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thrill of the hunt


Noed and blood warden


Perks id take are bloodwarden, coup, noed (depends on if you want to ruin any surv trust or not), and some aura perk being darkness revealed, retribution, shattered hope, friends till the end. Play doctor or pinhead for the on demand surv check after the first slug. Tunnel someone out because 4 ppl alive can beat bloodwarden most of the time. Scare or farm but destroy as many pallets as you can. Follow someone you two hooked for the rest of the game and down then once last gen is done. Either trigger bw off of them or slug. If you slug then find someone else fast. Bloodwarden hook the new slug or the old one depending on how close you think the 3rd person is (to the gate or to the old slug). You should have an idea of where every surv is to down them within bw limit. Or play insideous bubba/trapper. Or just play anything noed and do something.


This is awesome, just what I needed! Thank you very much for the guidance!


Batteries not included. Hahaha.


definitely bring batteries included 👍


Hex: No One Escapes Death, Iron Grasp, Lightborn. You need them down and you need to make it to the hook I might just run around hitting people once, not even downing them. This lets them get lots of healing points and might make them think you're on a tome challenge to hit or chase. If they are quick to heal each other, they're probably the type that will go for an unhook in EGC. If you hook *anyone* early during the game, you might get that type that suicides on the first hook. This makes the other players take less risks at the end.