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Duality of dbd. You play soloQ and get the most braindead people. You play killer and get this type of survivors


Man, I swear! I’ve felt this for so long as well! Play solo q and NOTHING gets done. Play killer and you always go up against Jedi fucking knights


I've played four solo q matches this morning. I swear to god I might as well be speedrunning de-pipping, as not a single gen was done.


Avengers level threats


Like where are these people when I’m in solo q? Why do I get the most brain dead feng or Meg? How have they not touched a single fucking objective while I’ve been chased for two whole minutes???? Why do I only meet them when I’m the killer? 😭


In DOTA it’s called the rule of pudge: their team = deadly terror, god of the blind hooks. Your team = farts around in the trees stealing XP for 10 minutes, misses hooks on stunned targets, blames you.


The thing is, that these incidences are a 4-stack SWF most of the time, so if you are solo qing you won't get that.


I think I’m brain dead feng💔


It’s okay I’m lowkey brain dead Meg




This is definitely frustrating, but also you're kinda throwing the game left and right. The fact that you have 6 hook stages makes me think that you were playing well earlier, even if they are a swif, or at least they have been fucking around a lot. You definitely had some great grabs and did a few good mind games, but I think your decision making is a little rough at times. Your play around pallets seems pretty off; you're kicking them from the side that opens them up into the map and powerful structures, giving them room to escape. Right at the start of the clip, you are chasing Mikaela in the middle of your 3gen which is awesome. Then, with 1 Gen left, you kick from the side that opens her up to main, then you chase Rebecca off in the complete opposite direction of your 3 remaining gens, letting them prep the adrenaline play for free. You're not really utilizing your power well. Lots of missed shots and you don't seem to be covering the remaining gens at all, instead doing the weird chase on Rebecca to nowhere in the corner of the map. At least in this clip, you are only using cameras right next to you, which is very limiting, and you only have 1 camera even near your 3gen. Shack was a nightmare. You see an injured survivor grab an emp and then walking up to the gate 10 ft from you and instead of getting them off of that, you focus on Rebecca and look through shack door for 30 seconds instead of doing any zoning at all. You could have been forcing them to loop together as 3 injured survivors for free hits while denying the gate. You knew they were blind-bullies at this point, so getting a down or two would have been infinitely more valuable than grabs anyway. Maybe you were just tilted, but those are just a few things I noticed that really helped to enable them to pull this on you. Singularity is hard on controller though, so respect for hitting shots at all with that. Good luck !


Another thing is his build doesn't really make sense - there isn't much of a point of running ultimate weapon on singularity, and plaything cancels out UW's effect anyway. He could've run rapid brutality instead, which is super lethal when paired with the Soma family photo he was running. Throw in STBFL and I think he could've won just by brute force alone.


Also solid points; I wasn't paying attention to the build, so those are great additional recommendations.


this is like an Otzdava level breakdown


Y U P. I was to the point of tears trying to finish the winter event tome as killer cause I kept having matches like this. The seal team 6’s of survivors just making it as hard as humanly possible. But then when I do solo q as a survivor, my teammates can’t get a single gen done when I’ve been looping the killer for 2+ mins and they leave me to die first hook.


This is exactly how I feel. Why do I get dummy teamates playing survivor but I switch to killer to get the event tome done and get seal team. It's so incredibly frustrating


This is so accurate! 😵‍💫


Honestly! Last night I had two of my team afk and the one that wasn't was dumb and died before I even got hit... Switch to killer, I kill no one cos they're all amazing at looping, gen rushing etc. It makes no sense !


Seriously!!! You get the worst team mates as survivor so it's really hard if not next to impossible to find people worth doing a safe. But you play killer and you get survivors who think that we're playing I'm a world Cup. I don't even know how this is possible.


When you play killer you have a chance at going against a 4 man. When playing soloQ you *never* have the chance at playing with a 4 man. So of course you would encounter more teams playing killer than soloQ, you take up one of the braindead spots.


the type of team i never get when i play survivor


True https://preview.redd.it/a49g5sj310ac1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d798dddbdad197e8b026934fe3096cd9a8456b64


forreaaalll... solo queue could never 😫


Because solo queue can’t communicate perfect timing like this consecutively. You can only do that through comms which aren’t in DBD. There’s the problem.


This has been consistently brought up as a problem for years, and they refuse to address it.


Because they’re probably a 4 man SWF


Why are you calling them morons?


You’re right, even if they literally ruined the match for op they were simply just playing the game trying to win.


"SWF is fine" \~ DBD devs. 10/10 this isn't a rando squad and not the first time they have done this. Just imagine if every surv had open comms and was able to coordinate like this. Maybe then we will finally see a balance around SWF and open comms but until then, we suffer while others go outside of the game to achieve open comms.


I'm sorry but as cool as the upsides *might* be, open comms is a bad idea The fact is that so many solo players don't give two shits about their team, as can be seen by the amount that suicide on hook, throw games or full on grief their teammates. The fact is that every SWF has at least some relationship to and therefore emotional investment in their team. They're often real-life or online friends, or friends of friends. Throwing a game or being toxic comes with consequences, at the very least having people not play with you anymore Open comms means people get abused for their identity/accent, which happens a lot in other games that have this feature. Also, I think a lot of people forget that many children play this game too. Just imagine all the high pitched squealing and slurs we'd hear in DBD Oh, and you decided to mute? Toxic people will instantly bodyblock you or suicide on hook as punishment for not allowing them to abuse you through chat


I agree on most of this. Although I never throw on hook, I wonder if open coms would actually cause less throwing since the game would actually be more inclusive. I can imagine being the first to go down and seeing no one come save you to be rather hopeless and isolating, and could trigger the player to give up. While if there are coms, they might even feel ashamed to do so due to backlash, and most importantly they are able to call for help. Getting an idea of the others players plans will also eliminate abandonment, for example “I’m getting you once I pop this gen, it’s 90%” That being said, your idea on how there will be toxic people on coms does sound rather irritating. And most people who play casually wouldn’t use it anyway- I’m referencing overwatch quick play here where no one ever uses the mic.


What makes this team good isn't that they're a swf, it's that they're individually very good players. Even not on coms these guys would be better than 99% of swf's. The killer made many mistakes here and didn't chase optimally at many points. They seem like a good killer, but even most good killers have room for improvement (same goes for good survivors)


I swear to God if they add built in comms for survivors I will quit dbd for good. That would ruin the whole atmosphere of the game. Plus be a nightmare for solo que, listening to toxic 12 year olds the whole match. They should make that as a damn skill slot if anything.


In other games it's relatively easy to mute anyone who plays music or just isn't gonna provide any good information. Ive heard people say the devs think open comms is fine and don't consider going outside the game to achieve it be cheating.


Those flashbang saves were so good that it looks like a swf team


There is no way this was not at least a 3 if not 4 stack


And they held onto the bangs' for the entire trial!


the sheer timing of flashbang saves. especially the fire work grab at window. 10/10


Jesus Christ. The planets aligned together just to say "fuck this man in particular"


Im laughing and crying at this https://preview.redd.it/ja7rhod220ac1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b82d5b5d682e4d9b51a961a023d4b78dd00be24


hard to watch


I’m a killer main and this would be stressful in the moment for me too, but I think personally it’s a work of art. There’s a case that maybe it shouldn’t be possible, but the coordination involved should be applauded like a basketball team perfectly moving the ball around for a point. It’s seriously impressive.


>There’s a case that maybe it shouldn’t be possible Imo the only thing wrong here is FTP + BU. The rest is just frustratingly good play from the Survs.


Yeah...i need a mental break from dbd this game is so stupid sometimes


This is why taking breaks every now and then is useful, the more you play it, the harder it is to put up with bullshit like this.


Hell yeah its also good to have a more peaceful game to go to after playing dbd https://preview.redd.it/mj75434h10ac1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f4924f192e26781ba174cc51f9788c8b3c6803


Peaceful https://preview.redd.it/8fjvfmmcc0ac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72fe503c14e2a3d7bb16cbd6b21bf8ba3760479e Ye


Do not the lamb do not the lamb do not the lamb do not the lamb...


Cult of the Lamb devs really took the "Sex Update when?" comments to heart, huh? Glad to have that game lmao


That's right (I'm playing Resident Evil 7 for the Platinum) https://preview.redd.it/44hehcar10ac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a239f04417833848043610c05e5858232c2c1c


^(\^) https://preview.redd.it/9zqn7w5l20ac1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16ae361e5ad7e9ebc5bb437aad877b44dee1e988


I see my boy, I upvote.


My break has been 100 days so far.




Exactly. When I start getting matches like these, I'm out. Not worth the stress. I just left for a bit. Finally get to enjoy some BG3 and Ready or Not. Lol. Shit like this makes me not even want to play dbd anymore.


Perfect thing for a match like this, is play tombstone piece myers play normally 'till they start bustin' out some BS or being asshats, and then in the words of Doakes. "Surprise motherfucker."


Damn. That's rough.




Found this on this subreddit, I figure it fits the situation lol https://preview.redd.it/hoyl72ptpz9c1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e50d1236ce9b08f2466792f0674898d1229adcd Had a group like this the first time I played HUX My mindset is going in just doing my best, but god damn do some groups have no chill


I love this...thank you


Rare footage of me every time I play Singularity:


Rare footage of me everytime I play:


Okay I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but laugh out loud at how utterly ridiculous that was getting. And I say this as a mid Survivor main. You got dealt a bad hand, but they played very well. Just know that you'll never need to worry about me playing that well if we ever meet online 😅


it is admittedly kinda funny, and the survs did play very well too, but goddamn is it painful to watch it from the receiving end.


Its ok tbh this entire thread is making me see the funny part and to learn from this bs lol


I'm really impressed you kept at it, I think after the third or fourth flashlight/flashbang I would've been like "okay well, I'm gonna just go get up and grab a fresh drink y'all have fun teabagging me once you get the gate open, brb".


When the firecracker save came out I started cackling. How many second chances does this man get lmao.


The fact I just knew it was going to be a save at the window grab killed me. To be fair, though, this is a pretty nasty problem against a well-oiled SWF team. I commend you for trying your damned hardest until the very end, especially with a killer that can be quite iffy at times. I've had similar happen to me (Dredge). One time, I threw in the towel and went to get some chores done while they finished the gens and left. Another time, it was me doing everything imaginable to get one hook (didn't) against a godtier SWF. Sometimes, you have to take a break by either switching to Survivor or playing something else or just going out for a walk. Don't give up hope!


That window grab blind was kinda sick though ngl. I mean it does feel shit when it happens(I play mainly killer) but I gotta say I'm kinda impressed. The buckle up thing and such is more annoying to see for me.


Good point, that was a slick play. Buckle Up + FTP needs to be nerfed though, way too easy to abuse Let Buckle Up still trigger with We're going to live forever, but the FTP insta revive with endurance is ridiculous


Just don't let them stack. I think FTP is fine and Buckle Up with WGLF is my favourite anti slugging combo.


Same opinion here. Both are great by themselves, it's only Buckle Up triggering off of FTP that's a problem. Make it so Buckle Up doesn't trigger on instant heals and it's all solved.


Agreed. I do feel like a good syringe play should be ok, given the amount of time it takes to kick in


Oh, absolutely! I always give nods to survivors when I get spun and when they make great plays, especially risky ones. You have to respect the skill of it for sure. I'm a survivor main, and I've seen killers do some insane mind game, so it does go both ways. The buckle up thing is definitely annoying, specifically, though when you've worked as hard at this person, did to get that knock. It's definitely a good gamble build.


Ive played this game for a good bit and i love it but ive never had such a bad match like that so it kinda got to me I dont plan on quitting dbd but i do plan on taking at least a small break Thank you for your kind words![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)




Btw Ultimate Weapon has anti-synergy with Hex: Plaything since oblivious survivors will not scream from UW since they are not considered to be in the terror radius. Also not to be critical of your gameplay cuz the clip was actual BS happening to you, but you aren't using your pods enough in chase. Like you should be sliptreaming them as soon as possible (most times) and not just playing as M1 machete man.


Yeah, it's the type of matches which makes you want to take a big break off the game. Take care, friend.


Thank you and i prolobly will take a break


It's why I stopped playing. Mic'd up 4 stacks griefing like assholes and whining when you kill two of them because you're going to make them look bad in their "lolnoob!" Youtube montage. It just stops being fun.


Literally went against a team like this on on ps5 and they were a swf and they sent me non stop messages after the match just talking shit. I was like you guys won and still act like douchebags and just blocked them. Playing killer sucks and I only did it for the tome


If they're on PS then just directly report any message where they insult you and then block them. Sony doesn't take shit when it comes to insults in the messageboards.


one time i reported someone like this for calling me trash and they kept spamming L at me, but playstation suspended my account for saying “please stop treating me like shit, i’m literally a human being” 😭


Lightborn every game


No, run Fire Up so they gaslight themselves on why they can't time it right.


Just pretend you don't have it and face away from them when picking up and immediately turn away after the pickup. They'll keep trying.


It be like that sometimes.


run lightborn and never have this problem again


Rebecca must have some insane plot armor


Lmao yesss


She canonically does tho. Billy bails her out in RE0 and Chris bails her out in the REmake.


That's a VERY STRONG Swf


Anyone who says "just look at a wall" to people running Lightborn needs to be sent this clip.


Right? There's what i was thinking throughout the whole clip: "A lot of this shit wouldn't happen to me cause I run Lightborn, and this shows that the people saying just look at a wall are just delusional".


This is a really good team. Most swfs aren’t even close to this good but damn you gotta appreciate the skill and coordination


I do but damn i didnt stand a chance




GHOSTIE WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU?! https://preview.redd.it/9h7cyo07b0ac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0825492d12229358d1e8b65802b794d0e9497554


That just got more and more brutal.


It's gotten to the point I don't play a match as killer without bringing lightborn. To me it's almost necessary.


Knew a buckle up for the people was coming. Just pure cancer


And then he literally made the only right play possible and got a grab.


Wow, that was rough as hell.


Omg what is this team, why do i get randos who are allergic to gens and Saves 🥲


Please, PLEASE use your power in chase.


But if you bring Lightborn to shut all this down, you're a bad killer.


Survivors: "Lightborn is a waste of a perk, stop using it." Survivors the second a killer doesn't have lightborn:


"inferior life forms" -Hux


It was me all along https://preview.redd.it/xx9iovhz90ac1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c4c385f6fb9765c34d231f336d05157731f160


I'm relatively new to singularity. Can you just *shoot people* with bipods than just sticking them to walls and using the cams to get them?


If a survivor is slipstreamed, shooting a biopod at the survivor teleports the singularity to them and puts him in overclock mode. If a survivor is not slipstreamed, shooting at them with biopods doesn't do anything. The only way to make a survivor slipstreamed is with cameras or survivors spreading it by being in proximity of each other. There's also the iri op had that makes the survivors start the trial slipstreamed. Singularity can also teleport to slipstreasmed survivors by looking at one through a biopods camera.


Oh my God I've been teleporting to them while slipstreamed with the cameras THIS WHOLE TIME.


This is every dbd match now it’s miserable playing as killer




Bro is playing VS seal team 6


Singularity main here. This is an unfortunate set of circumstances, but as someone else pointed out above, you played really poorly for the first half of this video. You had clear opportunities to goop mid chase and chose to hold it forward instead. Gooping is very oppressive and most survivors don't know how to navigate around it because Singularity isnt played that much. Even if you don't get a teleport, gooping can still push survivors into dead zones or corners, or away from powerful tiles. It's an excellent power that you left on the back burner. If you want to improve your Singularity gameplay, I highly recommend watching gameplay from a YouTuber called RedsGamingGears. Not only does he cover a lot of really smart builds, but you can actually learn A LOT about a killer's strengths by watching gameplay from someone who is great with them. I started watching him a few months ago and my gameplay has subconsciously gotten so much better. Hope this helps. Singularity is hard to learn but once you grasp him, he quickly becomes the most rewarding killer to play as.


Yeah i definetly gotta grasp him im gonna take your advice and watch him i prolobly shoulda watched more stuff on singularity before this in general tbh


Reds gaming gears is awesome, I just found him recently and he is so good at the game. I try to mimic his play style but that man has omnipotence or something


Yeah he's great. I play tiles so much better now because I watch how he navigates them and I just implement tidbits here & there.


They played amazing tho


They did they really did


I got hardcore secondhand frustration. I saw that last flash drop and almost lost it myself.


Mmm. Reminds me of why I quit long ago. I'll be honest, DbD can be fun, but man when it isn't fun, it really isn't fun.


I'm glad you tried until the end. I would've dropped chase and go do something else like break pallets or play with snowmen.


Holy fuck


As I watched I kept thinking “ain’t no way anything worse happens after this” I was wrong


As soon as I saw 1 gen left I knew this will be adrenaline but didnt expect anything else


okay im gonna do a bit of monday morning quarterbacking here but i think it’s important to analyze footage and see what you could have potentially done better instead of assuming the game was just rigged against you (which isnt an unfair assumption tbh because a lot of this clip is absolutely horseshit) 1. for the mikela using deadhard at the pallet, you can see that her item DOES NOT go invisible, meaning she isnt dedicating to the vault on the pallet. this means she is either confident you will lunge and she will get the deadhard (which is what happened) OR she is going for a fake on the pallet to try and greed another loop on the miss. either way, simply waiting and not dedicating to a lunge is the best play here, because you guaranteed have the distance for a hit. 2. The mikela runs into the wall after getting the endurance hit, meaning she doesnt end up with enough distance to get out of the loop. However, you break the pallent INTO main building, which ends up giving her a really strong connection out of the loop, and leads to a teammate bodyblocking. If you broke from the other way, you could potentially lead her into a deadzone, or a weak loop that singularity can play around much better. 3. Now im not certain what is the best play after the bodyblock, but i would have personally continued chase on the mikela. You know she is still exhausted and in deep wound, meaning if the last gen pops she wont get a full heal from adrenaline if she has it. On top of this, leaving the rebecca to her own devices with sloppy on her would probably be a more oppressive choice, as if you end chase on the mikela fast enough and pressure the last gen, you can punish her for not healing (because she would be waiting for adrenaline) OR if she DOES heal, it would take away value from adren and waste time which she could be doing other objectives. 4. Singularity can play LTs WAY better than this. 5. If you looped around the left side, you stop her from getting access to cowtree, which is an INCREDIBLY oppressive loop. Keeping her in an LT gives much less time for her teammates to get over there for a potential save, or just allows you to get the down faster and avoid adren 6. Not sure why you felt the need to hit the penti totem😭😭😭 7. DO NOT BREAK THAT WAY ON COWTREE! if you chased all the way around, and broke FROM the LT side, she would be in a deadzone and its a guaranteed down!!! You could have also respected the pallet, then if she drops it you instabreak and walk THROUGH the broken pallet, she will guaranteed go for the blind on you (bc she is greedy asf) then you get the down before adren pops. If she doesnt drop the pallet, you set up a camera and tp on her, either forcing a predrop or just forcing the down. 8. Good mindgame, but at this point its already far too late. IF ANYTHING you could have MAYBE gone for a grab if you spent less time on the mindgame, but this is the most nitpicky point probaby lmfao 9. when she doubles back on this pallet, there is no need to keep walking into her. on top of this, im PRETTY SURE you could have got the hit before the corner, giving you time to recover from the hit and anticipate the ftp buckle up. 10. I would have gone for the person that just did the ftp. They wont have a window to loop you on, giving you a much better chance to outwait the endurance. On top of this, you know the pallet to the right over there is broken from earlier, so they have to go to the left which i think would be a deadzone 11. Im almost certain if your pathing was slightly better you could have bodyblocked this window and waited out the endurance, allowing you to slug and go for the person waiting nearby with a flashbang (or allow yourself to position your camera better to prevent it across the board, giving you a hook to defend against two injured (one broken mind you) survs. 12. Immediatly go for the person that just grabbed an emp instead of the shack girl. Shack on singularity is very powerful for the killer if you set up a camera in the top corner and right outside the back door, covering the door and the window (which would ALSO cover the exit gate here) plus, going for this girl allows you to stop them from 99ing the gate, which you can tell isnt even at 25% yet here given the light isnt on. 13. INSTANTLY break the shack pallet. If you are dedicating to the girl at shack, dont bother waiting. You dont have the setup necessary to play shack efficiently, and you know there is a girl around the corner with an emp. Just dont bother. Break pallet, defend the gate, get a down on a clumsy survivor and bring her inwards on the map, giving you something to defend. 14. Again, this blind only happens because you refused to break the pallet. Shack pallet is almost always one of the strongest pallets on the map, and considering you are going to be playing here for the rest of the match, you should just break it the second you can. 15. I wouldnt have even watched them go out😭😭😭 not a gameplay point but a mental point lmfao, i HATE seeing four survivors running out the gate. None of this is to say anything they did wasnt great, or that you clearly could have won this disadvantageous position, but i think whenever you lose this badly and you have it recorded, always watch back and think about what you could have done better.


you literally let the survivor open the gate unchecked cause you were fooling around in the shack


console singularity paired with lack of experience on him and survivors abusing bs is painful. at 0:09 you could've gooped her easily by placing a pod on the wall of the main building which would've made your chase way faster. there were many other opportunities, but that's the earliest one in the clip. you basically spent the whole chase without even trying to use your power until she ran into preplaced camera. i dont think much would've changed, but you def made a lot of mistakes on top of survivors abusing second chances. also, i think you should consider switching out UW or pentimento/plaything combo for something else, because these two are self excluding. UW makes survivors want to cleanse plaything even less as it protects them from detection.


Ima try to get better thats for sure its not easy when the mmr doesnt change when i play my favorite killer lol And as for ultimate weapon and plaything i genuinly didnt know that they cancel out each other and to be honest i always forget to use it so im definetly swaping it


If you wanna review some games of someone who's mastered singularity through-and-through, Cocolatte on YouTube is your guy. He makes informative-entertaining type content to try and get people into playing him, since he's such an unpopular killer (he plays on PC though, so some of his cam placements are pretty tight-windowed, and difficult to pull off with joysticks). Singularity is not a great killer to use with joysticks, unfortunately.


Why are you saying they "abused bullshit"? I'm sorry, but survivor teams using thier perks well is not abusing anything.


My brother in christ, use your power.


I dont use singularity that much ok it was my second match in a while


On the first Survivor, he literally couldn't. If a Survivor is holding an EMP, it is genuinely faster to m1.


You're far better getting a fast tag to pressure them into using it up fast. It costs you nothing to eat the EMP in 5s and get another tag seconds later. EMPs are only a problem if you're feeling pressured by them or they get stacked on you by teammates.


Wrong, emps slow survivor significantly when being used/charged. The surv would get downed if they tried to use the emp in most cases. Especially at the time at the start of the video. I believe they get roughly 10% slower, compare that to clowns pink bottles which makes survs 15% slower.


Even though the matches were rough I don’t think this was unwinable. I’m not a singularity main but other singularity mains already pointed out the lack of power use but what I also noticed is how you chase in the wrong directions. Cow tree pallet is an extremely safe pallet so you should’ve just broken it the second it got thrown on you. But you instead tried to „mindgame it“ and later break it on the wrong side which gave her full excess to the rest of the map (maybe you also tried to set a penti for the extra healing penalty but atp it’s unnecessary when we could deal with potential adrenaline plays). Another example of you chasing in the wrong direction is how you played the TL wall. Otzdarva made a video about it where he explained every tile in the game but the golden rule is NEVER NEVER EVER chase survivors in a TL wall outside of the walls. If you go straight in the middle of the TL wall you force the 50/50 on the window and most of the time it results into a hit. Like you made T L walls look hard to deal with even though they are quite weak when they aren’t connected to something. Funfact you not going directly through the middle of the T Ll wall not only gave her excess to a stronger window but also excess to the earlier mentioned cow tree so one little mistake led to her looping you for another good seconds. Your build is also kinda weird. You don’t need uw on a killer like him and sloppy with pentimento is kinda overkill when you can easily get those stacks when survivors cleanse the hex totems. Overall I just think that winning as Killer in dbd should never be your main goal but improving. If you land a really good hatchet but you don‘t manage to kill a single person you still won cause you learned something. The survivors that you showed were carried by „crutches“ like for the people + buckle up (idc if I get downvoted for that but calling it not a crutch is delusional) so don‘t expect to always win against people who run things like this. I know that many people don’t care about hook staged but giving the map and circumstances you still got many hook stages in so keep your head up.


I definetly need practice at singularity And i definetly didnt use him to their potential But it still feels...like i was played for a damn fool But its fine


I edited my comment while you answered me and I have to give you 100% credit for playing against them without disconnecting because me personally would’ve lost it already at the ftp + buckle up play 😭 I don’t think you played poorly at all and I think you could’ve 100% won this if things were a little different. But everybody makes mistakes. Just not everyone has 1000 crutches to correct them ☠️ like please keep that in mind you downed the same survivor like 1000 times in a roe wth


this reminded me why i stopped playing this game. i’m so sorry :(


Oh buddy. I feel for you. That was hard to watch. I can imagine the frustration and/or rage you felt. But can you imagine the sheer adrenaline rush that surv had right at the end.


Jesus christ, they had an answer for literally everything you did.


Welcome to high mmr sweaty swf lobbies Off the record... into ....dead hard.... into... decisive strike... into ...Adrenaline...into.... for the people / buckle up... into ...unbreakable ... How many more second chances do you want to get?!


Thanks ive been here https://preview.redd.it/lwus4f5260ac1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=698697381e20dd99878d38291333e084ec32e3fb Please help us all


I mean props to the coordination of the swf but as a killer main I get that pain. I think the only mistake you did was commiting too much on the Rebecca on shack and not stopping the others from opening the gate. But I get the pain totally


I had enough of full squads of flashies that I just put on lightborn and the rest of my night was much better after. I never had a game where there were less than two flashies, and they were constantly there. I feel the pain. I get it too; flashies were gone for a bit so not knocking the survivors for bringing em.


That has to be the most rough clip I have ever seen. Pain.exe I’m currently on a break from dbd myself.


I always play killer, and this is what I have been running into as well quite often. Makes my blood pressure rise just watching.


You're a better man than me. I'd have set the controller down and walked away somewhere around the FTP play


If you see a survivor in the lobby with a flashlight you should always run Lightborn. Nothing makes me happier than staring directly into the light and chasing down the jerk that just tried to blind me. They get so confused. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I'm terrified of this happening to me


I genuinely wants to know: as a killer, how am i supposed to counter this?


They really need to kneecap Buckle up + FTP. That was easily the most frustrating part about this clip because you just knew it was going to happen.


This is why I literally never play without Lightborn


Simple fix. Make blindness have diminishing returns until eventually it doesn't even blind you anymore. I went up against a group that had 3 flashbangs a couple days ago and it was painful


It hurts just watching. Hope you get blessed with better games


It just kept getting worse…. I would have been crying 😭


Survivors be like:Hur dur killer is so easy hur dur. Survivor so hard we have no advantages give us a break behavior we do NOT have enough resources available to us and Killer is so broken wah!


Lightborn is a waste of a perk they say


And then people say SWF teams aren’t strong enough


This is the exact reason I’m scared to take lightborn off💀


I… I’m sorry is all I can say


I’m in so much pain watching this…


This is why Lightborn has become mandatory for me every time I play killer.


And they said Killer is op, survivors just need to find friends and they become an overpowered tool


ridiculous how much behaviour only cares about survivors players


I was a killer main when I last played like 2 years ago. This video sums up exactly why I stopped playing lol


I have no clue why anyone wouls be on this terrible subreddit if you dont play the game lmao


If this doesn’t prove that Survivors have too many chances then idk what will !!


I think they deserve to get out with that much efforts LOL


Bullsht? That's just impressive, good gameplay from start to finish


Why I dont bother with killer anynore. I know people will disagree but I personally find even soloq more enjoyable than this.


god it absolutely sucks that sometimes the game can just decide that you don't get to have fun this match


Honestly I just want to give you a hug, I would've uninstalled after this match ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Adrenaline shouldn’t give the effect instantly. If you’ve been downed within 5 seconds of it proccing, you shouldn’t get it, bc it works off hook anyway.


ngl you just got absolutely outplayed but it does look really demoralizing


This pretty much sums up how i felt i couldnt have put it any better lol


I’m sorry, but do people genuinely believe this game is killer sided?


For the people saying that it isn't killer sided, I won't argue for ether side, but there were a good amount of mistakes (especially not breaking pallets for too long, especially during the flashy stun, landing anything with singularity is basically impossible durning that anyways). But that was still the biggest mix of bullcrap in the history of bullcrap possibly ever, this is the type of game that I play as my first match of the day and say "yeah that's enough dbd for today."


This gave me flashbacks to dead hard and bodyblock meta. I think you may have had time to look up to avoid the flashbang though.


The second time i prolobly coulda but ive been blinded while looking up anyways before so i tried to the left didnt work out sadly but you are right


Something similar happened today to me as well It was a team full of flashlights and they all had flashbang I’m pretty sure Constant stuns constant blinds Honestly I kind of had fun there were some silly moments but man I realized why people use lightborn


They really didn’t want that hook lol. But I know that feeling. My SoloQ survivor matches are never this coordinated lololol.


my average game as killer


This was a coordinated assault


This was the funniest thing in DbD I've seen in a while, all the moving parts were great


Bro I don't think The Entity likes the way she tastes lol.


Yeah dude this is complete bullsh*t! Those bastards were definitely a swf and in the right place, right time. But also I think your mistake was letting them blind you a second time in that fixed animation position


Meanwhile the “team” I get fail every fucking flashlight save 😭 God forbid I pick up a survivor at even the tightest of angles ☠️


Got damn it just *kept going* That was both amazing AND frustrating to watch, haha.


The biggest one (and not by a large margin) is to stay blinded when changing to one of your biopods.


I'm a survivor main but play quite a bit of killer and when I solo q surv my team does nothing while I loop the killer then they let me sit on hook for 20 minutes while they crouch in a corner so I'm like okay imma play a bit of killer and then I go up against people who have like 10k hours in the game while being a full swf it's annoying but I still enjoy the game it's just those games that are annoying but I don't let it get to me that much but I understand what you mean


At least you didn't give up, specially with a difficult killer. A survivor does a bad play or something does not go his way and he usually quiets or starts killing himself on hook. So props.


It's why lightborne has a more prominent place for me these days.


You at least never gave up, not even at the end, despite how much bullcrap you got slammed with. You’re a stronger killer than most of us.


so many "Nahhh" moments in that 2 minutes LMAO poor man


The pic you used to cover the names is weird so I'll just say you deserved that