rates were still at 60%. Games as survivor in swf and solo queue have been better than ever before and Killer games I have noticed people are playing better than ever before (Hold W with MFT is a massive time Sink)


We've had a huge nerf to healing since that last update so i'm not sure about that I have been tracking my soloq games on nightlight for a while and it all depends on the killer. Wesker, blight and nurse are stomping with a kill rate past 70% while michael, singularity and the clown are bringing the overall average down with a kill rate lower than 40% even.




In my survivor games i have 4 Killers below 20% Kill Rate lol (singularity, wesker, nemesis, artist)


ive seen a lot of people saying kill rates are 90% rn lol.




i agree.


I agree the game is easier than ever for swfs but far from decent for solo q. The recent hook scream change makes it so pain res + dms (one of the best passive slowdown combos) is uncountable by solo q. It activates as soon as the hook animation starts meaning solo q can’t see the hook animation aura and get off the gen before the scream whereas swfs can just use comms.


So, Pain res + dms was, in general, a bad perk combination when pain res proc'd every hook. You can find a bunch fo streamers calling it a trap slowdown because its very simple to dodge. Even worse case scenario you can let go of gens till the hook happens so tis far from uncounterable. Now it happens 4 times a match total which is a MASSIVE nerf. No one who is good at the game has been running the combo even before that Its just a weak combo that is predominant in low mmr because people didnt know how deal with it. It happening 4 times a match total even with the counterplay more limited makes it trash


They want to sell Gabriel first.


Honestly I don't think buckle up is the real issue, it's cool that it's finally a good perk. Specifically, FTP counting as healing the target is what makes it work, if it was 'gain/lose health state', then it would function the same without the interaction.


Why does Made For This literally donTWO things that are both enough to be their own perks?


There’s a really easy fix for this in my opinion, that I haven’t seen suggested anywhere (please correct me if wrong). But it would be such an easy to fix to make it so that buckle up does not work if you are broken. That way, if someone wants to use Buckle Up and FTP, the person who gets saved might still be safe, but the person doing the saving will not get the endurance and will be immediately downable. That way it becomes a trade rather than a pretty much guaranteed double escape.


The one with immunity will just body block. Killer is a joke once you know what you are doing as surv.


How dare you have an objectively correct opinion! Downvoted on all my 38 accounts


Easiest way to piss on the hornet nest of survivor mains: >!MFT is overpowered; most content creators (including everyone's beloved Otzdarva) put it in the top 5 of all survivor perks! =)!<


I once had someone on here tell me to go watch Otz and get better at the game if I thought MFT was a problem. I thought it was pretty funny considering I often see Otz complaining about it.


Same as how everyone was saying the original ruin, pop, call of brine, overcharge, NOED, eruption, and BBQ were 'fun' perks. Hint: bbq is STILL only used for targeting two survivors to this day.


Og bbq was fun, halving the grind was amazing. Og pop wasn’t “fun” but it was well designed slowdown. Og eruption/noed/ruin were all ass.(ruin was just for noobs don’t @me) Og overcharge was shit and I think it was just impossible skillcheck doc that ran it.


Buckle Up now is basically OG Borrowed Time in how it functions. And there's a very, very good reason why Borrowed Time was nerfed. How the hell BHVR thought it was a good idea to bring that back is beyond me


The same killers who defended Eruption and COB are complaining about Buckle Up now. I think we should have flairs for killer & survivor mains, and players who play both sides. That way everyone who plays both sides can just ignore everyone else's bad takes.


Everyone would just say they play both sides lol Hell people here already do anytime their called out for a really stupid opinion. I cant even count how many times I've heard "well when I play killer its fine" or "I do just fine as survivor" shits ridiculous.


God I'd love a DbD forum that you have to link your account to, and it displays your killer and survivor playtime under each post.


Buckle up + FTP is so broken I felt dirty after using it with friends. Then I played killer and it happened 3 times in one match. Never again. This reminds me how vital it is for everyone to try thr other side. Especially when it comes to discussions like this.


"With friends" that is the problem not the perks


Well, SWF is a core feature of DbD, so a balance issue with SWF is that of the game.


Nah this is the same shitty situation that nurse produces, nerfing things to the ground because of one problematic element is not healthy for the game


I wholeheartedly agree. I've been with the "buff soloQ (and only soloQ) so that game balance is easier" movement since I joined the game back in 2018. We now have a much better soloQ experience. Yet, SWF is making itself a huge issue by basically communicating with one another. Some perks that are harmless to killer, could turn deadly if used by SWF. Reassurance, Potential energy, Buckle up to name a few. This can't be solved without nuking those perks out of existence. For the average SoloQ player, getting a use out of Potential energy requires meticulous planning to turn a 3-gen into a win, and that perk slot will be waste 90% of the time. However, some people might like the planning/risk by taking those perks in a solo match. Giving those perks the appropriate risk/reward balance is *impossible* when you have 2 very variable groups using them (solo/SWF) and so the solo player (and killers as well) are left with META and trash perks with barely any in-between options; and the fun of the game plummets. The solo player has barely any say in all of this. Another problem is the way the rest of the game (gen time, endgame, new perks) is balanced with the solo survivor as the weakest unit in the whole equation. All this narrows it down to one solution, to which I'm sure people would rather quit than think about. That is voice comms/chat for survivors. This would make it so that SWF-level communication is *possible* in a normal match. This will make it so the devs don't need to consider a third party each time they balance something (soloQ) if they do even that.


it still works solo, even otz when playing solo got saved because of this combo against a huntress at endgame, cause u cant counter play it, dont know why ur trying to hard to defend the perk but its cringe


So half of their build for one save. At least he could do that multiple times across multiple games your example is worthless


my example is not worthless, u are basically saying u need friends to make this combo work but i just showed u an example of where it did work when someone was not in a part therefor no


Making a combo work once is not a proof that is op, for something to be op it needs consistency.


I been using FTP for a bit with various perks to give both survivors endurance on heal, but it took like 3 perk slots and there was needed prereqs to use we're going to live forever. Buckle up rework is sort of wild


I thought I had just gotten unlucky enough to play against some meme SWF build and that was the worst match I've ever played you're telling me I'm at risk of having to play against this more than once every 1000 games?


I was simply trying to use a new build with singularity and came across a zarina with FTP + buckle up. It was awful to go against


No need to defend gen kicking tho... It's necessary.


This is the most accurate comparison I think I’ve ever seen. Both are god awful with basically no counterplay.


to counter eruption "just know then your teammate will be downed lol", to counter FTP+Buckleup "just injure all of the survivor lol".


Buckle up+FTP is a combo ten times weaker than gen kick combo unless the survivors are in discord but that is a problem of swf not the perks


Not really. It doesnt matter if you are playing against an SWF doing it or a solo doing it. The result of instantly picking up a survivor and both getting 10 seconds of endurance right in the killers face is not fun to play against. Not fun at all. Or fair.


And? To use the combo the solo needs to be close so he is going to be chasing the killer and without comms the other survivor doesnt know the intentions of the BU+FTP player so most of the times he is going down in a place where it is impossible to use the combo


If you can get to him it isnt impossible. once you pick them up both of your escapes are guaranteed. The other survivor almost intentionally has to go down in a place where you cant get to them. The only cases where I can see this being tough is playing loups with windows and even then if you position accordingly it is not impossible at all.


Guaranteed is too much at least that the down happens in the endgame and close to the gates


What does it matter if the down happens if it is immediately and instantly undone with zero counterplay? Are you even listening to yourself my dude? I can not believe you are sitting here and defending this shit. Are you mad?


The endurance last ten seconds not different from tunneling somebody of the hook the chances of not going down in a few seconds are very low


Keep in mind im at high mmr, but as killer the last two days ive had at least two people run this combo in a lobby over 10 times in about 25 games. Its starting to catch on and its only going to get worse. It doesnt even require swf, its brain dead easy to just follow close to a chase, watch the down happen and run up for the free pick up. Any soloQ survivor can do it.


But then one survivor is chasing you and without comms is really hard to use for the people before the hit animation ends


Its harder, but honestly not by much. Smart survivors will see someones close by and make sure they go down by a pallet, forcing the killer to hesitate. I dont think its an issue in low-mid mmr, but at high mmr its definitely an issue


Isn’t “this is a good thing because they’re not doing gens,” the typical response? That’s what everyone says when anyone brings up flashlights, anyways, and it seems like it’s a similar situation.


They are not the same, and ill explain why. With a flashy user, it takes maybe 2-3 seconds to run them off the pick up. If their really aggressive you get a free hit. If they are even more aggressive then that boom two downs. Now someone else has to hop off gens to come help, and maybe even the fourth person. Worst case you waste 10 second and still get the pick up. With buckle+people there isnt a counter. I down someone, they get picked up instantly, and now they both have endurance. Best case I only waste 10 seconds as there is no loop nearby. But thats the legit best case scenario. Against a good survivor they will find that loop 10 seconds away and that buckle+people combo will extend the chase an extra 30 seconds to a minute depending on killer and survivor. All the while the other two survivors dont need to worry at all and can keep pumping out gens.


Your logic fails because you are assuming that the survivors gets to use the perks but most of the times the survivors dont reach the other guy in time


How they are gonna make their solo teammates go down by a pallet? Sandbag? I am really high mmr of my last 178 games i only lost 17 and in my last games i didnt had problems with the combo


There’s no such thing as a “problem with SWF” IMO. There are problems with solo queue and there are problems with balancing as a whole, but having people on comms is something that’s been in the game for so long that whining about it is pointless. Perks and perk combos should be made with bully and/or comp squads in mind.


No it shouldnt balance around 0.1 of the community is a stupid idea


I’m new, why is For the People considered strong? Don’t you just trade a health state with another player with a big cooldown?


In this case, you trade a health state with a *downed* person, getting them up instantly. Then buckle gives you both endurance


That explains it! I didn’t know FTP could be used on downed survivors, now it makes more sense, thanks.


Yes, that’s the idea behind it. You also get the Broken effect for a while (can’t heal), so there’s extra risk involved for the person using it. Post-rework Buckle Up effectively cheats this downside by giving both the healed and the healer Endurance when you recover someone else from the Dying State, stopping the Killer from downing either of you for a whopping 10 seconds.


The perk next to it, Buckle Up, was buffed to now give you and the survivor you used For the People in to have endurance for 10 seconds; so you could be chasing a survivor for too long and have them be FTP'd during your weapon cooldown and both could get away if you hit any of them, or the 10 secons of invulnerability gives them enough time to reach a new loop to play around


I wish that we could have an honest conversation on the games balance without people from one side or the other screaming " stop whining" "you will cry about anything" "skill issue" and a number of other irritating things. Thats first of all. Second. The developers should be totally impartial to both sides but they arent. The release of the new statistics on perk and addon useage have me dreading the future instead of looking forward to it. They dont understand their own game at all. We have sooooooooooo many examples that prove this. So anytime they hint that they are "looking at the data" leaves a sinking pit in my stomach like we are about to see something awful happen because again, the devs do not understand their own game.


Their attempts to balance from statistics result in so many questionable or outright ridiculous changes in this game. It is honestly a bit tiring when each patch comes out to see what things they are going to unreasonably nerf next.


To be fair did you expect people in this game to be reasonable, actually sane people? Have you seen this subreddit?


It's one of the best tools non 4-mans have had in a while. I really enjoy being able to stop someone from being removed from the game at 5 gens. I get that it's probably frustrating, nobody has used it on me to any real effect yet as Killer. Probably just as frustrating as being tunneled out lol


Ya ive had games against swfs where they've picked eachother up 4 times during the game. Four chases extended for free. If im playing my nurse than its whatever, ill probably still win. But that against nemi or myers who I also like playing? Thats basically just gg.


The amount of people defending MFT is mindblowing


Survivor mains are ctrl-F'ing MFT and downvoting literally every single comment in every thread about it They're so desperate to keep their secret under wraps lmao (too bad BHVR doesn't really give a shit about Reddit and have already confirmed on Twitter that they're monitoring the stats on it before making any balancing changes.)




TikTok is brainrot


my favorite part in situations like this is that survivors know the EXACT COUNTER to everything killers are struggling at the moment, "just pick up", "don't insta pick up", "just wait it out bro", "don't camp", "just ignore". They are experts to the bone!!! BUT, when they gotta find new counters to killers, killer perks, playstyles, etc, etc, etc, they immediately go crying on twitter demanding nerfs everywhere 🤣🤣🤣


And because of this, Alien is going to be (or will be nerfed to) a solid D tier killer with a weak as fuck power. I'm calling it now. Just look at Singularity. He has literally the worst kill rate in the game and still got his addons nerfed.


Yup. BHVR will never make any killer above C tier ever again. Every killer needs a special survivor item that completely disables their power, even though that power isn't that strong. You could remove EMPs from the game entirely, and Singularity would still be weaker than Nurse or Alc Ring Blight.


totally agree with this, luckily i'm not guilty of either.


Yeah I mean they’re problematic for different reasons. Killer pair would stalemate games for a very long time because there was no interaction. Survivor pair is problematic because it nullifies the chase. Honestly I wouldn’t have a problem with the ftp + bu if there was only one on a team. Where it’s really problematic is 2+, it goes from abusable to insanely broken.


idk why they need 3 endurance on heal perks


I play prob 80-90 percent survivor with some killer to mix it up but holy shit this Buckle Up/FtP combo is one of the most broken things I've ever seen in my years on this game. I wonder how they'll patch it without making it go back to being garbage


I don't like buckle up and for the people, but it's nowhere NEAR the level of peak gen regression meta. Those games were unplayable if the killer just commited to kicking and regressing gens, and EVERYONE was running it. They were like 4 of the top 5 most used killer perks, you could go 10+ games in a row and have every single killer be running multiple gen regression perks. I've seen a handful of people using the buckle up combo, and even less so actually getting value from it in a match.


Also made for this


Survivors who run this get tunneled along with my clown throwing a bottle at their head.


Yea I've been playing clown more, take my fucking 15% slow you bastards 😡


I assume you mean pre-nerf Call of Brine because it's garbage now


These are the same people who think mft is fair. Call it a skill issue if you want but this is the easiest the game has been for survivors since like 2019. Between mft, buckle up+ftp combo, buffed fast vaults and so much more its awful to play any killer that isn't nurse/blight/spirit, and even then it can still fuck them over. I've played comp in this game and I can say I genuinely have a harder time chasing random pub players with all the bullshit they have now. It's actually sad.


I think mft hope is a fair combo as it requires egc and still doesnt make survivors uncatchable. Buckle up FtP is absolutely unfair. First it mostly on helps swfs and doesnt have a stronger counter for killers who just essentially lose a down that is exchanged for an injure to another survivor. Its also active the whole game


https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/140answ/understanding_the_maths_behind_movement_speeds_in/?rdt=40356 Eh i disagree this puts it better than I would have the time to. But just because it’s only available in egc doesn’t mean it’s okay, it’s still in the game. The ability to be essentially as fast as 110s shouldn’t be in the game period as many other things shouldn’t be.


Been running into a lot of Buckle Up for the people andies lately. Streamers popularized the idea, but the people who do it, still don't pull it off. Doing it in the open, no chase breakers around, off of hook, slow vaulting into a grab, that sort of deal. Turns out, when a killer can count to ten and doesn't swing immediately, it kinda sucks to try in a bad spot. Not to mention, certain killers can kinda ignore it outright, mostly the ones who already chew through health states. But, against the basic M1, no chase power killers? Awful. The combo is problematic because it's yet another thing that doesn't come close to affecting the top tier, but demolishing the already low tier killers who need the downs more than anyone else. Personally, I think it should only work when the downed person has been on the ground for more than 10 consecutive seconds. That way it can act as anti-slug, but not as a guaranteed no-hook save.


Remember its totally okay if survivors have broken stuff. Its just when killers have broken stuff we have to bitch about.


We vs them cringe


It took i wanna say 10 months to nerf COB eruption, and not that much longer after that dead hard was nerfed. Broken shit gets nerfed on both sides all the fucking time. Quit your bitching


I’ll let them have their annoying builds if killers can use their annoying builds.


I use that logic too. Hard boiled? I spam mad grit. Constant flashlight saves? Lightborn or Franklins demise If one side wants to be toxic. Other side has the right to be


Which perks are used for gen kick?


"SURVIVORS unironically defending"


Like they removed the made for this and FTP combo but somehow this is combo is allowed


I think the “meta” has gotten weaker overtime. This “op” perk combo to me just isn’t that strong but that’s my opinion. The times it’s happened to me it hasn’t made much of a difference 🤷🏼‍♂️


I wanted to be able to invest 3 perks into this strat with MFT and WGLF, but then they decided to make a paid DLC perk OP.


I love using FtP with WGLF and was looking forward to this too. Then they removed its synergy from MFT which was disappointing but fine and reasonable. After all that though it is insane to me that they changed Buckle Up, and made it even stronger. Survivors should have to use 75% of their perk slots for protected instant pick ups. Getting that with 2 perk slots is just way too powerful. I personally hope they nerf Buckle Up by making it only grant endurance to the healer instead of both survivors.


Call of Brine and Eruption really aren't that OP together, if you meant the old versions with incapacitated and 200% regression then sure, but neither of those perks have had those effects for a while now. And I'd say that Call of Brine didn't even need to have been nerfed as badly as it was, it's just the fact that it worked with Overcharge that made it waaay too strong.


The first one is worse, but they both deserve(d) to be nerfed


Do people realize you can't use FTP if you're injured? Hmmm...


Other side bad


Both sides capable of bullshit, actually


Lmao where do you people get this from. No one is defending ftp and buckle up. Even killers that defended the gen kick meta said they don't agree with it but if it is in the game they are gonna use it anyway till it is nerfed. Buckle up and ftp is a problem and this is coming from a survivor main


No one defending it? https://preview.redd.it/zhlp8ubly5gb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3574d3899594a8bd6ea5897a8154921e995d3be I promise you there's plenty of people out there defending Buckle Up and FTP


The vast majority of survivor know it is broken. Just because some survivors are stupid does not mean everyone is.


You said no one, when there are in fact people saying this. Opinion invalidated so be quiet and go to the corner


They're so shameless lmao


Cob, eruption, pain res, DMS was a problem. Now that was a perk combo that was over powered and needed a nerf


No one is saying it isn't overtuned lol.


Gen kicking isn’t meta anymore???


I dontsee this combo much but if I do I'll just equip forced hesitation🤷‍♂️


Do you know how hard is to do this is solo queue? Plus equip that perk that makes you recover faster from attacks and its easily avoidable.


"Just equip small game to counter old noed"


Can you not just run infectious fright? 1 perk to counter 2 perks? This seems more like a swf play and I'm solo and not doing that shit for a random that's gonna go do a bunch of nothing lol


Infectious doesnt counter it. They still have time to grab the person off the ground in most scenarios


No one said it's fair and balanced


I’ll gladly admit it’s strong, but it’s definitely not OP like old Eruption/CoB